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A.V. Tugay1 , S.Yu. Shevchenko2 , L.V.Zadorozhna1
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology, NASc of Ukraine,
Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:

ABSTRACT. In this report we discuss topological other LSS elements.

studies of large scale structure of the Universe
(LSS) from XMM-Newton, Sloan Digital Sky Survey
and simulated data of galaxy distribution. Early Keywords: Galaxies, large-scale structure, XMM-
works in this mentioned field were based on genus Newton, X-ray.
statistics, which is averaged curvature of isosurface АБСТРАКТ. У цiй роботi ми розглянули тополо-
of smoothed density field. Later, significant number гiчнi дослiдження великомасштабної структури все-
of other methods was developed. This comprise свiту (LSS) з використанням даних обсерваторiй
Euler characteristics, Minkowski functionals, Voronoi XMM-Newton, SDSS та змодельованих розподiлiв
clustering, alpha shapes, Delanuay tesselation, Morse галактик. Раннi роботи у зазначенiй галузi базу-
theory, Hessian matrix and Soneira-Peebles models. валися на типовiй статистицi, що є усередненою
In practice, modern topology methods are reduced кривизною iзоповерхнi згладженого поля щiльно-
to calculation of the three Betti numbers which shall стi. Пiзнiше було розроблено значну кiлькiсть iн-
be interpreted as a number of galaxy clusters, filaments ших методiв. Сюди входять характеристики Ейлера,
and voids. Such an approach was applied by different функцiонали Мiнковського, кластеризацiя Вороно-
authors both for simulated and observed LSS data. го, альфа-форми, теселяцiя Делано, теорiя Морзе,
Topology methods are generally verified using LSS матрицi Геса та моделi Сонейра-Пiблза. На прак-
simulations. Observational data normally includes тицi сучаснi методи топологiї зводяться до обчис-
SDSS, CFHTLS and other surveys. These data have лення трьох чисел Беттi, якi слiд iнтерпретувати
many systematical and statistical errors and gaps. як ряд скупчень галактик, фiламентiв та порож-
Furthermore, there is also a problem of underlying нин. Такий пiдхiд був застосований рiзними авто-
dark matter distribution. The situation is not better рами як до змодельованих, так i до спостережува-
in relation to calculations of the power spectrum and них даних LSS. Методи топологiї зазвичай перевi-
its power law index which does not provide a clear ряються на моделюваннi LSS, а данi спостережень
picture as well. In this work we propose some tools to зазвичай включають SDSS, CFHTLS та iншi огляди
solve above problems. First, we performed topology неба. Цi данi мають багато систематичних та стати-
description of simple LSS models such as cubic, стичних помилок та недостатнью кiлькiсть iнфор-
graphite-like and random Gaussian distribution of мацiї. Бiльш того, iснує також проблема розподiлу
matter. Our next idea is to set a task for LSS topology темної матерiї. Не кращий стан i з розрахунками
assessment using X-ray observations of the galaxies. спектру потужностi та степеневого коефiцiнту по-
Although, here could be a major complication due to тужностi, якi також не дають чiткої картини. Ми
current lack of detected high energy emitting galaxies. пропонуємо деякi iнструменти для вирiшення ви-
Nevertheless, we are expecting to get sufficient results щевказаних проблем. По -перше, нас цiкавить опис
in the future encouraging comprehensive X-ray data. топологiї простих моделей LSS, таких як кубiчна,
Here we present analysis of statistical moments for four графiтова та випадкова гаусiвська модель розподiлу
galaxy samples and compare them with the behavior речовини. Наша наступна iдея це поставити задачу
of Betti numbers. Finally, we consider the options of оцiнити топологiю LSS за допомогою рентгенiвсь-
applying artificial neural networks to observed galaxies ких спостережень галактик. Хоча тут може виник-
and fill the data deficiency. This shall enable to define нути серйозне ускладнення через поточну вiдсут-
topology at least for superimposed superclusters and нiсть виявлених галактик, що випромiнюють високi

2 Odessa Astronomical Publications, vol. 34 (2021)

енергiї. Тим не менш, ми очiкуємо в майбутньому of the gradient of the function f. If the gradient (the
отримати достатнi результати, заохочуючи вичерп- vector of the partial derivatives) of a function f is
нi рентгенiвськi данi. У данiй роботi представлено zero at some point x, then f has a critical point (or
аналiз статистичних моментiв для чотирьох вибiрок stationary point) at x. The determinant of the Hessian
галактик i їх порiвняння з поведiнкою чисел Беттi. at x is called, in some contexts, a discriminant. If this
Нарештi, ми розглядаємо можливiсть застосування determinant is zero then x is called a degenerate critical
штучної нейронної мережi до спостережуваних га- point of f, or a non-Morse critical point of f. Otherwise
лактик i заповнити дефiцит даних. Це дозволить it is non-degenerate, and called a Morse critical point
визначити топологiю принаймнi для накладених су- of f. The determinant of the Hessian matrix, when
перкластерiв та iнших елементiв великомасштабної evaluated at a critical point of a function, is equal to
структури всесвiту. the Gaussian curvature of the function considered as a
Ключовi слова: Галактики, великомасштабна manifold. The eigenvalues of the Hessian at that point
структура Всесвiту, XMM-Newton, рентгенiвське are the principle curvatures of the function, and the
випромiнювання. eigenvectors are the principle directions of curvature.
Morse theory was applied for topological analysis
1. Introduction
of SDSS in (Sousbie, 2010). Filaments were detected
based on Hessian critical points although they are
Observable galaxy distribution is affected by large affected by significant statistical errors.
selection effects and only minor part of galaxies By the time, Betti numbers were only theoretically
detected. Hence for cosmological studies only general discussed or applied to simulated galaxy distributions.
parameters of galaxy distribution can be evaluated. In (Pranav et al., 2016) Betti numbers were calculated
Correlation functions and power spectrum are the most for three main LSS models where galaxy clusters,
popular approaches to it (Elyiv et al., 2012). Elyiv filaments and walls respectively dominating. The
A., Clerc N., Plionis M.: 2012. A& A., 537A, 131. dependencies of Betti numbers from isosurface density
It is also important to characterize the shape of large threshold were determined. These relations have
scale galaxy structures, which is significant to reveal maximum that indicate approximate boundaries of
the galaxies origin. Topological methods are the most superclusters. Since such result looks rather simple, we
straightforward to it. supposed that it could be reproduced applying more
Genus was the first topological index applied to simple methods without recovering undetermined
LSS (Gott, 1985). It can be defined as the difference isodensity surface and Hessian calculation.
between number of voids and isolated regions.
Since 2000 much more topological indexes for LSS
study were developed and applied. Use of Minkowski 2. Method
functionals is one of the main modern topological
methods in this realm (van de Weygaert et al., 2013). Instead of Betti numbers derivation from Hessian
While Genus (G) is global topological index, eigenventors and critical points we calculated
Minkowski functionals describes local curvature of statistical moments of spatial galaxy distribution.
isodensity surface. For example, Euler characteristics These moments include:
are compositions of number of blobs (b0), tunnels (b1) 1. Mean value. N =
Ni /M
and voids (b2): p P
M Ni2 −(
P 2
Ni )
E=b0-b1+b2; G=b0-E. 2. Standard deviation. σ = M
Here b0, b1, b2 – Betti numbers, ranks of homology 1
(Ni −N )3
3. Skewness. g1 = m3/2
=  1 MPN i=1 3/2
groups of isodensity surface or number of d-dimentional m2
N i=1
(Ni −N )2
holes (d=0,1,2). Idea of persistent homology study 1
(Ni −N )4
m4 M
is to find stable correspondence between abel group 4. Kurtosis. g2 = m2 − 3 =  1
2 − 3
N (Ni −N )
and topological space (isodensity surface). Minkowski
We divided given volume containing N galaxies
functionals are calculated by the method of alpha
by M = K 3 equal cubic cells and calculated the
shapes (Pranav et al., 2016). Alpha shape is the most
number of galaxies in each cell - Ni . We also build
intuitive case of Delanuay triangulation. It can be
probability distribution function (PDF) as dependence
calculated by Voronoi clustering tool.
of δ = Ni /N − 1 from K. We counted numbers of
It should be stressed that all LSS topology studies
cubic cells (P) in 8 bins with values of δ step equal to
since 1980th are based on the analysis of isosurfaces
0.25. Finally we plotted the distributions of P and a
of smoothed galaxy density field. The problems
function of K and δ step number (J).
of recovering such surfaces are discussed below in
this work. Minkowski functionals are calculated by
eigenvectors of Hessian matrix of that isosurfaces. The 3. Samples
Hessian matrix of a function f is the Jacobian matrix
Odessa Astronomical Publications, vol. 34 (2021) 3

We considered two toy models of LSS and two

observed galaxy samples. 1. Cubic cells of round
clusters with random background of field galaxies.
This sample contains 99936 points. 2. 3D version of
smoothed network of straight filaments connecting
randomly distributed clusters. 2D version of this model
was presented in (Voycehovsky Tugay, 2018). This
second sample contains 260500 simulated galaxies. 3.
Based on SDSS (Abazajian et al., 2009) Abazajian
K.N., Adelman-McCarthy J.K., Agueros M.A.: 2009.
ApJS, 182, 543. observed galaxies positions we
selected a cube with the following spatial boundaries:
lower cube side was oriented along celestial equator;
bottom vertex was placed in the Solar System; two
sides have RA equal to 45 and 135 degrees respectively;
cube facet length defined as 420 Mpc (z<0.1). The
third sample contains 246003 optical galaxies. 4. 3933
X-ray galaxies from Xgal catalog (Zadorozhna et al.,

Fig. 2: X- axis - cells number along the modelled cube

4. Results side (K), Y axis – statistical moments values Upper left
- Average number; Upper right - Dispersion Bottom left
Points distribution, statistical moments and PDF – Asymmetry; Bottom right - kurtosis.
for Sample 1 of the cubic cluster grid are plotted on
Figs. 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Significant maximum
on dispersion plot indicates transition of the cell size
from cluster interior to exterior. Similar plots were
obtained for Betti number in (Pranav et al., 2016).
In case of correct generalisation of such behavior we
could consider LSS topology description applying our
method instead of Betti numbers.

Fig. 3: PDF for Sample 1. X axis – cells number on the

simulated cube side (K). Y axis – normalised density
step number (J). Colour indicates lgP(J,K).

5. Conclusion
Fig. 1: Points distribution in Sample 1. X and Y axis Our work is good. We are going to use neural
are the facets of the simulated cube. networks in our later studies. Neural networks are
capable to generate unseen galaxies, clusters and
4 Odessa Astronomical Publications, vol. 34 (2021)

Fig. 4: Spatial distribution of simulated galaxies from

Fig. 6: Probability distribution function for randomly
Sample 2. A layer of 3D random filament distribution
distributed large scale structures.

Fig. 5: Statistical moments for random distribution of

the large scale structures.
Fig. 7: Sample 3. A layer of SDSS galaxies distribution.
superclusters. With these superimposed superclusters
we will continue our analysis of topology of large-scale
structure of the Universe.
Acknowledgements. This study was conducted using
the data from the 4XMM XMM-Newton serendipitous
source catalogue compiled by the 10 institutes of
the XMM-Newton Survey Science Centre selected
by ESA. This work has been supported by Ministry
of Education and Science of Ukraine: Grant of the
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for
perspective development of a scientific direction
"Mathematical sciences and natural sciences"at Taras
Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
Fig. 8: Statistical moments for SDSS galaxies.
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Odessa Astronomical Publications, vol. 34 (2021) 5

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420 Mpc.

Fig. 10: Statistical moments of X-ray galaxies.

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