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10 structure in Essay

1) When / While S t V t O ,
Sit Vet 01
Exit when dies whole way of Life disappears with it
language out ,

1- While some students drop out after a few years studying ,

others finish
academic courses with poor degrees .

L) S t V t O , resulting in an increase 1 a decrease in + the


number of Smt 1 the demand for St .

Ex ; Many people in the countryside migrate into

big cities resulting in an

increase in the demands for accommodation , good and services in urban areas

3) S t V t O , giving rise to st
E± Advertisements give people more choices on what they want to buy ,

giving rise to the consumer society .

4) By doing St ,
S t V t O l thot dung sau oui 1)
EI .
By spending money
to protect
minority languages , governments can

also preserve traditions ,

customs and behaviors .

5) S t V t O , and this will S t V to

Ex : the use of private car is increasing in Hanoi

and it put a strain

on its infrastructure t go a' p life


6) r
Instead of
Ving ,

In lieu of
EI : Instead of driving cars , people should use public transport .

7) S t V t O .

I This
allowing 1 urging
allows / urges 1 encourages Stl
Sb to . .

/ from
to do st .

EI The utilisation of helps companies to


cheap Labour
doing it .

reduce the production This encourages expansion

cost .

encouraging . . .
8) Compared to those who s t V to ,
s + V to
Ex compared
: to those who high school qualifications , university graduates
often have more employment opportunities -

9) If S t V, S t V TO
Ex :
If air travel is restricted , people would opt for other means of
trans poet such as buses and cars
Choo ,

10 ) when S t V to ,
s - V t O , ring to
EI : when the government pays for tuition fees , the constraint of finance
is removed greater number of students to attend academic
, encouraging a courses .


1st / Cair gheg's

: Cair doin

Indi → 4th : coin panic boils

g help
: Cain d- oh I cant

Sentence structures 8t
1) Relative clause .

+ clause , which clause .

. .

1- Clause ,
having . - -

111 Adverbial clause

* Positive ( cause )

By dint of

By virtue
In t N Phrase main clause
hope of -

In an effort

Attempt to

Thanks to

EI .
By dint of hard work ,
he won the international competition .

Negative ( cause)
On account of

f. Owing


consequence of
t N -

phrase ,
main clause

EI On account of her irresponsibility , she got fired .

* Neutral C Pot Ne)

+ As result N phrase main clause
of -

+ While

1- Although
Despite 1 In spite of
111 ) Emphatic Structure

-1 It is the high time that .

. .

It is because of N phrase IV phrase that clause

+ -

1- It is thanks to

1- Were it not for I Had it not been for + N phrase


S would do St

Ways to paraphrase
1) Using synonyms

11 ) change the word order

111 ) change the form of the word

N) change from Active to Passive

How to think examples

I) The university Study
Queen 's
For example ,
a recent study by University found that regularly
using smart phones or tablets increased literacy rates by 28% .

M) A government Opinion Poll

For instance recent poll the UK Government found that 68% of

people who attended single sex schools would have preferred to have

gone to a mixed school .

Ill ) A newspaper Report

the new York Times reported in March 2015 that violent crimes committed
by under year olds , such
15 as assault
murder and rape ,
were Linked
to playing violent video games .
IV ) Personal Experience

In local city they have installed bike Lanes and places where
my you
safely park your bike and this has encouraged thousands of people
to stop using cars .

V ) Real examples ( from sample answer; news : CNN , ABC , .

. -
j Simon .
. .

Make examples more specific by adding :

1. Dates
2 . Placet Business I university names

3 . Names
of people
4 .

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