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Places and Things Mentioned:

Place/Things Participation or Relation

Central University of Madrid Begin to write

(Explanation: He is a student in the said university

when he finishes one-half of the novel Noli Me
Paris and Germany Continued writing the novel

(Explanation: he started to write the Noli Me Tangere

in Madrid when he was a student in Central
University of Madrid but he didn’t finished it yet there
but he continue the writing when he arrived in Paris
and finished it in Germany, he finished it around
April-June of the year 1886)
Berlin Revision and Publication

(The revision of his novel after he finished writing it

happened in Berlin during the winter days of February
1886 but he did not expect it to be published since he
was penniless that time so he thought it was hopeless
and even think of throwing in the flames out of
frustration and desperation, but somehow, he
manage to published with the help of Dr. Maximo
Viola who is a rich Filipino friend of Dr. Rizal)

IV. Events

Events Details
Idea of writing a novel His reading of Harriet Beecher Stowe’s ‘Uncle
Tom’s Cabin’ , which portrays the brutalities of
American slave-owners and the pathetic
conditions of the unfortunate Negro slaves,
inspired Dr. Rizal to prepare a novel.
Reunion of the Filipinos in Paterno residence in Rizal mentioned his proposal to make a novel to
Madrid his peers

(Explanation: On January 2nd of the year 1884 a lot

of Filipino gathered on Paterno residences to
discuss the events that is happening in our country
and the things that our fellow Filipino experiencing
from the Spaniard/ Tyrants and here is where Rizal
mentioned making a novel that will reveal the
anomaly of the Philippines situation by which
unanimously approved by those who are present
at that time)
Telegram from Dr. Viola Savior of Noli Me Tangere

(Explanation: In the midst of Dr. Rizal misery Dr.

Maximo Viola one of his rich friends in Bulacan
send him a telegram saying that he will be arriving
to Berlin and will visit him while his there who will
then be shocked by the situation of Dr. Rizal)
During printing of Noli Me Tangere Rizal Suspected as Frenchy Spy

(Explanation: While Dr. Rizal and Dr. Viola is in the

middle of processing and printing the novel in
Berlin one of the chief of police officers in Berlin
paid a sudden visit in Dr. Rizal’s boarding house in
search of a passport which he failed to give since
he doesn’t have one – before kase nung pagpunta
niya ng Berlin hindi pa non need ng pasaporte kaya
wala siya non, so the chief of police gave Dr. Rizal a
deadline to provide one or else he will be
deported. With Dr. Viola’s company Dr. Rizal
reached out to Spanish ambassador and the
ambassador promised to help them but he failed
to keep that promise since he doesn’t have the
power to authorized or give a passport)
(When the deadline came nearer Dr. Jose Rizal
turn himself in to the chief of police then
apologized for failing to give the said document –
then inask niya bakit nga naman siya idedeport e
wala lang naman siyang passport then the chief of
police explained that Dr. Rizal was seen quite a lot
of times visiting rural areas which aroused the
German’s suspicion of him being one of the French
spies since he is also came to Germany from Paris
but Dr. Rizal explained that he is a Filipino
physician and Ethnologist who just observe the
customs and life-styles of the people there which
is the reason why he visited the rural areas so
The Title of the novel Touch Me Not

(Explanation: the title of the novel Noli Me

Tangere came from a Latin phrase which means
“Touch Me Not” - which he later admit to taking
from the bible (Chapter 20, Verses 13 to 17 from
St. John on the first Easter Sunday).
Author’s Dedication The book was dedicated to his country Philippines.

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