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Research Proposal Approval Form

1. Full Mahmoud Ali Salah Al Khassawneh 2. DBA

Name: Programme:
3. e-mail:
4. Module Name and Code: Doctor Of Business Administration
5. Name of Thesis Dr. Hani Eid

6. Research (Thesis) Topic (5 points):

The impact of political, economic and health aspects on the Arab shipping sector
comparative analytical study
7. Research objectives and/or questions (15 points):

Purpose of the study

This study aims to clarify the extent to which the maritime transport sector in general and the
national economy, in particular, has been affected by the port tariff changes, as governments
and states resort to making adjustments to that tariff in line with the specific conditions of
each country.
And knowing whether this will affect the reality of international maritime trade and its volume
with other countries

Hence, this study comes to include two dimensions, the first of

which is theoretical, which is based on the study and analysis of reality based on official data
and academic studies, and the second is the practical dimension through conducting a field
study on workers in the maritime transport sector and shipping companies inside Jordan
As for Egypt, it will be relied on official data due to the difficulty of conducting a field study
On this basis, the study will be divided and analyzed based on two points: -

The theoretical aspect related to what was addressed by previous studies and researchers
about the reality of the maritime transport sector in both Jordan and Egypt, as well as
reliance on official data issued by the competent authorities in the countries under study.

The practical aspect is received in Jordan, especially in terms of knowing the opinions of
specialists in the maritime transport sector, including managers, officials and employees
working in the maritime sector, by distributing a questionnaire to extrapolate their opinions
and attitudes regarding the applicable maritime tariff

On this basis, Jordan and Egypt were selected as two study cases to conduct this research
due to the following reasons
1- The researcher is one of the senior workers in the shipping sector and maritime
agencies in Jordan and has extensive relations with workers in the sector, whether
inside or outside Jordan, so Egypt’s choice was for speed and ease of collecting
information and for having relations with workers in the sector from the Egyptian side

2- The size of the Egyptian shipping sector has grown, where Egypt has many important
ports and has the largest and most important sea corridor in the world, which is the Suez
Canal, making it the focus of the world's attention as an important maritime destination
3- Jordan, despite the presence of one seaport there, is one of the countries rich in
phosphate and potash sources, which also makes it the focus of international attention in
exporting this material outside Jordan
4- Jordan and Egypt are associated with many international agreements. the joint whether
political or economic or security or health

The importance of studying
The importance of this study stems from a set of scientific and practical considerations that
can be highlighted as follows

Scientific importance

It is that this study comes in that it is almost one of the very few studies that directly
exposed the reality of the maritime transport sector in Jordan, as the Jordanian library is
almost devoid of such studies, and it represents a qualitative addition to the balance of the
Jordanian library. The study also aims to compare the reality of the maritime transport sector
In Egypt with Jordan in terms of the size of the sector, its importance and its role in
supporting the national economy

Practical importance

The practical importance of the study lies in its touching on a direct topic related to the
Jordanian and Egyptian maritime economy and knowing the extent to which this sector is
affected by government decisions and whether those decisions contributed to supporting the
maritime transport sector

8. Review of Related Literature (20 points):

Previous studies

In general, it can be said that the Arab library lacks specialized books in the field of
maritime transport, and that most Arab universities lack specialized colleges in marine
sciences, with the exception of some academies in some countries
Researchers usually rely on some scientific articles or statistics

In the article published on the Jordanian newspaper Al-Sabil, which talks about the
development of the logistics transport system in the port of Aqaba, there was a great
consensus on the importance of the maritime transport sector as a main tributary of the
Jordanian economy. Considering that 80% of Jordan's trade is transported by sea

Under the title Global Trade Pressure and Maritime Transport with Economic Recovery, the
Kingdom Channel broadcast a report explaining the recovery of international trade after the
Corona pandemic as a result of reopening economies in the United States of America and
Europe, where the freight transport sector, especially the maritime sector, will face pressure
in meeting the needs of countries, which will raise the costs of maritime transport, which will
be reflected on Prices and contributes to their rise

Naveen Kamel In her article in Al-Shorouk magazine, Friday, May 1, 2020, under the title of
the sectors of maritime transport and air freight most affected by the Corona crisis in Egypt,
she indicated that the Suez Canal Authority announced a decrease in traffic in the Suez Canal
during the month of February 2020, so that the number of container ships crossing the canal
decreased by 7.3 While the number of passenger and cargo ships decreased by 22.2% and
1.3%, respectively, she also indicated that the first quarter of 2021 witnessed a moderate
growth in the traffic of ships on an annual basis, as the number of ships passing through the
canal grew by 8.4%, while the percentage of tonnages increased to 8.5%

The report, which was published by UNCTAD in the News of the World magazine on
November 18, 2021, under the title “The effects of the Corona epidemic on global maritime
trade, indirect and long-term,” indicated that the impact of Corona on maritime trade in 2020
was less severe than expected, and the report expected that the annual growth in maritime
trade would slow During the years 2022-2026 to 2.4%, compared to 2.9% during the past two
decades, he added that the data indicate that in 2020 maritime trade will shrink by 3.8%, but
it will increase in 2021 to reach 4.3%.

The report also indicated that the next recovery from the effects of the pandemic will depend
on the course of the epidemic and will depend on the ability to reduce the pressure of the
spread of the epidemic by spreading and providing the vaccine in the world.

The report also indicated that the spread of the epidemic revealed the challenges that were
already present in the maritime transport sector in terms of labor shortages and
infrastructure needs, adding that this raises concerns about the continuation of the crisis as a
result of the closure and ban policies

The report also indicated that the restrictions imposed on the supply side of container
shipping led to destabilization of maritime transport and trade, as the demand for shipbuilding
decreased by year 2023

In the article published in the magazine

Under the title “Covid 19 pandemic crisis on the Arab region”, it was reported that the
Corona virus led to the world’s worst economic and health crisis, as it led to a decrease in
global gross domestic product by 4.3%, a decrease in foreign direct investment by 40%, and a
decline in remittances by an amount of 10 billion dollars

The article also spoke that the Corona pandemic led to highlighting the flexibility of the
maritime transport sector in the face of disruption factors such as epidemics and the
importance of this sector in its ability to work and facilitate the arrival of basic commodities
during crises and in the sustainability of trade flow

The report indicated that despite the flexibility of the maritime sector, it was affected by the
Corona crisis in terms of the decline in the number of ships that visited Arab ports, but this
sector remains a means for the continuation of movement operations and global maritime and
commercial activity

9. Description of research approach (Qualitative or Quantitative Research, or Mixed?) and indication of
research design, i.e., What is the name of specific Research Design to be utilised for the investigation? For
example, Case Study, Descriptive Survey, Correlation Study, Causal-Comparative Study, Experimental Study,
Phenomenological Study, Historical Study, Documentation Study, etc. (20 points):

It can be said that this study is a combination of qualitative and quantitative aspect where it
will include a qualitative theoretical aspect based on addressing the reality of the shipping
sector in light of the recent challenges political, economic and health as well as it will include
a quantitative aspect related to a field study on the workers in the shipping sector in Egypt
and Jordan where a questionnaire will be distributed to know their opinions on some issues
and these questionnaires will be analyzed and digital results will be analyzed and will also be
compared between the reality of Jordan and Egypt
The study community is the category of workers in the shipping sector through a survey of
18 questions covering all aspects related to the maritime transport sector, whether political,
such as the Arab spring, political stability, and the special economic aspect of global
economic crises and its impact on the maritime sector and the health aspect related to the
Corona pandemic, which hit the world in 2020, where global activity in all aspects has stalled
and the movement of global transportation has stopped, leading to stagnation that the world
has not seen before This pandemic continues to mislead the world and the world is still
paying its effects tax

In addition, this study will adopt the matrix of evaluating external factors EFE in terms of
research and depth in studying the political, economic and health aspects and how it affected
the reality of the shipping sector during the fragile past years, which was full of different
developments, whether political, economic or health.

10. Description of the type of data to be collected to address the research objectives and/or answer
research questions (10 points):

For the purposes of this study, an 18-question questionnaire was designed that covered all
aspects of the research topic, where the questionnaire was distributed to workers in the
sector in Egypt and Jordan, and some questionnaires were excluded because the answers
were not complete and a large part of them were subjected to statistical analysis.

With regard to resolution measures, the scale has been adopted

I strongly agree.
I don't agree.
Strongly don’t agree.

And we can say that this method of scientific research helps to get more accurate answers
Where the method of orderly data is considered one of the exact methods in scientific

11. Indicate and describe from where and/or from whom will data be collected (10 points):

Data will be analyzed using statistical analysis method and then the results of the analysis
will be read and commented on
The questionnaire is directed to a certain group of people working in the shipping sector
because they have experience which enables them to answer the questionnaire
The questionnaire was distributed to workers in the Jordanian shipping sector and to the
Egyptian shipping sector.

12. Describe how data collected will be analysed (Quantitative vs. Qualitative Method?) (10 points):

The questionnaires will cover the quantitative aspect of the letter in question where the data
will be analyzed statistically and read the results of the analysis and work to characterize
those results by commenting on them scientifically and comparing the results of the analysis
sampled by Jordan with the results of the analysis sample Egypt

This is in terms of the quantitative aspect, but the qualitative aspect has been researched
with in-depth suspicion and on this basis the results of quantitative analysis will be linked to
the qualitative or theoretical aspect that has been researched

13. List at least 20 references (in APA referencing format and ideally, of Scholarly Journal Articles),
consisting of RELATED past research findings that would be used to build credibility for your own research
investigation (10 points).

1- the article published in the magazine E/ESCWA/2020/POLICY BRIEF 19

Under the title “Covid 19 pandemic crisis on the Arab region

2-report, published by UNCTAD in the News of the World magazine

on November 18, 2021, under the title “The effects of the
Corona epidemic on global maritime trade, indirect and long-term,”

3- article published on the Jordanian newspaper Al-Sabil, which talks about

the development of the logistics transport system in the port of Aqaba

4-Global Trade Pressure and Maritime Transport with Economic Recovery,

the Kingdom Channel

5-Naveen kamel - Al-Shorouk magazine, Friday, May 1, 2020, the sectors

of maritime transport and air freight most affected by the Corona crisis
in Egypt

6- World Bank data 2021)

7- Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia - Jordan)

8- Knowledge Journal - Jordanian Economy

9- The Jordanian Economy - Imbalances and Challenges - a research paper
submitted to the Al Jazeera Center for Political Studies - Malik Khasawneh

10- Century website of the state of Jordan - the transportation sector)

11- the official website of the Jordanian government

12- The National Securities Portfolio

13- Political Encyclopedia

14- Al-Arabi Magazine - What is the GATT Agreement

15- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Egypt's economy

16- The Egyptian Center for Economic Studies - Opinions on Economic Policy,
Issue (27) The Egyptian economy after the January 25 revolution, current
challenges and a future vision

17- Al-Jazeera Economic - the Egyptian Economy Administration after the

January Revolution - Abdel Hafez Al-Sawy

18- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Port Said Ports Authority)

19-the official website. The General Authority of Red Sea Ports

20- Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia - Alexandria Port

21- Knowledge Magazine - Damietta Port

23- Source - Egyptian Ministry of Transport / company's

24- Corona’s impact on the transport sector is greater than the repercussions
of the global crisis: Akhbar Al Mal – Egyptian Arab Economic Magazine)

25-Mahmoud Ragab Mahmoud - The role of the merchant marine fleet and
Egyptian ports in activating international

26-Waheed Abdel Latif Shaheen - Feasibility study for developing the Egyptian
merchant marine fleet using financial leasing - Arab Academy for Science,
Technology and Maritime Transport - Alexandria 2009

27-Dr. Samira Ayoub - Mechanisms for maximizing the efficiency of the

performance of the Egyptian maritime transport sector in light of global
developments - Journal of the Faculty of Commerce for Scientific Research /
Alexandria University - Issue No. 1 Volume No. 46 January 2009

14. The information supplied is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, accurate. I clearly understand my
obligations and the rights of the participants. I agree to act at all times in accordance with University’s
regulations for undertaking research.

Date of submission (DD/MM/YYYY):

Signature of applicant:

Signature of thesis supervisor: ………………………………………………………….…

Date received: ……………… Date approved: ……………. Signed: ………………………



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