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Group 8 Speech Food Security / Hunger

Raismel and Ai: Did you know? that hunger…

Raishmel: ... Is a contributory factor in the death of 3.1 million children per year? Have you felt that the world seems
to be fading around you while you clutch your stomach while it growls, begging for you to feed it? To my fellow
classmates, and Miss Kristine, a pleasant morning to you all. I, Raishmel Villaruel, together with my partner, Ai
Yamada will spend some time with you to discuss about Food Security and Hunger in Africa.

Ai: As concerned faithful servants of the community, it is our responsibility to be aware of the phenomena that is
happening around the world and hunger just seems to be one of them so that's why you should lend us your eyes
and ears at this very moment. Hunger is a problem in Africa because it has long term negative impacts on their
health, development, and productivity. Today, this rampant issue is something that we will discuss today and why it
affects the aforementioned aspects.

Raishmel: So basically what is hunger? On a global scale, the simplest definition of hunger is a scarcity of food in a
country. This occurs when the population of a country quite literally does not have enough to eat. In most developed
countries, only a relatively small percentage of citizens suffer from hunger. As a matter of fact, Africa is the continent
with the largest number of people living in extreme poverty, with 383 million people living on less than $1.90 per

Ai: Now that we know what hunger is, lets now know what are the causes and possible solution to this problem. Food
insecurity exists when individuals who are suffering from poverty do not have adequate access to sufficient, safe and
nutritious food which meets their needs for an active and healthy life. The issue is thus not the existence of enough
food, but the access to food.Conflict often puts constraints on employment and income opportunities, which affects
an individual’s ability to acquire food. Environmental challenges—including erosion, desertification, deforestation,
and drought and water shortages—can have detrimental impacts on food security. In general, the principal causes of
hunger include poverty, conflict, and changes in climate and weather.

Raishmel: On the positive note, there are possible solutions in solving this crisis of food security, and these solutions
are; supporting Small-time farms. The use of correct fertilizer in maximizing agricultural productivity. Lastly, through
large scale emergency feeding programs when there is a lack of food in Africa.

Ai: At this point, we will now elaborate why this crisis of hunger has a long term negative impact on the African
People’s health, development, and productivity.

Raishmel: Health problems begun by hunger and malnutrition which is the no. 1 source of death in Africa. Victims of
starvation are often too weak to sense thirst, and therefore become dehydrated. All movements become painful due
to muscle atrophy and dry, cracked skin that is caused by severe dehydration. With a weakened body, diseases are
commonplace. These diseases collectively can also cause diarrhea, skin rashes, edema, and heart failure. Individuals
are often irritable and lethargic as a result. Ai: Hunger can also affect their development because they wouldn’t be
able to get all the nutrients necessary for development both physically and mentally therefore affecting their
development negatively. According to UN data, 165 million children worldwide are too small for their age, or stunted,
due to chronic malnutrition. Three quarters of these children live in sub-Saharan Africa and sadly,worldwide, nearly
every death in children under the age of five is due to malnutrition.

Raishmel: Lastly it would affect their productivity because Food is the fuel for our body right? And what will happen if
you have none? Where will your energy come from? In such way, they are less able to improve their livelihoods
giving less adequate care for their families, it also impairs a person’s ability to be part of a productive workforce, and
contribute to economic growth.

Raishmel and Ai: Hunger is a huge problem because it can greatly affect a lot of people not only in Africa but the rest
of the world. This issue isn’t only the problem and responsibility of the government but also ours.
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