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17/07/2022, 22:10 E-Commerce Revenue Management: Python for Data Science - Great Learning

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E-Commerce Revenue Management

Submission type : File Upload

Due Date : Jul 24, 11:59 PM

Total Marks : 50

Available from : Jul 15, 8:00 AM


Dear Learner,

Please find below the instructions for the assignment on Python for Data Science:

Your submission should be a Python Notebook in this assignment. 

The Python Notebook should be submitted in Name_date.ipynb format. For
Eg: STUDENTNAME_01-Jan-2022.ipynb
Any assignment found copied/ plagiarized with another person will not be graded and
marked as zero.
Please ensure timely submission as a post-deadline assignment will not be accepted.


You have been given the role of a business analyst for an E-Commerce company and have
been asked to prepare a basic report on the data. Here, we are analysing different aspects
of E-Commerce Company by doing Exploratory Data Analysis. The questions and the
respective points per question are mentioned in the Jupyter Notebook shared separately.

The E-Commerce Company Dataset has been shared separately.

Note: Kindly use the correct nomenclature as mentioned in the project.

Reflection report

Please reflect on all that you have learned while working on this project. This step is critical in
cementing all your concepts and closing the loop. Please write down your thoughts after
completing the project here.

All the best!! 1/4
17/07/2022, 22:10 E-Commerce Revenue Management: Python for Data Science - Great Learning


Program Office 

Scoring guide (Rubric) - PDS Project Rubric (1)

Criteria Points

Q 1. To get familiar with the data

a) Print out the first 10 and the last 10 records of the data. (2
b) How many rows and columns are present in the dataset?
Use any two different methods to extract this information. (2 + 2 9
+ 1 marks) c) How many object data types are there? (1 mark) d) Is
there any Boolean data type? (1 mark)
Note: Overall 1 mark will
be deducted if incorrect nomenclature of dataframe /incorrect
dataset is used as per the guidelines.

Q 2. Eliminating the non-informative columns.

a) Drop the columns product_specifications and description. (2

b) Which method or function is used to permanently delete 4

the columns mentioned in part (a)?

Write the code explicitly (2

Q 3. Here we summarize the data at brand level.

a) How many unique Brand are there. (1 mark) b) Note that each 3
Brand contains multiple products. Show the average rating of the
products within each Brand (2 marks) 2/4
17/07/2022, 22:10 E-Commerce Revenue Management: Python for Data Science - Great Learning

Criteria Points

Q 4. Next we study the main categories of the products.

a) Create an appropriate plot to show the count of items ordered

for each product_main_category. (5 marks). Hint: Create a bar
chart titled "Product Category type" where
product_main_category are on x-axis and counts are on y-axis.
Note: Both axis labels, i.e. the names of the
product_main_category and counts must be clearly legible. b)
From the plot identify for which two product_main_category(s) the
maximum and the minimum orders were placed. (2 marks)
c) Write
code to print out the top 5 product_main_category(s) in
descending order? (2 marks)

Q 5. Find the net revenue generated by the E-Commerce

company over all orders placed. 6

Note: Marks will be only rewarded if the final answer is correct

Q6.Calculate the Net BrandRevenue for each Brand and list the
top 14 Brand having maximum revenue in descending order.
Hint:Net BrandRevenue is BrandRevenue which is generated after
all the deductions. Also, BrandRevenue is different from the E-
Commerce company's net revenue. 5

Hint: Brand revenue is different from the E-Commerce company

revenue. Calculate BrandRevenue for each brand - 2 marks
list the
top 10 brands having maximum revenue in descending order - 3

Q 7. Compare prices of the products.

a) Draw boxplots of retail_price & discounted_price. (2 marks) b) 5

Are there any outliers? (Yes/No) (1mark) c) Create a scatterplot of
retail_price (x-axis) and discounted_price (y-axis) (2 marks)

Q 8. Create a new dataframe to include the Brand specific

information as stated: i. total number of orders placed per Brand
ii. total retail_price per Brand iii. total discounted_price per Brand, 3
and iv. total BrandRevenue generated per Brand. Also, draw a
pairplot using these four features. (3 marks) 3/4
17/07/2022, 22:10 E-Commerce Revenue Management: Python for Data Science - Great Learning

Criteria Points

Q 9.Compare performance regionwise

a) Draw a lineplot for the monthly Revenue of E-Commerce

Company for each region separately. (4 marks) b) Identify the best
and the worst performing months for each region. (2 marks)
Only those days with actual orders(Order_Date) placed are
present in the dataset. Assuming there were no orders on other
days. (Marks will only be rewarded if the answer is correct)
Incase all the codes from Q1-Q9 are not run in sequential manner,
1 mark will be deducted here.

Points 50

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