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Parliament (संसद)

SSC MTS, Group D, NTPC, Railway, NDA & S PCS

👉 New Building Constructed by – TATA Top MCQ

👉 Maximum Strength of Lok Sabha – 552

👉 Maximum Strength of Rajya Sabha – 250
👉 First Rajya Sabha Was constituted – 1952
👉 Interval b/w the 2 consecutive sessions – 6 Months
Imp Facts
• India's present Parliament building was designed by the British
architects Edwin Lutyens and Herbert Baker and was constructed
between 1921 and 1927.
• It was opened in January 1927 as the seat of the Imperial Legislative
• As part of India's Central Vista Redevelopment Project, a new
parliament building is currently under construction in New Delhi.
• Once completed, it will be the seat of the Parliament of India, which
currently occupies Parliament House, located directly opposite the new
building's site.
Imp Facts

• Tata Projects Limited won the bid to construct the new parliament
building at cost of Rs 861.90 crore.
• The new parliament will capture the ethos of India at the grassroots level
so that every Indian feels associated with it.
• From Vedas, to Yoga to Upanishads, Sufi and folk culture, Kabirpath,
everything will be part the interiors of the new parliament building.
• The interiors will have three national symbols as their main themes --
lotus, peacock and banyan tree.
• The theme of the Lok Sabha chamber will be the national bird peacock
• The Rajya Sabha chamber will have the national flower lotus as its theme.
Imp Facts

• The theme of the Central Lounge courtyard will be the national

tree banyan.
• The National Emblem will crown the new Parliament building
• The interior walls of the new parliament will have shlokas
inscribed on them.
• The panels have academicians, historians, artists, various experts
and officials from the Culture and Urban Development Ministries
for sourcing, monitoring and installing the artworks that would
decorate the premises.
• New Building Architect - Bimal Patel
Lok Sabha

• The Lok Sabha or the House of people has a maximum strength of 550
members (up to January 2020 it had 552 members).
• The 104th Constitutional Amendment Act, 2019 abolished the two additional
members who were appointed from the Anglo-Indian community.
• A candidate for membership of the Lok Sabha must be a citizen of India and
not less than 25 years of age. The tenure of the Lok Sabha is five years.
• The Leader of Opposition is the politician who leads the official opposition
in either House of the Parliament. i.e Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha.
Rajya Sabha
• The maximum permissible strength of the Rajya Sabha is 250.
• As per Article 80 of the Indian Constitution, the maximum permissible
strength of the Upper House of the Parliament, i.e., Rajya Sabha is 250.
• Out of the total 250, 238 are representatives from the States and Union
Territories and 12 are nominated by the President.
• Currently, the maximum strength for Rajya Sabha is 245, of which 233 are
elected by the legislatures of the states and union territories and the
remaining 12 are nominated by the President.
• The Vice-President of India is the ex-officio Chairman of the Rajya Sabha
• There is no seat reserved for SCs and STs in Rajya Sabha
Imp Facts

• The current Chairman of Rajya Sabha – Venkaiah Naidu.

• The current Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha – Harivansh Narayan
• The first Chairman of Rajya Sabha – Dr. S. Radhakrishnan.
• The First Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha – S. V. Krishnamoorthy
• The longest-serving chairman of Rajya Sabha – Mohammed Hamid
• The shortest-serving chairman of Rajya Sabha – V. V. Giri.
Imp Facts

• An adjournment suspends the work in a sitting for a specified time.
• The time may be hours, days, or weeks.
• In this case, the time of reassembly is specified.
• एक स्थगन एक नननित समय के निए बै ठक में काम को ननिंनबत कर दे ता है ।
• समय घं टे, नदन या सप्ताह हो सकता है ।
• इस मामिे में , पुन: संयोजन का समय नननदि ष्ट है ।
Imp Facts

Adjournment Sine Die

• Adjournment sine die terminates a sitting of Parliament for an
indefinite period.
• When the House is adjourned without naming a day for reassembly,
it is called adjournment sine die.
• अनननित काि के निए स्थगन सं सद की बैठक को अनननित काि के निए
समाप्त कर दे ता है ।
• जब सदन की पुन: बै ठक के निए एक नदन का नाम निए नबना स्थनगत कर नदया
जाता है , तो इसे अनननित काि के निए स्थगन कहा जाता है ।
• Prorogation means the termination of a session of the House by an
order made by the President.
• Usually, within a few days after the House is adjourned sine die by the
presiding officer, the President issues a notification for the prorogation
of the session.
• सत्रावसान का अथि है राष्टरपनत द्वारा नदए गए आदे श द्वारा सदन के एक सत्र की
• आमतौर पर, पीठासीन अनिकारी द्वारा सदन को अनननित काि के निए स्थनगत करने
के कुछ नदनों के भीतर, राष्टरपनत सत्र के सत्रावसान के निए एक अनिसूचना जारी
करता है ।
Imp Facts

• A dissolution ends the very life of the existing House, and a new
House is constituted after general elections are held.
• नवघटन से मौजूदा सदन का जीवन समाप्त हो जाता है , और आम चुनाव होने के
बाद एक नए सदन का गठन होता है ।
Parliamentary proceedings

• Question Hour - The first hour of every parliamentary sitting is

slotted for this. During this time, the members ask questions and
the ministers usually give answers. The questions are of three kinds,
namely, starred, unstarred and short notice.
• Zero Hour - Starts at 12 noon immediately following the Question
Hour, It is an Indian innovation in parliamentary proceedings. The
ninth Speaker Rabi Ray regulated this practice
Indian Parliamentary System is based on which model?
भारतीय संसदीय प्रणािी नकस मॉडि पर आिाररत है?

a) Westminster model • Also known as parliamentary

b) Welfare state model
c) Unitary model
d) None

Option : A

The maximum permissible strength of the Rajya Sabha is:

राज्य सभा की अनिकतम अनुमेय शप्ति है:

a) 250
b) 260
c) 225
d) 300

Option : A
In which of the following years was the Rajya Sabha first
ननम्ननिप्तित में से नकस वर्ि पहिी बार राज्य सभा का गठन नकया
गया था?

a) 1952 • First constituted on 3 April 1952

b) 1947 • Dr. S Radhakrishnan was the
First Chairman of the Rajya
c) 1950
Sabha, also the First Vice
d) 1948 President of the Nation.
• Shri S. V Krishnamoorthy Rao
Option : A was the first Deputy Chairman
Parliament can Amend the provision on official language of
India under the Constitution by
संसद संनविान के तहत भारत की राजभार्ा पर प्राविान में संशोिन कर
सकती है

a) Simple majority of its members

b) 2/3rd majority • Part XVII of the Indian
constitution deals with
c) 3/4th majority
the official languages in
d) 1/3rd of its members Articles 343 to​​ 351.
Option : A
Imp Facts

• 14 were initially included in the Constitution.

• The Sindhi language was added by the 21st Amendment Act of
• Konkani, Manipuri, and Nepali were included by the 71st
Amendment Act of 1992.
• Bodo, Dogri, Maithili, and Santhali were added by the 92nd
Amendment Act of 2003.
Which of the following Union Territories of India has the
highest number of Lok Sabha seats?
ननम्ननिप्तित में से भारत के नकस केंद्र शानसत प्रदे श में िोकसभा सीटों की
संख्या सबसे अनिक है?

a) Jammu Kashmir
b) The National Capital Territory of Delhi
c) Puducherry
d) Lakshadweep

Option : B
The Rajya Sabha is dissolved after
राज्यसभा नकतने समय के बाद भंग होती है

a) 5 years
b) 6 years
c) On the advice of prime minister
d) None of the above

Option : D
_____ is ex-officio Chairman of Rajya Sabha.
_____ राज्य सभा के पदे न सभापनत हैं।

a) Vice president
b) President
• Rajya Sabha represents
c) Prime Minister the federal character of
the constitution
d) Speaker of Loksabha

Option : A
The Joint sitting of both the Houses is chaired by the
दोनों सदनों की संयुि बैठक की अध्यक्षता नकसके द्वारा की जाती

a) President • Called by the President (Article 108)

• Presided over by the Speaker.
b) Vice President • In his absence, it is presided over by
the Deputy Speaker of the Lok
c) Speaker of the House Sabha, or in his absence, the
Deputy-Chairman of the Rajya
d) Prime Minister
Sabha presides.
• The Chairman doesn’t preside over
Option : C the joint session.
Which one of the following is the largest Committee of
the Parliament?
ननम्ननिप्तित में से कौन संसद की सबसे बडी सनमनत है?

a) Committee on Public Accoun

• Estimates Committee
b) Committee on Estimates has 30 members and all
c) Committee on Public Undertakings these members are from
Lok Sabha
d) Committee on petitions • Minister cannot be
elected as member /
Option : B Chairman (Girish Bapat)
Committee on Public Accounts (PAC)

• Public Accounts Committee has 22 members of which 15 are from

Lok Sabha while 7 from Rajya Sabha.
• A minister cannot be a member of PAC.
• The Chairman of PAC is appointed by Speaker from its members.
• The chairman of PAC is from opposition by convention.
• PAC examines the three audit reports of CAG submitted to
• Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury is the current chairperson of the Public
Accounts Committee.
Committee on Public Undertakings

• Committee on Public Undertakings has 22 members from both the

houses of parliament {15 from Lok Sabha and 7 from Rajya Sabha}.
• The chairman of this committee, appointed by the Lok Sabha
speaker is always from Lok Sabha.
• A minister cannot become chairman of this committee also
committed to Public Undertakings examines the reports and
accounts of public undertakings and also the CAG audit reports on
public undertakings.
• Meenakshi Lekhi is the current chairperson of the committee on
Public Undertaking
Which electoral college elects the Chairman of Rajya Sabha ?
कौन सा ननवािचक मंडि राज्य सभा के सभापनत का चुनाव करता है?

a) All members of Rajyasabha

• The fourth schedule
b) Elected members of Rajyasabha to the constitution
deals with the
c) Elected members of Parliament allocation of seats in
the Rajya Sabha to
d) All members of Parliament the States and Union
Option : D
What is the minimum age for holding office in the Lok
िोकसभा में पद िारण करने के निए न्यूनतम आयु क्या है?

a) 18
b) 21
c) 25
d) 30

Option : C
Who was the first speaker of the Lok Sabha?
िोकसभा के प्रथम अध्यक्ष कौन थे?

a) KS Hegde • Ganesh Mavlankar is

b) Hukum Singh considered as the father
c) MA Ayyangar
of Lok Sabha.
• He was popularly called
d) Ganesh Mavlankar ‘Dada Saheb’.
Option : D
A motion of no confidence against the Government can
be introduced in:
सरकार के प्तििाफ अनवश्वास प्रस्ताव पेश नकया जा सकता है:

a) Rajya sabha
b) Lok Sabha
c) Both
d) Neither

Option : B

How many sessions of the Lok Sabha take place in a year?

िोकसभा के एक वर्ि में नकतने सत्र होते हैं?

a) 2
b) 3 • BMW (Budget, Monsoon,
c) 4 Winter)

d) 5

Option : B
Q.15.After how many days of absence from Parliament without
permission can a Member of Parliament (MP) be
संसद से नबना अनुमनत के नकतने नदनों की अनुपप्तस्थनत के बाद संसद
सदस्य (सांसद) को अयोग्य घोनर्त नकया जा सकता है

a) 30 days
b) 60 days
c) 90 days • Article 101(4) deals with it

d) 120 days

Option : B
Which Article of Indian Constitution gives definition of
money bill?
भारतीय संनविान का कौन सा अनुच्छेद िन नविेयक की पररभार्ा
दे ता है?

a) 56 • Money bills of the union can be

introduced only in Lok Sabha
b) 110 • The speaker of the Lok sabha has a
c) 72 special power to certify a money bill.
• President can not return the money bill
d) 121
for the reconsideration of the
Option : B
The Speaker of the Lok Sabha is elected by the
िोकसभा के अध्यक्ष का चुनाव नकसके द्वारा नकया जाता है?

a) Deputy Speaker • He remains in his office during

the life of the Lok Sabha
b) President • Elected by members of Lok
Sabha from amongst its
c) Members of Lok sabha members, as soon as, after the
first meeting.
d) Members of both houses • Article 93 of the Constitution
provides for the election of both
Option : C the Speaker and the Deputy
The Finance BiIl has to be passed by the parliament
within how many days of its introduction?
नवत्त नविेयक को संसद द्वारा पेश नकए जाने के नकतने नदनों के
भीतर पाररत नकया जाना है?

a) 90 • can be introduced only in Lok

b) 75 Sabha.
c) 60
• Rajya Sabha can recommend
amendments to the Bill.
d) 85 • In Lok Sabha by a simple
majority of all members present
Option : B
and voting
What should be the interval between the two consecutive
sessions of Parliament?
संसद के िगातार दो सत्रों के बीच का अंतराि नकतना होना चानहए?

a) 4 months
b) 6 months
c) 1 year
d) Fixed by the President

Option : B
Q.20. Which one of the following provisions deals with the
privileges and immunities of the Members of Parliament
under the Constitution of India?
ननम्ननिप्तित में से कौन सा प्राविान भारत के संनविान के तहत संसद
सदस्यों के नवशेर्ानिकारों और उन्मुप्तियों से संबंनित है?

a) 105
b) 104
c) 82
d) 117

Option : A
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