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DAA ne a © a Greedy Techtjues : . Actotty Seteckion problem t Suppose we hawe_o set S= Ja ae.--.dat ef n_pro ei acti that wee wish tr wie a serouree aueh sn po suahich, 2 con Seu an pen ae atime, Each actly phos | OL tina Fe he, Oe face ta tl rates br op (se ps fe) : The aativitin de ond ap axe Tol Se ofp ox Sp eft. 2 Tnthe ‘acttutty selictio seed penta -w_wink sfo_seltct-o “ena\efurn, pe ee ely aes lole activitien i + Ta_ordler to. Solue-Har mbt jUl.. ‘Dasume-that activ “eaxted fh mon ofonically fRertantng. oxder of Finis h time Soc bee ih hry Sof activities — “hat: sat Peay. feaishes Bye ae is Recursive ACTIVELY. SELECTOR L2-Assume shat. dthe'n'. ips. -ave already: orclestel lou mane tell Be feveasi iy © Aintsh Aftne + (IF nots sth tux can-Frnich- cort-fhim. m0 ae pet > stant we told _o fctious Oo _with f= Sea Weel aablim So fs the eottre set“of acttutti‘es i _esthe.fatteal ¢ call whieh solver’ the entire faite of Fhvometers. of RAS | (s.fik 08 ‘Scanned with CamSeanner RAS pr sms kts 2 while MEN and stm) ett So me meee 6 men. : : sekuorn ‘poh O masts sma rea else xetuxn QD - Explafnation ©. The ashi loop (tim 2-8) tool ee Fiest. actly : “The leop examiners Aerts era > “nt Lit finds the : r . cthat: fS_compatitole with Oe. Ge, ae Fe a e TE found Cn. ne hes _Locp = ternuinated ber, “amie ftel ee “then, U5 _xetuons the _tinfoa of Jamb and the maxim = q size_subset_of Son (reeturnecl boy. Ras(si Pim, a). es z LF no such Om tin be sourel fires Loop term Sdeimdnnttd: ber “én, Fil) He means, we bow -exandine OU ockuities | De Sk ta on “ eae | of ‘Scanned with CamSeanner perce Seanaive Perusty seftetion | RAs: fureton. fe or fat rede - Function hun wt prvpope an Perahve Aoluh'on br te Sees, eral - Aekiatty~ Seluetor CA, p 4.2. Fractional’ ‘knopsack | Problum cS a am ute Value. d_{ vey Far-each ften + a ee e a ait J time + Sat ha Bons “valu | per. pure. _fn fo deren Grol@re : te UM — te aS Gale holla aa ae J Hatin tale 04 nurth os _pessfiale of thy fleet the text © Sa eet adl_so Porta UNH Has | : Pm. oy ee tea a table 9 tog he a. Xs _shreqiiency ) to. bud up_on- Rie mee meee al lofiaty wit fas BS RE Eo we "Votable~ len dil. n 2 De pic sak Reade te. “oli xe . © So tail: onelof Mioole tras hwo. "chflelren: STFC fs. he “aljibe 689. fom ahich du chaectoy one dy-aun and all choraclor frequencies a posttioe thn Ha bret faran: “optional pref cp has_evacty IC] lava and. [C.\=1fhtemal nares For. each “claaracten fo. alfphobet.-C..- Let He athibute ¢-freg. _-chendte tae. .freten of ¢ fh the file aval ue da Ce). denotertte cle = accel nat pa ena the de nna ‘ flaonacter Oi) eee cag aH ulleenn Code i a ef on clhaxacters.,. ancl each, Reed se ed x Areg = ac free ot nea ane ‘Scanned with CamSeanner Compler : ra sekC ncn uk OE fn le) tne ‘ i UILDMin HEAP. ai ing 3 to 8 £ Tee “aaeiaile [aa Genexic- MST. Allg ug G(E) be a_connectécl, jutdirectel graph sien cla ee Hon. a ‘ >R [Real nes), cmd. we ustsh to tnd a MST. ge al <2 The geneve method wetta a > Th Maney et a se eA, maf tg she. following. loop foverient : __." Brobto each itercthion, A ts 0. subset of some MST." + Abench steBwe dituundine an Cu.v)-that.can be added to A. © suelo B_ UAL fe also a_subsel- oF MST, we eal. sucha Age asa Sal 2: hoy Pe A SS = GENEREN MS te, w) wigs ~tahile AL does ‘not faona ning Tre see fod _an_ ee ha cho aS ee for A A=AL vata - satu A ‘tattle Pak ts, zee as a ‘Scanned with CamSeanner aA. ‘cat lS, eS). of * unalteberk —4s.a puttin of. "lain Vin 2p % £4 e (UV). CE. crosses the cut ( rebates of ths end potnts_ts_fn_S-. oF Wheat _xespects ~ A cut segects.a.set.Alof-edge 7 ee — = ae 3 = stecige = Ipedae fs a. Afhk Cressi ue oe 8 ok. tht wi uae palip co “Note: shel -Cabe. mere Haan one Ji “Teenvem: 23.1 (Bom cuss] Gler sisting Sole je) lr Abe a subsel- of E. that ts fncluded fh some minimum Faniaing “ret of A ene SUES). Mis) ee . PG Shae Aes ae cand. luk (tu.v) be ¢ ene ‘S,N= ae ann eH Oh ‘00. ae ae e (dic) fs = cos fe ate = co / ae ot The oe Pe Nb-SE& Tle. Tide - eaptoued Ea Steno ps : Aa “u a. saprectab clenas i feet eels ce a a Tine ( “Et aa Al lgorit ide assume Gal use use the dtd oth = Set- ound _ “Theorem 21-14 (cies) * “ “Tht -sequinet ef ‘m* ‘Malce-SET, UNION ‘and _Finib= SEE eps, {ntcof which a _MAKE = nin ma can_be performed on a. a jofnt.set tor stu uytth Union. by rant ai ath oe mession fi eur m.0 (7) Star Goris sl : in for ers Gt, Cath Maes SET pained tak G ie cdectated: Pius ae ze. — So the alts fofnt Se eatin take OE of(s)) Aime. S ~So tatal. _tunning cHimeof..-Krusleals. Algona. s Ot). 0 OE bok) +.0(Ea — z ee Elo V) tae Pet's. Alaoxithm. a Ly 's_Algjorttam ~ ee Moat tt es. fincas 8 form a sipgle tice. eee ice ity ‘Gucue a as Opus o for ead vortex UC, “tht attytbuke Bh te I: aaa At toa vedex. Vfh the ctree < ® tg Pane! 1 no. such edge. Names: Hho parent of ee eau the Sum of Hi th of QU the ad jan sh bes Pl Bore HPht Te Core tet her tofaltinn nate ile. o_ ue EXTRACT-MN (&) ~ for each ve G-Adj lu #€ ved and wluv) Nid gee ee ats EY oly a ER Prim’s Algo = Ole a V=0 Lh _F we_ure Pbonacc heap_fhsind of Binary M t eee stolen ne) QV) and ee #49 Olt) imi to apMacet heap” Fay mit be | Pp = bavi ee ‘Scanned with CamSeanner 0 weighted directed graph G(v, =). : aoe oe ViK> ae ‘atta: TE Ath gph cantatas a a _ney abive= us cle“ xeac! —Hita_no- pat. tro ms toa Tex on she ian “short — path Tf. there Psa. pie xp eye en some. neon 1m. _ wel ortest fa ato stow re an ‘Scanned with CamSeanner dP K Eat al _assumiet “Yate! ed re wight: iA pare! Thon-pgat 2 Bellman-| Porc loa. allows. nepaltise - wel phut- edges. fn Hhe_fop ! yeuphy and_produce a comect Ansuien os Joy cu}. “ei eyeles 84 Machabl Fron-te_sou Te there a ~ve nett cy -tycle suachable from Hu sowtee thu Pt. detects and report. =fts “existence 0. We amume that when se digs pa uchea _Ue,.St Fenple paths... oriet “each vextex Vv CV, ax maintain an. “aiherbute Vhs which | oper bound on the ae shonkest: path: Loom : x vee Vie Ves it ae = “e Belavatian step — “stelax ty-an-cge (aso) 4 ieee ital _tnpmet dha shontesk path to v_Founel ees L_gofng heating Ue TE so, tun update id and U2. (Bunnit : RELAX Cu oa" gue ae 48 tf dade Se ‘Scanned with CamSeanner ina wet glided ,cireched graph nd wepbt- funclfan oo. Ene Ie Relinran ford a Bonbon value. tadtenting. -uphetbu oF nok thu is i teat & reachable | eS LE Hwa ts sucha. “eyelet 7 tunes no sucha. jolt, os objet. oluces —paths_cnd.-thetn rei’ os —BELUMaN= FORD (G; ee TIAL ZE SINGLE Sounce C OWNS Up lu EGE et Se é ei wal a Beetle Ferd. ogee _G_contafrs no. negate swe ne eles. = Moun. thea. port. atta ‘Scanned with CamSeanner ‘ast pth, belie vd); ads Wt = ot fleging, sles oo ee : SUE alto i suln-prierity quan ay vores, eet ain A s DITKSTRA(G, wre) Bis 4 TN dure SINGLE Se celia : fikestra's algo “paiatnins: Ihe. nain= prior! que ( fi vet. prdoniy. queue operation: INSERT (implcitsto ine=8), EXRACTMIN “Cun ( (Guplicit fr RELOX, called jn ing= B) = We INSERT and: EXTRACTMIN ave called exactly ence: ee I Lax enchuudtex weV fs addetl 40 sth-S OWL.» zl : 0 The. Aor loop. one a a examines Adj Tu]. sey each adjacent cdg whale go. runtime. And_os_stoted_no:.of — ae Yel, ti for Loop mina for actotal alge seals pee KE Sateeseetbe fou pheprioty as 1 SERT and. “DECRBASE=KEY.- sakes 2. | ‘Scanned with CamSeanner each DECREASE: KEY 4 Clg) ttn Tuco Ct dime Burp uenp-elM | Hees Extract + El ‘Scanned with CamSeanner = Dyramte Reger ; B Paogsconenig’ Hepes to: -tabulox relied - Dynantlc. -pregromming -opplies when He. subprob lume ~_she, when sub problems_s haxe_sub sul prvlolims._— 2 Tn this context, oltutcl-and= conquer ‘algosith does mone sion, Foe seni sapecily, anlt abe camiee es A panic papiahaty ape? m solver each subproblums just ener “ond then sours. tts “answer fr_a_toble,, thereby awsielins the | une of reconpuitiog ht. ausuuxe each ne ft solves each suber blow. 22 Dynan programming fs. pee typo _40_optton’zation. proble Fors amic_pregramming -follows —| bate ee pp aay BA. —VRod Cuttin Problem 2 Uses clunauic prcbivamming to. solut_a_str pra Th cect Foe oe cul Pa me ie oe Le Boch cur fs free. S Fe Gun red. Hh Poches cul c. ox Falote (Array ).of ‘prices: 2 Pe foc B2 a2) =P. _Tepresentteg te _prite of .1ad_of. Pfaches_ be. 2 aali dlokeunne the maxtmum soxenue. Ho -obéntnabls_ ia ap au up Hat soot amndl.selling tha _pfecel» ts it atti a.tecd_of epi n_fo_2°° " alatandape, free we howe an i hedipitenl op fon_of cult ng. mera =-olfstanee Ctaches from the Lipf-rencl fer l= 4,2, ---~1 TF -Q0 optimal solutton cuts the. > Xod_fnto_ts_piece. Ly staun cunt optinal_ tieoepostions = tet Lat ~ othe 7 Ted. tte prteces-of | Lungths te, pales ‘nee : nal: prabluna of steo D, je. salve stpallecproblemat of: : Tha sous type out of--smaller sh Ones ue maketha first cut, xe ee the Bie as tadepurdont frutaees ot | ‘Scanned with CamSeanner is ,=_max (9, pli ave Higin Gg. eS Recuton Tire. or —0u=Ree fsa) Seay Tine Contig Cae Ho} st EO 2 ‘Scanned with CamSeanner Memotzatton - = Gomesfrom ‘meme’. = Mer eed “Gab Goa (on: Aluh u with. ay : + Stntlow-io—reewutse approach, butyncodied fo.some Mesullof exch i olem(ueially. Array or. hashtable) sees Ee ae Sa seotenen wnaiieea —k Seeds : _ 4s -rehum MEMOIZED- =CUT-ROD-AUX(p, nur) __Memoaizep-CuT-ROD-Avx ( pe ty eee Ba fe e032 0. eR ah i ; Se MEMOrzED- CUTE ROD frtHalizas a. new aunt _e MEMOIZED-CUT-ROD- AUX. ? ft first cheeks inven “to See! ah At de sired vate fo. . ‘Known ond, £6 € thunlline2) vekims tk, + othentie (itnes 3- 9) conrputes tht deriaad vale 9, Ar-tee. ual. manner ltt. 8 sous tte (0) awd. (Ui | “Bottom up 1 metaod! sisi stent i s Ison _notfon thak,_.solutn al Sd cel dliper ee Cap abi ‘smaltex” get See uieerebne + Sout thy sub} sub pacolavas ae avd sole thant. Slee Ween ul — 2 When nee spats we drow. rr i ‘Scanned with CamSeanner “Stables ‘suber is ts silt elaperrd upon and. seid he Borratitue: CUT-ROD (pind “ee + Lite s¢'Lo. be anew a parm be cir non A ee) due 10 : nested loop. structure. structure. The no: 08, tevations of 1s. ‘faner. a tn (ins 5 6) forms. an orifice series. Geist niente ence + Seas + ste nthe for loop ob (lie 6=#) ftoate ni tines + Thuthe totalino:of Roattors of tls for (oop, ouurall xecnsuive “MEmoiZ€D-CUT-RO i ua fol ‘Scanned with CamSeanner ; ned jwe is ustostiowerel rane yy apt Preotuct: A, resized matrix subpr pola, 00d th SET = o- Subp sie ac pier ar KM and (ett Sr ST d : Tepes fe Uk ae PR. ost y : a PODS 3 = pe) Plo-e) ee a : a e ng —linis recunxence vel. _ Suc gek Pin).= 2 sis -L The ho: of, solutions.& thu _exponenttal fa. eS it “echauustlee seach: males - shee poeta ies ea ee ee Beenie stze.-o_mabtx chains pert at £ pee ae isl sd SRS ff P25 (oeupsoblen ts. nontriviad)_. tp pasenthes’ ae J 4 Cite tha. proctuct: bfwd) Ale. ave Ate 4 At Bet = AY, wt must spl es nae Kg Bathe. sowge Le The xecwutse Solution. | ; oman be toe méafnum raumden of “ib mehiinicaieeeet | tat_mabrix Aj 5 for the full Problone ‘Hae to mecost | ‘Scanned with CamSeanner ae On mon. Subseque ine s subsequence of a. of ‘Scanned with CamSeanner Theorem 39-2! ; sed ge EMpredix ¢ the ith prefix of Xi for f= O,1-™ (fe RARE ae Xe ees fs, Xe= RX wt co ate 7. od Pre he ey tee ss Let X = Says XM ---xXm? and -Y. Sys rye yo? be Sequences, and | lb Zs S20%--Z« 7 be any LCS of X_and_Y thin) _.--- TE m= Yn Hun Ze the sand LCS of: Krnat Yn 2th am A Yn then eZ Xm_foaplies Anat: Z & LCS of Xm-t Ly 4 8.16 AmF Yo tun 2ic# Yo finplies Heat Z fs_an..LCS of X andl S This theorem .suagents thay : LF. Am= 40 ear tnd oe LCS of Km-t. m= t0-tlaks LCS yieloh_an Les of X and: tf Sm # Yn, ther uxt must solve two: Subproblemss ____ s-Rndieg an LCs of Xmei_and Y! 1 yshicheow of these two J LCS: fs longer LCSof_| OK Bat Saged ey andl Yo OD Afoding. an_LCs_ of X.and.’ cS Oe or f= Se ft-ty fet) Bfaoanel 2 Bi max(¢Cfs fet) ne fag je = AP £470 and 2074 2 ‘Scanned with CamSeanner bane aen Pal Sf ee gute) haul maxinun sui See a ae pee et Ge Be SIO ee tee g anes Esl fae baal 20 |-4 fa] Espasa fa] eo iE Oe aa “remcin subare (Sen8 de d Sol fat hwo Lea: Ainge’ == hYgh | tito Al sae conti thax. cuba In nut Life Ba sahilig ul a nap A ently thsi ALow. alt tie, dow fe ao a) = enti the Subaoneyy! Alivia. ~high]ie, mid Sif ~ Cross? He widpotnt , so that Jou st Xmid< fapt-sum_ ti es __.._faftsum_=sum __.max—left = ees ROO a ect S— Leh -max=xtght, Lypfeus i ~_yielels_ertax fine culocivvay_ crvsétig ti oildpofal= fh —— _subarray. Allows. hi Of) ce mid = [(lowthigh)/al Aen Bre eat Scsa de 4 Un Jou ab fgh ft-sura)= Frit cmanrcsurbnany (A, lowe,mid). bs ip ghticcm= id, hgh) apa hi sm= alas mun -swenccYy (A wiclt-t, high) E tibet ress, cou-su) = Fab-NB=CROSING SBA lh 4 % right-sum. and. Aoftcuw:2 cross dl : “Tine Complxtty 3 : a) = | (1) thonet 27/2) + Of) th. nxt be. ios Bal tan a oe Stpuitape +. Arta 0 Bon (l--eutplacealge aT, Ave fate wakingetBlEl. Ove). Bubble cot BUEL O69) _ —O ele in). — es ea i when bl tel _O. ) it a _Ofe+n) - ee ARES ta page Ok | 8. Rodis Sant EWA ae Aine) es eG Sia | 8 i i ‘Scanned with CamSeanner sibly ae bat eh ae p a pt ecg SN He ts pe. foe get): pe ica LOW. so luclaks bcee_Yeofed al: largeat apes hogy wc MAX: HEAR! Ch es eps i “aid. ALLL eee . Max —HEAR(A) pclae sc Alen th. A: tewath /2._| dents py acne Cyne 2 MAX AX HEAP malces Qo! “euch calls “Thus ibe vulnint Olnign). Tic uppa touncl & conechs kunt pat asya i ux _Hphten analysts xe bten on thas paropenher thal. S610) hat. heigl Ayn aad at most [P/a* A yy OL put ik tao. tis Coswect. Hal: ft Hod ign ial ato. ati Ts iced i e 2. Now. Lut ‘oftteand. nede_n bas the. ap__| ; eS “heap: size, Now. the_clitldaen of eo oot-remalh Fhe i nea sot ebeweat apt ite Wloka. oe roa ‘Seanned with CamScanner 2. Quicesort | fe olfurole aud conquer: a fe algorttiom ) unstable algorithm. 2:4. Pontition Algonithm. (The cliurcle fu _Pouition (a, p,q.) piset poe wor -Coneplstion nab Paxton fe alyos — : el 5 9 4.3. COUNTING SorT ” (Stable: Algoxithm) 5 ry ic ne ene 8p file Ky der some fateger Id: wthon = Ole). iE sorts Fete ao ge 2 Countfiog sort deteniner,, foreach tp Eument 2° the Tne of lent dias than 2. ate foferrmation & then tied fe place. » ehewemk e saliva Hig foto Pts_ postin He _Owekpul assay = — ee eer ae eleents nels join 2. than ac helene ‘fh 6 ae “P COUNTING=SORT (A;BoK) ¢ { a der Clo--eT_be anew. eet fey_t. Opie eae Ss a cen “tg Le igs Bee § he A:Ly Hi clon wi Sg. os le AGT = ATH cr ‘Staal = CIAL =2 a aan [o= ~ [after Une aL {CT enti meh ae nuts € qual fo Ent a oe : o Fevlop "Ciera 3) -taleos Mines 4-5). fe : Hooks th tha nseleme nts asow hard dgibs. stag re ee Licthe te Peat a baie ol Ed ae ee “ee <8 ee eS Fe = : sot Seg eee ang? iB endlig ears ‘Scanned with CamSeanner

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