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Strategies to improve the ability to speak in high school students is of the utmost importance,

since it is the fundamental basis for new paths in English, since it is a living language that
continues to evolve, introducing many technological terms to everyday life, Thus, today's
society is very demanding in the communicative part of studies, because the development of
English speech corresponds to the social, cultural part, being of great importance that students
can express themselves correctly, providing information about them and requiring the ability
to understand, phrases and frequent expressions of their environment such as: greetings,
names of objects, etc. as well as understand the main ideas of texts and other things. For all
these reasons and because of the unstoppable advance of globalization, it is extremely
important to improve speaking English.

Speaking is one of language skill that people use in communication to others. The purpose of
the teachers of speaking is to enable the student to speak and interpret the message that
occurs in the communication process. Speaking ability is an ability to express, to convey the
idea and suggestion. Talking is about how to express, it is related to the language problem and
the pronunciation of speech sound. therefore the ability of speaking is very Important in the
life . Currently the students have the problem to the moment of speak in public or include in
the classroom.

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