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Welcome to the Chrome River Configuration Workbook

Customer Name CSM update

Customer Code CSM update
Customer ID CSM update

Please review the following tabs and update to meet your requirements (fields requiring entry ar

s requiring entry are highlighted in light yellow or green)

Corporate Credit Cards
Please list all corporate credit cards you would like integrated into Chrome River

Corporate Card Provider Is this a Corporate Card

(i.e. US Bank Visa) Liability / Pay Program?

Travel Data
Please list all travel data providers (travel management companies (TMCs), online book tools (OBTs) you would like integrated

Travel Management Is this a new or existing travel

Company or Online provider for your
Booking Tool How are the travel transactions paid? company/firm?
Are employee IDs
associated with the
Is this a new or existing card for Type of card (Travel, Pcard, individual card
your company/firm? Ghost, Meeting, etc) Approximate # cards profiles?

ols (OBTs) you would like integrated into Chrome River

Are employee IDs associated Personal Charge

with the individual travel Clearing Account (If Receivable Account (If
profiles? Billing Currency applicable) applicable)
Personal Charge
Billing Currency Clearing Account Receivable Account

Additional Comments
Name, email address and phone number of the
bank / card provider contact Name of your internal Card Administrator
Additional Comments
Charge / Allocate Expenses

How many unique financial systems / ERPs will we be integrating with

Name(s) of ERP system
List the currencies managed in the financial system(s)
How many charts of accounts do you have?
What determines the Chart of Account
Do you allocate to elements other than those included in the GL (i.e. Projects, Activities, Events, Jobs, Tasks, etc.)
Do you charge expenses back to clients/projects/engagements?
Approximately how many active clients/projects
Do you have Non-Billable clients/projects that are used for tracking costs?
Do you use the Non-Billable clients/projects exclusively or do you also have direct-to-GL expense reimbursement entries?
Do you require activity, task or eBilling codes to be assigned upon entry?
Do you have a single Phase/Task/Activity list?
Do you manage specific Phase/Task/Activity lists by client or matter?
Will users be required to select a Phase/Task/Activity code when matters that reference them are chosen?
Are images/receipts required as part of the client billing?
Are expenses assigned to cost/disbursement codes?
Provide a list of disbursement/cost codes that have been used in the last 12-18 months on employee reimbursements

NOTE: In addition to providing responses to the questions above, please attach or email separately:
1) Listings of relevant Office, Department, Cost Center, Business Unit codes and names
2) Chart of Accounts - please remove any that are not relevant to T&E or Invoice
Please replicate this column to document different responses by ERP
GL Segment Workbook
ERP Name: _________________________________
NOTE: Please replicate this tab for each of the ERPs we will be interfacing with

Segment Name / Description

Segment Length
Data Type
Required or Optional
Set from Expense Owner data attribute
Default from Expense Owner data attribute and allow selection to override
Set from Expense Type
Default from Expense Type and allow selection to override
Describe restrictions regarding who can allocate to this segment
Do we need to provide the ability to split or share a single expense to more than one of this segment?
Are there additional data element(s) required when certain values of this segment are selected (i.e. IT GL
accounts require a Project selection)

Describe any segment dependencies or relationships between the segments of this ERP
Describe any restrictions on the combination of the segments
Segment 1 Segment 2

Segment 3 Segment 4
Segment 5 Segment 6
Segment 7 Segment 8
Segment 9 Segment 10
User Interface - Layout (Expense Types and Categories)

Expense Category Include Expense Code Expense Display Name

You may add/update/delete expense Indicate whether or not to include the expense You may rename expense types as long as the new name
categories here. type by checking the include box to the left. maintains the original intent of the expense type. Additional
Note: The regrouping of expense types into Expense Codes in BLUE are child expense types expense types can be defined below
categories can be done with your Chrome specific to Hotel
River Consultant

Air Travel ✘ AIRFARE Airfare


BAGGAGE Baggage Fee

SEATUPGR Seat Upgrade Fee

TICCHG Ticket Change Fee

Ground Transportation ✘ CARRENT Car Rental
CARFUEL Car Rental Fuel



PUBTRAN Public Transit

TAXI Taxi / Car Service

TOLL Tolls

RAIL Train / Rail

Hotel ✘ HOTEL Hotel
HTLLODGE Hotel - Lodging

HTLTXFEE Hotel - Taxes / Fees
HTLFEE Hotel - Fees
HTLTAX Hotel - Taxes
HTLINTWIFI Hotel - Internet / WiFi

HTLPARK Hotel - Parking

HTLBRK Hotel - Breakfast

HTLLUN Hotel - Lunch

HTLDIN Hotel - Dinner

HTLMEALEMP Hotel - Meals - Employee
HTLMEALOTH Hotel - Meals - Other

HTLBUSMEAL Hotel - Business Meals

HTLBUSMEALEXT Hotel - Business Meals - External

HTLBUSCENT Hotel - Business Center

HTLLAUN Hotel - Laundry

HTLMEETROOM Hotel - Meeting Room Rental
HTLOTH Hotel - Other

HTLPERS Hotel - Personal Expense - Non-reimbursable

Meals / Entertainment ✘ BREAKFAST Breakfast


MEALEMPLOYEE Meals - Employee

MEALOTHER Meals - Other

MEALPERDIEM Meals - Per Diem

BUSINESSMEALEXT Business Meals - External

ENTERTAINMENT Entertainment / Events / Tickets

ENTERTAINEXT Entertainment / Events / Tickets - External
Awards / Gifts ✘ EMPRECGFT Employee Recognition / Gifts
GFTEXT Gifts - External

Telecom ✘ PHONE Business Phone / Land Line

MOBCELL Mobile / Cellular

Office Expenses ✘ COMPSUPP Computer Supplies
COPYPRINT Copies / Printing

OFFSUPP Office Supplies

POSTCOUR Postage / Courier


Dues / Fees ✘ CUREXCH Currency Exchange Fee
LATEFEE Delinquency / Late Fee

LICPERM Licenses / Permits

PROMEMDUE Professional Membership Dues

TRAVAGNT Travel Agency Fee

VISAPASS Visa / Passport Fee

Professional Development ✘ BOOKPUB Books / Publications
CONFSEM Conference / Seminar

SUBSCRPT Subscriptions

EDUC Training / Education

TUITION Tuition Reimbursement

Miscellaneous ✘ CHARCON Charitable Contribution
MEETINGROOM Meeting Room Rental

MISCOTH Miscellaneous / Other

TIPGRAT Tips / Gratuities

PERSONAL Personal Expense - Non-reimbursable
Itemization ✘ ITEMIZE Itemization

Define Additional Expense Types Below

Expense Category Expense Code Expense Display Name
Form GL Account Cost Code (billable)
Forms are defined on tab 4b Please replicate column to Please replicate column to
document multiple GLs document multiple Cost


Form GL Account Cost Code (billable)

User Interface - Forms and Fields
Form Name Field Display Setting Field Display Setting New Field Display Setting
(Optional / Limited)

Airfare Business Purpose Show - Required Departure Date Hide

Description Show - Optional Airport Legs Hide
Airline Hide Passenger Name Hide
Class Show - Required Merchant Show - Required
Ticket Number Hide Merchant City Hide

CarRental Business Purpose Show - Required Return Date Hide

Description Show - Optional Merchant Show - Required
Rental Agency Hide Merchant City Hide
Class Hide
Rental Date Hide

Default Business Purpose Show - Required

Description Show - Optional
Merchant Show - Required
Merchant City Hide

DefaultDesc Business Purpose Show - Required

Description Show - Required
Merchant Hide
Merchant City Hide

Allowable Meal
MealAllowable Calculator Show - Required
Business Purpose Show - Required
Description Show - Optional
Merchant Show - Required
Merchant City Hide

MealGuest Business Purpose Show - Required Tip Amount Hide

Tip Percent
Description Show - Optional (Calculated / Disabled) Hide
Show - Auto-Add
Merchant Show - Required Guest Picker Expense Owner
Merchant City Hide
Meal Type Hide

Mileage Business Purpose Show - Required

Description Show - Required
Mileage Wizard Show - Required

Miscellaneous Business Purpose Show - Required

Description Show - Required
Merchant Show - Required
Merchant City Hide
Misc Expense Hide

OtherGuest Business Purpose Show - Required

Description Show - Optional
Merchant Show - Required
Merchant City Hide
Show - No Auto-
Guest Picker Add

OtherGuestSelf Business Purpose Show - Required

Description Show - Optional
Merchant Show - Required
Merchant City Hide
Show - Auto-Add
Guest Picker Expense Owner

Standard Per
PerDiem Diem Capability Show - Required
Business Purpose Show - Required
Description Show - Optional

Personal Business Purpose Hide

Description Hide
Merchant Hide
Merchant City Hide

Tip Percent
Taxi Business Purpose Show - Required (Calculated / Disabled) Hide
Description Show - Optional
Merchant Show - Required
Merchant City Hide
Tip Amount Hide

HotelAllowable Calculator Show - Required Check In Date Hide
Business Purpose Show - Required Check Out Date Hide
Description Show - Optional
Merchant Show - Required
Merchant City Hide

HotelParent Business Purpose Show - Required Check Out Date Hide

Description Show - Optional
Merchant Show - Required
Merchant City Hide
Check In Date Hide

HotelChild Business Purpose Show - Required Check Out Date Hide

Description Show - Optional
Merchant Show - Disabled
Merchant City Hide
Check In Date Hide

HotelGuest Business Purpose Show - Required Tip Amount Hide

Tip Percent
Description Show - Optional (Calculated / Disabled) Hide
Merchant Show - Disabled Check In Date Hide
Merchant City Hide Check Out Date Hide
Show - Auto-Add
Meal Type Hide Guest Picker Expense Owner

HotelLaundry Business Purpose Show - Required Check Out Date Hide

Description Show - Optional
Merchant Show - Disabled
Merchant City Hide
Check In Date Hide

Allowable Meal
HotelMealAllowable Calculator Show - Required Check In Date Hide
Business Purpose Show - Required Check Out Date Hide
Description Show - Optional
Merchant Show - Disabled
Merchant City Hide
Approval Workflow

Please describe your current expense reporting approval workflow

Line Item Compliance rules are the rules that fire when a line item is added/updated. Compliance rules can be Warnings or V
submit the report. When a compliance violation is triggered, the employee will not be allowed to submit the expense report u
Below are the best practice compliance rules that are pre-configured into your system. Use the Business Rule Editor within Ch


201 Best Practice Active

202 Best Practice Active

203 Best Practice Active

204 Best Practice Active

205 Best Practice Active

206 Best Practice Active

207 Travel - Air Active

208 Guests Active

209 Mileage Active

210 Mileage Active

211 Employee Inactive

212 Employee Inactive

213 Corp Card Active

214 Travel - Car Rental Active

215 Guests Active

216 Guests Active

217 Guests Active

218 Guests Active

219 Guests Active

220 Travel - Hotel Active

221 Best Practice Active

222 Best Practice Active

223 Corp Card Active

224 Corp Card Active

225 Best Practice Active

226 Best Practice Active

227 Corp Card Inactive

Limit - Expense Line

228 Inactive
Item Amount

Limit - Expense Line

229 Inactive

Guests - Per Person

230 Inactive

Guests - Per Person

231 Inactive

232 Mileage Active

233 Limit - Tip Percentage Active

234 Limit - Daily Total Inactive

235 Corp Card Active

236 Corp Card Inactive

237 Travel - Hotel Active

238 Travel - Car Rental Inactive

239 Corp Card Active

240 Mexico Inactive

241 Travel - Hotel Allowable Inactive

242 Travel - Hotel Allowable Inactive

243 Travel - Hotel Allowable Inactive

244 Best Practice Inactive

Limit - Expense type per

245 Inactive
246 Per Diem Inactive

247 Cash Advance Inactive

248 Cash Advance Inactive

249 System - VAT Inactive

Cost Code
apping lookup Inactive
by expense type
a line item is added/updated. Compliance rules can be Warnings or Violations. When a compliance warning is triggered, the employee wi
ered, the employee will not be allowed to submit the expense report until the compliance issue is resolved.
e-configured into your system. Use the Business Rule Editor within Chrome River Administration to create / modify your compliance rules


Line item receipt is required based on expense

type / amount threshold

Line Item over X days old

Exchange Rate tolerance check

Report contains too many line items

Duplicate Expense Checking

Line Item Amount is Zero

Check if non-compliant Air seating class was used

Guests Check - External guest required

Google Map Mileage Required

Manually entered Mileage exceeds Google Map
Mileage by more than X%
(Example: If you want the percentage to be 5%,
set C210-B to 1.05)

Expense Owner Missing Part Of EntityType 1 i.e.

Office, Company

Expense Owner Missing Part Of EntityType 2 i.e.

Department, Cost Center

Corporate Credit Card not used for Expense


Check if non-compliance car rental class was used

Guests Check - More than 1 guest required

Guests Check - Can not include yourself

Guests Check - Expense Owners BOSS is a guest

Guests Check - External Guest is duplicated
(Warning if Name and Company are the same)

Guests Check - Internal Guest is duplicated

Laundry with less than X day stay

Future date expense not allowed

Out-of-pocket credits (negative amounts) not


Mileage or PerDiem cannot be company/firm paid

Only corporate card transactions can be allocated

to the firm paid personal matter (remove if not
using firm paid personal matter or if you are using
a matter filter to only make the firm paid personal
matter visible for corporate card transactions)
Minimum length for business purpose

Minimum length for description

Corporate card transaction must be merged with

travel booking

Expense Amount (excluding PERSONAL) in Pay

Me Currency exceeds limit - (Single Line Item
Limit check for specified expense types)

Expense Amount (excluding PERSONAL) in

Customer Currency exceeds limit - (Single Line
Item Limit check for specified expense types)

Average cost per person (excluding PERSONAL)

in Pay Me Currency exceeds limit (Single Line
Item Per Guest Limit check for specified expense

Average cost per person (excluding PERSONAL)

in Customer Currency exceeds limit (Single Line
Item Per Guest Limit check for specified expense

Warning if miles exceeds X amount, ask why a

rental car was not used

Tip Percentage > x

Expense Type Daily Limit check

Expense Type(s) must be Company/Firm Paid

Expense Type(s) must be 100% allocated to
(Note: this is not needed if your personal expense
type will be default/disabled to personal)

Hotel - CheckInDate can not be greater than


Car Rental - RentalDate can not be greater than

ReturnDate date

Out of pocket expense added that matches an

unused CC transaction (you may want to use this
initially to guide employees that they should be
submitting corporate card transactions if they have
charged the item on their card)

Mexico XML Receipt Required (Domestic Travel)

Allowable calculator must be used on Hotel

Hotel amount exceeds the allowable amount

Hotel amount exceeds the allowable amount

Expense date outside trip start / end dates

Expense type entered more than once on a

particular day
Per Diem Deductions not take for meals entered
on same day

Cash Advance, Cash Advance Request and Cash

Advance Return expense types cannot be
allocated to Personal

Expense type of a Cash Advance transaction

cannot be switched

Verify Valid Tax Rate selected based on expense


Lookup expense type name in the

ExpenseToGLMapping EntityType and set
costcode to the ED1 value
n be Warnings or Violations. When a compliance warning is triggered, the employee will be prompted to provide a reason or explanation.
he expense report until the compliance issue is resolved.
ule Editor within Chrome River Administration to create / modify your compliance rules.

Receipt is required for expense types that are not [Mileage|Tips / Gratuities,
Delinquency / Late Fee, Personal Expense - Non-reimbursable, Hotel -
Personal Expense - Non-reimbursable, Tolls|Meals - Per Diem, Cash Advance
Request, Cash Advance Return, Cash Advance, Cash Advance Return] and
the line item amount (payme currency) is greater than [25]

Action: [Warning]

Rule will fire if today's date is more than [90] days after the line item's transaction

Action: [Warning]

Rule will fire if the exchange rate entered by the end user is not within [5] percent
of the system exchange rate for the day

Action: [Warning]

Rule will fire if the number of line items on the expense report exceeds [100]

Action: [Warning]

Rule will fire if the expense type is not [Meals - Per Diem] and any expense report
(current or historical) for this employee contains a line item that matches this line
item's Expense Type, Transaction Date and Amount

Action: [Warning]

Rule will fire if line item amount spent equals [0]

Action: [Warning]

Rule will fire if the expense type is [Airfare] and Class is not [100] (Economy)

Action: [Warning]

Rule will fire if expense type is [Entertainment / Events / Tickets,

Entertainment / Events / Tickets - External, Business Meals - External] and
the number of external guests on guest picker is less than [1]

Action: [Warning]

Rule will fire if the expense type is [Mileage] and the Google Maps calculated
distance equals [0]

Action: [Violation]
Rule will fire if expense type is [Mileage] and the Google Maps calculated distance
is increased by more than [1.05] (5%)

Action: [Warning]

Rule will check if user does not have relationship attribute [Part Of:OFF]
associated with their Chrome River Person record

Action: [Violation]

Rule will check if user does not have relationship attribute [Part Of:DEPT]
associated with their Chrome River Person record

Action: [Violation]

Rule will fire if expense type is [Airfare, Car Rental, Hotel - Lodging] and
Company/Firm Paid is [false] (typically indicating that the line item was not fed
from a corporate credit card feed)

Action: [Warning]

Rule will fire if expense type is [Car Rental] and Class is not [150, 152, 156, 160]
(Compact, Economy, Intermediate, Mini)

Action: [Warning]

Rule will fire if expense type is [Business Meals, Entertainment / Events /

Tickets, Hotel - Business Meals, Business Meals - External, Team / Group
Meals - Internal, Hotel - Business Meals - External, Hotel - Team / Group
Meals - Internal, Entertainment / Events / Tickets - External, Entertainment /
Events / Tickets - Internal] and number of guests in guest picker is less [2]

Action: [Violation]

Rule will fire if expense type is [Employee Recognition, Gifts, Gifts - External,
Employee Recognition / Gifts] and the expense owner is included in the list of
guests selected in the guest picker

Action: [Violation]

Rule will fire if the expense type is [Business Meals, Entertainment / Events /
Tickets, Hotel - Business Meals, Business Meals - External, Team / Group
Meals - Internal, Hotel - Business Meals - External, Hotel - Team / Group
Meals - Internal, Entertainment / Events / Tickets - External, Entertainment /
Events / Tickets - Internal, Employee Recognition, Gifts, Employee
Recognition / Gifts, Gifts - External, Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Meals -
Employee, Hotel - Breakfast, Hotel - Lunch, Hotel - Dinner, Hotel - Meals -
Employee, Meals - Other, Hotel - Meals - Other] and the guest picker contains
the expense owner's ReportsTo person (from the Person record)

Action: [Warning]
Rule will fire if expense type is [Business Meals, Entertainment / Events /
Tickets, Hotel - Business Meals, Business Meals - External, Team / Group
Meals - Internal, Hotel - Business Meals - External, Hotel - Team / Group
Meals - Internal, Entertainment / Events / Tickets - External, Entertainment /
Events / Tickets - Internal, Employee Recognition, Gifts, Employee
Recognition / Gifts, Gifts - External, Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Meals -
Employee, Hotel - Breakfast, Hotel - Lunch, Hotel - Dinner, Hotel - Meals -
Employee, Meals - Other, Hotel - Meals - Other] and an external guest on the
guest picker is listed twice (check for duplicate Name and Company fields)

Action: [Warning]

Rule will fire if expense type is [Business Meals, Entertainment / Events /

Tickets, Hotel - Business Meals, Business Meals - External, Team / Group
Meals - Internal, Hotel - Business Meals - External, Hotel - Team / Group
Meals - Internal, Entertainment / Events / Tickets - External, Entertainment /
Events / Tickets - Internal, Employee Recognition, Gifts, Employee
Recognition / Gifts, Gifts - External, Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Meals -
Employee, Hotel - Breakfast, Hotel - Lunch, Hotel - Dinner, Hotel - Meals -
Employee, Meals - Other, Hotel - Meals - Other] and internal guest on the guest
picker is listed twice

Action: [Violation]

Rule will fire if expense type is [Hotel - Laundry] and number of nights stayed is
less than [5]

Action: [Warning]
Rule will fire if transaction date after today's date

Action: [Violation]
Rule will fire if the line item Company/Firm Paid is [false] and the amount spent is
less than [0]

Action: [Violation]

Rule will fire if expense type is [Mileage, Meals - Per Diem] and the line item
Company/Firm Paid is [true]

Action: [Violation]

Rule will fire if allocation number is [NONREIMB] and Company/Firm paid is


Action: [Violation]
Rule will fire if there are less than [5] characters provided in the Business Purpose

Action: [Violation]

Rule will fire if there are less than [5] characters provided in the Description field

Action: [Violation]

Rule will fire if expense type is [Airfare, Car Rental, Hotel - Lodging] and if the
line item is a corporate card transaction that is not merged with a travel data

Action: [Warning]

Rule will fire if expense type is [-] and line item amount (in pay me currency) is
greater than [999]

Action: [Warning]
Rule will fire if expense type is [-] and line item amount (in the customer's global
currency) is greater than [999]

Action: [Warning]

Rule will fire if expense type is [-] and if cost per guest (in pay me currency) is
great than [999]

Action: [Warning]

Rule will fire if expense type is [-] and if cost per guest (in the customer's global
currency) is great than [999]

Action: [Warning]
Rule will fire if expense type is [Mileage] and number of miles exceeds [100]

Action: [Warning]

Rule will fire if expense type is [Meals - Employee, Hotel - Meals - Employee,
Business Meals, Hotel - Business Meals, Taxi / Car Service, Breakfast, Hotel -
Breakfast, Lunch, Hotel - Lunch, Dinner, Hotel - Dinner, Business Meals -
External, Hotel - Business Meals - External, Team / Group Meals - Internal,
Hotel - Team / Group Meals - Internal, Meals - Other, Hotel - Meals - Other]
and tip percentage is more than [20]%

Action: [Warning]

This rule fires when the sum of all [-] expense types on the report is greater than

Action: [Warning]
This rule fires if expense type is [Delinquency / Late Fee] and Company/Firm
Paid is [false]

Action: [Violation]
This rule fires if expense type is [Personal Expense - Non-reimbursable, Hotel -
Personal Expense - Non-reimbursable] and there is an amount allocated as

Action: [Violation]

This rule fires if expense type is [Hotel - Laundry] and the check in date is after
the check out date

Action: [Violation]

This rule fires if expense type is [Car Rental] and the rental date is after the
return date

Action: [Violation]

This rule fire if the line item Company/Firm Paid is [false] and there are credit card
transactions in the expense owner's eWallet that match the line item amount and
transaction date

Action: [Warning]

This rule fires if the expense type is not [Mileage, Tips / Gratuities,
Delinquency / Late Fee, Personal Expense - Non-reimbursable, Hotel -
Personal Expense - Non-reimbursable, Meals - Per Diem, Tolls] and the
expense was incurred in [MX] (Mexico) and there is not an XML receipt attached
to the line item

Action: [Violation]
This rule fires if expense type is [Hotel - Lodging] and the hotel allowable
calculator has not been completed

Action: [Violation]

This rule will fire if the expense type is [Hotel - Lodging] and the actual amount of
the expense exceeds the allowable amount by [25] % or less

Action: [Warning]

This rule will fire if the expense type is [Hotel - Lodging] and the actual amount of
the expense exceeds the allowable amount by more than [25] %

Action: [Violation]
This rule fires if the line item transaction date is not between Start and End dates
on the report header.

Action: [Violation]

This rule will fire if expense type is [Meals - Per Diem] and used more than once
on a particular transaction date (regardless of amount). This rule looks across
expense reports

Action: [Violation]
Rule will fire if expense type is [Meals - Per Diem, Business Meals, Hotel -
Business Meals, Business Meals - External, Team / Group Meals - Internal,
Hotel - Business Meals - External, Hotel - Team / Group Meals - Internal,
Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Meals - Other, Meals - Employee, Hotel - Breakfast,
Hotel - Lunch, Hotel - Dinner, Hotel - Meals - Other, Hotel - Meals - Employee]
and an actual meal of a particular type (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner) exists on the
same day as a Meals - Per Diem expense where a deduction has not been take for
that meal type

Action: [Warning]

Rule fires if expense type is [Cash Advance, Cash Advance Request, Cash
Advance Return] and allocation type is [PERSONAL]

Action: [Violation]
This rule applies to clients that have chosen transaction method for their cash
advance process. This rule will fire if expense type is not [Cash Advance] and the
line item has an attached transaction with transaction name [Cash Advance]

Action: [Violation]
This rule fires if a tax rate is selected on the line item and that tax rate is not valid
for the expense type

Action: [Violation]
e will be prompted to provide a reason or explanation. Once a response is provided, the employee will be allowed to



User saves line item Airfare with amount of $25.01 -

rule 201 will fire; user saves line item Mileage with
amount of $26 - rule 201 will not fire.

Rule will fire if current date is 5/20/19 and user saves

line item Airfare with transaction date of 1/15/19.

User entered GBP transaction of 50 with transaction

date of 5/20/19. FX rate on 5/20 is 1.272. Rule will fire
if user changes FX rate to be 2 instead of 1.272.

Rule will fire when user enters an expense report with Note it is highly discouraged to increase the limit
110 line items. beyond 100

Rule will fire if user saves line item Airfare with

transaction date of 5/20/19 and amount of $200 if there
is an expense report that exists with line item Airfare for
the same user with transaction date of 5/20/19 and
amount of $200.
Note that this is looking at the amount entered on the
Rule will fire if user saves line item Airfare with amount line item and not the pay me amount. Pay me amount
of $0. may be 0, which is the case for all firm/company paid
line items

Rule will fire if user saves Airfare line item with


Rule will fire if expense type saved is Entertainment /

Events / Tickets and External Guest is not picked in the
guest picker.

Rule will fire if user saves Mileage and enters number

of miles in the Miles field without clicking on Calculate
Rule will fire if the user saves line item Mileage after
This rule will require custom configuration to change
using Calculate Mileage but changes number of miles
the percentage
from calculated 10 miles to 15 miles.

This rule is suspended by default. There are certain

implementations that will require this rule. Your
Rule will fire if expense owner does not have role Office Chrome River Project Manager will work with you to
determine whether this rule is required for your
This rule is suspended by default. There are certain
implementations that will require this rule. Your
Rule will fire if expense owner does not have role
Chrome River Project Manager will work with you to
determine whether this rule is required for your

Rule will fire if user saves an out-of-pocket Airfare line When used, this rule is typically applied to Airfare,
item Hotel and/or Car Rental.

Rule will fire if user saves Car Rental with class Special
(code 164).

Note that this rule does not look at internal vs external

Rule will fire if expense type saved is Entertainment /
guests. It's making sure that there were more than 1
Events / Tickets and Guest count is 1.
guest present.

Rule will fire if expense owner is listed in the guest This rule can be used to ensure employees don't
widget and expense line item saved is Employee submit for items such as gifts or employee recognition
Recognition for themselves

Usually policy requires that the most senior person

Rule will fire if end user's ReportsTo is picked on the present should pay the bill. If the expense owner
guest picker and expense type is Meals - Employee submits an expense line item with their manager listed
as a guest, this rule will fire
Rule will fire if Victoria Subbotina from Chrome River
appears twice in the guest picker as external guest for
line item Meals-Employee

Rule will fire if John Smith is picked twice from the

internal guest picker dropdown for expense type Meals-

Number of nights is determined base on CheckIn /

Rule will fire if Hotel - Laundry is saved and number of CheckOut Dates, so these fields must be on the line
nights is 4. item (typically passed down from the Hotel Parent

Rule will fire if current date is 5/20/19 and user saves

line item with transaction date of 5/21/19.

Rule will fire if out of pocket line item saved has pay me
amount of -1.

Mileage and Per Diem expenses would never be

Rule will fire if expense line item saved is Mileage and
charged on a corporate card as they are essentially
has a corporate credit card transaction applied to it.
allowances paid directly to the employee

This rule ensures that nonreimbursable matter is

always used with credit card transaction. If employee
charges personal charge on a credit card paid by the
company, this employee now owes money to the
Rule will fire if expense owner saves Airfare with
company as credit card was already charged. Usually
selected nonreimbursable matter allocation and does
client will want to code nonreimbursable matter on an
not have a credit card transaction attached.
export to a receivable account to record that employee
owes company money. Your project manager will
discuss the various methods of handling personal
Note: This rule uses RULEPARM entity C225-A
Rule will fire if business purpose field says 'test' (initially set to 5) to store the distance value that
triggers this rule

Note: This rule uses RULEPARM entity C226-A

Rule will fire if description field says 'test' (initially set to 5) to store the distance value that
triggers this rule

Rule will fire if expense type=Airfare and credit card

feed transaction is attached but no Travel feed
transaction is attached.

This rule will require custom configuration to change

GBP breakfast cannot be over 15
the limit amount

This rule will require custom configuration to change

USD breakfast cannot be over 15
the limit amount

Business meals have a limit of $20 per person. Rule

will fire if EO enters Business Meals expense type with
3 guests and total amount is $65, which exceeds set
threshold of $20 per person.

Business meals have a limit of $20 per person. Rule

will fire if EO enters Business Meals expense type with This rule will require custom configuration to change
3 guests and total amount is $65, which exceeds set the limit amount
threshold of $20 per person.

Note: This rule uses RULEPARMS entity C232-B

Rule will fire if C232-B is set to 100 and line item
(initially set to 100) to store the distance value that
Mileage saved has 101 miles.
triggers this rule

Rule will fire if expense type= Business Meals and tip

percentage is 21%.

Expense Owner enters 3 line items for taxi. Total spend This rule will require custom configuration to change
on taxi within this expense report is $60 and threshold the limit amount
set in the rule parameter is $50 per day. Rule will then Note this rule only checks within the current expense
fire. report

Rule will fire if Delinquency / Late Fee is entered as an

out of pocket line item
Note: Not needed for best practice model as these
expense types are forced to personal without the
ability to change

This rule will fire if check in date is 5/20/19 and check

out date is 5/19/19. cant write compliance on hotel

Note: If this rule is activated be sure that the user

This rule will fire if expense type is Car Rental and
interface for the Car Rental expense type is displaying
rental date is 5/20/19 and return date is 5/19/19.
the Car Rental / Return dates

Rule will fire if expense owner enters an out of pocket

line item for Airfare for $20 with transaction date of
5/20/19 and there is an unused credit card transaction
in user's eWallet with date of 5/20/19 and amount of

This rule is only applicable if implementing in Mexico

Rule will fire if Hotel header does not have Allowable This rule is only applicable if using the Hotel Allowable
Total filled out. calculator

Rule will fire if expense type Hotel-Lodging is $300 and This rule is only applicable if using the Hotel Allowable
if allowable total is $250. calculator

Rule will fire if expense type Hotel-Lodging is $300 and

This rule is only applicable if using the Hotel Allowable
if allowable total is $200. It will not fire if allowable total
is $239, as $300 is over from $239 by less than 25%.

Rule will fire if transaction date on saved line item is

5/20/19 and trip start and end dates are 5/18/19 and

Rule will fire if Meals - Per Diem is entered twice on This rule is often used on Per Diem to ensure that only
two different expense reports with different amounts. one Per Diem per day is claimed
This rule is designed to ensure the proper deductions
are taken on Per Diem meals (based on actual meals
entered on the same expense report)
Note: RULEPARMS C246-B, C, D, E and F are used
to define the Per Diem, Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and
other expense types to be used in this rule

Recommended when cash advance feature is


Recommended when cash advance transaction

approach is implemented. To be discussed further by
your Chrome River project manager

This rule is only needed if implementing VAT tax

Approval Routing rules are the rules that fire when a report is submitted so that the appropriate personnel approve the prope
Payable Review Roles can be assigned to more than one person if the AP approval queue is to be shared. Approval Rules fire i


✘ If delegate/proxy enters
101000 Active a report

102000 Active All reports

103000 Inactive All reports

If expense owner does

104000 Active not have role
If expense owner has
105000 Active role "APReview"

If total report amount is

106000 Inactive >X

If line item allocation has

107000 Inactive an approver

If expense type matches

{list of expense types}
108000 Inactive has a per person amount

If expense type matches

109000 Active {list of expense types}
and line item amount > X
If compliance warning
110000 Active fired {list of compliance
rule ids}
at the appropriate personnel approve the proper reports or line items. Other than Accounts Payable Review, approvers receive an email a
val queue is to be shared. Approval Rules fire in order based on rule ID number and each report or line item (based on the rule) does not

Expense Owner

Expense Owner’s Boss

Entity Head of Expense Owner's Entity

Accounts Payable Review

Role of "APApprover"

Role of "Exec"

Person attached to the allocation

Role of "MealApprover"

Role of "ItemApprover"
Role of "ComplianceAudit"
rts or line items. Other than Accounts Payable Review, approvers receive an email and can approve or return the report from the email.
based on rule ID number and each report or line item (based on the rule) does not move to the next approver until the previous approve


-Expense owner's Supervisor/Approver/ReportsTo is held on the user's person

record in Chrome
-The approver is not modifiable by the user

-Expense owner's person record in Chrome is attached to a business entity such

as office, department, cost center
-Approvers can be assigned a role of the Head of the business entity
-An example would be if an Office Manager needs to approve expenses for all
personnel in their office

All reports are reviewed and approved by an APReview Group

This prevents members of the APReview Group from approving their own report

The CFO/Controller/Exec wants to be part of the approval process when the total
report amount is greater than a threshhold such as $5,000

An allocation (matter/project/job/cost center) can have a specific individual

responsible for approving all line items charged to their allocation. Examples
might be a job supervisor who is responsible for reviewing and approving all
expenses charged to the job
An allocation can have up to three responsible parties, so this rule can be
replicated to route to a second or third person
The customer is responsible for sending the repsponsible party employee IDs as
part of the allocation data

Are there any limits on any type of meal expense that need additional approval

Are there any limits on any type expense that need additional approval, for
example, mobile has a $50 limit
If a compliance rule ID in the parameter list fired, route the report to the
and can approve or return the report from the email. Accounts
t move to the next approver until the previous approver takes





Is there one APReview

REPORT queue or is it split by
business entity





Submit Compliance rules are the rules that fire when an expense report is submitted. Submit compliance rules can be Warnin
submit compliance violation is triggered, the employee will not be allowed to submit the expense report until the compliance
Below are the best practice submit compliance rules that are pre-configured into your system.


302 Inactive

303 Inactive

304 Inactive

305 Inactive

307 Active

308 Active

309 Active

311 Inactive

312 Inactive

313 Inactive
314 Inactive

315 Inactive

316 Inactive
he rules that fire when an expense report is submitted. Submit compliance rules can be Warnings or Violations. When a submit complianc
triggered, the employee will not be allowed to submit the expense report until the compliance issue is resolved.
bmit compliance rules that are pre-configured into your system.


Check if a person has a specific entity relationship (role / entity type code /
entity code) assigned to them

Check if a person does not have a specific entity relationship (role / entity type
code / entity code) assigned to them

Check if a person has a specific entity relationship role assigned to them

Check if a person does not have a specific entity relationship role assigned to

The attached PreApproval has been completely applied to a prior expense


A compliance response has less than X characters

Credit Card Aging Check - Fire if Credit Card Transactions in eWallet are over
X days old

Expense Report Name - Default Not Allowed

User must have a bank account to submit report that has a pay me amount

Block submit if the total payme amount on the report is negative

EO Missing VendorID

Certain Expense Type(s) require an attached pre-approval

Report Amount Exceeds PA Balance

es can be Warnings or Violations. When a submit compliance warning is triggered, the employee will be prompted to provide a reason or e
the compliance issue is resolved.

Rule will fire if the Expense Owner is assigned an Entity Relationship with Role [Part Of], Entity Type
[OFF] and Expense Code [100]

Action: [Violation]
Rule will fire if the Expense Owner is not assigned an Entity Relationship with Role [Part Of], Entity Type
[OFF] and Expense Code [100]

Action: [Violation]
Rule will fire if the Expense Owner assigned an Entity Relationship with Role [SpecificRole]

Action: [Violation]
Rule will fire if the Expense Owner is not assigned an Entity Relationship with Role [SpecificRole]

Action: [Violation]
Rule will fire if the attached PreApproval has been completely applied to a prior expense report(s)

Action: [Violation]

Rule will fire if a line item compliance response is less than [5] characters

Action: [Violation]

Rule will fire if the Expense Owner has at least one credit card transaction in his/her eWallet that is over
[45] days old

Action: [Violation]

Rule will fire if the Expense Report Name has not been entered (default name not allowed)

Action: [Violation]
Rule will fire if the expense report pay me amount is greater than zero and the Expense Owner has not
specified a bank account in his/her profile settings

Action: [Violation]
Rule will fire if the expense report total amount is less than zero

Action: [Violation]
Rule will check if the Expense Owner's Vendor ID in his/her Person record is blank

Action: [Violation]

Rule will fire if a PreApproval is not attached to the Expense Report and an expense type of [ExpType1|
ExpType2|ExpType3] exists on the report

Action: [Violation]

Rule will fire if the Expense Report total exceeds the available balance on the attached PreApproval

Action: [Warning]
ompted to provide a reason or explanation. After a response is provided, the employee will be allowed to submit the report. When a


This rule should only be used by customers who have implemented


This rule will test that the Expense Report name does not start with
"Expenses on"

This rule should be used by customers who are using the Chrome
River Direct Pay functionality to pay employees
This rule should be used if the VendorID is a required data element
in the export

This rule should only be used by customers who have implemented


This rule should only be used by customers who have implemented

ided, the employee will be allowed to submit the report. When a
Pre Approval User Interface - Layout (Expense Types and Categories)

Include Expense Code Expense Display Name Form

Indicate whether or not to include the expense You may rename expense types as long as the new name Forms are defined on tab 4b
type by checking the include box to the left. maintains the original intent of the expense type. Additional
expense types can be defined below

✘ AIRFARE Airfare Default

GROUND Ground Default

HOTEL Hotel Default

MEALS Meals Default

REGFEE Registration Fee Default

✘ MISCOTH Miscellaneous / Other Default

Define Additional Expense Types Below

Expense Code Expense Display Name Form
Pre Approval User Interface - Forms and Fields
Form Name Field Display Setting New Field Display Setting
(Optional / Limited)

Default Description Show - Optional

Mileage Description Show - Required

Mileage Wizard Show - Required

Standard Per
PerDiem Diem Capability Show - Required
Description Show - Optional

HotelAllowable Calculator Show - Required
Description Show - Optional
Save Pre Approval rules are compliance rules that run when a Pre Approval is submitted


600 Active
ompliance rules that run when a Pre Approval is submitted


The Pre Approval must have an amount > 0

The Pre Approval report must have a positive amount requested

Action: [Violation]
PAMultiple rules are rules that determine when to expire a Pre Approval. Expiring a Pre Approval means that it can no longer


N/A Active
N/A Inactive
N/A Inactive

N/A Inactive
t determine when to expire a Pre Approval. Expiring a Pre Approval means that it can no longer be applied to an expense report.

Remaining balance is 0 or less
PA has been applied to an expense report
PA can only be submitted on one expense report after the PA To Date has been
reached. It can be used any number of times before the To Date is reached
PA to date > X days before report submit / PA attach date (expire PA after so many
n no longer be applied to an expense report.

The Pre Approval is expired when there is no longer an outstanding balance. This means that the
total amount that was pre approved has been expensed on expense reports
The Pre Approval is expired once it is applied to an expense report.
The Pre Approval is expired after it is used on an expense report submitted after the Pre Approval
End Date
The Pre Approval is expired after it is used on an expense report submitted X days after the Pre
Approval End Date
Pre Approval Routing rules are the rules that fire when a pre approval report is submitted. The rules are designed to ensure th
from the email. Accounts Payable Review Roles can be assigned to more than one person if the AP approval queue is to be sh
approver takes action.


If delegate/proxy enters
10 Active a report

20 Active All reports

If expense owner does

30 Active not have an approver
s submitted. The rules are designed to ensure the appropriate personnel approve the reports. Other than Accounts Payable Review, appr
one person if the AP approval queue is to be shared. Approval Rules fire in order based on rule ID number and each report (based on the r

Expense Owner

Expense Owner’s Boss

Accounts Payable Review

appropriate personnel approve the reports. Other than Accounts Payable Review, approvers receive an email and can approve or return
ed. Approval Rules fire in order based on rule ID number and each report (based on the rule) does not move to the next approver until th



-Expense owner's Supervisor/Approver/ReportsTo is held on the user's person

record in Chrome REPORT
-The approver is not modifiable by the user

All reports submitted by employees who do not have an approver assigned are REPORT
reviewed and approved by an APReview Group
nd can approve or return the report
he next approver until the previous


Is there one APReview

queue or is it split by
business entity

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