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CA Classes In Faridabad


August 13, 2022

 For professional courses like CA, CS, and CMA,

students must prepare for and be proficient in two categories of
theory and practice.

Students are recommended to employ a successful preparation strategy in order to achieve their academic goals
because the
course combines theory and practice.

It's challenging enough to stand out in a

cutthroat society like ours, but in order to succeed, we must put more effort
coming up with solutions than just talking about the problems we face.

There are numerous methods available today for

learning and memorization of theoretical material, but there is no known
effective method for mastering practical subjects.

Thus, among students, this becomes a common

source of stress. You can improve your grades by using the below-
tips, which will also work best for you.

Therefore, students should try using them. It's

also crucial to realise that no one strategy will work for everyone, so it's
best to observe, choose, and take the course of action that works best for you.

Here are a few tips, every student must follow

two months before their examination or at the times when they are
preparing for
any other tests to ace their learnings.

Let's discuss some of the DOs and DON'Ts for the


Do’s of

-Preparing a separate notebook:

A separate notebook must be prepared by every

student for jotting down important concepts. Initially, it might sound a bit
time consuming but it saves time at the eleventh hour as you do not have to go
through 10 notebooks just for one topic.

-Revising concepts every day:

Revising them every day is easier than thinking
about mugging up before an exam as you have a lot to do then, which
makes your
brain feel pressurised and hence, you start feeling nervous before going for
your exam. Revising every day on
the other hand enhances your confidence as you
have been familiar with with it and decreases anxiety.

-Creating a schedule/timetable:

Managing your time is very important and it

becomes a priority when exams are near. Creating a schedule enables the
management of time and energy. Your schedule must be created wisely, it should
neither be too hectic for you to follow
nor leave you too idle or lazy.

-Try to understand, not just cram:

One needs to understand the concept as it stays

in the mind for a longer duration than just cramming without knowing
the logic
behind it.

- Solving sample test papers:

Solving some sample tesṭ papers per week shall be
considered a good habit as it assists you to go through a variety of
both easy and difficult. Attempting sample tests in one go with a time limit of
2.5 hours, especially between
10.30 am and 1 pm (timings of examination)
prepares your body and mind for the final exam.

-Follow the 90/10 rule

Students shall note that the major part of your

preparation can be completed if you are thorough with the prescribed
material because it consists of 90% stuff. The rest 10% can be covered when you
try your hands on sample papers
and additional study material.

Don'ts of

-Do not study new topics one month prior

Acquiring new topics often helps in preparation

of difficult questions but it may confuse your mind and hence make you
even more nervous. It’s better to practice topics that you are already familiar
with than studying the new ones.
-Do not study one night before exam

Studying everything one night before exam won’t

help you. Rather it would confuse you even more. Since it is natural to
stressed at those times, you might not be able to get the right answers and
this might discourage you. This
anxiousness would make you nervous and it might
become more difficult for you to perform the other day.

-Practice more, better score

Practical subjects are all about practice. It

means that the more you practice, the more you get. When you try your hands
different kinds of questions, you gain a better understanding of how questions
can be asked and this way, you can
easily prepare your mind for the final

-Don’t stress yourself at the end moment

Students often get anxious right before starting

the exam. Whereas they shall understand that as important as it is to
for the exam, it is also important for the students to attempt the paper calmly
so that they can avoid unnecessary

-Don’t give a messy answer sheet

We usually hurry up so much that we forget about
presenting our work neatly. Attempting your exam in a neat way makes
the answer
sheet look a bit attractive to the eyes of the checker and he might find it
easy to check.

-Don't leave the 90% for the sake of 10%

Students often have a tendency to jump on to the

sample papers and other practice things without being thorough with
foundational level— the study material.

Do you want to get inspired? Read on!

When you feel helpless and stuck in the middle of

everything, never sit and commiserate with yourself. Instead, maintain
resolve and meet the obstacles head-on. Encourage yourself to continue forward
in the right path slowly but

Don't just compete by running like one. Recognize

that you can get anywhere if you only take one step per day, and that is
you will come closer to your goals.

You could take baby steps to reach your highest,

craziest vision you've ever experienced. Use this incident as inspiration
keep going forward.

Last but not least, be mindful of your pace since

if you proceed too quickly, you risk losing even the simplest battles.

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