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• Indonesia is the country with the largest number of Muslims in Southeast
Asia, accounting for 87.8% of the population.
• Islam isn't considered as the official religion of Indonesia.
• Islam spread in Indonesia start as early as 10th century but their influence
spread when Hindu-Buddhist kingdom in decline.

• Several artistic traditions in Indonesia, many of which existed since the pre-
Islamic era, have absorbed Islamic influence and evolved in the form of artistic
expression and attachment of religious implications:

+ Malaysiasian dyeing art of Batik has incorporated Islamic influence,

through the inclusion of motifs and designs revering the Islamic artistic

+The architecture of Indonesia after the spread of Islam is the combination of

Islamic implications and Indonesian architectural traditions.

2. Malaysia
• Malaysia is a multiracial country which approximately 60 percent are
• Islam is constitutionally the country's official. In Malaysia Constitution, Islam
is granted as the “religion of the Federation” to symbolise its importance to
Malaysian society.
• Islam is central to and dominant in Malay culture.
+ A significant number of words in the Malay vocabulary is the common
language of Islamic prayer and rituals. Muslim and Malays are interchangeable
in many daily contexts.
+ Most of the Muslim holy days are national holidays.
+ As defined by the Constitution of Malaysia, Malays must be Muslim,
regardless of their ethnic heritage; otherwise, legally, they are not Malay.
+ About political phobias, Most of Malay Muslims were very distrustful of
political parties.
3. Singapore
• Due to being a multi-religious, multi-ethnic, Muslim in Singapore accounting
for only 14.7% of the population, however, islam in Singapore still has a certain
• The constitution of the independent Republic of Singapore included two
provisions relating to the special position of the Muslim religion to protect,
safeguard, support, foster and promote their political, educational, religious,
economic, social and cultural interests of Muslims in Singapore.
• In Singapore, there is also a school system for Muslims, called Madrasahs.
• Fast food chains in Singapore do not serve pork and other piggy products such
as bacon.
• Muslims impose their rules on Muslims and demand that Muslim women
should not wear the hijab if they don’t choose.
4. Philippines
• Islam is the oldest recorded monotheistic religion in the Philippines. Islam
reached the Philippines in the 13th century with the arrival of Muslim traders
from the Persian Gulf, Southern India.
• Muslims in the Philippines are called Moros.
• According to a 2015 report of the Philippine Statistics Authority, 6% of
Filipinos are Muslims.
• Most Muslims in the Philippines live on the island of Mindanao, the Sulu
Archipelago and Palawan.
• The Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) is the region of the
Philippines that is composed of all the Philippines' predominantly Muslim
provinces, namely: Basilan (except Isabela City), Lanao del Sur, Maguindanao,
Sulu and Tawi-Tawi, and the Islamic City of Marawi.
• It is the only region that has its government. The regional capital is at
Cotabato City, although this city is outside of its jurisdiction.
5. Brunei
• The Islamic community here is also formed during the joint process of the
island nations of Indonesia and Malaysia.
• Brunei has about 250,000 people and 82.70 percent of the population is
Muslim, mostly Sunnis of Malay origin who follow the Shafi school of Islamic
• Most of the other Muslim groups are Malay Brunei, Malay Kedayans
(converts from indigenous tribal groups) and Chinese converts.
• Since 1959, Islam is Brunei's official religion.

6. Thailand
• Islam is the second religion after Buddhism in terms of religious followers.
• Islam in Thailand accounts for about 4% of the country's population of 50
• Ethnically, it is possible to divide Thai Muslims into Muslims and non-Malays
+ Malay Muslims make up about 70-80% of the total Muslim population in
the country.
+ Non-Malay Muslims include followers of India, Pakistan, Iran, China,
Indonesia ..
• Islam in Thailand scattered throughout the country. However, there are also 4
most crowded places in the southernmost provinces of Thailand (where Malays
are predominant).
7. Myanmar
• At the beginning of the Bagan era (652-660 AD), Islam appeared in Myanmar
through Arab Muslim merchants.
• Islam is a minority religion in Myanmar, practiced by about 4.15% of
the population, according to the 2008 Myanmar official statistics.
• Islam, mainly of the Sunni sect, is practised by 4% of the population of Burma
according to the government census. 
• Muslims in Myanmar often have conflicts with other religions, especially
Buddhism. Typically, the conflicts in 20013, 20014, 2016, 2017, ...
8. Cambodia
• The Muslim community in Cambodia, generally known as “Cham”, descended
from refugees from the ancient Kingdom of Champa who fled central Vietnam
500 years ago.
• According to Po Dharma, there were 150,000 to 200,000 Muslims in
Cambodia as late as 1975. Persecution under the Khmer Rouge eroded their
numbers, however, and by the late 1980s they probably had not regained their
former strength. 
• Nowadays, the Cham seem to be increasingly interested and involved in
politics now previous elections.
• Young Cham generations can therefore play a crucial role in bringing change
to their community while contributing at the same time to the development of
the nation.
9. East Timo, Vietnam and Laos
• Vietnam, Laos, and East-Timor are the three countries with the least
• The Muslim communities of these three countries have almost no conflict
with politics as well as with other religions. The Muslim communities in these
three countries has an integrated and peaceful lifestyle.
• Islam in Vietnam
+ Cham Islam in Vietnam is the Bani Muslim community.
+ The Cham Bani community is the result of the mixture among primitive
Islam and many folk beliefs.
• It can be said that Cham Bani is a specific religion with strong indigenous
• The Muslim communities in East Timor and Laos also have similar
characteristics to the Muslim community in Vietnam.
New words
Constitution: Hiến pháp
Nobility: (n) quý tộc
Convert: biến đổi
Decline: suy sụp, giảm sút
Gradual: dần dần
Absord: hấp thụ, tiếp thu
Multiracial: đa chủng tộc
Applicable: thích hợp
Conflict: sự xung đột
Interchangeable: có thể đổi cho nhau
Heritage: tài sản thừa kế/ nhà thờ
Apostate: người bội giáo/ bỏ giáo
Privilege: có đặc quyền
Affilirmative: khẳng định
Habitually: đều đặn
Phobia: ám ảnh
Safeguard: bảo vệ
Obvious: rõ ràng
Prolong: kéo dài
Reformation: sự sửa đổi
Torture: tra tấn
Expulsion: sự trục xuất
Crisis: cơn khủng hoảng
Injustice: sự bất công
Violation: sự xâm phạm
Invation: sự xâm chiếm

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