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Environmental Pollution 267 (2020) 115501

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Waste-to-energy nexus: A sustainable development*

Surbhi Sharma a, Soumen Basu a, Nagaraj P. Shetti b, Mohammadreza Kamali c,
Pavan Walvekar d, Tejraj M. Aminabhavi d, *
School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala, 147004, India
Center for Electrochemical Science and Materials, Department of Chemistry, K.L.E. Institute of Technology, Hubballi, 580 027, Karnataka, India
KU Leuven, Department of Chemical Engineering, Process and Environmental Technology Lab, J. De Nayerlaan 5, 2860, Sint-Katelijne-Waver, Belgium
Department of Pharmaceutical Engineering, SET’s College of Pharmacy, Dharwad, 580 002, Karnataka, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: An upsurge in global population due to speedy urbanization and industrialization is facing significant
Received 9 May 2020 challenges such as rising energy-demand, enormous waste-generation and environmental deterioration.
Received in revised form The waste-to-energy nexus based on the 5R principle (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recovery, and Restore) is
1 August 2020
of paramount importance in solving these Gordian knots. This review essentially concentrates on latest
Accepted 20 August 2020
Available online 27 August 2020
advancements in the field of ‘simultaneous waste reduction and energy production’ technologies. The
waste-to-energy approaches (thermal and biochemical) for energy production from the agricultural
residues are comprehensively discussed in terms environmental, techno-economic, and policy analysis.
The review will assess the loopholes in order to come up with more sophisticated technologies that are
Energy not only eco-friendly and cost-effective, but also socially viable. The waste-to-energy nexus as a para-
Agricultural digm for sustainable development of restoring waste is critically discussed considering future
Biochemical advancement plans and agendas of the policy-makers.
Biogas © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction prices, leading to fiscal concerns. The energy consumption is

dependent on the population, which is projected to escalate by 50%
The global population is continuously increasing at an alarming by 2035 (UNDESA, 2018). Among the developing countries, India is
rate as the world population is expected to rise from 7.7 billion (as reported to consume ~9% of the total energy of the world and
of 2020) to 9.7 billion in 2050, and to a massive figure of 11 billion stands third in the category of highest energy consumers after
by the end of the century (UNDESA, 2019). The projection of the China (23%) and USA (17%) (Wang et al., 2020), while China is also
rate of population growth by 2050 in various regions of the world is the world’s top-most energy producer (Gielen et al., 2019).
displayed in Fig. 1. Of these, the population of sub-Saharan Africa is Due to burning of fossil fuels, our planet is inundated with
estimated to reach two-folds by about 2050, while India is pre- grievous environmental stress including acid rain, global warming,
dicted to become the most populated country in the world by 2030 ozone layer depletion and climate change. The unrestrained CO2
(UNDESA, 2019). Over-population, urbanization and industrializa- emission has accentuated global warming and this is projected to
tion are the fundamental reasons for these problems. Substantial touch 500 ppmv (parts per million volume) by 2050, if the same
upsurge in global energy demand and solid-waste generation are scenario persists. Therefore, the focus has shifted to search alter-
the two chief issues we will focus in this review. native sources of sustainable energies to combat these challenges
Non-renewable traditional fossil fuels (coal, petroleum and in order to reduce the negative impact. Green and renewable en-
natural gas) have been exploited profusely to meet the ongoing ergy sources (hydro, wind, solar, biomass, geothermal and
energy requirements (Mehta et al., 2019; Mishra et al., 2019c, hydrogen) are mostly reasonable and environmentally friendly al-
2019b). The shortage of energy supply may cause the hike in fuel ternatives to meet the sustainable development goals (Mishra et al.,
2020, 2018; Sharma et al., 2020).
Escalating the generation of solid waste is a consequence of
socio-economic development. Municipal solid wastes (MSW) are
* €rg Rinklebe.
This paper has been recommended for acceptance by Jo generally hardly-biodegradable that take more time to be trans-
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (T.M. Aminabhavi).
formed into natural compounds. MSW are originated from
0269-7491/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 S. Sharma et al. / Environmental Pollution 267 (2020) 115501

2019), while per capita waste generation is estimated to be

Nomenclature 0.37 kg/day (Thapa et al., 2019). In addition, roughly 94% of waste
out of which around 70e75% is organic matter that is normally
thrown out perilously in the unrestrained open dumps with no
Abbreviations segregation (Ramachandra et al., 2018; Shah and Shah, 2019).
CHP Combined Heat and Power World’s most populous country, viz., China produced 234 million
COD Chemical Oxygen Demand tons of MSW in 2016 (J. Liu et al., 2019a, 2019b, 2019c). The rate of
CSBR Conical Spouted Bed Reactor MSW generation in the UK, USA, South Africa, Ghana and Nigeria is
CSTR Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor accounted to be 1.34, 2.13, 2.00, 0.09 and 0.58 kg/capita/day,
daf dry ash-free basis respectively (Ibikunle et al., 2019).
EJ Exajoule The composition of MSW basically depends on the economic
FW Food Waste growth, culture, and climate, all of which are variable in different
GDP Gross domestic product regions. In low- and middle-income nations, 40%e85% of organic
HRT Hydraulic Retention Time matter, while in high-income and affluent countries, MSW pri-
LDPE Low Density Polyethylene marily contains inorganic materials (Negi et al., 2019). Food waste
MJ Megajoule (FW) includes resources consumed by the people that are dis-
MPW Municipal Plastic Waste charged or degraded. FW in developing nations is generally corre-
MSW Municipal Solid Waste lated with the lifestyle, earnings, education, awareness, ethical
N/A Not Available values and infrastructures apart from the governmental policies to
RDF Refuse Derived Fuel regulate such activities (Loizia et al., 2019).
USD United States Dollar Apparently, MSW comprises of approximately 25e60% of the
VOCs Volatile Organic Compounds food waste (Nghiem et al., 2017). Around 1.3 billion tons of FW is
VS Volatile Solid generated annually, which is roughly one-third of the overall food
produced for the humans (Zhang et al., 2019). In about 70 Asian
countries, the amount of urban food waste might increase to 416
million tons by about 2025 (Uçkun Kiran et al., 2014). Almost
0.5e0.8 kg/day food is wasted in Malaysia alone (Kasavan et al.,
2019). Nearly 88 million tons of FW is generated in the European
Union per year and 53% of FW comes from the households, while
~12% from the retails and food services (Schanes and Stagl, 2019).
Such a mounting waste generation at an alarming rate is the
bottleneck for the municipalities to appropriately collect, dispose
and manage the solid waste.
The agriculture sector has a significant position in the global
economy and contributes ~33% to the world GDP with a worldwide
employment of 26.81%, while 38.14% of the land is utilized for
agricultural purpose (Nazimudheen et al., 2020; Yilmaz et al., 2018).
The agricultural waste consists of residues in farming fields, animal
discard, and effluent from the agro-industries. Over three billion
tons of agricultural waste is produced globally, while in India more
than 600 million tons of agricultural residue is produced per year
(Nazimudheen et al., 2020). With the rice grains, >50% of non-
edible biomass is produced including stem, leaf blades and
sheaths apart from the post-harvest leftovers of the panicle. About
Fig. 1. Estimation of the percent population growth rate in various regions by 2050 731 million tons of rice straw is produced globally with 126.6
(reproduced from (UNDESA, 2019)).
million tons solely in India (Bhattacharyya et al., 2020).
The rice-wheat rotation cropping pattern occupies 10.3 million
domestic, commercial or industrial sectors including organic mat- hectares of the Indo-Gangetic plain of Southern Asia. Reportedly,
ter, plastics, metals, glasses, textiles, wood, rubber, leather and loose rice residue produced after the combined harvesting hinders
paper (Samarasiri et al., 2017). Economic conditions and living the tillage as well as seeding process (Jat et al., 2020). Approxi-
standards have affected the rate of waste generation in various mately 20 million tons of rice straw is generated within a short
countries around the world. The remarkable growth in MSW from period of 2e3 weeks for sowing of the successive wheat crops.
0.5 to 1.7 kg/person indicates the gravity of the situation (Ramayah Therefore, proper disposal of agricultural waste is quite a challenge
et al., 2012). Indeed, the waste volumes across the globe are for the farmers from the perspective of cost and labor. The crop
mounting more rapid than the speed of suburbanization. The residues are generally burnt as 75% of the rice straw is burnt in the
overall annual MSW generation levels at present are nearly 1.3 Punjab state of India (Kaur, 2020). Nearly 1.2 million hectares of
billion tons, which is almost 1.2 kg/person/day. By the end of 2025, croplands are burnt every year in the US with around 200,000 ha
this level is anticipated to reach 2.2 billion tons i.e., 1.42 kg/capita/ only in the Pacific Northwest region (Zhou et al., 2018). This type of
day (Negi et al., 2019). Around 9.5 billion tons MSW/year is esti- residue burning causes the release of a plethora of dangerous air
mated to be generated by 2050 (Chen, 2016). pollutants such as particulate matter, greenhouse gases, poly-
The growth rate of MSW generation in developing countries aromatic hydrocarbons, volatile organic compounds, and elemental
such as India is 1.3% per year pointing towards the enlargement in as well as organic carbon (Bhattacharyya et al., 2020; Ravindra
socio-economic standards of the public. In India, approximately 90 et al., 2019).
million tons of MSW is generated per year presently (Ghosh et al., It is evident that inefficient waste management and imprudent
waste disposal (domestic/agricultural/industrial) would cause the
S. Sharma et al. / Environmental Pollution 267 (2020) 115501 3

release of contaminants into air, water and land jeopardizing the

environment (Kamali et al., 2019a; C. V. Reddy et al., 2020a; Sharma
and Basu, 2020). Utilizing the waste for energy generation would be
an interesting and stimulating approach for waste management
besides sustainable development (Srivastava et al., 2020). This
would help to vacate the landfills occupied by the waste to save the
substantial space (Negi et al., 2019). The wastes can be utilized to
obtain bioenergy in the form of biogas, bioethanol, and hydrogen
energy as these are environmentally compatible and can assist to
promote the economic status of the under-developed regions by
creating job opportunities (Banerjee et al., 2019). Bioenergy could
also be used for the co-generation of electricity as well as heat via
CHP systems (REN21, 2019).
The 5R’s of sustainable development are: Reduce, Reuse,
Recycle, Recovery, and Restore (Fig. 2) and these have the pivotal
role in moving from quintessential linear model of economy to a
much effective circular model. The conceptual arrangement of cir-
cular economy model is displayed in Fig. 3. The linear model is
about “make-use-throw” where disproportionate use of energy and
excessive waste generation causes degradation of the ecosystem
and loss of resources. The linear economy model calls for exhaus-
tion of resources, while the circular model is based on the notion of
restoration and regeneration, which encourages minimal use of
toxic chemicals, conservation of resources, utilization of renewable
sources, and eradicating waste. Fig. 3. Conceptual arrangement of the circular economy model.
The circular economy model can be accomplished with the
better infrastructure and designing superior products (Michelini
et al., 2017; Sharma et al., 2020). Netherlands has targeted to ach- to tackle several pressing environmental problems simultaneously
ieve a complete circular economy by 2050 (Government of the i.e., waste management, energy generation and environmental
Netherlands, 2016). The country intend the transition to ‘circular pollution (Sharma et al., 2020). In the developed nations, utilization
agriculture’ system, which is in synchronization with the environ- of waste to produce energy, heat and fuel is more prominent than
ment by 2030, which includes reuse of waste streams and optimum the developing nations where collection, transportation and proper
utilization of biomass (Government of the Netherlands, 2019). The disposal of wastes are still the Gordian knots (Moya et al., 2017).
foundation for circular economy is therefore laid by the “waste- This review discusses the recently published reports on the
energy” nexus. For better sustainability, waste recycling and emerging trends of waste-to-energy nexus for circular economy
energy-generation should be linked in an industrial system. Waste- considering the main pillars of sustainability including technical,
energy nexus has therefore attracted its attention due to its ability environmental, social and economic factors (Kamali, 2020). To this
end, published reports of the ten-year (2010e2020) are critically
evaluated on the future developments as well as recommendations
in this rapidly growing area with a major emphasis on the
biochemical routes. The environmental, techno-economic, and
policy analyses are considered to address the scientific fraternity to
work on weak points to arrive at the practical solutions from the
practical perspective.

2. Waste-to-energy conversion techniques

Different types of wastes (solids or liquids) can be used for

waste-to-energy conversion such as household wastes (Panigrahi
et al., 2020), agricultural wastes (Koti et al., 2016), discard from
the slaughterhouses (Bayr et al., 2012) and effluents from sugar,
dairy (Y. Yao et al., 2019a, 2019b), brewery (Al-Mohammedawi
et al., 2019), pulp and paper industries (Kamali et al., 2019b). The
agricultural waste is a significant energy source as it constitutes
many energy-rich components (1 kg crop residue comprises of 12.5
MJ/unit energy equivalents). In India, 234 million tons of agro-
waste is nearly available as surplus, which is equivalent to 4.5 EJ
(Pradhan et al., 2019). In Haryana and Punjab (Government of the
Netherlands, 2016) states of India, nearly 25 metric tons of
(Government of the Netherlands, 2019) rice and wheat (Grisales
Diaz and Olivar Tost, 2016) residues (Kiyasudeen S et al., 2016)
get burnt in-situ on an (Liu et al., 2019a, 2019b, 2019c) annual basis
causing a loss (Liu et al., 2019a, 2019b, 2019c) of approximately 31,
Fig. 2. The 5R principle for sustainable development. 250, 000 million MJ energy (Jat et al., 2020). The techniques to
4 S. Sharma et al. / Environmental Pollution 267 (2020) 115501

convert waste-to-energy and waste (Montanes Alonso et al., 2016) ‘producer gas’ mainly composed of CO, H2, CO2, CH4, and H2O along
management are (Reddy et al., 2019a, 2019b) broadly classified as with other low molecular-weight hydrocarbon gases, ash, char
thermal and biochemical (see Fig. 4). particles besides tar. The producer gas is transformed into syngas or
fuel gas after cleaning (Arena, 2012; Nobre et al., 2020). The gasi-
2.1. Thermal route fication process reported in majority of the literature reports is
carried out without any catalysts. The syngas obtained is high on
Thermal methods of waste-treatment involve decomposition of calorific value, which can be utilized in different process equip-
organic matter at elevated temperatures. The major thermal tech- ments (Arena, 2012). Besides, gasification is a quite compliant
niques include pyrolysis, incineration and gasification. method to use several types of materials and the conditions can be
varied for the selective isolation of gaseous products (Watson et al.,
2.1.1. Pyrolysis 2018).
Thermal disintegration of solid materials in the absence of ox- Gasification for the production of N2-free syngas can be direct
ygen at high temperatures (300e600  C) giving solid, liquid and (auto-thermal) and indirect (allo-thermal). In case of direct gasifi-
gaseous products is called pyrolysis (Sipra et al., 2018). The yield cation, a mixture of oxygen and steam is employed for partial
and composition of the product mainly depend on the type of oxidation of waste and the energy to maintain high temperature as
feedstock, reactor used, temperature, and the catalyst (if any) as supplied by the oxidation reaction. On the other hand, in indirect
listed in Table 1. Pyrolysis is (REN21,2019) the initial phase (Uckun gasification, heat energy is supplied via external sources by
Kiran et al., 2014) of incineration (Wang et al., 2019a, 2019b) and employing heated bed materials by char combustion or utilization
gasification (Song et al., 2018). The pretreatment of (Yang et al., of a plasma torch. The gasification reactions occur among the gases
2019a, 2019b, 2019c) the wastes is a must (Yang et al., 2019a, excluding oxygen and devolatilized solid waste (char) (Arena,
2019b, 2019c) prerequisite and (Yao et al., 2019a, 2019b) mechan- 2012). Two reactors were used in this case i.e., gasifier having a
ical separation of glass, metals and inert materials is quite essential steam supply and char combustor (Prabowo et al., 2014).
in this step (Moya et al., 2017). The merit of pyrolysis over incin- For efficacious gasification to proceed, a homogeneous carbon-
eration is that fewer quantities of (Zhao et al., 2017a, 2017b) based feedstock with a high degree of calorific value is essential
harmful gases such as nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur oxides (SO2) (Nobre et al., 2020). Many materials could require pre-treatment
and dioxin are formed as a result of inert atmosphere used during because of their extremely heterogeneous nature. Pretreatment
the pyrolysis, where volatilization of fly ash and heavy metals are techniques like densification (Sarkar et al., 2014), pyrolysis
escaped (Song et al., 2018). The solid products attained after py- (Isaksson et al., 2014), torrefaction, and hydrothermal method
rolysis of waste materials (agricultural discard, forestry waste, and (Abdelrahim et al., 2020) have been suggested. The pre-treatment
kitchen waste) are utilized in the CHP plants, because of high assists to enhance the energy-efficiency of the process by
calorific value as well as low proportion of the ash. The porosity of reducing the particle-size, ash and moisture content (Arena, 2012).
the char can be enhanced by various activation routes and activated Furthermore, substrates having a higher quantity of nitrogen
biochar is widely used for carbon sequestration (Masek et al., 2019), and sulphur would cause the release of NOx/SOx and catalyst
wastewater treatment (Siipola et al., 2020), and as a soil amend- poisoning. Sulphur is released as H2S, whereas nitrogen during
ment agent (Kamali et al., 2020) because of its porous structures. gasification is mostly in the form of organic complexes, which then
Additionally, liquid and gaseous products can be transformed into reacts with hydrogen to form NH3 and even HCN gases. Sewage
chemicals and fuels (Ding et al., 2019; Song et al., 2018). sludge and animal waste products consist of significant proportions
of sulphur, thereby catalyst poisoning and gas treating systems are
2.1.2. Gasification deliberated. Substrates with greater amounts of carbon as well as
While pyrolysis is primarily employed to convert waste into oxygen (agricultural discard and MSW) release higher quantities of
solid, liquid, and gaseous phases without any oxidant, gasification CO2 and CO. At temperatures <600  C, CH4 can be produced, but its
aims at producing fuel gases with a high heating value via content decreases when the temperature rises because of the
controlled oxidation (Arena, 2012). This may be described as partial methane reforming and decomposition reactions (Watson et al.,
oxidation of carbonaceous solid waste in the presence of a sub- 2018). Various reports on the gasification of waste materials un-
stoichiometric amount of oxidant (air, steam, or CO2) at high tem- der different conditions using different gasifying agents are sum-
peratures (800e1200  C). The reactants first get converted into marized in Table 2.

Fig. 4. Approaches used for the conversion of waste-to-energy.

S. Sharma et al. / Environmental Pollution 267 (2020) 115501 5

Table 1
Transformation of various wastes to useful products via pyrolysis.

Reactant Technique Catalyst Catalysis conditions Pyrolysis conditions Yield Ref.

LDPE Microwave- Zeolite HY Zeolite Temperature ¼ 500  C; oil ¼ 56.53 wt%; Ding et al.
assisted HY:LDPE ¼ 1:10 Heating rate ¼ 50e60  C/min; gas ¼ 41.80 wt%; (2019)
pyrolysis Temperature ¼ 450  C Time ¼ 20 min coke ¼ 0.80 to 1.66 wt%
LDPE Microwave- NiO and HY NiO: HY: LDPE ¼ (1 Temperature ¼ 500  C; oil ¼ 48.08e51.23 wt%; Ding et al.
assisted e5): 15:150 Heating rate ¼ 50e60  C/min; gas ¼ 47.77e50.46 wt (2019)
pyrolysis Temperature ¼ 450  C Time ¼ 20 min %;
coke ¼ 0.80 wt%
Pinewood sawdust CSBR based N/A N/A Temperature ¼ 500  C; oil ¼ 55.2e71.6 wt% Alvarez et al.
and rubber from co-pyrolysis Heating rate ¼ 103e104  C/s; Gas ¼ 9e10 wt% (2019)
truck tyres Biomass/tyre mixing ratios ¼ 100/0, 75/25, 50/50, Char ¼ 18.1e35.9 wt%
25/75, and 0/100; (biomass þ tyre) feed rate ¼ 1 g/
N2 flow rate ¼ 8 L/min;
Time ¼ 30 min
FW Microwave- N/A N/A Temperature ¼ 400  C Bio-oil ¼ 30.24 wt% Kadlimatti
assisted N2 flow rate ¼ 50 mL/min et al. (2019)
pyrolysis Time ¼ 30 min
Microwave power ¼ 450 W
Horse manure Microwave- coconut shell- Biomass/activated Single mode microwave; Bio-oil~20 wt%; Mong et al.
assisted based activated carbon ratio ¼ 1:1 Temperature ¼ 450  C; Biogas~10 wt%; (2020)
pyrolysis carbon N2 flow rate ¼ 1 L/min; Biochar~60 wt%
Time ¼ 40 min/batch
Rice husk Fixed-bed N/A N/A Tubular glass fixed bed reactor; Bio-oil~45 wt%; Fermanelli
pyrolysis Temperature ¼ 550  C; Biogas~13 wt%; et al. (2020)
N2 flow rate ¼ 60 mL/min; Biochar~42 wt%
Wheat straw Fixed-bed N/A N/A Time ¼ 10 min Bio-oil~58 wt%; Fermanelli
pyrolysis Biogas~14 wt%; et al. (2020)
Biochar~28 wt%
Peanut shells Fixed-bed N/A N/A Temperature ¼ 500  C; Bio-oil~51 wt%; Fermanelli
pyrolysis N2 flow rate ¼ 60 mL/min; Biogas~21 wt%; et al. (2020)
Time ¼ 10 min Biochar~29 wt%
Pine needles Non-catalytic N/A N/A Semi-batch reactor; Bio-oil ¼ 43.5 wt%; Kumari and

pyrolysis Temperature ¼ 550 C; Biogas ¼ 28.2 wt %; Mohanty
Time ¼ 45 min; Biochar ¼ 28.3 wt% (2020)
N2 flow rate ¼ 100 mL/min
Pine needles Catalytic HZSM-5 zeolite HZSM-5/Biomass Semi-batch reactor; Bio-oil ¼ 35.2 wt%; Kumari and
pyrolysis ratio ¼ 1:2 Temperature ¼ 550  C; Biogas ¼ 38.7 wt %; Mohanty
Time ¼ 45 min; Biochar ¼ 26.1 wt% (2020)
N2 flow rate ¼ 100 mL/min
Spirulina platensis Solar Hydrotalcite N/A Transparent quartz reactor; Bio-oil ¼ 35.94% with Barbosa et al.
microalgae catalytic Transmittance ¼ 0.94; solar flux radiation ¼ 700 21.71% hydrocarbon (2020)
pyrolysis e850 W/m ); fraction
Temperature ¼ 500 ± 20  C;
Vacuum condition

2.1.3. Incineration scope of this review.

The combustion of organic substances in waste materials at high
temperatures between 750 and 1000  C is called incineration. 2.2. Biochemical route
Nearly 70% of the total waste mass reduction and 90% of total waste
volume reduction can be done on the basis of composition and Solid waste management via biochemical route is quite an
degree of recovery of some materials (Tozlu et al., 2016). Along with appealing alternative as it can convert the waste to various forms of
flue gas, incineration produces bottom ash and fly ash containing bioenergy such as biogas, bioethanol and bio-hydrogen. Suitable
toxic organic and inorganic substances (heavy metals) (Wang et al., feedstock for these processes is broadly waste from the kitchen
2019a, 2019b). The emission of detrimental air pollutants such as (Panigrahi et al., 2020), agriculture (Bader et al., 2020), and in-
SOx, COx, NOx, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, and particulate matter dustries (Al-Mohammedawi et al., 2019). Pretreatment of biomass
is a huge drawback of this technique (Khan and Kabir, 2020). before its conversion to bioenergy is an essential step to improve
Dong et al. (2018) suggested that incineration of MSW is quite the yields. The pre-treatment methods have been discussed prior to
better than all other techniques due to its efficient flue gas cleaning comprehensive analysis of biogas, bioethanol and bio-hydrogen
system. In food waste, ammonia acts as a reducing agent to restrain production.
the release of NOx at high-temperature area of the primary and
secondary incineration (Chung et al., 2016). Both incineration fly
ash (Kan et al., 2020) and bottom ash (Zhu et al., 2019) have been 2.2.1. Pre-treatment of biomass
utilized in civil engineering applications. Reportedly, ~130 million Lignocellulosic biomass has the maximum abundance out of all
tons of MSW is combusted globally/year generating electricity and the raw materials across the globe having an annual yield of over
steam for district heating (Somorin et al., 2017; X. Yao et al., 2019a, 220 billion tons (Yang and Wang, 2019). Lignocellulose is a poly-
2019b); more detailed discussion of this technique is beyond the carbohydrate complex consisting of lignin, cellulose, and hemi-
cellulose. The proportion of components of lignocellulose in cell
6 S. Sharma et al. / Environmental Pollution 267 (2020) 115501

Table 2
Conversion of various wastes to syngas via gasification.

Reactant Oxidant Catalyst Reactor Gasification conditions Producer gas Tar yield Ref.

Yield Composition

Pine waste biomass Air N/A Bubbling Sample feed 2.3 m3/kg CO ¼ 17.4; CO2 ¼ 13.9; N/A Nobre
fluidized bed rate ¼ 409 ± 46 g/h daf; H2 ¼ 6.5; CH4 ¼ 4.5 vol %, dry et al.
gasifier Temperature ¼ 800  C; basis (2020)
ratio ¼ 0.25;
Time ¼ 60e140 min
Pellets with (95% Pine Air N/A Bubbling Sample feed 2.4 m3/kg CO ¼ 13.5; CO2 ¼ 14.2; N/A Nobre
waste þ 5% RDF fluidized bed rate ¼ 409 ± 46 g/h daf; H2 ¼ 8.3; CH4 ¼ 3.9 vol %, dry et al.
char) gasifier Temperature ¼ 850  C; (2020)
ratio ¼ 0.25;
Time ¼ 60e140 min
Pellets with (90% Pine Air N/A Bubbling Sample feed 2.5 m3/kg CO ¼ 14.4; CO2 ¼ 13.8; N/A Nobre
waste þ 10% RDF fluidized bed rate ¼ 409 ± 46 g/h daf; H2 ¼ 7.9; CH4 ¼ 4.2 vol %, dry et al.
char) gasifier Temperature ¼ 850  C; (2020)
ratio ¼ 0.25;
Duration ¼ 60
e140 min
Landfill waste (65 wt Steam N/A Horizontal tube Temperature ¼ 800  C; 0.83 g/g-fuel CO ¼ 20.6; CO2 ¼ 20.7; ~0.06 g/g- Zaini et al.
%) þ beech wood reactor N2 flow of 160 mL/min; daf H2 ¼ 42.6; CxHy ¼ 15.9 vol% fuel daf (2020)
(35 wt%) Pre-heated steam flow
rate ~ 0.5 g/min;
Duration ¼ 30 min
Landfill waste (65 wt Steam N/A Horizontal tube Temperature ¼ 800  C; 1.2 g/g-fuel daf CO ¼ 10.4; CO2 ¼ 25.0; 0.014 g/g- Zaini et al.
%) þ beech wood reactor N2 flow of 160 mL/min; H2 ¼ 53.5; CxHy ¼ 11.1 vol% fuel daf (2020)
biochar (35 wt%) Pre-heated steam flow
rate ~ 0.5 g/min;
Duration ¼ 30 min
MPW Steam CaO Fluidized bed MPW: CaO ¼ 1: 1 mass 3.12 Nm3/kg N/A N/A Lazzarotto
reactor ratio; et al.
N2 flow rate ¼ 500 mL/ (2020)

Heating rate ¼ 30 C/
Steam flow
rate ¼ 0.3 kg/h;
Temperature ¼ 900  C;
Duration ¼ 90 min
Unripe coconut husk Humidified air N/A Bubbling N2 purging gas; N/A CO ¼ 31.74; CO2 ¼ 6.78; N/A Ram and
fluidized bed Humidified air H2 ¼ 27.5; CH4 ¼ 34.43 vol% Mondal
gasifier equivalence (2019)
ratio ¼ 0.1;
Temperature ¼ 850  C;
Duration ¼ 30 min
Pulp and paper waste Humidified air N/A Bubbling N2 purging gas; N/A CO ¼ 33.27; CO2 ¼ 2.40; N/A Ram and
water impregnated fluidized bed Humidified air H2 ¼ 55.55; CH4~8.58 vol% Mondal
coconut husk gasifier equivalence (2019)
ratio ¼ 0.1;
Temperature ¼ 850  C;
Duration ¼ 30 min
Pulp and paper waste Humidified air: N/A Bubbling N2 purging gas; N/A CO ¼ 39.80; CO2~4.9; N/A Ram and
water impregnated CO2 ¼ 1:1/2 (by fluidized bed Humidified air H2 ¼ 53; CH4~5 vol% Mondal
coconut husk volume) gasifier equivalence (2019)
ratio ¼ 0.1;
Temperature ¼ 850  C;
Duration ¼ 30 min
MSW Steam Calcined 30 kWth Bubbling N2 flow rate ¼ 0.009 0.95e1.0 Nm3/ CO ¼ 5.4; CO2 ¼ 10.6; 7 g/N m3 Martínez
limestone as fluidized bed Nm3/min; kg daf H2 ¼ 64.1; CH4 ¼ 11.6 vol%, dry gas et al.
CO2 sorbent gasifier Steam/carbon dry (2020)
ratio ¼ 1.4;
ratio ¼ 1.98;
Temperature ¼ 700
e706  C;
Solids residence
time ¼ 75 min
Palm kernel shell Air N/A Electrically Feedstock 56.2 wt% ~
CO20; CO2 ¼ 19.3; H2 ~7.5; ~0.4 wt% Basha et al.
(90%) þ Polystyrene heated batch mass ¼ 100 g; CH4 ¼ 19.8 vol% (2020)
plastic (10%) downdraft Air flow rate ¼ 2.5 L/
gasifier min;
Temperature ¼ 800  C;
S. Sharma et al. / Environmental Pollution 267 (2020) 115501 7

Table 2 (continued )

Reactant Oxidant Catalyst Reactor Gasification conditions Producer gas Tar yield Ref.

Yield Composition

ratio ¼ 0.17;
Time ¼ 10 min
Poultry litter Air N/A Bubbling Fuel flow 1.247 Nm3 dry N2 ¼ 62.8; CO ¼ 11.39; 4.25 g tar/ Katsaros
fluidized bed rate ¼ 0.548 kg/h; N2 free/kg CO2 ¼ 11.59; H2 ¼ 10.15; kg et al.
reactor Air flow rate ¼ 7.6 L/ feedstock daf CH4 ¼ 2.12 vol%, dry feedstock (2020)
min; daf
N2 flow rate ¼ 4.4 L/
temperature ¼ 750  C;
Fluidization medium
temperature ¼ 160  C;
ratio ¼ 0.21
Beech wood Air N/A Bubbling Fuel flow 0.948Nm3 dry N2 ¼ 61.48; CO ¼ 12.82; 7.44 g tar/ Katsaros
fluidized bed rate ¼ 0.546 kg/h; N2 free/kg CO2 ¼ 12.65; H2 ¼ 7.15; kg et al.
reactor Air flow rate ¼ 7.6 L/ feedstock daf CH4 ¼ 3.73 vol%, dry feedstock (2020)
min; daf
N2 flow rate ¼ 4.4 L/
temperature ¼ 750  C;
Fluidization medium
temperature ¼ 160  C;
ratio ¼ 0.225
Poultry litter þ Beech Air N/A Bubbling Fuel flow 0.983 Nm3 dry N2 ¼ 63.42; CO ¼ 10.65; 6.1 g tar/ Katsaros
wood fluidized bed rate ¼ 0.559 kg/h; N2 free/ CO2 ¼ 12.59; H2 ¼ 10.15; kg et al.
reactor Air flow rate ¼ 8.2 L/ kgfeedstock daf CH4 ¼ 3.21 vol%, dry feedstock (2020)
min; daf
N2 flow rate ¼ 3.8 L/
temperature ¼ 750  C;
Fluidization medium
temperature ¼ 160  C;
ratio ¼ 0.21

walls varies depending on the plant type, kind, and origin. Lignin is enhances the surface area and decreases the size. The breaking
a complex 3-D crosslinked aromatic polymer made up of phenyl- down of lignocellulosic biomass into smaller particles may affect
propane monomers constituting roughly 15e25% of the total crystallinity of cellulose (Silva and Rouau, 2011; Wu et al., 2020).
feedstock dry matter. Cellulose is a polysaccharide formed with However, this technique is costly, arduous, time-consuming and
anhydroglucopyranose units connected via ether bonds in a linear energy-exhaustive (Veluchamy et al., 2019). Mechanical extrusion
chain. It is the major constituent of the plant biomass containing is another technique, which includes shearing and mixing of
30e60% of the total feedstock dry matter. Hemicelluloses are biomass at high temperatures, leading to physical and chemical
similar to cellulose, but unlike cellulose they are mostly branched distortion of the biomass. Pyrolysis includes heating the biomass at
polymers comprising of the shorter chains and more than one type high temperatures of 500e800  C in an almost anaerobic condition,
of sugar. The fraction of hemicellulose in the total feedstock dry which renders the decomposition of cellulose (Wang et al., 2016).
matter vary from 20 to 40% and these have an amorphous structure Pulsed-electric field is another method, which exposes biomass
making it more likely to get hydrolyzed when compared to cellu- to a high voltage (~5.0e20.0 kV/cm) for very small intervals (109-
lose (Carrier et al., 2011; Kotarska et al., 2019). The pretreatment of 103 sec), leading to breaking of cellulose into sugars. Microwave
lignocellulosic biomass is vital for overcoming its recalcitrance to- irradiation causes the internal heating of feedstock by attacking
wards hydrolysis. Pre-treatment breaks the lignocellulosic matrix, polar bonds via vibration. This makes lignocellulosic substrate
reduces the crystallinity of cellulose, and enhances the fraction of splintered and viable for the enzymatic attack (Bichot et al., 2020).
the amorphous cellulose (Sharma et al., 2020). The type of waste
material or feedstock is the basis for selecting the suitable pre- Physico-chemical methods. This category includes steam
treatment approach because of different physico-chemical fea- explosion, ammonia treatment and wet oxidation. In steam ex-
tures (Achinas and Euverink, 2016). Various pre-treatment plosion, hydrothermal and sudden pressure changes are employed,
methods have been reported in the literature. which bursts the fiber walls. This treatment is influenced by tem-
perature, size, residence time and moisture (Lizasoain et al., 2017; Physical methods. Size-reduction (Wu et al., 2020), pyrolysis Padilla-Rasco n et al., 2020). Pretreatment processes using liquid
(Wang et al., 2016), pulsed-electric field (Safavi and Unnthorsson, ammonia have also been explored (Oladi and Aita, 2017). Ammonia
2018), microwave irradiation (B.-H. Zhao et al., 2017a, 2017b) and fiber explosion (AFEX) is employed at ambient conditions, which is
non-thermal irradiation (Wu et al., 2020) are among the main influenced by the instantaneous high pressure exploding the
physical methods for the pre-treatment of biomass. Size of the structure. This method is suitable for the feedstock comprising of
biomass can be reduced via ball milling or grinding, which fibers such as sugarcane bagasse (Z. Wang et al., 2019a, 2019b).
8 S. Sharma et al. / Environmental Pollution 267 (2020) 115501

Ammonia recycle percolation (ARP) is employed at high tempera- Studies have reported four stages of anaerobic digestion consisting
ture and recoverable ammonia flows through the reactor. ARP of hydrolysis, acidogenesis, acetogenesis, and methanogenesis.
removes lignin with no traces of sodium and sulphur (Kim et al., However, digestion of certain solid substrates cannot be rationally
2006). Wet oxidation is another technique that treats the biomass explicated by the three-stage theory (Li et al., 2015). Hydrolysis has
in air/oxygen with water or HCl or alkali or hydrogen peroxide at been reported to be the rate-limiting step for anaerobic digestion
high temperatures (An et al., 2019; Morone et al., 2017). The since it depends on the type of feedstock (T. Liu et al., 2019a, 2019b,
hemicellulose is broken down into monomers, lignin is removed 2019c). It is suggested that pre-treatment of ligno-cellulosic
and cellulose crystallinity is reduced, but this process is not biomass prior to digestion process augments the digestibility of
possible on industrial scales due involvement of capital costs substrates, reduce the digestion time and improve the biogas yields
(Banerjee et al., 2009). (T. Liu et al., 2019a, 2019b, 2019c; Phuttaro et al., 2019).
A microbial consortium consisting of diverse species of organ- Chemical methods. These methods employ acids such as isms for hydrolysis, acidogenesis and methanogenesis is account-
H2SO4 (Neves et al., 2016) or a base like NaOH (Sharma et al., 2019) able for biogas generation. Various bacteria have been recognized
for the disruption of hemicellulose and lignin. Acid treatment to be involved in hydrolysis as well as acidogenesis such as Clos-
breaks the glycosidic linkage of the polysaccharide. Base degrades tridium (Ecem Oner€ et al., 2018), Pseudomonas (Iwasaki et al., 2019)
the side chains of esters and glycosides subsequently causing the and Bacillus (Guo et al., 2017). Methanogenesis is carried out by
modification of lignin structure as well as solubilizes the hemicel- archaea, where the main microbes found responsible are Meth-
lulose and reduces crystallinity of cellulose. This method is feasible anobacterium, Methanoregula (Liu et al., 2017), Methanomicrobia,
on industrial scale since chemicals can be stored for long periods in and Methanococci (Feng et al., 2015). Sufficient knowledge and
addition to being comparatively economical. However, the need for comprehension of microbes are essential for inoculation of the
substantial washing to remove acid or salt contents before pro- specific microorganism to obtain superior results (Ghosh et al.,
ceeding further is quite a tedious step (Rastogi and Shrivastava, 2020). The digestants procured as by-products are rich in nutri-
2017). ents and can be employed as fertilizers. Parameters such as pH,
temperature, ammonia-level, reactor-type, type of co-substrates, Biological methods. This method employs the microorgan- and microbes, etc., influence the productivity of anaerobic diges-
isms for disintegrating lignocellulosic materials. Different fungi tion and their optimization is thereby imperative.
(Alexandropoulou et al., 2017) and bacterial strains (Ushani et al., A superior methanogen activity is obtained at the minimum pH
2017) have been investigated for the disintegration of lignin and of 6.5, while it is hindered in the pH range of 5.0e6.5 as hydro-
hemicelluloses. These methods are not energy-exhaustive and genogenesis is dominant (Wang et al., 2014). However, a small
operate under mild conditions without requiring any external range of pH 6.8 to 7.2 can be ideal for anaerobic digestion. An overly
chemicals; no toxic chemicals are released in the environment by alkaline pH results in the degeneration of microbial granules
this approach. The side products obtained after the biological hampering the success of the process (Kiyasudeen S et al., 2016).
pretreatment may not impede subsequent hydrolysis. Even though Moreover, anaerobic digestion mostly takes place at the mesophilic
slow hydrolysis rate of the biological method is its shortcoming, (30e40  C) and thermophilic (50e60  C) conditions, but none of
which makes it incompetent for large industrial-scale applications them is wholly preferable (Yao et al., 2019a, 2019b). Thermophilic
(Rastogi and Shrivastava, 2017). digestion has advantages since it facilitates comparatively greater
metabolic rate, better pathogen deactivation, greater decrease of
2.2.2. Anaerobic digestion/biomethanation volatile solids in addition to superior biogas yields (Yao et al., 2019a,
In anaerobic digestion, the substrate is decomposed in the 2019b). Furthermore, there is a need for extra energy for heating
absence of oxygen to produce biogas, which mostly comprises of the digester (Montan ~e
s Alonso et al., 2016). On the other hand,
methane, carbon dioxide and nitrogen. Food waste particularly lower concentration of volatile fatty acids in the final discharge
consists of a significant percentage of organic matter making the besides the maintenance of greater organic loading rate has been
anaerobic digestion viable. Roughly 0.1 m3 of CH4 gas is produced/ the merit of mesophilic digestion (Bayr et al., 2012). Diverse sub-
kg of the food waste. The removal of food waste from the landfills strates undergoing mesophilic or thermophilic digestion exhibit
can reduce the leak of leachate into groundwater saving thereby, differing degradation kinetics because of different reaction paths
the price of leachate management and decreasing the harmful and microorganisms involved (Li et al., 2015). Hydrolysis is recog-
impact on the environment (Eriksson et al., 2015). It was reported nized as the limiting step when biomass is ligno-cellulosic, whereas
that 2.04 kW h of electricity could be generated using 1 m3 of methanogenesis is the rate determining step when the biomass is
biogas obtained via anaerobic digestion (35% efficacy), which is organic matter (Yao et al., 2019a, 2019b).
equivalent to 21 MJ of energy (Murphy et al., 2004). Biogas is One pivotal parameter in determining the success of anaerobic
employed for heating, cooking, electricity, steam generation and as digestion process is the ammonia level. The total ammonia nitrogen
vehicle fuels. The feedstock for aerobic digestion comprises of is (NH3(aq) þ NHþ 4 ), which is associated with high pH and tem-
MSW, agricultural discard, fruit and vegetable waste (Ullah Khan perature (Wijesinghe et al., 2019). If free NH3 (as a result of
et al., 2017). The problem of crop residue burning can be solved degradation of protein components rich in N2) is present in high
by efficiently utilizing it for the biogas production (Kumar et al., concentration, then it can be toxic to the activity of methanogenic
2019). microbes. The NH3 toxicity (particularly NH3eN) is known to be a
The anaerobic digestion comprises of three steps: hydrolysis, prime reason for failure of digestion process. Generally, NH3 con-
acidogenesis and methanogenesis (Koyama et al., 2017). The first centrations above 3 g NHþ 4 -N/L could prove as an impediment for
step is hydrolysis of substrate (organic/lignocellulosic), which is the process (Yang et al., 2019a, 2019b, 2019c). The NH3-level can be
facilitated by bacteria to transform it into simpler units like amino maintained by a decrease in pH, increase in C/N ratio, decreasing
acids, monosaccharides and fatty acids. The second step encom- the temperature of the reactor or dilution. (Yang et al., 2019a,b,c).
passes acidogenesis, which is the transformation of broken mate- The C/N ratio is the key parameter to control anaerobic digestion
rial to organic acids (volatile fatty acids) and other simple products process and a reflection of nutrient levels of the substrate (Yan
like H2 and CO2 (Molino et al., 2013). The third and final step is et al., 2015). The inappropriate C/N ratios may cause the release
where methanogens transform the organic acids to CH4 gas (Fig. 5). of total ammonia nitrogen and/or amassing of volatile fatty acids in
S. Sharma et al. / Environmental Pollution 267 (2020) 115501 9

Fig. 5. Various steps involved in anaerobic digestion.

the digester, which could inhibit the digestion process. Feedstocks conditions could maintain optimal C/N ratio (Panigrahi et al., 2020).
having an extremely low C/N ratio intensify the risk of ammonia Examined the anaerobic digestion of food waste and yard waste at
inhibition causing toxicity to methanogens. On the other hand, a varying food/microorganism ratios. The yard waste was given
high C/N ratio encourages lower rate of protein solubilization thermal pretreatment via microwave to get rid of the recalcitrants.
causing low total ammonia nitrogen and fatty acid concentrations The maximum CH4 yield was 431 mL/g VSadded at a food/microor-
in the system. However, a disproportionately high C/N ratio leads to ganism ratio of 1.5. Liu et al. (2020) investigated the biogas and
the supply of inadequate nitrogen for maintenance of cell biomass methane production by sewage sludge, raw, alkaline-thermally
and quick degradation of nitrogen by microbes, resulting in poor pretreated. The anaerobic digestion was carried out in continuous
biogas yield (Yan et al., 2015). For proper bacterial growth, studies stirred tank reactors. At an HRT of 25 days, the alkaline-thermally
suggest the C/N ratio range of 20/1 to 30/1 with an optimum of 25/1 pre-treated sludge produced the highest CH4 and biogas yields of
for bacterial growth; however it depends on the feedstock 234.9 ± 13.0 mL/g and 321.9 ± 10.3 mL/g of volatile solids. The CH4
(Wijesinghe et al., 2019; Yan et al., 2015). production enhanced when HRT decreased from 25 to 15 days.
The chief modes of the process are batch, continuous one-stage The concomitant release of gases such as NOx, SOx, and highly
and two-stage processes with various methanogens. The two-stage corrosive H2S during the anaerobic digestion polluted the envi-
processes have exhibited relatively better performance with ronment (Zhu et al., 2009) as slow decomposition of particulate
respect to effluent quality, CH4 yield, depletion of volatile solids in organic feedstock causing long residence time and poor efficacy are
addition to process stability (Montan ~e
s Alonso et al., 2016). The co- the shortcomings of this process (Appels et al., 2013). It was sug-
digestion of waste is a good alternative since it promises improved gested that high salt content in food waste could impede anaerobic
efficacy of degradation of substrates and energy output (Huang digestion due to the presence of sodium ions (Zhao et al., 2017a,
et al., 2016). It also permits complete capture of CH4 from waste 2017b). Nonetheless, anaerobic treatment in combination with a
to eventually utilize it for producing biogas. The co-digestion waste suitable post-treatment method is indeed a workable and afford-
should be done with other wastes that have optimal lipid content able technique for sustainable management.
and nitrogen level (Sun et al., 2014). The co-digestion of feedstock
having lower C/N ratio with the one having higher C/N ratio would 2.2.3. Aerobic composting
help in balancing for optimal methane and biogas yield Aerobic composting is the microbial decomposition of organic
(Kiyasudeen S et al., 2016). waste in the presence of oxygen transforming to CO2, H2O, heat and
Representative literature reports on anaerobic digestion are a solid material known as compost (humus). This compost is non-
summarized in Table 3. Suksong et al. (2020) studied the biogas odorous as well as pathogen-free, which can serve as a good fer-
production using empty fruit bunches via coupled liquid and solid- tilizer (Chand Malav et al., 2020; Jurado et al., 2014). It is an
state anaerobic digestion. Palm oil mill effluent acted as a feedstock appealing biological waste management methodology that signif-
for liquid anaerobic digester yielding 329.5 mL CH4/g of volatile icantly reduces huge volumes of landfill waste (Wang et al., 2017).
solids. The concoction of discharge from the liquid anaerobic The wastes utilized for composting consist of organic matter
digester and empty fruit bunches was utilized as a solid-state including animal manure (Gu et al., 2017; Zhang et al., 2020),
anaerobic digester giving maximum yield of 134.9 mL CH4/g of agricultural waste (Chen et al., 2019), FW (Wang et al., 2017), ligno-
volatile solids at optimal conditions. Ghosh et al. (2020) investi- cellulosics (Jurado et al., 2014), MSW (Kazemi et al., 2016), and
gated biogas production by co-digesting organic part of MSW with sewage sludge (Zhang et al., 2018). Aerobic composting has been
the sewage sludge at various ratios. The MSW consisted of 65% of reported as an excellent choice for controlling pathogens and
organic waste, ~25% of paper waste, plastic, metal, textile and 10% antibiotic pollution in the animal manure (Zhang et al., 2020).
inert materials. The total yield was 586.2 mL biogas/g VS with a Aerobic composting is a self-heating process occurring via the
maximum CH4 concentration of 69.5% at an optimal ratio of 40:60 action of diverse categories of bacteria (e.g., Actinobacteria, Firmi-
(w/w). The mono-digested sample of organic fraction of MSW cutes, Proteobacteria) and fungi (e.g., Ascomycota) (Jurado et al.,
manifested the biogas as well as CH4 yield of 220.5 mL/g VS and 2014). This process generally takes place in two stages: the first
24.03 mL/gVS, respectively. The co-digestion showed a remarkable stage is bio-oxidative, which has three phases viz., mesophilic,
increase of 2.66-times in biogas production and 15-times in CH4 thermophilic, and cooling (Kazemi et al., 2016). Initially, mesophilic
yield compared to mono-digested MSW. bacteria and fungi govern the process consuming the degradable
Shahbaz et al. (2019) utilized MSW and FW for the biogas pro- matter. As the temperature rises and reaches thermophilic phase,
duction by co-digestion wherein co-digestion at mesophilic the corresponding thermophilic microbes degrade the cellulose,
10 S. Sharma et al. / Environmental Pollution 267 (2020) 115501

Table 3
Biogas production by various substrates via anaerobic digestion.

Feedstock Digester Methane yield (mL/g Biogas yield (mL/g Ref.


Palm oil mill effluent Liquid anaerobic digester 329.5 N/A Suksong et al. (2020)
Mixture of effluent from liquid anaerobic digester þ empty fruit Solid-state anaerobic 60.9 N/A Suksong et al. (2020)
bunches digester
Co-digestion of OFMSW and sewage sludge Batch anaerobic digester 377 586.2 Ghosh et al. (2020)
Mono-digestion of OFMSW Batch anaerobic digester 24.03 220.5 Ghosh et al. (2020)
Co-digestion of MSW and FW Batch anaerobic digester 474.4 827 Shahbaz et al. (2019)
Co-digestion of food waste and yard waste Solid-state anaerobic 431 N/A Panigrahi et al.
digester (2020)
Raw sewage sludge CSTR 98.9 ± 7.1 147.9 ± 6.1 Liu et al. (2020)
Thermally pretreated sludge CSTR 192.6 ± 13.7 275.8 ± 12.3 Liu et al. (2020)
Alkaline-thermally pretreated sludge CSTR 234.9 ± 13.0 321.9 ± 10.3 Liu et al. (2020)

hemi-cellulose, and fats by suppressing the pathogens. The final enzymatic/acid hydrolysis, microbial fermentation into ethanol and
phase involves cooling and the deficit of biodegradable material finally distillation of the fermented broth to procure fuel-grade
causes decline in microbial activity due to which temperature falls. bioethanol (Gavahian et al., 2016a; Koti et al., 2016) as displayed
The second stage of aerobic composting is the maturing stage in Fig. S1.
(Kazemi et al., 2016). It has been reported that composting has Saccharification is the primary step where hydrolysis of the
better efficiency for degrading organic matter compared to anaer- feedstock is done to obtain fermentable sugar solution. The glyco-
obic digestion. In fact, carbon degradation in composting is twice sidic linkages of cellulose and hemicellulose get broken during the
higher than that in the anaerobic digestion (Lin et al., 2014). hydrolysis to release simpler hexose and pentose sugars such as
Important design factors of composting to allow adequate glucose, arabinose, mannose, galactose, and xylose (Kim et al.,
growth of microbial community with robust enzymatic activities 2011). This step is essential as the microbes employed later dur-
include C/N ratio, moisture content, and aeration rate apart from ing the fermentation are capable of only digesting simpler sugar
the type of bulking agent in the composting pile. These parameters molecules derived from the breakdown of complex carbohydrates.
control the degradation of organic waste, thereby maturing the The hydrolysis process using dilute sulfuric acid is performed either
compost (Kazemi et al., 2016). The desired temperature in this prior to enzymatic hydrolysis or for direct transformation of ligno-
process is reached by the management of pile properties and pile cellulose into the resultant sugars (Srilekha Yadav et al., 2011). The
configuration (depth and shape) in addition to oxygen level (nat- hemicellulose part undergoes depolymerization at lower temper-
ural aeration or forced aeration) (Li et al., 2013). A C/N ratio of ature compared to cellulose fraction. At higher temperature or
25e35 is considered ideal and pH between 7 and 8 are suggested to extended retention time, monosaccharides thus formed would
be optimum for aerobic composting (Torres-Climent et al., 2015). undergo further hydrolysis to new compounds. Therefore, hydro-
The optimum aeration rate is dependent on the composition of lysis is generally conducted in two steps; the first one at moderately
waste materials, ventilation methods besides the oxygen demand milder settings, which hydrolyze the hemicellulose portion, while
of bacteria (Yuan et al., 2016). The mature compost is useful in soil the second step is of enzymatic or dilute acid hydrolysis at high
amendment to augment the plant growth and soil fertility in temperatures to hydrolyze cellulose (Srilekha Yadav et al., 2011).
addition to improving soil functioning for carbon sequestration. The subsequent step is fermentation during which pentose and
However, the utilization of an unstable and immature compost may hexose sugars obtained are transformed into bio-ethanol by the
fix nitrogen in the soil and hamper the plant growth by competing fermentation agent such as yeast for e.g., Saccharomyces cerevisiae
for O2 in rhizosphere and releasing noxious substances (Yuan et al., (Neves et al., 2016), Kluyveromyces sp. (Narra et al., 2015), Pichia
2016). stipites (Koti et al., 2016) or bacteria for e.g., Zymomonas mobilis
Composting would be practically simpler and suitable option in (Wirawan et al., 2020). Third and the final step is distillation or
rural and urban locations for waste management, since burden of dehydration of the fermented broth to recover ethanol. The bio-
enormous volumes of waste on landfills is reduced (Chand Malav ethanol concentration in the broth depends on the substrate be-
et al., 2020). However, bad-odor, release of greenhouse gases and sides fermentation conditions. The levels of ethanol ought to be
NH3 is a big issue with aerobic composting (Chen et al., 2020). >99% in order to be a fuel-grade product. Distillation is conducted
Research in this domain has been largely focused on to lessen the multiple times to achieve higher fractions of bioethanol (Gavahian
emissions of greenhouse gases and the odor. et al., 2016b). However, traditional distillation has a drawback to
offer ethanol with a poor energy efficacy due to the formation of
azeotrope with water. This step is highly energy-intensive (using up
2.2.4. Bioethanol production
to 40% of total energy requirement of bioethanol production);
The waste/biomass can be converted into ethanol via
moreover, production cost is mainly impacted by this step
biochemical pathways. Bioethanol is a sustainable and appealing
(Gavahian et al., 2016a, 2016b). In this sense, alternative techniques
substitute for gasoline owing to its high octane number, higher
for distillation on the basis of equipment configuration and physi-
flammable temperature compared to petroleum fuels (Gavahian
cochemical properties of the mixture of ethanol and water have
et al., 2016b). Blending bioethanol with gasoline reduces green-
been sought. Many methods have been investigated to combat this
house gas emissions and other harmful gases, indicating its sus-
challenge including heat-integrated distillation (Grisales Díaz and
tainable nature (Gavahian et al., 2016b). In the biochemical route of
Olivar Tost, 2016), feed-splitting distillation (Tavan and
converting waste to bioethanol, biomass contains sugar molecules
Shahhosseini, 2016), ohmic-assisted distillation (Gavahian et al.,
such as sugarcane (Narra et al., 2015), agricultural discard and
2016b), and membrane technology (Subaer et al., 2020).
forestry waste (Sivarathnakumar et al., 2019) as well as algal
In order to improve the efficacy of bioethanol production by
biomass (Alfonsín et al., 2019). The major steps for ethanol pro-
ligno-cellulosic biomass, integration of saccharification and
duction are appropriate pretreatment of the feedstock, followed by
S. Sharma et al. / Environmental Pollution 267 (2020) 115501 11

fermentation were suggested. In simultaneous saccharification and convert pentose sugars (xylose) to ethanol impacting ethanol yields
fermentation (SSF), a single reactor is employed for saccharification undesirably (Rech et al., 2019). Microorganisms such as Pachysolen
of biomass and instantaneous fermentation of sugar. The merit of tannophilus (El Harchi et al., 2018), Candida shehatae (Koti et al.,
this method is that there is no amassing of inhibitory sugars as they 2016), and Pichia stipites (Jutakridsada et al., 2019) have been re-
instantly get transformed into ethanol. The other benefits of SSF are ported to effectively consume pentose sugars. The mixed microbe
the need to low cost equipment, easy operation and less suscepti- cultures (L. Liu et al., 2019a, 2019b, 2019c) or genetically modified
bility to the contamination (Kadhum et al., 2019). But, drawbacks of microbes having the potential of assimilating both hexoses and
this technique are optimization of process parameters (Shadbahr pentoses could also solve this problem (Koti et al., 2016). Spathas-
et al., 2017). Further, simultaneous saccharification and co- pora hagerdaliae UFMG-CM-Y303 could successfully convert xylose
fermentation (SSCF) is another method, which is a concoction of into bioethanol under microaerophilic conditions. The former
microbial incorporation of sugars released previously during the strain yielded 4.25 g/L from sugarcane bagasse at pH 5 (Rech et al.,
pre-treatment step and hydrolytic processes of lignocellulosic 2019). (Koti et al., 2016) investigated various mutant strains of
feedstock. SSCF helps to reduce inhibition of saccharification pentose fermenting yeast Pichia stipitis NCIM 3498 and Candida
caused by glucose and xylose to increase the production of bio- shehatae NCIM 3501 for ethanol production from wheat straw. The
ethanol. Less operation time, cost-effectiveness, and minimal enzymatic and acid hydrolysis was performed separately after
contamination-risk are some of the benefits of SSCF (L. Liu et al., alkali-pretreatment. The UV and ethidium bromide mutagenesis in
2019a, 2019b, 2019c). the strains considerably improve the results. The maximum bio-
Table 4 summarizes various reports on the production of bio- ethanol yields were obtained with enzymatic hydrolysis (36 h) and
ethanol using diverse substrates. Narra et al. (2015) utilized ligno- acid hydrolysis (48 h) in Pichia stipitis (PSUV9) and Candida she-
cellulosic biomass for bioethanol production pretreated by acid hatae (CSEB7), respectively (Table 4).
treatment as well as by SSF via Kluyveromyces sp. Under sterile
conditions. The highest yield of ethanol obtained from rice straw, 2.2.5. Bio-hydrogen production
wheat straw and sugarcane bagasse were achieved, respectively Hydrogen is a clean source of energy in the secondary form
23.23, 18.29 and 17.91 g/L under optimum conditions (60 h; 10% producing water as the primary product post-combustion. The
solid loading; enzyme loading ~9 FPU/g substrate). Neves et al. energy content of hydrogen is quite high ~122 kJ/g and the energy
(2016) utilized the native and bioethanol-extracted sugarcane yield in H2 fuel is 2.75-times greater than the hydrocarbon fuels.
bagasse as a raw material for producing ethanol by fermentation Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles have thrice the efficacy compared to the
via Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Steam explosion pre-treatment was gasoline engines (Sharma et al., 2020). Hydrogen as a fuel source
carried out under auto-hydrolysis and dilute acid hydrolysis finds wide applications in electricity generation, transport systems
(H3PO4 þ H2SO4) conditions and the former was the best method. (Wadjeam et al., 2019), hydrogenation of fats and oils (Konkol et al.,
Separate hydrolysis and fermentation yielded ethanol (25 g/L) in 2016), desulfurization of gasoline (Abbasov et al., 2017), and steel
greater amounts compared to SSF (18 g/L) and pre-hydrolysis fol- processing (Allen and Nelson, 2019). Nonetheless, hydrogen pro-
lowed by SSF (pSSF) (16 g/L). Nonetheless, pSSF procured total duction is mainly from the fossil fuels. The conventional methods
ethanol productivity of 0.58 g/L/h. used for hydrogen production are steam reforming of hydrocarbons
Sivarathnakumar et al. (2019) employed pre-treated woody (Wu et al., 2015), water electrolysis (Gaoqiang Yang et al., 2019),
stem Prosopis juliflora for producing ethanol, where Kluyveromyces gasification (Yuksel et al., 2019), and non-catalytic partial oxidation
marxianus was employed for separating the hydrolysis and (Guiberti et al., 2016).
fermentation steps. The maximum yield of bioethanol of 21.45 g/L Photocatalysis has also been explored extensively for the pro-
was obtained at 41  C and pH of 4.9 at the substrate and inoculum duction of hydrogen (Mishra et al., 2019a; Rao et al., 2019; C. V.
concentrations of 5% (w/v) and 3% (v/v), respectively (Naresh Reddy et al., 2020b; K. R. Reddy et al., 2019a, 2019b; N. L. Reddy
Kumar et al., 2020). Utilized deoiled algal biomass residue (domi- et al., 2019a, 2019b; N. R. Reddy et al., 2020a, 2020b, 2020c).
nated by Chlorella sp. And Scenedesmus sp.) for producing bio- However, conventional route is costly, energy-intensive, inefficient
ethanol, where feedstock was pretreated via several routes. and non-friendly with the environment (Sharma et al., 2020).
Physicochemical pretreatment included acid treatment with sub- Biological approach for hydrogen production encompasses mainly
sequent autoclave treatment, while enzymatic pre-treatment fermentation (dark, photo and combined dark-photo fermentation)
encompassed loading by the commercial-grade a-amylase and (Fig. S2). Prior to fermentation process, suitable pre-treatment is
cellulose. Hybrid pre-treatment involved the addition of 20% of vital for better productivity.
deoiled algal biomass to water and autoclaving in acidic conditions.
Fermentation of hybrid pre-treated feedstock by Saccharomyces Dark fermentation. It is the acidogenic fermentation of
cerevisiae resulted in a maximum yield of bioethanol substrates enriched with carbohydrates in dark and anoxygenic
(0.145 ± 0.008 g/g substrate at pH 5.5). Alfonsín et al. (2019) pro- conditions for producing hydrogen. Several microorganisms have
duced bioethanol from an industrial algae waste Eucheuma Den- been investigated for dark fermentation such as Bacillus cereus
ticulatum Spinosum, where the feedstock was first pre-treated and (Dinesh et al., 2019), Thermoanaerobacterium spp. (Yin et al., 2020),
subsequently hydrolyzed in acidic conditions. Optimal H2SO4 con- Clostridium butyricum (Mishra et al., 2016), and Clostridium aceto-
centration and acid/dried algae weight ratio were found to be 9% butylicum (Zagrodnik and Łaniecki, 2017a). Hydrogen production is
and 7%, respectively, but fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae dependent on temperature and pH as well as the type of biocatalyst
gave the maximum bioethanol yield of 11.6 g/g of algae. and feedstock employed. The optimal temperature for this process
In another study, sugarcane bagasse was utilized for bioethanol depends on the type of substrate in addition to biocatalyst. The H2
production using Saccharomyces cerevisiae, wherein steam-assisted generation rate using thermophilic bacteria was reported to be
sequential salt-alkali pretreatment was done (Jugwanth et al., superior than mesophilic bacteria possibly because of thermody-
2020). The response surface methodology (RSM) was employed namics of thermophilic conditions (Sharma et al., 2020). Acidic pH
for the optimization of temperature, enzyme loading and yeast titre facilitates hydrogen production as the methanogenesis is inhibited
giving 4.88 g/L of bioethanol at the optimum conditions (yeast titre below 6 in both mesophilic and thermophilic environments (Wang
of 1 time, enzyme loading of 100 U/g and 39  C temperature). et al., 2014). The optimum pH for kitchen and lignocellulosic waste
However, the widely used yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae did not lies within 4.5e7 and 6.5e7, respectively, whereas neutral pH is
12 S. Sharma et al. / Environmental Pollution 267 (2020) 115501

Table 4
Bioethanol production by the various substrates.

Substrate Pretreatment Fermentation strain Overall ethanol Ref.

concentration (g/L)

Rice straw Acid treatment Kluyveromyces sp. 23.23 Narra et al. (2015)
Wheat straw Acid treatment Kluyveromyces sp. 18.29 Narra et al. (2015)
Sugarcane bagasse Acid treatment Kluyveromyces sp. 17.91 Narra et al. (2015)
Sugarcane bagasse Steam explosion Saccharomyces cerevisiae 25 Neves et al. (2016)
Wheat straw Alkali treatment Pichia stipites NCIM 3498 (mutant strain 12.15 ± 0.57 Koti et al. (2016)
Wheat straw Alkali treatment Candida shehatae NCIM 3501 (mutant 9.98 ± 0.81 Koti et al. (2016)
strain CSEB7)
Ulva rigida Thermal acid hydrolysis Pachysolen tannophilus 11.92 ± 0.10 El Harchi et al. (2018)
Eucalyptus globulus Kraft pulping Pichia stipites NRRL Y-7124 17.50 ± 0.09 Branco et al. (2020)
Rise husk Acid treatment Pichia stipites ATCC 58785 3 Bader et al. (2020)
Sugarcane bagasse Steam explosion Spathaspora hagerdaliae UFMG-CM-Y303 4.25 Rech et al. (2019)
Woody stem Prosopis Auto hydrolysis þ acid Kluyveromyces marxianus 21 Sivarathnakumar et al.
juliflora treatment þ ultrasonication (2019)
Sugarcane bagasse Steam-assisted sequential salt-alkali Saccharomyces cerevisiae 4.88 Jugwanth et al. (2020)

suitable in case of animal compost (Santiago et al., 2019). In addi- nitrogenase, but hydrogen formation via nitrogenase enzyme is
tion, productivity of hydrogen generation is governed by hydraulic irreversible. The activity of nitrogenase is inhibited in the presence
retention time, organic loading rate and inoculum source (Santiago of O2 or NH3 or when high N/C ratios were used. Therefore,
et al., 2019). ammonium-limited and non-oxygenic conditions are essential for
However, H2 yield is very low in dark fermentation because better productivity (Sharma et al., 2020), but drawbacks of this
hydrogen consuming bacteria reduce H2 to CH4 and organic acids. technique are inefficient light-conversion capability and excessive
Only about 33% of COD gets converted to hydrogen and organic energy-demand by nitrogenase enzyme. However, photo-
acids obtained as side-products that get accumulated. Nonetheless, fermentation in combination to dark fermentation may have
the product yield can be upgraded by suppressing methanogenic promising results and sustainable in terms of waste management
activity by limiting H2-consuming bacteria and growing H2-pro- and cost.
ducing bacteria (Sharma et al., 2020). Nevertheless, pretreating
inoculums by an appropriate technique can help to inhibit H2 Integrated dark and photo-fermentation. Individual
consuming bacteria, such as heat treatment (Turhal et al., 2019),
fermentation processes (both dark and photo) have a downside
dilute acid treatment, aeration (Guang Yang et al., 2019a, 2019b,
that organic acids get accumulated causing poor hydrogen yield,
2019c), ultra-sonication, microwave (Kannaiah Goud and Venkata
resulting in high costs. Combining dark and photo fermentation in a
Mohan, 2012), treatment by sodium 2-bromoethanesulfonic acid
single or two-stage reactor is beneficial as the effluent of dark
(Zhuang et al., 2012) and electroporation (Karim et al., 2019) have
fermentation is utilized as a substrate for photo fermentation. The
been practiced. The poor yield of hydrogen by dark fermentation is
general equations of dark fermentation and photo fermentation are
the main drawback of this process.
presented in Eq. (1), and Eq. (2), respectively. In dark fermentation,
the highest yield is 4 mol H2/mol glucose if only acetic acid is Photofermentation. This process includes fermentation of produced as a by-product (Eq. (1)). In photo fermentation, acetic
organic matter in the presence of photosynthetic non-sulphur acid produces 8 mol of H2 (Eq. (2)). Thus, integrated fermentation
bacteria to give H2 and CO2 under the sunlight without oxygen. whether single-stage or two-stage gives cumulative theoretical
The absorbed light-energy enables photosynthetic bacteria to yield of 12 mol H2/mol glucose as the by-product formed in dark
complete the conversion of the substrate (Elkahlout et al., 2017). fermentation is used as the substrate in the integrated process. In a
Thus, photofermentation exceeds the yield efficacy when two-stage sequential fermentation, the first step is dark fermen-
compared to dark fermentation (1 mol of H2/mol) as the substrate tation by anaerobic bacteria generating H2 and short-chain organic
conversion in the former is brought to completion. Various mi- acids such as lactic acid, acetic acid, butyric acid, etc., and alcohols.
croorganisms have been explored for photo fermentation such as In the second stage, photo fermentation by photosynthetic bacteria
Rhodobacter sphaeroides (Sargsyan et al., 2016), Rhodobacter sulfi- converts organic acids to H2. In case of single-stage fermentation,
dophilus (Maeda et al., 2003), Rhodobacter capsulatus (Elkahlout co-culture of bacteria is done, which reduces side products. A
et al., 2017), Rhodospirillum rubrum (Dadak et al., 2016) and Rho- single-stage process is comparatively simpler and has many ben-
dopseudomonas palustris (Hitit et al., 2017). efits over the two-stage approach. The acidification due to dark
The rate of photo-fermentative hydrogen production is depen- fermentation can be adjusted by alkalinization during the course of
dent on the substrate, light intensity and strain type. Also, waste- photo-fermentation and thereby, no external pH correction is
waters from different sources diverge in clarity and turbidity, which required. Also, there is no need for an intermediary dilution stage
require diverse light intensities. Suitable wavelengths in the range (Hitit et al., 2017; Seifert et al., 2018).
of 400e1000 nm are efficacious for hydrogen production as highly
turbid media may not allow proper penetration eventually C6H12O6 þ 2 H2O / 4 H2 þ 6 CO2 þ 2CH3COOH (1)
reducing the efficacy of light conversion (Sharma et al., 2020). The
productivity of photofermentation in the temperature range of 2CH3COOH þ 4 H2O þ light energy / 8 H2 þ 4 CO2 (2)
31e36  C at pH 6.8e7.5 was maximum. Photosynthetic bacteria
contains hydrogenase as well as nitrogenase enzymes, but the Reports from various sources on bio-hydrogen production by
latter had the major role in hydrogen production (Yang et al., 2015). dark/photo/integrated fermentation processs are summarized in
Also, Fe and Mo are essential co-factors for H2 generation via Table 5. The treatment of corn starch with co-culture of Clostridium
S. Sharma et al. / Environmental Pollution 267 (2020) 115501 13

acetobutylicum (dark fermentation) and Rhodobacter sphaeroides process includes capital costs (construction and installation),
(photofermentation) at the OLR of 0.375 g starch/L/day and pH 7 in operating costs (labor, utility and maintenance), production costs
a repeated fed-batch reactor provided 2.62 mol H2/mol hexose. and profit earnings (Sharma et al., 2020). Costs depend on the
Additionally, at pH 6.5 hydrogen production was inhibited due to location, type of feedstock, supply logistics, conversion technique
the production of fatty acids predominantly (Zagrodnik and along with production scale. Biomass-derived fuels are reportedly 2
Łaniecki, 2017a). The treatment of starch with the same co- to 4-times costlier compared to fossil fuels (Mussatto and Bikaki,
culture of Clostridium acetobutylicum and Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2016).
at pH 7.0 provided 5.11mol H2/mol hexose (Zagrodnik and Łaniecki, Techno-economic analysis for waste-to-energy systems has to
2017b). be considered. For instance, analysis for bioenergy on the basis of
In another study, diluted effluents from chewing gum factories gasification-pelletization system (Pradhan et al., 2019) revealed
were employed for the integrated fermentation. The digested that gasification of agro-waste pellets is cost-competitive for en-
sludge was the inoculum source for dark fermentation and the run- ergy applications. The gasifier-based cooking system manifested
off contained volatile organic acids that were subsequently utilized annual saving of 2222 USD over LPG-based and 422 USD over
for photofermentation by Rhodobacter sphaeroides O.U.001. The wood-based cooking at a pellet price of 114 USD/ton. In another
collective yield of 6.7 L H2/L of non-diluted waste was achieved techno-economic study on microwave vacuum pyrolysis (Lam et al.,
after the two-stage integrated fermentation (Seifert et al., 2018). 2019), production costs of bio-oil (having higher heating values
Dinesh et al. (2019) utilized rice straw hydrolysate and rice husk than diesel and gasoline) were lower than diesel cost.
hydrolysate for hydrogen production in neutral pH to carry out the Among the biochemical techniques, composting has generally
reaction in batch experiments. The dark and photofermentation lower capital cost, but higher operating cost compared to anaerobic
were carried out by Bacillus cereus (KR809374) and Rhodop- digesting. However, economic preference depends on plant scale in
seudomonas rutila, respectively to obtain the yield of 1.82 ± 0.04 addition to valorization of the end products. Anaerobic digestion
and 1.73 mol H2/mol glucose was obtained by rice straw and rice can be more suitable for centralized treatment for e.g., sewage
husk hydrolysate, respectively. However, the production cost of sludge, while aerobic composting is favorable for a decentralized
hydrogen from food waste is greater compared to market price. This treatment such as on-farm animal mature (Lin et al., 2018). It was
process has to be more cost-effective and reduction in the price of suggested that capital investments for ligno-cellulosic ethanol
photobioreactor (Sharma et al., 2020). A holistic approach is crucial production are 2 to 3-times higher than the first-generation bio-
to make bio-hydrogen production viable at large-scale. fuels derived from edible biomass due to expensive pretreatment
techniques, which are essential to get rid of the recalcitrants from
3. Environmental analysis ligno-cellulose (Mussatto and Bikaki, 2016). Also, H2 production via
most of the current routes, excluding pyrolysis, is comparatively
From an environmental view-point, incineration is the most higher than the traditional approaches for fuel production (Sharma
incompatible waste management approach as it causes greater and Kaushik, 2017). It was reported that gasification, pyrolysis, and
emission of hazardous air contaminants such as SOx, COx, NOx, anaerobic digestion are ~33%, 65%, and 111% more sustainable ap-
polyaromatic hydrocarbons, and particulate matter compared to proaches considering economic, social, and environmental factors
pyrolysis, gasification, and anaerobic digestion. Additionally, heavy when compared to incineration (Khan and Kabir, 2020). Addition-
metals released in fly ash and bottom ash cause land and water ally, viability of technology integration was investigated, which
pollution. Highly carcinogenic dioxins are discharged from the revealed a reduction of 68% cost in the digestate management after
incineration, which is threatening; noise pollution from incinera- the incorporation of thermochemical treatment (incineration of
tion plants is also greater than pyrolysis, gasification, and anaerobic anaerobic digestate) in the organic fraction MSW (Robles et al.,
digestion plants (Khan and Kabir, 2020). 2020).
The major environmental concerns for anaerobic digestion In any case, lack of processing data, process equipment cost, and
comprise of the release of highly corrosive H2S along with SOx, economic uncertainties are the major challenges for accurate
greenhouse gases (CO2, N2O) (Zhu et al., 2009). Composting also techno-economic assessment of the bioenergy systems. It is
faces the odor-issue due to NH3, H2S, and VOCs (Chen et al., 2020). imperative to conduct a detailed techno-economic analysis
In case of anaerobic digestion, emissions are largely from organic considering all the cost drivers and other parameters prior to
residues in digestate. However, the reported greenhouse gaseous commercial deployment of the most holistically viable waste-to-
emissions from the anaerobic digestion and composting vary energy technique.
widely from different laboratories (Lin et al., 2018). In case of bio-
hydrogen production, fermentation is environmentally lesser 4.2. Policy analysis
feasible than gasification of waste materials (Tian et al., 2019). In
any case, techno-economic and policy analysis must be considered The policy-makers have begun to shift the policy framework
along with environmental analysis prior to any decision making from resource-exhausting society to a suitable waste management
before implementing any of the waste-to-energy technique hierarchy of reduce, reuse, and recycle (Joshi and Visvanathan,
commercially. 2019). An integration of a sustainable materials management
approach with contemporary waste management systems has been
4. Trends and perspectives suggested. Recycling policies should be strategized after discerning
between the materials and their respective ecological impacts
4.1. Techno-economic analysis (Anshassi et al., 2019).
The growing cognizance about bioenergy has led the govern-
Techno-economic considerations are essential for designing ments towards stern policy-making and adaptation of these tech-
waste-to-energy processes on a practical level in terms of long- nologies. The United States of America plans to substitute 20% of
term, economically viable and environmentally sustainable transport fuel with biofuel by about 2022 (Saladini et al., 2016).
perspective. The technical assessment of a process takes account of Indonesia has set the target of substituting 15% gasoline by ethanol,
maintenance and skill requirement, ease of setting up, as well as while 12 bioethanol plants are already installed in Thailand, which
the inherent risks (Shah et al., 2016). The economic analysis of a is projected to produce about 2.6 million liters of ethanol per day
14 S. Sharma et al. / Environmental Pollution 267 (2020) 115501

Table 5
Different approaches on fermentative bio-hydrogen production.

Substrate Inoculum source Fermentation process Overall H2 yield Maximum H2 Ref.

production rate

Citrus wastewater Anaerobic sludge pretreated by Dark fermentation 2.24 mmol H2/g e Karim et al. (2019)
electroporation COD
Cassava starch wastewater and Buffalo dung None Dark fermentation 165 ± 25.16 mL 839 mL H2/L/d Wadjeam et al.
H2/g CODremoved (2019)
Sequential dilute acid and enzymatic hydrolysis Anaerobic sludge Dark fermentation 282.17 mL H2/g 3175 mL H2/L/d Gonzales et al.
pretreated oil palm empty fruit bunch total sugar (2019)
Waste from chewing gum production Mixed bacterial culture and Sequential dark and 6.7 L H2/L non- e Seifert et al.
Rhodobacter sphaeroides O.U.001 photo fermentation diluted effluent (2018)
Rice straw hydrolysate Bacillus cereus (KR809374) and Sequential dark and 1.82 mol H2/mol e Dinesh et al.
Rhodobacter sphaeroides photo fermentation glucose (2019)
Rice husk hydrolysate Bacillus cereus (KR809374) and Sequential dark and 1.73 mol H2/mol e Dinesh et al.
Rhodobacter sphaeroides photo fermentation glucose (2019)
Paperboard mill wastewater Anaerobic sludge and Purple non- Sequential dark and 788.6 ± 238.4 mL 1.07 ± 0.28 L H2/ Elsharkawy et al.
sulphur bacteria photo fermentation H2/g COD L/d (2020)
Potato starch, Glucose Clostridium butyricum and Single stage dark and 6.4 ± 1.3 mol H2/ e Hitit et al. (2017)
Rhodopseudomonas palustris photo fermentation mol glucose
Corn starch Clostridium acetobutylicumand Single stage dark and 2.62 mol H2/mol 1.6 mL H2/L/h Zagrodnik and
Rhodobacter sphaeroides photo fermentation hexose Łaniecki (2017a)
Starch Clostridium acetobutylicumand Single stage dark and 5.11 mol H2/mol 15.9 ± 0.9 mL H2/ Zagrodnik and
Rhodobacter sphaeroides photo fermentation hexose L/h Łaniecki (2017b)

(Zhou and Thomson, 2009). reformed regulations for waste management.

In India, the MSW management and handling regulation puts Reliable and reproducible data are lacking regarding the tech-
emphasis on categorizing the waste into ‘biodegradable’, ‘non- nologies employed. Most of the assumptions while performing the
biodegradable’, and ‘hazardous’ in bags that are color-coded before analysis is either not presented or vary largely in literature. Much
handing over to the waste-collectors (Ong et al., 2018). Moreover, more transparent approach is required where researchers, policy-
Mega Food Parks are built for linking agro and food industries to makers, and public participate together to make the entire waste-
minimize the waste and the value. In addition to national policies, to-energy scenario more economically and environmentally
Asian countries are committed to many international develop- viable from a real-world perspective.
mental goals to develop effective policies for waste management.
The countries that have signed the international treaty of Kyoto 5. Conclusions
Protocol have a higher likelihood of diverting solid waste away
from landfills contributing to ~11e13% of global emission of global The escalating waste generation, environmental pollution and
greenhouse gases (Joshi and Visvanathan, 2019). upsurge in energy-requirements are the foremost global concerns.
By implementing several programs by the Indian government In order to deal with these impediments, the employment of waste
under ‘Waste-to-energy’ mission around 5 million family biogas materials for producing bioenergy or valuable products is the need
plants have been set up under the biogas development program. of the modern era. The waste-to-energy nexus founded on the 5R
The National Thermal Power Corporation has been directed to principle (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recovery, and Restore) is the
blend crop residue pellets (~10%) with coal for power generation to basis of sustainable development. This helps in shifting from the
tackle the crop residue burning issue (Bhuvaneshwari et al., 2019). linear system, which is based on “make-use-throw” approach to a
As per the literature reports, anaerobic digestion is the most much more reasonable circular system grounded on the “make-
suitable and preferred option for sustainable management of use-recycle-reuse” approach.
organic waste such as FW as well as electricity generation in This review presents an overview of the current status of
developing countries from a policy-making viewpoint. Govern- research efforts revolving around ‘simultaneous waste reduction
ments should consider encouraging this system with establishing and energy production’ techniques. The waste materials including
more projects at a local level, which would aid in creating jobs and MSW, FW, agricultural residue, and industrial effluents can be
cost-reduction (Khan and Kabir, 2020). treated by several methods. Thermal methods (pyrolysis, inciner-
Nonetheless, accurate, detailed, and in-depth analysis of the ation and gasification), biochemical route (anaerobic digestion,
current waste management strategies is significant for further aerobic composting, bioethanol production, and fermentative bio-
technological advancements. The successful implementation of hydrogen production) along with pre-treatment technologies have
long-run sustainable development needs technical and policy- been thoroughly reviewed.
based commitments, financial investments, and most importantly Majority literature suggests the preference of anaerobic diges-
support and involvement of the public. tion over other methods in view of environmental and techno-
economic sustainability. Incineration, on the other hand, is least
4.3. Practical implications preferable from an environmental-perspective due to release of
toxic gases and heavy metals at a threatening level. However, lack
The challenges faced at present revolve around the lack of a of studies considering all the major factors (social, economic, and
holistic approach for decision-making. Majority of studies are still environmental) for waste-to-energy conversion at a large scale is
at the bench or pilot scales and more efforts emphasizing ‘scale-up’ quite evident. Public participation is the most essential factor in
of these technologies are needed. Integration of these techniques at determining the success of this paradigm. Improvement in envi-
proper situations could be more helpful. Moreover, the optimal ronmental education, motivating youngsters to and creating
technique for managing a waste material depends largely on its awareness at the ground level regarding the importance of proper
type and literature survey may help policy-makers to come up with waste disposal is crucial.
S. Sharma et al. / Environmental Pollution 267 (2020) 115501 15

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