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Grade 9 – Research Reports

• Can choose any topic (avoid controversial topics)

• Try not to have more than three students doing the same topic.
• 1500 words minimum (not inclusive of the bibliography)

• Layout structure

o Cover page – Including title, picture, student name and number, class and
teacher’s name
o Table of contents
o Intro – Introduce the topic, why it is important, give some generic details about
the topic. Thesis statement
o Chapter 1: Topic to be chosen by student. Will include two subheadings
o Chapter 2: Topic to be chosen by student. Will include two subheadings
o Chapter 3: Topic to be chosen by student. Will include two subheadings
o Conclusion: Summarise what has been discussed, review its importance, what
you hope this report will do for others, give personal opinion (optional)
o Bibliography – will include written and picture sources (MLA style to be covered
in class)

• Students must follow certain guidelines for the structure:

o Title/Main headings 26 font size and in bold
o Subheadings 16-18 and underlined
o Secondary writing 16-18
o Main body of writing 12-14
o Line spacing 1.5
o Font types: Ariel, Times New Roman, Calibri (Pick one and stick with it)
o Each page or at the least chapter needs to have one color picture (unless no color
pictures are available)
o Pages need to be numbered (push for them not have the cover page and contents page

• Will need at least 9 sources in the bibliography

• Sources will be referenced using MLA format
• Wikipedia can not be used. Students should use somewhat scholarly resources
• Will need to have at least two references per subheading
Cover Page Template

Title of Project
(font size 26 and in bold)

Image/Picture of your chosen topic

Student Name:

Student Number: (All 16-18 font size)

Grade and Section:

Teacher’s name:
Table of contents template

Table of Contents (Page title – size 26 in bold)


Chapter 1 – (Title here)…………………………………………………..……2

Chapter 2 – (Title here)…………………………………….…….………….4

Chapter 3 – (Title here)………..……………………………………………6



(The above is in font size 16)

Introduction (font size 26 and in bold)

Intro paragraph here. (font size 12-14)


What the piece is about

Why the topic is important/ why it was picked (Avoid using personal pronouns)

Mention some major points about the topic

Finish with a thesis statement (This report will explore...)

Insert images of your topic

Chapter One template

Title of Chapter One ( font size

26 and in bold)

Subheading One
(font size 16-18 and underlined)

Subheading one paragraph – font size 12-14

Subheading Two
(font size 16-18 and underlined)

Subheading two paragraph – font size 12-14

Can insert images here of the topic

Title of Chapter Two ( font size
26 and in bold)

Subheading One
Font size 16-18 and underlined
(font size 12 and underlined)

Subheading one paragraph – font size 12-14

Subheading Two
(font size 16-18 and underlined)

Subheading two paragraph – font size 12-14

Can insert images here of your chosen topic

Title of Chapter Three ( font
size 26 and in bold)

Subheading One
(font size 16-18 and underlined)

Subheading one paragraph – font size 12-14

Subheading Two
(font size 16-18 and underlined)

Subheading two paragraph – font size 12-14

Can insert images here of the topic

Conclusion (font size
26 and in bold)

Concluding paragraph here. (font size 12-14)


A recap of what you discussed in your chapters.

Comment again on the importance of the discussion/ topic you selected

Give your opinion (You can use ‘I’)

Insert images of your topic

Bibliography (font
size 12 and in bold)

List the sources used for your report here

You must use at least nine sources

They must be listed using MLA format

Website to help with this formatting:

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