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World of Self,
Subject Family and Class Year 6 Date 19/4/2022
e Friends
UNIT 2: :Life 10.40 –
English Topic In The Past
Time Day Tuesday
Skill(s) HOTS element
Listening Remember, Understand, Application
Learning Standards
Moral Values Cross Curricular Link
1.1.1 Language
Learn from the past
1.2.5 Patriotism
Learning Objective Success Criteria(s)
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to listen
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to and reproduce the target phonems at laest 5 times in
recognise and reproduce with independently a wide different register
range of target language phonemes

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
understand more complex supported questions answer at least 5 questions using the target phonemes
Key Concepts/Key Vocabulary Teaching Materials
Used to / didn’t use to
Lesson Outline Impacts/Reflections
1. Play a whole class / large group game using
the nouns and verbs from Working With
Words. ‘Listen and touch/run’, ‘Match on
the board/large paper’, for example. Include
write – writer. Ask pupils about Samuel
Pepys’ job (he was a writer).
Main Activities 1. Elicit some ideas from pupils about how
people lived in London in Pepys’ time. Elicit
more ideas about how pupils’ grandparents
lived. Note useful ideas on the board.
2. Introduce vocabulary to ppls. Identify the
3. Asking questions to model used to, ask about
pupils’ grandparents and/or Samuel Pepys.
(Finding out about local heritage)
4. Play the recording of the dialogue again.
Pupils listen for the pronunciation of used to
(/'juːstə/). Point out that the pronunciation is
different for use as a verb on its own.
5. Drill several times chorally and individually,
ppls focus on their pronunciation while
saying full positive and negative sentences
and questions. Repeat in different voices to
review whisper, shout, scream etc.
6. Pupils use prompts to make a new dialogue.
Replace the underlined words and sentences
in activity 1.
7. Pupils form questions using used to. Ppls
write questions about the past. Elicits
8. Drill the questions and check pupils’
pronunciation of used to again before having
them practice the questions and answers
(Activity 4, Pupil’s Book, p.26).

1. Play Cooler Tic-tac-toe activity in the

Plenary Teacher’s Book, p.48 or have volunteers to
perform their dialogue for the class.

Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment

World of Self,
Subject Family and Class Year 6 Date 21/4/2022
e Friends
UNIT 2: Life
English Topic in the past
Time 0900 – 1000 Day Thursday
Skill(s) HOTS element
Speaking Remember, Understand, Application
Learning Standards
Moral Values Cross Curricular Link
2.1.1 Appreciate your Language
4.2.1 friends Patriotism
Learning Objective Success Criteria(s)
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to give identify at least 5 examples of the target language form
detailed information about themselves and others and meaning based on a reading text correctly

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to give By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to fill in
detailed information about themselves and others at least 5 blanks with the target language to complete a
text correctly
Key Concepts/Key Vocabulary Teaching Materials
Used to / didn’t use to
Lesson Outline Impacts/Reflections
1. Using the examples from pupils’ work from
previous lesson, say some sentences in the
form they are written (pupils may have used
present simple, past simple, or some may
Starter have used to).
2. In small groups, pupils listen and write a full
sentence using used to when suitable. Repeat
three or four times. Review and check as a
whole class.
Main Activities 1. Refer textbook pg 22-23. Give 15 seconds to
look at the pictures and remember. What can
you see? focus attention on the language in
context. Pupils write down all the things they
remember that were different in the past.
2. Activity 1: look and read. Guide pupils to
notice the target language form and meaning.
3. Activity 2: Pupils complete the text using the
target language.
4. Give pupils back their writing from previous
lesson. Pupils use their similarities and
differences to say sentences using used
to/didn’t use to.
5. Pupils talk to their partner about when they
were three years old. Extend the activity by
asking pupils to give one incorrect piece of
information about themselves. Partners
should guess which information is incorrect.
6. Individually, pupils write a short paragraph
about their life in the past (e.g. when they
were three years old). Set a word limit (see
differentiation strategies) and consider
having pupils finish for homework.
7. Collect their work to evaluate their writing
and language progress; adjust your upcoming
teaching plans if you need to review
particular areas or work more with

1. Consolidate learning with a speaking activity

Plenary – Pupils read the paragraph in front of the

Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment

World of Self,
Subject Family and Class Year 6 Date 22/4/2022
e Friends
Poetry : The 10.00 –
English Topic Sandwich
Time Day Friday
Skill(s) HOTS element
Language Art Remember, Understand, Application
Learning Standards
Moral Values Cross Curricular Link

5.3.1 Do things Language

4.3.1 systematically Creativity and Innovation

Learning Objective Success Criteria(s)

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
respond imaginatively and intelligibly through By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
creating simple stories and simple poems, other sequence at least 3 steps in making a sandwich based on
imaginative responses as appropriate the poem correctly
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to use By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to use
capital letters, full stops, commas in lists, question
the correct punctuations in at least 3 sentences correctly
marks and speech marks appropriately at discourse
Key Concepts/Key Vocabulary Teaching Materials
Adverbs: sequencing, e.g. First… Next… After worksheets
that, punctuation Flashcards
Lesson Outline Impacts/Reflections
1. Pre-lesson Task 9: Memory Chain. Use the
sentence: I want to put tomatoes in my
Starter sandwich... I want to put tomatoes and
cucumbers in my sandwich. I want to put
tomatoes, cucumbers and … in my sandwich
1. Distribute a Flow Map to each group.
(Appendix 1)
2. Pupils watch a short clip on how to make a
Main Activities
sandwich. Downloaded
3. In groups, pupils fill in the Flow Map with
correct information.
4. Pupils discuss the steps of making a
5. In groups, pupils prepare their sandwiches.
1. Conduct a gallery walk, where pupils walk
around and look at each other’s Flow Maps.
Plenary Have groups talk about their Flow Maps as
you do this, in a casual way, focussing on
sequencing adverbs and punctuation
Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment

World of Self,
Subject Family and Class Year 6 Date 23/4/2022
e Friends
UNIT 2: Life 11.20 –
English Topic Time Day Saturday
In the Past 12.20
Skill(s) HOTS element
Writing Remember, Understand, Application
Learning Standards
Moral Values Cross Curricular Link
Practise self-reflect Values
Learning Objective Success Criteria(s)
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to answer at least 5 questions based on Pepy’s diary
understand the main idea of simple longer texts content correctly
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
understand specific information and details of simple
identify at least 2 style of a diary entry based on the
longer texts
examples given correctly
Key Concepts/Key Vocabulary Teaching Materials
Informal written language (e.g.Yuck!; Ha! Ha! worksheets
Ha!) Flashcards
Lesson Outline Impacts/Reflections
1. Show picture/extract from a diary and ask
pupils what they can see. Ask who they have
learned about that kept a diary (Samuel
Pepys). Show (or explain) how a blog can be
a diary too.
2. Elicit sentences to compare diaries in the
past and now using used to. Ask pupils about
their own diary-keeping habits.
Main Activities 1. Refer tb pg 22-23. Activity 1- Answer the
questions. Pupils analyze Pepys’ diary
2. Pupils read Gemma’s diary (Pupil’s Book,
p.28). Ask a gist question such as Do you
think Gemma had a good day? Why/Why
not? Have pupils exchange their ideas in
pairs before whole-class feedback.
3. Activity 2 - Pupils read and consider the
style of the example diary entry.
4. Pupils identify informal language in the
5. Pupils read the diary entry again. They
should underline or highlight anything in the
diary that was also true for them yesterday.
6. It is possible that some pupils don’t
underline anything. Conduct feedback as a
whole class, eliciting answers in full
sentences using too/also/as well.

1. Elicits the lesson, have pupils tell a partner

Plenary what they did yesterday (i.e. what they
would write in their diary about yesterday).

Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment


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