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Plagiarism Checker X Originality Report

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Presented to The Faculty of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Xavier University
- Ateneo de Cagayan For the Final requirements for ME 72 - Final Y ear Project Study 2
Abocejo, Kier Gayanilo, Jesse Lagumbay , V ince Pongase, Renz T able of Contents
Abstract…………………………………………………………………………………….i Chapter The Problem
and its Background 1 I n t r o d u c t i o n … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …

… … … … … … … 1 1 Chapter Review of Related Literature 2 S o l a r A i r H e a t e r … … …

Chapter Research Methodology 3 R e s e a r c h F l o w … … … … … … … … … … … … … …

… … … . . 2 5 Chapter Results and Data 4 I n t r o d u c t i o n … … … … … … … … … … … …

… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 2 6 Chapter Conclusion and Recommendation 5 C o
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 6 A b s t r a c t Agriculture in the Philippines
is one of the most important sectors in the country .

It provides a lot of food and job security , agriculture is also one of the key drivers of the
economy in our country especially in rural areas. Corn grain in the country is one of the
most valued crops in the economy , it is reported in 2021 by the Philippine Statistics
Authority that the production of corn grain will increase to 2.13 million metric tons from
the previous period 2020. As future mechanical engineers we have a responsibility to
design and innovate that is essential for the advancement of our technologies here in
our country , it is also important since it can also enhance our agricultural sectors in the
country .

The researchers created a Solar plate air heater using aluminum cans as a heat absorber
by means of drying corn grain for cost ef fective means, this device works through
renewable energy coming from heat of the sun which is solar power energy . The
researchers find the study significant since drying grain corn in a traditional way exposes
the crop to unfavorable weather conditions and prone to insects and wild animals thus
has potential to be damaged, it is also a labor heavy way of drying corn grain which
requires loads of manpower . This device was made by primarily using solar energy and
from the recyclable cans that will be used for the air flow path.

The solar air heater design focuses on giving heat air condition using solar energy in
order to dry corn grain crops, to also determine the ef ficiency of the solar air heater and
to get a good quality of moisture content for the crop. By conducting suf ficient
simulation using ANSYS the researchers will be able to give data on the ef ficiency of the
cans to gather heat from the sun and the output that it gives to the corn grain. Chapter
1 The Problem and its Background 1.1 Introduction Solar energy is the cleanest and
most plentiful renewable energy source accessible. Over the last decade, the Philippines'
solar energy capacity has grown at an exponential rate. This value increased from two
megawatts in 2012 to 1.37 thousand megawatts in 2021. The Renewable Energy Act of
2008 increased the country's renewable energy potential, allowing it to move further
away from traditional energy sources.

The rising expense of traditional energy sources like coal, gas, and fuel oil, as well as the
understanding that these fossil-derived energy sources are finite in availability and will
eventually run out, have sparked renewed interest in solar energy as an alternative
energy source. This earth would be necessarily transition to renewable energy sources,
such as solar panels, wind turbines, Biomass and biofuels, and water and geothermal.
Still, the amount of time it takes to transition to renewable energy sources will ultimately
define human beings and record what future generations will experience as sea levels
rise and climates vary , as well as all of these droughts, deluges, wildfires, storms, and
water scarcity . That’ s why it is important for the people in this country to act now .

Grain crops such as rice and corn are often picked and sun-dried in the humid tropical
regions where most developing countries are located before being husked or threshed
for storage. In the Philippines, there are many problems that this country is facing. There
are a lot of issues that need to be solved in this country to prosper and grow . The
group has found a problem that needs to be solved immediately . The 2 problems are
Corn Farming, and Plastic Pollution. The fundamental aim and goal of all agricultural
programs in the country has always been to increase farm family productivity and

Farmers, on the other hand, are unable to establish and preserve an adequate degree of
economic standing due to the dif ferentiation that influences the manufacturing
process. One of the problems of the farmers is drying their maize. Crops like corn are
seasonal crops, which means that they can only be harvested once a year . As a result,
food produced during one harvest period, which may last only a few weeks, must be
preserved for progressive consumption until the next harvest, and seed for the following
season's crop must be kept.

This is a big problem for the farmers because it’ s time consuming and it requires a very
hustle method which is putting the corn grains on a tarpaulin or any rags or cardboard
for the corn grains to be lay down on the ground under the heat of sun and wait for
days until the moisture of the corn grains will reduce to its exact amount. High moisture
content leads to storage problems because it encourages insects, germination, and
fungal problems. Another problem that the group wants to solve is plastic pollution.
Due to a shortage of sanitary landfills and stringent restrictions on the construction of
new ones, plastic pollution is a major problem in the Philippines.

The Philippines, like many other fast developing countries, struggles with unsustainable
plastic manufacturing and use, as well as inadequate solid waste disposal infrastructure.
Every year , the Philippines generates an astounding 2.7 million tons of plastic garbage,
with an estimated 20% of it ending up in the ocean. The most widely known and
understood method for converting solar energy into heat is by the use of a flat plate
collector for heating water , air or some other fluid. This chapter discusses various air
heating applications. There are so many places here in the Philippines that need solar air
heaters, especially in the long winter seasons.

This device will be such a big help to our farmers here in the Philippines to make their
work more convenient and it can make the moisture content of the maize be a good
outcome and then can sell their product at such good cost and quick earnings. This
research aims to design and simulate a small scale prototype of a solar plate air heater
for drying corn grains as an alternative for farmers using traditional ways of drying corn
grains along the provincial road for sun drying. This study will help farmers in protecting
their crops from potential weather conditions as well as wild animals and insects that
may af fect and destroy their crops. 1.2

Statement of the Problem The project is inspired by the two problems that the group
has gathered. The problems in corn grain drying in farming and in plastic pollution.
Depending on the conditions of the weather , sun drying can af fect the ef ficiency of
corn drying, since the farmers can’t control the temperature of the sun, the corn grain
tends to overheat and can cause a crack in the corn grain as well as other external
factors such as wild animals and insects which may af fect the output product. This study
is also inspired by the dif ferent DIYs videos on Y ouT ube showing people creating dif
ferent varieties of Solar Air Heaters.

The Solar Air Heaters particularly made with cans are also helping solve the issue of
waste pollution by recycling aluminum cans. This results in a low-cost way of collecting
solar thermal energy . Solar air heating technologies use only free, renewable, and clean
energy , and can help defray the rising cost of conventional energy . Solar air heating
systems absorb thermal energy from direct sunlight to heat air , this solar heater
equipment have a great potential to create a dif ference in drying crops and make the
farming area more productive specially here in the Philippines our climate is very
tropical, Philippines is one of the main producers of crops in the world, solar heating
system is one of the most applicable to contribute to the farmers here in our country .
Certain places use electrical heaters for varied purposes.

But whenever the current weather of fers Solar Thermal energy for free, using Solar Air
Heaters to collect this cheap energy may help cut down costs in running electrical
heaters powered by energy that is charged at a price. Air heaters are commonly used in
factories, and in some residential areas. Air heaters use the concept of convection to
heat up Air . First, the device heats a medium, one example are coils heated electrically ,
then a flowing medium, this can be fluid, enters the device relatively cool, then flows
through the heated medium.
Heat then transfers into the flowing fluid, and flows out of the device, ready to send the
heat energy to be used for varied purposes. Heat energy will be used, and then the fluid
becomes cool again and flows back into the heater . For this research, the researchers
will use recycled cans as the material that will be heated by Solar Thermal energy . The
recycled cans will be connected like pipes, and will be exposed to the heat of the sun. A
fan will help maintain air flow , sending cool air into the device and through the recycled
cans turned into pipes heated by the sun. Heat from the heated cans will transfer into
the flowing air and heat up the air .

The flow of air will then push heated air out of the device to be used for varied
purposes. 1.3 General Objective The research aims to create a device that can utilize
solar energy and convert it into a heat air condition that can be used to dry the maize
crops of the farmers and to help lower the moisture content of the product. This Device
can also help the farmers save time and ef fort of drying maize. 1.4 Specific Objectives 1.
T o design a solar plate air heater using Autocad. 2. T o evaluate the performance of the
design through Ansys. 3.

T o determine the ef ficiency of the solar can heater through sunlight. 4. T o get a good
quality of moisture content of the crop 1.5 Significance of the Study The Philippines has
been known for being a tropical country , weathers here change consistently it can get
hotter and colder in certain times. Farmers used this to their advantage; they make use
of the hot weather to dry their crops and other animals. Farmers heavily rely on the sun
for their crops especially drying corn, farmers dry their corns to avoid spoilage and
decay .

It is also a good practice to reduce moisture so that it will be safe for storage. Farmers
use the main roads to dry their corn and it causes the risk of road accidents and traf fic,
so this method causes a lot of inconvenience not just for the farmers but also other
people. The device will be able to help farmers to store their corns in a storage area
while our solar can heater will be able to directly convert the sun energy and heat into
the storage of the corns without the risk of road accidents.

Our device uses cans that are powered by the sunlight and with the help of the fans, it
will be able to give a constant flow of air that will pass through the tubes and heated the
corns to ensure that the hot air from the sun will flow . 1.6 Scope and Limitations This
research will be done in a remote area in Bukidnon, where farmers lie their corn grains
on roads to dry it under the sun. The materials used in fabricating the device are
obtained by the researchers, but most of the operations will be done through
simulations and calculations because fabrication and experimentation are not permitted
while the pandemic is still underway and rigorous rules must be followed. The limitation
of this study is that this device heavily relies on the power of the sun, without the sun
this device is very hard to use. This device also limits the capacity of corn that is stored
inside the machine.

The main objective for this device is for farmers to have a safe allocation to practice
their corn drying method without the risk of accidents and traf fic. The output of the
product is determined by the corn moisture level and the exiting air temperature from
the outlet. The project will only gather data using the software called Ansys to simulate
the device. 1.7 Conceptual and Theoretical Framework Theoretical Framework In
constructing the device the researchers applied Computer Aided Design for designing
and simulating the device.

During the process of collecting sunlight from the sun and converting it into Heat
energy the researchers applied their knowledge on Heat transfer theories in order to
accurately measure the power of the fan that is initially from the heat that is reflected
from the sun. Conceptual Framework When the device has already been done and it
undergoes trials we can now calculate the exact amount of good sunlight, the ef ficiency
of the machine using the rays of the sunlight, and how it varies to give warm energy into
the corn that will be placed into the storage machine. The sunlight will be the variable of
its function when the process of the application starts.

Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature This chapter includes the review of related
literature and studies from dif ferent articles and internet sources which the researchers
have perused to shed light on the solar plate air heater . The literature and studies that
cited in this chapter addresses many ideas, concepts, generalizations, and findings, as
well as various developments associated to the study from the past to the present. This
will act as a roadmap for other young researchers as they build or enhance the project.
Solar Air Heater As per Lackovic, V .

(2016), the solar air heating technology is well known technology for heating or
preheating air in commercial and residential buildings. The device is commonly used to
provide heat ventilation air in various buildings, but it has also been employed in
industrial applications such as crop processing, heating warm blooded animals like
chickens and drying, where heated air is a critical component. In addition to this
statement, according to Chen, X. (2015), during the use process of solar energy ,
traditional energy sources such as coal, oil, and other fossil fuels will not pollute the

Supporting Chen’ s statement, according to Kumar , S. (2017), a solar air heater is a type
of heat exchanger that converts sunlight into heat energy . It also states that the
proposed design modification of a double flow solar air heater with packing is an
essential and ef fective way to improve the thermal performance. In addition, as
compared to double flow solar air heaters without packing and traditional solar air
heaters, the thermal performance of a double flow solar air heater with packing in the
upper duct is much better .

T o better understand Kumar ’ s statement, McV eigh J.C. (1983) stated that the simple
air heaters can be created out of nearly any black-painted surface. There are three main
types of simple heater with single cover plates, these are a.) The duct is the space
between the transparent cover and the collector absorber plate , b.) There is a sealed air
gap between the cover plate and the collector plate to reduce convective heat
exchange, and the duct is behind the collector plate, c.) Uses either a divided air stream
or takes the air flow through the outer section as a preheater before passing through
the inner air duct.

This research uses the type a, which is using a transparent cover like a plexiglass, and
the collector absorber plate like recycled cans that absorbs the heat. According to Sahu
M. and Priyam A. (2021), the current review paper takes a comprehensive look at the use
of circular shape wire ribs as roughness elements and their various geometries on the
absorber plate of a solar air heater duct to improve performance. Recycled Can as an
Absorber According to Eggers-Laura, A.

(1979), the absorber or the collector plate is usually the most complex and expensive
component of the collector , the remaining parts are freely available in the marketplace
and in mass manufacture for alternative uses. In addition to this, based on (2021), in a collector , a solar absorber plate is the metallic material
directly behind the glass. It is in charge of transporting solar energy into the collection
through the risers attached to it. But in this research, the researcher tries to make a
cheap solar air heater that uses recycled materials, and for the absorber plate, the
researchers uses recycled cans that will be painted in black to absorb heat from the sun.

As stated by Kittmer , L. (2018), heat energy follows the same conservation laws as light
energy . When a substance reflects the majority of light wavelengths, it also reflects the
majority of heat energy . Kittmer also says that dark colors will absorb a lot of heat than
lighter ones. In fact, the closer to black a color is, the more heat it absorbs from light
sources. In addition Goyal, N. (2019), also test if the cans are good for the environment.
Goyal compares the cans with plastic bottle, and Goyal explained that “ Plastic bottles
are down-cycled into fibers rather than re-made into bottles. But the recycling rate of
plastics is actually quite low .
The overall recycling rate for plastic bottles for the year 2017 was just 29.3%. But the
cans are more valuable for the recycling as they can be recycled back into cans
repeatedly with no limit. According to, nearly 75% of aluminum ever
produced is still in use to this day . Nearly 72% of the aluminum cans were recycled in
2017.” Solar Energy Philippines is the third most vulnerable country to climate change
according to the 2017 world risk report. The website also states that Climate change has
a wide range of consequences in the Philippines, including annual GDP losses, changes
in rainfall patterns and distribution, droughts, threats to biodiversity and food security ,
sea level rise, public health risks, and endangering vulnerable groups like women and
indigenous people. According to an Asian Development Bank research on the
economics of climate change, the country will lose 6% of its GDP each year by 2100 if it
ignores climate change threats.

In the Philippines, around 1 million hectares of grasslands are extremely vulnerable to

climate change in the future. The majority of grasslands in the uplands are prone to
flames, especially during prolonged periods of dryness and lack of rainfall throughout
the summer . (Niccdies, 2019) In addition, according to Sabillo, K. (2020), The Philippines
has long struggled with air pollution. According to a W orld Health Organization
research published in 2018, there were 45.3 air pollution-related fatalities per 100,000
persons in the Philippines in 2018. After China's 81.5

pollution-related deaths per 100,000 people and Mongolia's 48.8 deaths per 100,000
people, it was the third highest in the world. Experts say the Philippines can use the
lockdown as an opportunity to assess the problem of pollution in Metro Manila and
other places. But the researchers believe that this will not last forever . That’ s why the
researcher thought that solar energy is the best way to fight our number one problem
and to save the earth for future generations. According to Zenergy .com (2018), “solar
power is a great sustainable, green energy choice”.

Solar energy not only helps you save money on your electricity costs, but it also of fers
significant environmental benefits. The site also enumerates 5 benefits of solar energy
on the earth and these are: i. Using less water - One of our most valuable natural
resources is water . W e live in the world's driest continent, and we face the prospect of
running out of fresh water in the near future. Thousands of gallons of water are used
annually in traditional electricity generating. Solar panel energy generation utilizes less
water than traditional energy generation. ii.

Reducing air pollution - Our health and well-being can be aided or harmed by the air we
breathe. The production of electricity from fossil fuels can release dangerous carbon
dioxide and methane pollutants into the atmosphere, lowering the quality of the air we
breathe. Breathing low-quality air on a regular basis might be harmful to our health.
Solar panels emit no hazardous emissions, and the more houses and companies that use
solar power , the fewer poisonous pollutants from fossil fuels are released into the
atmosphere. iii.

Help to slow climate change - T oxic gases like as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous
oxide are released into the atmosphere, contributing not just to air pollution but also to
the increased greenhouse ef fect. While the greenhouse ef fect is a natural process that
raises the temperature of the Earth's surface to a comfortable level, human activities
such as the burning of fossil fuels have increased the amount of greenhouse gases in
our atmosphere. Solar panels produce no greenhouse emissions, thus if utilized widely ,
they can assist to mitigate the ef fects of climate change.

There is no burning of fuel and no emissions from energy generation when solar energy
is used to power a home or company . iv . Reducing household’ s carbon footprint -
Solar panels create electricity without using any water , emit no dangerous pollutants
into the atmosphere, and their energy source is abundant and, best of all, free. A family
may assist lower your household's carbon footprint by installing even a tiny system on
your home. v . Reducing our reliance on fossil fuels - Solar energy is produced using free
sunlight, and there is plenty of it.

On the other side, fossil fuels are rapidly depleting. Solar energy reserves are vast; if we
could harness all of the sun's energy for just one hour , we could power the entire planet
for a year . As stated by the (2020), solar energy systems do not emit any
pollutants or greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. When solar energy replaces or
eliminates the usage of other energy sources that have higher environmental impacts, it
can have a positive, indirect influence on the environment.

Depending on how they capture, process, and disperse sunlight, solar technologies are
classified as either passive solar or active solar . As per ASEAN Briefing (2017), “ The
Philippines has strong potential in harnessing solar energy , both for consumer use and
power production, given the continued drop in prices and further innovation in the
field”. It is also acknowledged that developing the appropriate energy management
technology , as well as a solar power system that is built and developed in the
Philippines, and has the potential to serve as a model for other tropical island nations
interested in adopting this solar power system, will be critical. Chapter 3 Research
Methodology T o present the study's step-by-step method, which will be represented
and exhibited using a flow chart.

The flow chart provides clarity and direction for the researchers to follow up on the
project's work and plan in order to properly and progressively assess progress and
ensure that the project is completed without any accidents or failures in procedures. T o
acquire data and identify potential candidates, the researchers will explore, look for ,
and examine available facts, studies, research materials on the internet such as journals,
books, articles, and other objective data, such as demographics and best practices.
Based on previous study and investigations, the researcher should also optimize and
change the ideology . Internet journals and past studies on the subject are enough to
round out the research with new information.

Many thoughts and comments from the researcher's mentors and relatives may be
incorporated into this study . 3.1 Research Flow From the inspired project, the
researchers will develop a low cost and ef fective version of the device. The researchers
will gather the data of the input power of the fan and the output power of the heat from
the heated air that flows out of the device, as well as the time it takes to dry Corn grain.
The project will determine the costs saved by the device compared to traditional
methods of drying Corn grain. Since the device runs on Solar Thermal energy , it would
be impractical to keep the device running at night.

The researchers will then next determine the optimal running time throughout the day
by running the device on dif ferent time ranges of the day on a one week period, given
that each day have near identical weather conditions, and compare the input and output
power of each day , finding which time range of fers the best output power at minimum
input power . The research aims to fabricate and test a Solar Plate Air Heater using
recycled cans. With a focus on energy costs saved by the Solar Air Heater compared to
traditional method of drying Corn grain. This sequence of processes is carried out in
order to evaluate and identify the design, performance, and operation ef ficiency .

The figure shows the process of the device. Cold/Unheated air enters the frame. The air
then flows into the cans heated by the Sun, transferring the heat into the flowing air .
Heated Air then exits the device and flows to a pipe system under Corn grains resting
flatly on a wire mesh, to allow hot air to flow through the corn grains from below . The
air flow is maintained by a Fan installed on the pipe for Cold/unheated air , not on the
pipe for heated air , to protect the Fan from heat exposure. 3.2

Subject of the Study The subject of the study will be the simulation of solar air heater
using aluminum cans for experimentation on the ef fectiveness in reducing moisture
content from the corn grains. 3.3 Gantt Chart 3.4 Risk Management Risks: 1. Electrical
Hazard - The researchers are dealt with electrical circuits that are connected to the solar
panel and to the Solar Plate at the end of the fabrication. 2. Mechanical Hazard -
High-speed tools and machinery , such as a Hand saw , Jig saw , or Drill machine, can
grab and pinch clothing or body parts, causing scratches or dismemberment. Risk
Management: 1.

Personal protective Equipment (PPE) - Protects the researcher against bodily danger by
minimizing and preventing damage. a. Gloves b. Goggles c. Face shield d. Face mask 3.
Buddy System - T o assist and maintain safety when working, always work in groups. 4.
PRE-OPERA TIONAL SAFETY CHECKS a. Locate and familiarize yourself with all machine
controls and functions. b. Make sure to place the equipment in a safe area. c. Make sure
to wear protective glasses and gloves throughout the fabrication. d. Make sure to focus
on whatever task you are doing. 5. OPERA TIONAL SAFETY CHECKS a. Know how to
rapidly stop and disengage the tool or machine. b. Know how to control or stop while
working on a hand saw and with hammers. c.

Keep spectators out of the way while working on the device. 6. ENDING OPERA TIONS
AND CLEANING UP a. Remove any foreign material from in and around the jigsaw , and
the drill machine. b. Swipe the floor and make sure to remove all the sharp objects on
the floor . c. Maintain a safe, clean, and orderly work environment. 3.5 Proposed Budget
The budget is mainly reliant on the materials' availability around the city . The
researchers will try to keep the prices as low as feasible. By doing this, the researchers
will use cheap materials and recycled materials that the researchers can find, like the
cans, woods, and Styrofoam. Chapter 4 Results and Analysis 4.1

Introduction This chapter outlines the data analysis and then discusses the conclusions.
The data were examined to identify , describe, and to calculate the heat present on the
outlet air temperature, the amount of corn grains the device can dry in a given amount
of time, and the ef ficiency of the device. Objective 1: T o design a solar plate air heater
using AutoCad The device must be able to absorb heat energy from solar energy and
use it to heat air passing through the device to create hot air to dry corn grains.

Its collector consists of 8 pipes, each are made of 8 aluminum cans stacked on each
other , each with a cut out hole on top and on the bottom. The 8 pipes airways are
joined on each end to create an inlet on one end and an outlet on the other . A 12v DC
duct fan is installed on the inlet (instead of the outlet to protect the fan from high
temperatures.) and is set to create a flow , with a velocity of 0.25m/s, of air from the
environment into the collector . Hot air from the collector shall exit the outlet and flows
into the corn grain compartment where hot air flows from under and through the corn
grains. CAD 3D Model to be used in Simulation The device is 1280.8 mm tall, 758.2

mm in length, and 1 17 mm in width plus the inlet and outlet pipes with an arbitrary
length of 101.6 mm adding to its width. Objective 2: T o simulate the solar plate air
heater in Ansys The device was modeled in AutoCAD, which is then simulated in Ansys
Fluent. In setting up for the simulation, Models include Energy using the Energy
equation, V iscous Model using the k-epsilon model, and the Radiation Model using the
Rosseland model, with its Solar Load set to 1309 W/m2 of Direct Solar Irradiation,
according to the simulator ’ s Solar Calculator . Its Boundary conditions include the inlet
having a velocity of 0.25 m/s of wind going inside the device, and the collector having
an aluminum material, the wooden walls having a wooden material, and the inlet and
outlet pipes having a pvc plastic material, each with mixed thermal conditions having
Heat T ransfer Coef ficient of 23 W/m2K, 300K free stream temperature, and each having
their own respective wall thickness. Streamline of air particles inside the device. T
emperature gradient along the middle of the device.

T emperature gradient along the surface of the device. Objective 3: T o determine the
efficiency of the device Based on the simulation, the inlet has an average temperature of
298.15 K while the outlet has 310.595 K. T o get the ef ficiency of the device, the ef
ficiency formula of a Solar Panel is used, because of its similarity in source of energy .
The formula is; Ef ficiency(%) = ((Power/Area) / Standard T est Condition) x 100% T o
compute the Power produced by the device, the formula for heat transfer is used.
QOut=Mcp(T2-T1) The value of m can be computed using m = vAp m = 0.25m/s x
0.032429 m2 x 1.225 kg/m3 = 0.00993 kg/s QOut = 0.00993 kg/s x 1005 J/kg-C x
(310.595K – 298.15K) = 124.197 W The area of the device is; Area = 1280.8mm x
758.2mm = 971,102.56mm2 = 0.971 10256m2 Ef ficiency(%) = ((124.197 W /0.971
10256m2) / 1000 W/m2) x 100% = 12.79% Objective 4: T o calculate the amount of corn
grains the device can dry The amount of water the heat present on the outlet air can
evaporate can be solved; mevap = Qout/Qevap = 0.124197KW x 3600/2561.978 kJ/kg =
0.1745 kg/hr Corn grain moisture content on harvest is around 24%. It is then dried to
15% for it to be stored. The weight of corn that can be dried by the device can be
solved. Wi = mevap/(1-((100-MCi)/(100 – MCf))) = 0.1745 kg/hr / (1-((100-24)/(100-15)))
= 1.648 kg/hr Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendations Over the last few decades, a
large quantity of experimental work has established the benefits of drying agricultural
food goods dried with a solar dryer that stores solar thermal energy in the form of
Sensible Heat storage that is not visible . The use of 'phase change materials' for heat
storage is a smart choice. The ambient air temperature and humidity are extremely high
in the tropics.Unless actions are taken to swiftly reduce grain moisture content to a safe
level of 14 percent, wet basis, corn grains, especially rice, are prone to germination and

The selection, design, and fabrication of a basic, low-cost solar heat collector for use in
developing tropical countries was based on a survey of previously existing solar plate air
heater designs. The understanding of parameters that controlled solar panels’ ef ficiency
and useful heat gain in the collector was further aided by an analysis of solar collector
performance and a theoretical design calculation. An experimental solar grain drying
system utilizing aluminum cans for absorbing heat was simulated and tested.The project
was simulated in a program called Ansys, the data was also collected using the same

The results of simulation and calculations were used to extract basic information on the
performance of the solar panel air heater . 5.2 Conclusion Using the simulation program,
data results show that the inlet air temperature is 27 C while the outlet air temperature
is only 37 C, in comparison to similar devices shown in online videos which show that
their outlet air temperature can reach 60 C.

The researchers have concluded that there could be a better way to setup the simulation
to closely mimic how the device would work in the real world, but the researcher ’ s
current knowledge of the simulation program has only led to these current results.
Based on the simulation, the device can heat air using solar energy with an ef ficiency of
12.79%. After calculations, this hot air is able to dehydrate 1.648 kg of corn grains per
hour , from 24% moisture content to 15%. Because of Covid19, the project can’t be
fabricated to avoid spread of the virus and obey city regulations under the pandemic.
Instead, the project was entirely simulated in Ansys Fluent.

The project aims to simulate drying corn grains using solar energy and aluminum cans
as collectors for the solar air heater , with the secondary goal of reducing litter wastes by
recycling aluminum beverage cans. The researchers, being new to the simulation
program and continuing to learn it, have encountered some problems with setting up
the simulation properly to mimic how the device would work in the real world. 5.3
Recommendations The following suggestions for future research are given in
connection with the research study: 1. Fabricate, test, and evaluate a solar-heated grain
drying system in real-world tropical settings. 2.

Develop a computer simulation method for predicting the performance of solar heat
collectors and solar grain drying devices in tropical environments. 3. Modify the design
of an existing solar heat collector by adding a cover plate made of fiberglass or
polyethylene plastic, or by replacing corrugated steel roofing sheets with fiberglass
roofing materials. 4. T ry another software for simulation. The research recommends for
future simulation projects to have in depth knowledge of the simulation software in
order for the simulation to work as closely as it would in real life.

If possible, the researcher ’ s recommend that there be a fabrication of a simple

prototype of the device, which can be simulated in the simulation software. If results are
almost identical with an acceptable margin of error , the setup of the prototype in the
simulation can then be applied to the setup of the final design of the device in the
simulation. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The researchers are grateful to Dr . Elmer B. Dollera
for his professionalism, understanding, and help in the preparation of this study .

The researchers would also like to extend their gratitude to the class for the support and
assistance during the process of this research. Lastly , the researchers appreciate our
parents' financial support, encouragement, and willingness to contribute their own
valuable feedback. REFERENCES ? S S I S h r e d d e r S y s t e m s . T h i n g s t o k n o w









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