Sas #8 Cri 170

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Course Code: CRI 170

Course Title: Theories of Crime Causation

Student’s Activity Sheet: Module #8

Name:______________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________ Date:_______________

Lesson Title: Perspectives of Crime Causation Materials: Ballpen, Paper, Notebook

Lesson Objectives: References:
At the end of this module, you should be able to: Burke, R.H. (2009). An Introduction to
1. explain the perspective of crime causation; and Criminological Theory, 3rd edition.
2. identify what perspective is asked on the scenario. William Publishing Miller, M (2009).
21st Criminology, A reference
handbook. SAGE Publications,
Thousand Oaks, California

Panugaling, G.C. and Caño, G. J.
(2019). Theories of Crime Causation.
Rex Book Store Inc.

Productivity Tip: Score: /90

Try doing a Picture Walk before starting this module. Take a
quick look at the captions, activities, pictures, etc. This is to give
your brain an idea of what’s coming - it’s like watching a trailer
of a movie. Doing this for a minute will help your brain organize
your thoughts before answering.


Introduction (2 mins)
How’s your day! I hope you’re still doing great. Today our topic is quite interesting since we will
be talking about “The Perspectives of Crime Causation.” By the way, do you have any idea about our
topic this day? The teacher will ask at least two (2) students to answer. Great!
This module will unlock new topics; as such why should you be learning this? You need to learn
this for you to know the different dimensions of the causes of crime. The learning objectives are you
must have to: a) explain the perspective of crime causation; and b) identify what perspective is asked
on the scenario. Are you guys ready? Alright, let’s begin with this first activity!

Activity 1: Content Notes (20 mins)
Instructions: Read and analyze the concepts below and after that you have
to answer the question that follows. Write it on the space provided.

Perspectives of Crime Causation

In the field of criminology, it is an undeniable fact that there are multiple factors which lead the
individual to commit crime. Understanding these factors is also the same when we speak of the
perspective of crime causation. This lesson will only discuss the classical, biological, process, conflict,
biosocial, and psychological perspectives.
Course Code: CRI 170
Course Title: Theories of Crime Causation
Student’s Activity Sheet: Module #8

Name:______________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________ Date:_______________

1. Classical Perspective
Classical perspective viewed crime as a product of situational forces; that crime is function of
freewill and personal choice. It emphasized that the purpose of punishment is mainly to deter the
occurrence of crime. The three principles of punishment that became the trademark of Beccaria's
classical deterrence doctrine include: Swift - punishment must be swift to be effective. According to
Merriam-Webster’s dictionary swift means occurring suddenly or within a very short time. Certain -
people must know they will be punished for their illegal behavior –that they cannot evade the strong
arms of the law. That no one may take as substitute for the punishment of the one who violated the law.
Severe - must be severe enough to outweigh the rewards of the illegal action - severity and
proportionality are sometimes at odds especially since each person is different in terms of what
constitutes a "severe" punishment. It also stressed out that crime problem could be traced not to bad
people but to bad laws (Adler et. al, 2012).

2. Biological Perspective
Biological perspective regarded crime as the product of internal forces. For example: A
person who is suffering from kleptomania. According to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary kleptomania is a
persistent neurotic impulse to steal especially without economic motive. That crime is a function of
chemical, neurological, genetic, personality, intelligence or mental traits. The focus of the study is
mainly on the individual person itself. It may answer the question of why a person becomes a criminal.

3. Process Perspective
This perspective claimed that crime is product of socialization or interaction of one person to
another. That crime is a function of upbringing, learning and control. Parents, teachers, environment,
mass media and peer groups may influence behavior. This concerns on how a person becomes a

4. Conflict Perspective
Conflict perspective stressed the causes of crime based on economic and political forces. Crime
is a function of competition for limited resources and power. Law is a tool of the ruling class in order to
control the lower class. It is designed to protect the wealthy people. Crime is a politically defined

5. Biosocial Perspective
Biosocial perspective seeks to explain the onset of antisocial behavior such as aggression and
violence by focusing on the physical qualities of the offenders. It concentrated mainly on the three
areas of focus: biochemical (diet, genetic, hormones, and environmental contaminants), neurological
(brain damage), and genetic (inheritance) (Siegel, 2007).

6. Psychological Perspective
Psychological perspective expressed that criminal behavior, was the product of “unconscious”
forces operating within a person’s mind. That conflicts occur at various psychosexual stages of
development might impact an individual’s ability to operate normally as an adult. That if the aggressive
impulse is not controlled, or is repressed to an unusual degree, some aggression can “leak out” of the
unconscious and a person can engage in random acts of violence (Bartol, 2002).

Course Code: CRI 170
Course Title: Theories of Crime Causation
Student’s Activity Sheet: Module #8

Name:______________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________ Date:_______________

Let us answer the question below based on your readings. Write it on the space

1. What are the different perspectives of crime causation?


Activity 2: Skill-building Activities (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

This is a self-assessment; you have to answer the question
honestly. After that check your answers against the Key to
Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on
the space provided.

2.1 In your own idea, what is meant by perspective? You limit your answer to five (5) sentences only.
(10 points)

Score: over 10
2.2 Using your own words explain the six (6) perspectives of crime causation. You limit your answer to
three (3) sentences each perspective. Write it on the space provided. (5 points each)
Perspectives of Explanation Score: / 30
Crime Causation
1. Classical

2. Biological

Course Code: CRI 170
Course Title: Theories of Crime Causation
Student’s Activity Sheet: Module #8

Name:______________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________ Date:_______________

3. Process

4. Conflict

5. Biosocial

6. Psychological

Activity 3: Check for Understanding (5 mins)

This is a self-assessment; you have to answer these questions honestly.
After that check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at
the end of this SAS. Write your score on your paper.

3.1 Let us study the following pictures below and then identify what perspective of crime causation has
shown in that picture. Write your answer on the space provided. (2 points each) Score: over 10

1. Answer: ____________________ 2. Answer: ____________________

3. Answer: ________________ 4. Answer: _________________ 5. Answer: ______________

Course Code: CRI 170
Course Title: Theories of Crime Causation
Student’s Activity Sheet: Module #8

Name:______________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________ Date:_______________

4.2 In your own words describe the pictures shown in Activity 5.1; you limit your answer to 3 sentences
each only. And then you add at least one perspective using your own thinking. Write it on the space
provided. (5 points each)


6. Add at least one perspective of crime causation and then explain up to 5 sentences only.


Q1. What is the meaning of perspective?

Answer: It means viewpoint, outlook, standpoint, dimension etc.
Q2. What is the common perspective that explains the causes of crime?
Answer: There is no common perspective that explains the causes of crime because the causes of

Course Code: CRI 170
Course Title: Theories of Crime Causation
Student’s Activity Sheet: Module #8

Name:______________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________ Date:_______________

crime are complex. Poverty, parental neglect, low self-esteem, alcohol and drug abuse can be
connected to why people break the law.

Activity 6: Thinking About Learning (5 mins)

A. Work Tracker
You are done with this session! Let’s track your progress. Shade the
session number you just completed. You mark the place in the work tracker
which is simply a visual to help you to track how much work you have
accomplished and how much work there is left to do.

B. Think About Your Learning

B.1 Instruction: There are two (2) parts of this activity; first I am going to ask you, “Did you have
challenges in today’s learning?” How did you overcome those challenges? Support your answer.
Write it on the space provided. And then on the second part would be your self-evaluation on achieving
the learning targets.

B.2 This is a self-evaluation on achieving the learning targets: Just place a check (/) mark on the
space provided.
1. I CAN explain the perspectives of crime causation. _______
2. I CAN identify what perspective is asked on the scenario. _______

Rubrics on Activity 2.1 Rate
Organization of thoughts=4 points
Grammar = 3 points
Readability = 2 points
Neatness = 1 point
TOTAL= 10 points
Rubrics on Activity 2.2 Rate
Answered completely with 3 sentences each 30 points
Answered completely with 2 sentences each 25 points
Answered completely with 1 sentence each 5 points
Answered incompletely with erasures 3 points
Course Code: CRI 170
Course Title: Theories of Crime Causation
Student’s Activity Sheet: Module #8

Name:______________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ____________ Date:_______________

NO answer at all 0
Activity 2.1: Suggested Answer
1. Picture 1: Group of persons with guns. Answer: Process
2. Picture 2: A child observing her mother. Answer: Psychological
3. Picture 3: Criminal inside the prison. Answer: Classical
4. Picture 4: The kid inherits the genes from his parents. Answer:
5. Picture 5: Street children carrying their garbages. Answer:
Rubrics on Activity 3.2 Rate
Complete answer with 3 sentences each without erasure 30 (Perfect Score)
Complete answer with 3 sentences and with erasure 20
Incomplete answers (leaving items blank or without answer) 0

In-classroom learning session:
1. Collect completed work in the SAS.
2. Allocate your contact time with students to individual or small group mentoring, monitoring, and
student consultations.
3. You may administer summative assessments (quizzes, demonstrations, graded recitation,
presentations, performance tasks) during face-to-face sessions.
4. You may also explore supplementary activities that foster collaboration, provided that social
distancing is observed.
5. You may provide supplementary content via videos, etc.

Congratulations! That’s enough for today; study the module regarding Biosocial Theory
in advance for our next topic. Thank you!

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