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Ry 5 M.

Manfe CONNECTION ASSODAT 3134 How to identify people he can kill your business - it could

tabduction: Those who want their businesses to grow must be instinctive intuitive and be on the look
out whom to work with Emotions and behaviors are not enough parameters to rely on. For every
positive person you let inte... your life increases your chances of being. positive and vice versa. Figuring
whom to employ or avoid isn't always easly but with. a little practice you can make a headway. 0. The
narcissist. They are talented people who

are too concerned with themselves and have a

false sense belief that without them, the business.

will die. They are consumed with


they have held the forte for a decade or more...

They have held the forte for a decade of more.. whoi They are soleists any dislike team oriented.
Activities and ay fromake transparent so they are try to make things look bigger than they are 2000 just
to deceive you. just...

The ares: It is the Greek God of war so they. like conflicts and are addicted to drama and urinning at all
costs even if there is nothing. to be won. Any time spent trying to correct or even understand them is a
waste of time. You are better off ignoring these people and keeping them at bay or your business

whom you transact business with. Bear in mind that you didn't work this hard to watch your brand and
reputation. до down in flames at the paws of some fat cat who is now calling the shots. 5 The nemesis:
There are people you timesh ho you work with can't stand or they can't stand if you are not careful, this
can become a major distraction. Try to realize that what you don't like about a person is probably
something you don't like about yourself or you like too much you-and about yourself.. sometimes, your
adversory could be your advisor if well handled

Elephant An elephastenot never forgets and The they are those who never forgive your past so don't let
them pull you back into the past. Everyone falls so if you have failed, it means you have Learned. Stay on
track and keep moving forward. 7) The Dionysus? It is the Greek God of wine, parties and pleasure. They
are epicureans and pleasure seekers who have very. little pleasure patience for anything other than
instant gratification. Be careful when letting these people into your business because base pleasure of
any kind is both addictive and time consuming: It's good.

to have friends but not on the altar of

late nights or working ing skirt.

8) The goat: They are wildly charismatic, noisy

and seem to get away with everything. They

have many strengths but use it in devious. Oways. They have little ambition beyond of amvincing others
to make bad decisions. If you And yourself constantly making bad decisions... every time... are around
someone in. particular, it's time to cut that your way -person out of

© The hater. They want to be at the top but goude means. They try to push everyone around them. and
tend to use people as launching pad. Be ware of them. They backbite & lof.

The black cat! Some people can walk into burness and light it up. Others walk in and kill it Black cats are
the latter and they are the people. who seem to have a dark cloud Following them verywhere they go.
They are unlucky, depressed and negative in all they do. Don't feel bad for them and they of reach. are
like sitting in pits. Just keep them out

Other signs of business killers & They are).

1) They are arrogant They gossips

Never satisfied and greedy 9/lways calculating the profits

They influencer staff negatively

They don't mind taking your clients elsewhere 7) They are meant for the highest bidder.

prause singers

10) pretentious

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