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The Stolen Legacy

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The book Stolen Legacy by George G. M. James is an insightful piece of work that

challenges the notion that civilization started in Greek. The purpose of the book is to attempt to

show and prove that Greek philosophy started in Egypt and not Greece. George James asserts

that the honor and praise given to Greek for centuries belong rightfully to African people. The

implication is that the theft African contribution to philosophy by Greek resulted to erroneous

world opinion where the African continent is indicated to have no contribution to civilization.

George James says that North Africa countries particularly the Egyptian are the rightful author of

philosophical doctrines alleged to be from Greek. George James aims to establish appropriate

race relations in the world by revealing a fundamental truth concerning African continent

contribution to civilization. Hence, the book suggests Africans are resourceful in Humanities and

people of color should be aware of their contribution to civilization.

George James indicates that through this dissemination and correct credit to the source of

civilization the African legacy should have prevailed. Hence, the truth about civilization would

be appropriate and understood among the African and significant appraisal of what to follow.

The notion is founded within the Great Master Mind to show the truth as it would set the Greek’s

philosopher free from misunderstanding about origin of civilization. Subsequently, the book

takes a step and attempt to elaborate the fact that the true authors of Greek Philosophy were not

the Greeks, but the North African people generally the Egyptians. George James want to stand

with the claim that the praise and honor are bestowed falsely to Greeks over centuries and should

belong to North African and ultimately to African Continent. Consequently, the theft of African

heritage and legacy of philosophy gives flawed opinion to the world that the African were not

involved in civilization, and are generally backward and primitive. The misinterpretations of

these facts have brought with it the basis of race prejudice that has been affecting the people of

color for centuries.

Important concept Learned from the Book

After reading The Stolen Legacy, I have learned various concepts that accredited the

African the rightful owner of Greek Philosophy through George James arguments and facts. The

first concept I have learned is that the book help to discover a complete absence of essential

information relating to early life as well as education of the Greek philosopher from Thales,

Plato to Aristotle. Also, there is no writer in the historian profession that professes and show any

proof about these Greek’s philosophers early life and education. All they have given us about

them is doubtful period of their place of birth and date along with their confusing doctrines. The

other aspect is the doubt of where they acquired their education as we should expect a person

who rose in a great position as a teacher should be known by their relatives, friends and

associated and the entire community.

Additionally, it is contrary to see that men placed among teachers in history, grown up

from childhood to adulthood, taught pupil and represent a significant position in the society are

unknown even a single trace of their domestic, social and early education. It becomes

unbelievable to give credit to unknown people presented in Greek philosophy to the world about

men whose lives and social aspect are not known, and expect others to accept them as source of

civilization. In Egypt, teaching grading and delivering was performed orally to Neophytes under

the condition of secrecy where they established a secret system of writing and teaching and

forbidden the initiates from writing what they have learned (James 1989). George James informs

us that the Egyptian Mystery System is the oldest in the history of civilization and also a secret

order. The membership is shown to be acquired through initiation and pledge of secrecy.

The second concept is the absurdity of western scholar that stands with the claim that

civilization started in Greece. However, during that period the Egyptians had already developed

a system that was used to teach same initiative in the world long time before the Greeks were

accepted or allowed in the temples. James indicates that it was only until the Alexander the

Destructor “knows by Western Mythorians as Alexander the Great” invaded Egypt (James

1989). This was the time the invaders plundered the temple and the libraries and in turns gained

access to all ancients’ books. Aristotle was among Alexander invasion and was where acquired

the knowledge and scroll which helped him to establish his own school and reputation as a wise

man. Also, there is assertion that the Pythagoras, the so-called the great thinker was a student in

Egypt for several years and was exiled when he started teaching what he had learned on contrary

to Egyptian Secrecy order.

Furthermore, George James points another absurdity concerning the authenticity of the

Greek philosophers. He claims that the number of book with authorship of Aristotle are

impossible to be a single person work, even with the word-processing software which makes

writing easy and fast. Also, there is philosophical evidence that Aristotle was taught by Plato. In

fact, as James puts it, Plato was a philosopher and greatest antiquity scientist. The implication

and big question and misunderstandings are how Plato could have taught Aristotle something he

did not know, the Egyptian system of writing and reading.

The last concept that is interesting and argued in a great perspective is that the Greek

Philosophy belongs to African Continent and the legacy should be given to them. I have learned

through the fact that is logical and painting a clear picture of how Egypt is the source of

philosophy and civilization. For instance, George James argues that Aristotle was aided by

Alexander the Great (destructor) to secure books from Egyptian Royal Libraries and Temple. It

is clear that after Aristotle death, the philosophy of Greek died with him. Also, these great

philosophers were persecuted by the Athenian Government by teaching foreign doctrines which

was Egyptians (James 1989). Socrates was persecuted and executed for teaching the Greeks and

Athenian people about foreign ideas. Also, Plato was sold for slavery for the same reason. Also,

Aristotle was exiled. It shows that if Greece and Athens were advanced in civilization they

would have embraced these philosophers contribution, yet they were persecuted as they brought

foreign doctrines and teaching that the government thought was misleading the youth and the


In conclusion George James tries to challenge the wester and European scholars about the

authenticity of Greek philosophy. He pinpoints relevant fact showing the Greek philosophy

emanated from Ancient Egypt and the credit of civilization should be given to African continent.

The praises and honor of Greek philosophers are erroneous and should be given to its rightful

owner African. I have learned that there are a lot of evidence that shows that civilization started

in Egypt and the prejudice and racism should have been eradicated if Africans’ are honored and

praised for their great contribution to civilization and teaching and learning system.


James, G. G. M. (1989). Stolen legacy. Newport News, Va: United Bros. Communications


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