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Research Proposal

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6. Research (Thesis) Topic (5 points):

The role of internal marketing dimensions in achieving organizational compatibility in Qatar organizations:
Field study.

7. Research objectives and/or questions (15 points):
Research Objectives
The research aims to achieve the following objectives:

The first main objective: to study and identify the extent to which the internal marketing dimensions are

applied in the Qatari organizations.

The second main objective: Examine the relationship between the dimensions of internal marketing and the

organizational compatibility of the workers in Qatari organizations.

It results in the following sub-objectives:

First sub-objective: Examine the relationship between training as one of the dimensions of internal

marketing, and the organizational compatibility of the workers in Qatari organizations.

Second sub- objective: Examine the relationship between employee empowerment as one of the

dimensions of internal marketing, and the organizational compatibility of the workers in Qatari


Third sub- objective: Examine the relationship between motivation as one of the dimensions of internal

marketing, and the organizational compatibility of the workers in Qatari organizations.

Fourth sub- objective: Examine the relationship between work teams as one of the dimensions of internal

marketing, and the organizational compatibility of the workers in Qatari organizations.

Fifth sub-objective: Examine the relationship between administrative support as one of the dimensions of

internal marketing and the organizational compatibility of the workers in Qatari organizations.

The third main objective: Attempting to reach a set of results and recommendations through the field study

that the researcher will carry out for the proper scientific application of the internal marketing dimensions in

the Qatari organizations, which is reflected in achieving the organizational affiliation of the company’s

employees, which contributes to achieving the company’s goals with high efficiency.

Research questions

Question 1: Is there a relationship between the dimensions of internal marketing and the organizational

compatibility of the workers in Qatari organizations?

The following sub-questions derived from it:

Question 1.1: Is there a relationship between training as one of the dimensions of internal marketing, and

the organizational compatibility of the workers in Qatari organizations?

Question 1.2: Is there a relationship between empowering employees as one of the dimensions of internal

marketing, and the organizational compatibility of the workers in Qatari organizations?

Question 1.3: Is there a relationship between motivation as one of the dimensions of internal marketing,

and the organizational compatibility of the workers in Qatari organizations?

Question 1.4: Is there a relationship between the work teams as one of the dimensions of internal

marketing, and the organizational compatibility of the workers in Qatari organizations?

Question 1.5: Is there a relationship between administrative support as one of the dimensions of internal

marketing, and the organizational compatibility of the workers in Qatari organizations?

8. Review of Related Literature (20 points):

The researcher reviews the most important previous studies related to the topic of research as


 Literature 1: Study of (Haydari & Danai. 2016) entitled: "The impact of internal marketing on the

three-dimensional model of organizational commitment employees", This study aimed to study

the effect of internal marketing dimensions on the organizational commitment of employees in

the “Hami” chain of stores, the study relied on the descriptive analysis method, and the study

population was represented by the workers in the mentioned chain of stores and relied on a

sample number of its members (43), and the study used regression analysis The analysis was

simple, and I found a positive relationship between all dimensions of internal marketing and

organizational affiliation.

 Literature 2: study of (Romas, 2018) entitled: "Internal marketing dimensions and organizational

commitment of universal banks employees", This study aimed to study the relationship between

the dimensions of internal marketing and the organizational commitment of workers in

international banks, it relied on the descriptive analysis method, and the study population

consisted of all workers in these banks, and the sample consisted of (41) individuals from the

study community and multiple regression analysis was used to measure the relationship. The

study concluded that the motivating factor has the greatest impact on organizational affiliation,

while not neglecting the influence of other factors, even if they have less influence than the

previous one.

 Literature 3: study of (Abbas & Rias, 2018) entitled: "The effect of internal marketing dimension

on organizational commitment of employees", This study aimed to demonstrate the impact of

internal marketing factors on the organizational commitment of workers in the private banking

sector in the city of Faisalabad in Pakistan. For the results of the questionnaire for a sample of

(109) individuals, and this study concluded that empowering workers is the most influential

factor in organizational affiliation in the mentioned society.

 Literature 4: study of Wrangkani & Meiliala (2018) examined the relationship between internal

marketing and organizational commitment of doctors and nurses at Mardi Waluyo hospital in

their study, this study aimed to measure the relationship between internal marketing and the

organizational affiliation of workers in Mardi Hospital and to explore the internal marketing

efforts carried out by the hospital administration. In analyzing the questionnaire results, the

study relied on a sample size of (105) individuals. The study concluded that there is a strong

positive relationship between internal marketing and organizational affiliation, and that the

hospital administration applies internal marketing policies to the fullest extent, which enhances

the organizational affiliation of its employees.

 Literature 5: In 2019 Chang and his colleagues examined the effects of internal marketing on

organizational commitment of police person (Chang et al., 2019), This study examined the impact

of internal marketing policies on the organizational commitment of workers in the security sector

in China. This study relied on the descriptive analysis method. The study population consists of

the security elements working in the Chinese National Police Agency, and the study relied on a

sample size of (140) individuals, and the study concluded that there is a partial effect of internal

marketing factors on the organizational commitment of workers in the Chinese National Police

Agency, and the study attributed this partial effect to the presence of More influential factors

such as the risk factor.

 Literature 6: Study of (Abo-shuk, 2019) entitled: "Exploring the impact of internal marketing on

organizational commitment of travel agents' employees", This study aimed to explore the

relationship between internal marketing factors and organizational commitment among workers in

international travel agencies in South Korea. Employees, the results revealed that the dimensions of

internal marketing, especially the motivation teams, contribute significantly to the organizational

commitment of the employees of travel agencies.

 Literature 7: study of (Abu Rumman, 2017) entitled: "The relationship between internal marketing

and organizational commitment for workers in Jordanian hotels", This study aimed to reveal the

importance of the workforce in the five-star Jordanian hotels in the capital, Amman, especially the

front-line workers, and how the internal marketing practices of the workers contribute to their sense

of organizational commitment towards the hotels in which they work. This study was adopted with a

sample size of (287) distributed over four five-star hotels, and this study relied on the descriptive

analytical method and used multiple regression analysis to show the impact of internal marketing

practices on organizational commitment. This study concluded that the policy of employee

retention, training and development, and the quality of incentives are the most influential

dimensions in the organizational commitment of employees. In the field of financial institutions and


 Literature 8: study of (Al-Majali et al., 2017) entitled: "Studying the impact of internal marketing

dimensions on organizational commitment and employee satisfaction in commercial banks operating

in Karak Governorate aimed to study the dimensions of internal marketing on job satisfaction and

organizational commitment and its impact on their job performance for workers in commercial

banks in the Jordanian governorate of Karak. Randomly, this study relied on the descriptive analysis

method, and this study concluded that there is a positive impact of internal marketing factors on

organizational commitment and job satisfaction.

 Literature 9: study of (Omar, 2017) entitled: "Internal marketing policies and their role in enhancing

organizational commitment in business organizations", This study aimed to identify the impact of

using the internal marketing policy in achieving organizational commitment and creativity and how

to reduce employee turnover in the Iraqi city of Dohuk banks. Simple to measure the relationship

between research variables. This study concluded that employee empowerment is the most

influential factor in the selected society. Where in the field of educational institutions and university.

 Literature 10: study of (Kamal, 2018) entitled: "The impact of internal marketing on the

organizational commitment of employees at the University of Constantine", aimed to identify the

extent of the impact of internal marketing on organizational commitment at the University of

Constantine, Algeria, as well as to analyze the reality of internal marketing and organizational

commitment at the mentioned university. This study relied on a sample size of (60) workers from

different departments of the university, and relied on the descriptive analytical approach, and used

measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion in addition to correlation and regression

analysis in order to test the validity of the hypotheses of the study. This study ended with noting the

absence of an impact of internal marketing on organizational commitment in the mentioned society,

and the study attributed this matter to the weak application of internal marketing policies and the

administration's ignorance of its importance.

 Literature 11: study of (Amal, 2019) entitled: "The role of internal marketing in enhancing

organizational commitment to Algeria post office users" aimed to identify the impact of internal

marketing on organizational commitment among post office employees in Algeria. This study relied

on a sample size of (100) individuals, taken from several branches of post offices, and relied on the

descriptive analysis method.

Comparison between previous studies and current study

After reviewing the previous studies, it is necessary to clarify the difference between these studies

and the current study:

 Previous studies agree with the current study in that it examines the impact of internal marketing

factors on organizational commitment.

 The previous studies differ from the current studies in several aspects, which are summarized in the

following points:

1. All previous studies dealt with the relationship between internal marketing and organizational

commitment in service organizations, whether hotel or banking, and others, while the current

study examines the reality of this relationship in sample of industrial and services organization in


2. All previous studies were concerned with private sector organizations, while the current study is

concerned with both public and private organizations, as all organizations could suffers from the

absence of internal marketing policies, which negatively reflects on organizational commitment

represented by leakage Career and high turnover.

3. This study will deal with new variables and new indicators in measuring the dimensions of

internal marketing, as well as in measuring organizational commitment that were not addressed

by previous studies.

4. The study will be applied to a new environment represented by the Qatari organizations.

9. Description of research approach (Qualitative or Quantitative Research, or Mixed?) and
indication of research design, i.e., What is the name of specific Research Design to be
utilised for the investigation? For example, Case Study, Descriptive Survey, Correlation
Study, Causal-Comparative Study, Experimental Study, Phenomenological Study,
Historical Study, Documentation Study, etc. (20 points):

Quantitative research will be utilized for this research which involves collecting and analyzing data by using

(Survey) to understand concepts, opinions, or experiences. and gather in-depth insights into a problem and

generate new ideas for research. The researcher will be working with survey responses.

The data research will be collected from the main tow sources:

1. Theoretical Part:

The researcher will rely on the descriptive approach in order to collect secondary data from its multiple

sources to form the theoretical framework for the research. The most important sources are the secondary

data collection from the following sources:

A: Books, periodicals journals, and conferences related to the research topic.

B: Publications of the various ministries and departments that are related to the research.

2. Practical part (Field Study): A Survey will be collected and coded and measured to test the research

hypothesis and answer the research problems.

10.Description of the type of data to be collected to address the research objectives
and/or answer research questions (10 points):

For this proposed research data will be collected and analyzed to understand concepts, opinions, or

experiences. It can be used to gather in-depth insights into a problem or generate new ideas for research.

Designing a survey to collect the necessary primary data; This will be done by designing an appropriate

survey list that includes a set of questions or statements necessary to measure the research variables; this

list is then used to test the research hypotheses; By using appropriate statistical methods and software


11.Indicate and describe from where and/or from whom will data be collected (10 points):

Secondary Data

The most important sources of the secondary data are from the following sources:

A: Books, periodicals journals, and conferences related to the research topic.

B: Publications of the various ministries and departments that are related to the research.

Primary Data

Designing a survey to collect the necessary primary data; This is done by designing an appropriate

survey list that includes a set of questions or statements necessary to measure the research variables.

Research population and sample

Research population: The research population includes all workers in Qatari organization.

Research sample: A random sample from workers in Qatar organization will be selected from different

administrative levels.

12.Describe how data collected will be analyzed (Quantitative vs. Qualitative Method?) (10


Since the researcher will use data collected by questionnaire therefore, researchers will

conduct analysis of datasets and encode the responses into categories an using 5 Likert scale. Statistical

Package for the Social Sciences SPSS is mainly used for variables coded in numbers. And relevant tests

will be conducted in order to test the research hypothesis throughout the following steps:

1. Prepare and organize data (survey).

2. Review and explore your data. Examine the data for patterns or repeated ideas that emerge.
3. Develop a data coding system, establish a set of codes that can apply to categorize data.

13.List at least 20 references (in APA referencing format and ideally, of Scholarly Journal
Articles), consisting of RELATED past research findings that would be used to build
credibility for your own research investigation (10 points).

Abbas, Aamir (2018), “The Effect of Internal Marketing Dimension on Organizational Commitment of

Employees an Investigation Among Privet Banks in Faisalabad-Pakistan”, Journal of Natural Social Science,

vol 7, p 143-165.

Abdullah, Khaled (2018), “The Role of Leadership Behavior in Achieving Job Satisfaction”, Journal of the

University College of Heritage, No. 18, pp. 243-275.

Abu Bakr, Ayman Abdullah Muhammad (2015), “The Impact of Internal Marketing Practices on Employee

Satisfaction”, Journal of Economic Sciences, No. 16, pp. 10-24.

Abu Rumman, Asaad Hammad Musa (2017), “The relationship between internal marketing and

organizational commitment for workers in Jordanian hotels”, Master’s thesis, Faculty of Economics and

Administration, King Abdulaziz University.

Abu-Shouk, Mohammad (2019), “Exploring the Impact of Internal Marketing On Organizational Commitment

of travel Agents Employee”, International Journal of Hospitality, Vol 5, p 107-131.

Al-Majali, Malik Hamid and others (2016), “The impact of internal marketing dimensions on employee

satisfaction and its impact on their performance”, Administrative Journal in Business Administration, Vol. 12,

No. 3, pp. 597-626.

Al-Taie, Abdul Hamid (2012), "Measuring internal marketing assessments and procedures in the Jordanian

hotel industry from the workers' point of view", Amman Publishing House.

Amal, Bakkar (2019), “The Role of Internal Marketing in Enhancing the Organizational Commitment of Post

Office Users in Algeria”, Al-Bashaer Economic Journal, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 113-148.
Ashrafi, Dewan (2018), “The Relationship Between Internal Marketing and Employ Job Satisfaction, A Study

from Retail Shop in Bangladesh”, Journal of Business and Retail Management Research, vol 2, p 143-159.

Change et all (2019), “Internal Marketing Dimensional and Organizational Commitment”, Journal of Business

and Retail Management Research, Vol 9, p 77-91.

Haydari, Monammed (2016), “The Impact of Internal Marketing On the Three Dimensional Model of

Organizational Commitment Employees Case Study Chain Stores Hami in Andizhan Newtown”, International

Journal of Science, Vol 4, p 86-105.

Istanbouli, Aref (2016), “A comparative study of public and private banks operating in Syria in the application

of internal marketing policies”, Tishreen University Journal for Research and Scientific Studies, Economic and

Legal Sciences Series, Volume 38, No. 2, pp. 313-330.

Kamal, Mardawi (2018), "The Impact of Internal Marketing on Organizational Commitment", Journal of

Economic Studies, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 48-68.

Moghadam, Iman (2012), “The Impact of Internal Marketing On Organizational Commitment in Banking

Industry Trough Structural Equation Modeling”, Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in

Business, Vol 7, p 18-28.

Omar, Muhammad Abdul-Rahman (2017), “Internal Marketing Policies and Their Role in Enhancing

Organizational Creativity in Business Organizations”, Al-Danner Magazine, No. 10, pp. 494-520.

Romas, Wilmark (2018), “Internal Marketing Dimensional and Organizational Commitment of Universal

Banks Employees”, Review Integrative Business and Economics Research, Vol 7.

Thaer, Hawraa (2015), “Internal Marketing and Service Quality and Their Impact on Achieving Customer

Satisfaction”, Karbala University Scientific Journal, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 315-340.

Wrangkani, Tunjung & Meliala, Andeasta (2018), “The Relationship Between Internal Marketing and the

Moghadam, Organizational Commitment of Doctor and Nurses at Mardi waluyo Hospital”, International

Journal of Healthcare Management, Vol 1.

Iman (2012), “The Impact of Internal Marketing on Organizational Commitment in Banking Industry Trough

Structural Equation Modeling”, Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, Vol 7, p 18-28.

14.The information supplied is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, accurate. I
clearly understand my obligations and the rights of the participants. I agree to act at all
times in accordance with University’s regulations for undertaking research.

Date of submission (22/05/2022):

Signature of applicant: MOHAMAD RAMEZ MALBANJI

Signature of thesis supervisor: ………………………………………………………….…

Date received: ……………… Date approved: ……………. Signed: ………………………



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