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Note: Please wear your ID. As Assessor. Good Morning Candidates!

My name is MS. MARIFE CULABA; I am an accredited competency assessor for

HORTICULTURE NC-III. So, first, I would like to acknowledge the presence of
our Tesda Representative, MR. MARLON CULABA (Good morning SIR.)!

Candidates! You don’t need to worry about his presence; he is only here to
oversee the conduct of competency assessment if it is in accordance with the
standards and methodology of this qualification. He will not assess you…

Before I start, let me first check the attendance, please present to me your
admission slip once your name is called.

Let them sign the attendance sheet and compare the signature of the
attendance sheet.

Thank you very much…

Now, I have here with me your accomplished self-assessment guide which

means that you know and can perform all the competencies enumerated in this

And, today, I am going to administer competency assessment for

HORTICULTURE NC-III, wherein there are 3 competencies namely: Basic,
Common and Core competencies.

For our Core Competencies, we have…

1. Prepare land for agricultural crop production

2. Implement post-harvest program
3. Implement plant nutrition program
4. Control weeds
5. Prepare and apply chemicals
6. Establish horticultural crops
7. Coordinate horticultural maintenance program
8. Coordinate horticultural crop harvesting
9. Undertake field budding and grafting
10. Undertake propagation activities

I will collect evidences through written test, demonstration, and oral

questioning in order to help me determine your knowledge and skills for

Let me ask you first, why are you here? What is your purpose of taking
this assessment? Probably, some of you here are waiting for a promotion,
or ranking perhaps! However, the most important purpose is that only to
determine your level of competence in this qualification! Am I right?

For your personal needs, the lavatory is located at the end of the hallway,
and you can take your meal or snacks located near the lobby.

As for the DO’S and DON’T’S inside the assessment center please follow
all the rules and procedures.
You are not allowed to leave the premises especially during the
assessment. If you have any questions, clarifications, and difficulties, feel
free to ask me, but once the assessment has started, please refrain from
asking questions for it is NO LONGER ALLOWED.

Also, please observe safety as you perform different task. If accidents

occur, call my attention immediately so we can provide you the first aid.
The first aid is located at the right side of the assessment center, so feel
free to use when needed.

Is there anybody here who is taking under medications? High blood?

Diabetic? Or any unhealthy conditions so that I can have an allowable
adjustments during assessment. None? Very good!

At the end of the assessment, you will receive CARS (Competency

Assessment Result Summary) either COMPETENT or NOT YET
COMPETENT. If you receive COMPETENT, it means that you met the
standards of this qualifications, you can claim your National Certificate
after 5 days from the assessment, bring 1 passport size ID with white
background. The validity of the certificate is 5 years.

Otherwise, if you receive NOT YET COMPETENT, it means you didn’t able
to meet the standards of this qualification, but don’t worry, you can
apply for re-assessment anytime at your own convenience.

With regards to the result of the assessment, we observe strict

confidentiality. This is to ensure the integrity of the assessment as well
as my credibility as your assessor.

Actually, my roles as assessor is just to collect evidences based on your

performances as well as to observe you during your demonstration, I will
not interrupt you! I will take down notes for my observations. Right after
your demonstration, I will ask some questions, and then after we will
have your feedback.

Do you have any questions?

If there’s none, let’s have a 5 minutes break first.

I think your 5 minutes is up!

Okay, let’s start; I’ll give you now your assigned numbers. You will

be Candidates number 1, and you Candidates number 2…

Ok, I’m sure everybody is ready for the assessment, are you ready?

(Assessment area)

Ok, this is a 40 items test and I’ll give you only 40 minutes to answer,
read each question carefully and write your answer on the answer sheet
provided… your time start now! Ok, time is up… please past… thank
Now, are you ready for your demonstrations? Ok, here are your specific
instructions please read…

Given all the materials you are required to:

1. Undertake field budding and grafting

2. Undertake propagation activities.

Do you have any questions?

Before you start, please observed safety while doing your demonstration, I will
just observe you; I will not disturb you nor interrupt you but if imminent
happen I will stop the assessment automatically … so please be careful.

Your time starts now! You may begin!

Time’s up… You did well…

Ok, thank you very much. You may now go back to the room. I will call you one
by one for your oral questioning and feed backing.

Candidate no. 1 please comes with me to the assessment room for your
feedback. For the rest, please wait for your turn


How are you Candidate no.1? Here is your follow-up question…

Question: What is air layering?

Ans. Air-layering or marcotting is one method of propagating a fruit tree from an

existing one, which will bear fruits sooner, and the fruits will taste same as the
mother-plant and stock.

Ok, thank you so much.

Let us proceed to your feedback.

How are you feeling? Relieved?

First of all, I’d like to offer my congratulations for a job well done in the
assessment. Your demonstrations were good. Although, there are some minor
areas that you need to improve like the correct cutting of the scion, next time
please follow the correct procedures to ensure safety Ok? But STILL you
remained calm and were able to do the procedures provided and you were able
to answer the oral exam correctly.

And so, based on the evidences that I have gathered, I find you competent.

Please sign this rating sheet and the CARS.

(Get it. Give a copy of the CARS)

The assessment center manager will be the one to give the CARS to you
because he/she needs to sign it here as the AC manager. Further, he/she will
instruct or give advice on how, where and when to claim your NC certificate …
Ok? Do you have any questions? None? Thank you so much… pls. call
Candidate no.2.
Candidate no.2 not YET COMPETENT:

How are you Candidate no.2... here are your questions

1. What are the materials use in marcotting?

Ans. Cable tie, soil, plastic

Ok very good… next question…

2. What is the first step in propagating plant through marcotting or air


Ans. He can’t answer the question directly.

Note: he cannot answer the number 2 question but do not provide the
answer directly pls. make a clue or sample until he can answers.

Ok thank you; let us proceed to your feedback…

How are you? Nervous? Don’t be.

First of all I want to say job well done on the assessment… Your
demonstration was good. However, I must point out that during your
demonstration, you were undeceived with your actions especially on
propagating the San Francisco flower and you were not able to finish the
competencies within the required time, also next time please wear your
PPE for your safety and most of the questions that I asked during the
oral questioning, it was not answered correctly. Nevertheless, you
remained calmed and cool headed despite that you are unsure of the
And so, based on the evidences that I have gathered, I find you, NOT YET
COMPETENT for this qualification.

But, don’t worry; you can still have your self-reassessed again at your
convenience. All you have to do is to fill up again the application form
and attach 3 pcs. Passport ID and the assessment fee. Okay? Do you
have any questions?

Please sign this rating sheet….

And pls. sign also the CARS…

(Get it. Gives a copy of the CARS)

Thank you so much…


I ‘m done with the assessment. I will now sign the attendance sheet, the
RWAC (Registry of Workers Assessed and Certified), and CARS
(Competency Assessment Result Summary). I will give this to the TESDA

Sir, here is the results of the assessment. Thank you…

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