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Unit I:

Lesson I: What is Art? Introduction Assumptions


1. Understand the role of humanities & arts in man’s attempt at fully realizing his purpose.
2. Classify misconception the art.
3. Characterize the assumption of Art.
4. Engage better with personal experiences of and in art.


This lesson is about this yearning for the beautiful, the appreciation of all consuming beauty
around us, and some preliminary classification on assumptions that people normally hold about


Humanities are academic disciplines that study aspects of human society and culture. It
includes the study of ancient and modern languages literature, philosophy, history, archeology,
anthropology, human geography, law, Politics, religion and Art. It has five areas: Languages, the
Art, Literature, Philosophy, religion and history.

We learn about the values of different culture, about what goes into making a work of Art,
about History is made. The efforts of our great accomplishes of the past, help us understand the
world we live in, and give us tools to imagine the future.

Art, from Ancient Latin “Ars” which means a “Craft or Specialized form of Skill, like
Carpentry or Smithying or Surgery. It suggested the capacity to produce an intended result from
carefully planned steps or methods. In ancient world, Art only meant using the bare hands to
produce something that will be useful to one’s day- to- day life.


1. Art is Universal- In every country and in every generation there is always art.
1. Ex. Florante at Laura- never fails to teach students the beauty of love.
2. The Psalm- feels we are in communion with the King David.
- Art has been crafted by all people regardless of origin, time, place, and that it
stayed on because it is liked and enjoyed by people continuously.
- Art will always be present because human being will always express themselves
and delight in these expressions. Men will continue to use art while art persist
and never get depleted.

2. Art is not Nature- It is man’s expression of his reception of nature; It is a man’s way of
interpreting nature. It is made by man.
3. Art involves experience- for Example: a DJ giving advice on love when he himself has
not experience it does not really know what he is talking about. One should also
underscore that every experience with art is accompanied by some emotions. Feelings
and emotions are concrete proofs that the art work has been experienced.
Teaching: Learning Modality/ Strategies

Assign students to present a painting and let them observe how the artist are
involving in their painting and this has to be submitted through social media

Suggested reference:

Art appreciation by Albert Napoleon J. Roldan; Chloe P. Dellosa

Assessment Technique:

Objective Test

Performance Output/ Evidence of Learning


Name: __________________________________________________ Date: ___________________

Course & Year: __________________________________________ Time: ___________________

1. Answer the following questions.

a. In the paintings that you choose, describe the things that are related to you?
b. What are the values that you have drawn from the painting?

Activity 2:
a. Choose one artwork under each given category that you are familiar with criticize using
the guide questions provided
1. Movie
2. Novel
3. Poem
4. music
5. A piece of Clothing

Category _____________________________________________________________________

Artwork ______________________________________________________________________

1. What is it about? What is it for?

2. What is it made of?
3. How good is it?
Unit I

Lesson 2 – Art Appreciation: Creativity, Imagination and Expression


1. Differentiate Art from Nature

2. Characterize- Artistic Expression based on personal experiences
3. Discuss the nature of art’s preliminary expression
4. Categorize work of art by citing personal experiences.


Art is a product of man’s creativity, imagination and expression. An artwork maybe

inspired by nature or other works of art, but an artist invents his own forms and pattern due to
what he perceives as beautiful and incorporate them in creating his masterpiece.

Art appreciation is a way of life: Jean- Paul Sartre- A French Philosopher of the 12 th
century describe the role of art as a creative work that depicts the world in a completely different
lights and perspective, and the source is due to human freedom.


1. One must exercise and develop his taste of things that are fine and beautiful. It allows
individual to make intelligent choice and decisions in acquiring necessities and luxuries,
knowing what gives better value for time of money while taking into considerations the
aesthetic and practical value.
2. Frequenting museums, art galleries, performing arts theater, concert halls, or even
malls that display art exhibitions that are free in admission during leisure time will
serve as a rewarding experience.
3. Learning to appreciate art will lead to a fuller or more meaningful life.


1. It requires thinking outside the box.

2. Used to solve problems that have never occurred before.
3. Conflate function and style.
4. Make life more unique and enjoyable experience.
5. Creativity is what sets apart one artwork from another.
6. Creativity embraces originality, puts his own flavor into his work and calls it his own
creative piece.


Albert Einstein- a German Physicists said that knowledge is actually derived from
imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. It embraces the entire world and all
these ever will be to know and understand. To him knowledge is limited. Imagination is not
constrained by the walls of the room, but goes beyond that.

Art as expression can be done in a number of ways: Such as visual Arts – a creation that
appeals to the sense of sight.

Ex: Performing Arts, theater, applied Arts, painting, drawings etc.

Films- refers to arts are putting together succession of still images in order to create an
illusions of movements. Performing arts is a live art and the artist’s medium is mainly the human
body, which she uses to perform. Poetry performance, architecture, dance, literary arts, theaters
and applied arts are all ways of expressing art.


Name: ___________________________________________________ Date: _____________________

Course & Year: ___________________________________________ Time: _____________________

Activity 1: Answer Briefly

1. How can you utilize the arts to express yourself, your community, and your relation to

Activity 2: From the table below. Write down examples of the different art forms studied in this
lesson. Provide ways on how these art forms express and unmask creativity from the artist.

Type of Art Example How does this Express How does this
Expression unmasked the artists

Activity 3: Choose an artwork and explore the process of what materials and techniques were used.

Unit 2

Lesson 3: Functions and Philosophical Perspectives on Art


1. differentiate directly functional and indirectly functional art

2. discuss the basic philosophical perspectives on the art
3. realize the function of some art forms in daily life
4. apply concepts and theories on beauty and aesthetics in real life scenario.


The purpose and function of a things are both related to a things identity, what makes a
table is the fact that it does perform its function and thereby, reaching its “telos” (purpose) what
makes a human being a human is his capacity for thinking, his supposed function. Without this
function, the human being ceases to be a human being. The telos, the function and the “whatness”
of a things are all interconnected.
Functions Arts: Are Classified into three (3)

1. Personal (public display or expression)

2. Social (celebrations or to affect collective behavior)
3. Physical (utilitarian)

Personal Function- Varied and highly subjected, which means that its function depends on the
person- the artist who creates the art. We may have created the art out of the need for self-
expression or who need to communicate his ideas to his audience.

Social Function of Arts- If and when it addresses a particular collective interest as opposed to a
personal interest.

Ex. Political Art, it may convey message of protest.

Physical Function of Arts- are the easiest to spot and understand. It can be found in art works that
are crafted in order to serve some physical purpose.

Ex. Architecture, Jewelry making, interior design. other function of Arts Are Music,
Sculpture, Architecture.


1. Art as an imitation
Plato- in his masterpiece “The Republic” paint a picture of artist as imitation and art as
mere imitation. His view of reality says that the things of this world are only copies of
the originals, the external, and the true entities that can only be formed in the world of
2. Art as a Representation

Aristotle- agrees with Plato- but in contrast, he considered art as an aid to philosophy in
revealing truth.

3. Art as a Disinterested Judgement

Immanuel Kant- “The Critique of judgement” –he considered the judgement of beauty,
& cornerstone of art, as something that can be universal despite its subjectivity.
Judgement of beauty, and therefore Art is innately autonomous from specific interest.
4. Arts as a Communication of Emotion
Leo Tolstoy- Art plays a huge role in communication to its audience’s emotion that the
artist previously experienced. Art serves as a language, a communication device that
articulates feelings and emotion that are otherwise unavailable to the audience.

Teaching: Learning Modality/ Strategies

Suggested References: Art Appreciation by Caslib, Garing, Casaul.
Assessment Technique
Objective Test
Activity 1:

Name: ______________________________________________ Date: ____________________

Course & Year: ______________________________________ Time: ___________________

Answer the following:

1. What art form/ artwork has changed something in your life?

Why? Account for the experience.
2. Does art always have a function? Why? Provide your own example.

Activity 2:

1. Look around your house and identify a product of Art in a bond paper, paste the
picture of that product of art in your household. Trace the beginnings of this item and
identify what functions it has played in his toy.

Prepared by:

Zaida Q. Ladrera

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