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APRIL 15TH TO 18TH , 2021



“You are young, free and have the energy. So make the most of your time, have stories to tell, explore and discover the world and
unleash your true potential and make this world more sustainable and a better place. Join YLMAU and create a new chapter in your
life that you will never regret.”
Youth Leaders Model African Union (YLMAU) is drawn from Model United Nations conferences held across the world which
allow for diplomatic discussion about contemporary world issues and tries to come up with possible solutions to make this
world a better place. YLMAU is an educational simulation of the African Union. YLMAU provides a unique opportunity for
youth to gain more knowledge on the role, structure and activities of the African Union as well as promotes networking,
gaining soft skills mainly leadership skills, negotiation/ diplomacy and knowledge on the economic, social and political
security issues facing African States.

Through the simulation, attendee gain a better and clearer understanding of the capabilities and constraints that shape the
policies of AU member states. YLMAU tries to unite all African youth promoting togetherness and partnership for African
Development without discrimination. By having delegates assume the roles of current African leaders, YLMAU aims to
empower young leaders to model international cooperation for development while celebrating African diversity.

Delegates to YLMAU serves as representatives of various African governments on nine organs of the African Union (AU). This
affords them the opportunity to study complex African issues, understand the positions of African countries, and learn to
successfully negotiate without compromising national interests.
YLMAU will have presentations by African Union officials possibly in the hosting country and multi-sectoral experts, as well
as committee sessions where each AU body will be represented, a diplomatic round-table featuring ambassadors from
several countries and other activities and prominent leaders. There are also parallel sessions for educators who will
participate in discussions with thought-leaders, and engage in peer learning to advance their knowledge of the continent.

Delegates will also get an opportunity to network through other activities such as, city tours to historic, social sites, a African
Pride Cultural night celebrating the continent ’ s diversity, a Gala Dinner and a Delegates' Dance and so many other
activities brought by the organizers. The beauty of YLMAU lies in the fact that every attendee that is delegates and advisors
involve themselves in an all-inclusive experience.

This is the first session of Youth Leaders Model African Union Zimbabwe, and it also welcomes international Delegates to see
and explore the beauty of Zimbabwe and all its Nature. It will be held in Victoria Falls from the 15th to the 18th of April 2021.
The theme of this conference will be “Youth: Rebranding Africa” and will be walking with Silencing the Guns as well as
linking all the activities to Agenda 2063 : Goal 18. This conference targets upto 100 delegates to exchange ideas and discuss
“ the capabilities that young people hold in making this world a better place ” . The secretariat will hold committee
sessions which are The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) and the Pan African Parliament (PAP).
 Provide a platform for young leaders to improve and strengthen their skills in leaderships, research, communication,
negotiation and diplomacy,
 Allocate the opportunity of experiencing the atmosphere of the African Union Conference
 Improve young leaders’ perspective on the world in order to form a critically thinking generation
 Inspire and encourage young leaders and youth participation in social, economic and political participation at all
 Facilitate young leaders from all over the world to broaden their network and world exposure through networking
 Dialogue and interact with policymakers to amplify youth voices in policy and decision making processes so as to
make the world more sustainable
Participants that register as single delegates are applying for the conference in an individual manner and will represent a
certain country in a council during the conference. Participants intending to participate as single delegates should meet
below requirements:

1. International Delegates who are enrolled in International Organizations/Institutions/ Companies; or

2. Tertiary or High School Students; or
3. Graduates (aged between 18 – 35 years old). (Graduates from High School, and all Tertiary institutions)

In regards to the participants referred to as “observers” can be described as participants that are aged older than 14 – 17
or between 36 – 45 years old. However, these participants will not be given any voice or represent a country during the
conference. The participants are required to fulfil below requirements:

1. Applicants are aged between 13 – 17 and or between 36– 45 years old.

2. Applicants may apply as mentor or advisor from delegates’ school or university, or parents of delegates in order to
gain access to the conference.
3. Applicants are members of NGO or institutions that intend to learn more about MAU
4. Applicants that are 17 years old and below may also register as an observer by submitting a letter of parents or
guardian consent to CC
5. NB: On Special request for an observer to be considered a delegate to be explained on application

1. Observers will be eligible for receiving alike facilities with delegates, such as access to the event, accommodations,
and other Conference Plus (Opening & Closing Ceremony) services.
2. Observers are eligible for entry to all the committee sessions (limited quota). Observers may also ask the Board of
Secretariat and Board of Dais about the conference or Model African Union in general.
3. The Observers after each and every council meeting are encouraged to give a brief written report about what has
been happening in the council and suggest a forward.

1. Observers will not have voices during committee session and are not eligible to choose any country, but observers
have access to all councils.
The quota for Observers is limited only for 25 applicants. Should the quota have already been fulfilled, then the rest of
the applicants will be included in the waiting list.
Observers may include parents or faculty advisors of the delegates.
These Terms and Conditions shall apply to all delegates attending the Youth Leaders Model African Union (YLMAU) which
will be held in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe from the 15th to the 18th of April 2021.

By registering for YLMAU, it means that you accept these points below:

1. Youth Leaders Model African Union (YLMAU) welcomes young people aged between 14 to 17 years old, between the
age of 18 to 35 years old and 36 to 40+ years old from all of nations who wants to gain experience in Model AU or
who have high interest in learning how to be a diplomat in Youth Leaders Model African Union.
2. All delegates must be enrolled in High School or University, High school/ University (All Tertiary) graduates, enrolled
in International Organizations/Institutions/Companies, or representative from High School or College etc.
3. People with disabilities and from other diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply. YLMAU does not discriminate
based on disability.
4. All delegates should choose with the maximum 2 councils preferences and 3 country allocations.
5. All matters regarding country allocation and council preference will be arranged from the decision of the YLMAU
6. Observers will not have a voice during committee sessions and are not eligible to choose any country, but they have
access to all councils.
1. All registrations are accepted based on their application and the result will be announced within 3 x 24 working hour.
Once maximum capacity is reached, delegates, will be able to be allocated to their second or third council preferences.
2. Registration is opened for two types which is accommodations and non-accommodation, in which full
accommodation is in 3 parts (Full accommodation Single (Standard), Twin and Quad room sharing)
3. YLMAU Registrations shall only be conducted through the official website of Intercontinental Youth Connect
4. The registration will be conducted in three different categories, which are as follows:
i) Early bird Registration,
ii) Normal Registration and
iii) Late Registration

Each category will have a different fee. There will be no extension on registration deadline. In case of any changes, delegates
will be notified through IYC and YLMAU’s social media platforms. Delegates must write to YLMAU if they need visa support
document or sponsorship letter at CC .

The Assessment for delegates’ council allocation is based on:

1. Motivation letter
2. Experience
1. All fees are non-refundable (TnC for refund).
2. The provision of payment will be informed in the letter of agreement that will be provided by the committee.
3. All communication will be done to those who will have paid for the conference in full or the first instalment to secure a

1. If a program is to be postponed, Announcement to be made 25 to 30 days before the set date and to be postponed
not for more than 30 days of the set date
2. Failure to do that, Full refund is to be made to all paid delegates

1. For cancellation due to sickness, death, natural disasters, and conflict, the delegates will be given a 100% refund
maximum 45 days before the event.
2. For cancellation due to visa rejection, the delegates will get 100% refund. The delegates should inform approximately
35 days before the event.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Delegates will be charged for all the fees for international transfers
1. Upon request, successful registrants will be issued a Letter of Invitation from Intercontinental Youth Connect (IYC)’s
Youth Leaders Model African Union stating the status of their participation at YLMAU after the background check.
Registrants may use the Letter of Invitation for their visa acquisition process.
2. Youth Leaders Model African Union (YLMAU) will not provide visa and is not responsible for any participant’ s visa
into the hosting country.

1. YLMAU reserves the right to utilize all data submitted by individuals to YLMAU and Intercontinental Youth Connect as
a whole and to collect data in the form of photographs or videos during the conference and social events without
2. All the registrants agree that no data, results, and materials for use in Youth Leaders Model African Union (YLMAU)
will be disseminated by means of publications, reports, conferences, or any other form without the express written
consent from YLMAU of which these products, data, results, and materials are its exclusive property.
3. YLMAU reserves the right to update without further notice.
1. Registrants hereby certify by completing the registration process that all information submitted is truthful and
accurate. The registrants understand that falsification of any information will get them disqualified from their
participation in YLMAU and the YLMAU activities and falsification of information or impersonation may result in legal
2. Participants agree that all materials produced for this conference should be original work. Plagiarism will not be
tolerated at YLMAU and should the secretariat discover instances of plagiarism, the individual shall bear
3. Participants are expected and obliged to obey the laws of the hosting country while participating in the conference.
Participants are personally responsible for all charges and damage incurred by them to facilities of the conference and
4. Participants understand the full assumption of risks and acknowledge that Youth Leaders Model African Union and its
committee, elected representatives and employees, do not assume any responsibility for the conduct and activities of
the participants.
5. Participants agree to accept and abide by the Code of Conduct published in the conference Handbook and decided
by the YLMAU secretariat.
6. YLMAU cannot be held responsible for any kind of misconduct or crime committed by the participants. Any act
relating to Sexual Harassment, Racism and other misconduct will lead to the participant being penalized and or
withdrawn from the event without refund.
1) The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)
2) The Pan African Parliament (PAP)

1) How best young people and the governments can act so as reduce hunger in support of SDG 2, ZERO HUNGER and
Goal 5( Modern Agriculture for increased Production and productivity) by providing educational awareness and
systems to help fighting hunger and increase food production in developing countries- Pan African Parliament (PAP):
2) To come up with how best the minority groups can be considered and accepted in developing countries, And come
up with strategies that can lead to political transparency in Developing countries. - Pan African Parliament (PAP)
3) To safeguard the African economic situations by analyzing the impact of foreign Loans in Africa. - The United Nations
Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA):
4) To promote sustainable development and youth inclusion in policy making for the betterment of African Economies. -
The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) :
Entrance to Opening and Closing Ceremony(Diplomatic Entrance to Opening and Closing Ceremony(Diplomatic
Dinner) Dinner)
Entrance to Committee Sessions Entrance to Committee Sessions
Entrance to Social and African Pride Cultural Night Entrance to Social and African Pride Cultural Night
City Tour City Tour
Tea breaks Tea breaks
YLMAU toolkit YLMAU toolkit
YLMAU Certificate YLMAU Certificate
Fulltime LO Team Fulltime LO Team
Meals 3x/Day Meals 1x/Day
Documentation Documentation
Hotel (Sharing room)

NB: Airport Assistance to be by request  YLMAU Hoodie

Additional Tools on Request:  YLMAU Bottle Drink

1. GRAND SYMPOSIUM: Youth Leaders Model African Union (YLMAU) will have an International Grand Symposium where the
delegates will be welcomed to the beautiful city of Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. This will be a great start to the event and a chance
for the participants to get to know each other before the official event. YLMAU has invited numerous prominent personalities
who will deliver talks on the main theme of the event and will share their knowledge and expertise with the young diplomats.

2. MAU 101: Youth Leaders Model African Union organizes MAU 101 and Zero Conference before the committee sessions
start so that the delegates may learn how MAU works and understand the Rules of Procedure deeper. Both MAU 101 and Zero
Conference will be explained by our Board of Dais. They will explain and teach the delegates step-by-step procedure of the MAU
and they will be discussing interesting topics in the Zero Conference.

3. COMMITTEE SESSION: The Committee Sessions headed by Chairs are the heart of this Conference. Delegates get the
opportunity to recreate the sessions at the AU and represent their assigned countries as the diplomats. At the Youth Leaders
Model African Union, delegates maybe assigned countries different from those of their citizenship and such challenges are what
makes the experience more thrilling as well as informative. Delegates get to debate upon pressing issues, negotiate and form
resolutions to solve the most pressing issues of the world. The conference has several sessions specially designed to address
sensitive political issues of today so that participants can get to know about the current global situations.

4. SOCIAL NIGHT: YLMAU provides an opportunity for delegates to have a night out within a welcoming atmosphere and where
they can meet other delegates. Delegates will have the opportunity to get to know others in relaxed settings that promote
conversation and social interaction. Social Nights provide an opportunity for delegates ’ to showcase their social talents in
singing, dancing and poetry. This is going to be fun

5. VICTORIA FALLS TOUR: A recreational city tour has been arranged to help delegates explore the city and take a closer look at
the culture and treasures of Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe/Zambia. The conference experience cannot be completed without it and is
surely a great way to ease the traveller’s appetite. VISIT VICTORIA FALLS: THE GREATEST WATER FALL IN THE WORLD

6. DIPLOMATIC DINNER: Youth Leaders Model African Union (YLMAU) provides a networking moment for delegates through
diplomatic dinner. This is held to help delegates to know each other more and sharing their backgrounds by meeting other
delegates from various countries as well as to expand and strengthen their networks. The biggest learning opportunity is
through diversity of the delegates coming from across the globe.

7. AWARDING: An awarding ceremony will be presented to appreciate the participants’ hard work and enthusiasm during the
committee session.

8. AFRICAN PRIDE NIGHT: Since most of the delegates will be coming from different places, from different parts with different
beautiful diversity cultures, a African night is set for delegates to showcase their different and colourful cultural performances
during the closing ceremony. All delegates are encouraged to dress up in their best designed African print attires to promote
one Africa,. This memorable moment of the event should not be missed because it is a precious one.
DATES : 15 to 18 April, 2021

PLACE : Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

CONFERENCE VENUE : Elephant Hills (Proposed)

1) Best Delegate
2) Most outstanding delegate
3) Honourable Mention
4) Verbal Commendation
5) Best Position Paper

6) Best Dressed (Closing Ceremony)

7) Best Performer, (Social Night)
8) Most Social Person
AT YLMAU, Delegates are encouraged to wear what is required at any given time and event. Listed and shown below are
what delegates are encouraged to wear during the conference.
 Formal business attire for both males and females ( NB: Only Dark colours ), During Opening Ceremony and Meeting
 YLMAU T-shirt and Lanyard, To be given by the committee during City Tour
Rundown IMUNA
13:00 - 15:00 Arrival 08:00 - 08:30 Council introduction
14:00 - 17:00 Check-in 08:30 - 09:00 QnA
13:00 - 17:00 Registration 09:00 - 10:15 Meeting session 1
18.00 - 18:15 Opening Ceremony (MCs) 10:20 - 10:50 Coffee break
18:15 - 20:00 Opening grand symposium 10:50 - 12:30 Meeting session 2
20:00 - 21:00 Diplomatic Dinner 12:30 - 14:00 Lunch
21:00 - 21:30 MAU 101 14:00 - 15:00 Meeting session 3
21:30 - 21:55 Introduction of chair and co-chair 15:00 - 15:30 Coffee break
22:00 Closing of closing ceremony 15:30 - 17:00 Meeting session 4
17:15 - 19:30 Supper
20:00 - 22:00 Social night and performance


06:00 - 08:00 Breakfast 08:00 - 09:00 Photo shoot
08:00 - 09:00 Preparation for Tour 09:00 - 11:30 Check out and preparation
10:00 - 15:00 City tour: Victoria Falls 09:00 - 12:00 Airport assistance (if required)
15:30 - 16:00 Preparation for closing
16:00 - 18:00 African PRIDE Photo shoot,
19:00 - 22:00 Closing Ceremony
19:00 - 22:00 Diplomatic Dinner

Cultural performance &

21:00 - 22:00 Closing
Intercontinental Youth Connect’s Youth Leaders Model African Union is guided by the Agenda 2063 in which we believe
Youth should be the centre to promote the development of Africa and all its states. Intercontinental Youth Connect will
focus on developing the Leader in Youth. We believe Leadership is both an inborn and something that can be nurtured.


Incomes, Jobs and decent work
Poverty, Inequality and Hunger
Social security and protection
(1) A High Standard of Living, Quality
Including Persons with Disabilities
of Life and Well Being for All Citizens
Modern and Livable Habitats and
Basic Quality Services
1) A Prosperous Africa, based on Inclusive Growth
and Sustainable Development
(2) Well Educated Citizens and Skills  Education and STI skills driven
revolution underpinned by Science, revolution
Technology and Innovation

 Health and Nutrition

(3) Healthy and well-nourished citizens

(4) Transformed Economies  Sustainable and inclusive economic

 STI driven Manufacturing /
Industrialization and Value Addition
 Economic diversification and
 Hospitality/Tourism

 Agricultural Productivity and

(5) Modern Agriculture for increased
productivity and production

 Marine resources and Energy

(6) Blue/ ocean economy for  Ports Operations and Marine
accelerated economic growth Transport

 Sustainable natural resource

management and Biodiversity

(7) Environmentally sustainable and conservation

climate resilient economies and  Sustainable consumption and

communities production patterns
 Water security
 Climate resilience and natural
disasters preparedness and
 Renewable energy

 Framework and Institutions for a

(8) United Africa (Federal or
United Africa
2) An Integrated Continent Politically united and Confederate)
based on the ideals of Pan Africanism and the
(9) Continental Financial and Monetary
vision of African Renaissance  Financial and Monetary Institutions
Institutions are established and
 Communications and Infrastructure
(10) World Class Infrastructure
crisscrosses Africa

 Democracy and Good Governance

(11)Democratic values, practices,
 Human Rights, Justice and The Rule
universal principles of human rights,
justice and the rule of law entrenched of Law
3) An Africa of Good Governance, Democracy,
Respect for Human Rights, Justice and the Rule of
 Institutions and Leadership
(12) Capable institutions and  Participatory Development and
transformative leadership in place Local Governance
 Maintenance and Preservation of
(13) Peace Security and Stability is
Peace and Security

 Institutional structure for AU

4) A Peaceful and Secure Africa (14) A Stable and Peaceful Africa Instruments on Peace and Security

 Fully operational and functional

(15) A Fully functional and operational
APSA Pillars

 Values and Ideals of Pan Africanism

 Cultural Values and African
5) Africa with a Strong Cultural Identity Common 16) African Cultural Renaissance is pre- Renaissance
Heritage, Values and Ethics eminent  Cultural Heritage, Creative Arts and

 Women and Girls Empowerment

6) An Africa Whose Development is people driven, (17) Full Gender Equality in All Spheres  Violence & Discrimination against
relying on the potential offered by African People, of Life Women and Girls
especially its Women and Youth, and caring for
Children (18) Engaged and Empowered Youth  Youth Empowerment and Children
and Children
 Africa’s place in global affairs.
(19) Africa as a major partner in global
 Partnership
affairs and peaceful co-existence

7) An Africa as A Strong, United, Resilient and  African Capital market

Influential Global Player and Partner  Fiscal system and Public Sector
(20) Africa takes full responsibility for
financing her development
 Development Assistance
Youth Leaders Model African Union
Organized by:

Intercontinental Youth Connect is a Youth NGO engaged in youth development programs. It was established with the main
aim of uniting international youths to cooperate in social, cultural, technological, entrepreneurial, environmental programs
through knowledge, networking and traveling.

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Whatsapp : +263719308940

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