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Adaptation to their Environment

LS4.C For any particular environment, some kinds of organisms survive well, some
survive less well, and some cannot survive at all.

The desert is an extreme Kangaroo rats are

environment. It can be well adapted for desert
very hot during the day habitats. They are active
and very cold at night. at night when it’s cooler,
There is little water and drinking rarely. Their
few trees for finding food blending color helps them
or shelter from predators. to hide in plain site, while
Rodents take shelter in long back feet leap away
burrows and rocky dens. from predators to safety.

Prairie dogs are well

The prairie is too dry
adapted for prairie
for trees, but has lots
habitats. They get their
of grass. Seasonally, it
water from the grass they
can be cold and windy
eat, live in large colonies
or hot and dry. There is
and stay near their
some water and grass
protective burrows into
provides moisture for
which they can escape
life. Rodents take shelter
predators. They need
in undergorund burrows.
grass to survive.

Gray squirrels are well

The forest has rain and
adapted for forest life.
and snow and trees in
They use the trees to
which to take shelter and
escape predators and
find food. Though it can
shelter from weather.
seasonally be cold or
They eat and store tree
hot, the forest moderates
seeds for winter and
temperatures. Rodents
drink water from regular
take shelter in tree holes,
precipitation. They need
nests or burrows.
trees to survive.
©Sheri Amsel •

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