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Patient Name: Juanito

Chief Complaint:



IVF Calculation

Doctor’s Order


Flow Rate:

Generic Name Metformin

Brand Name Formetza
Drug Classification Biguanide antihyperglycemic
Antidiabetic agent
Dosage and Frequency 500 mg TID
Mechanism of Action It decreases the hepatic production and intestinal
absorption of glucose as it improves insulin
sensitivity. It also improves glycemic control and
lipid profile.
Drug Indication Management of type 2 diabetes mellitus. OFF-
LABEL: Polycystic ovarian syndrome, gestational
diabetes mellitus. Prevention of type 2 diabetes.
Contraindication Contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity
to the drug, heart failure, and hepatic
impairment and in patients undergoing contrast
imaging procedures if CrCl is 30–60 mL/min.

Side effects GI disturbances

Adverse Reactions Lactic acidosis
Nursing Responsibilities 1. Verify if the patient pt has not received
IV contrast dye within last 48 hrs. Obtain
CBC, renal function test, fasting serum
glucose, Hgb A1c.
2. Monitor fasting serum glucose, Hgb A1c,
renal function, CBC. Monitor folic acid,
renal function tests for evidence of early
lactic acidosis. If pt is on concurrent oral
sulfonylureas, assess for hypoglycemia
(cool/wet skin, tremors, dizziness,
anxiety, headache, tachycardia,
numbness in mouth, hunger, diplopia).
Be alert to conditions that alter glucose
requirements: fever, increased activity,
stress, surgical procedure. If lactic
acidosis occurs, withhold treatment.
3. Report symptoms of lactic acidosis
(unexplained hyperventilation, muscle
aches, extreme fatigue, unusual
drowsiness). • Prescribed diet is principal
part of treatment; do not skip, delay
meals. • Diabetes requires lifelong
control. • Avoid alcohol. • Report
persistent headache, nausea, vomiting,
diarrhea or if skin rash, unusual
bruising/bleeding, change in color of
urine or stool occurs. • Do not take dose
for at least 48 hrs after receiving IV
contrast dye with radiologic testing.


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