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Good day ma'am, My name is Bea Alyzza L. Viador from BSCRIM 1J.

Today, I am discussing my topic about aspect of Behavior.

There are 7 types of Aspect of behavior, 1st is Intellectual Aspect.

Aspect of Behavior

Intellectual Aspect

This aspect of behavior pertains to our way of thinking reasoning, solving problem, processing
information and coping with environment. Intellectual aspect it is how the person talks and
what he talks about. He must develop his intellectual or brains. When we say intellectual is
often used to describe intensive reasoning and deep thinking, particularly in relation to subject
that tend to spark deep discussion.

Emotional Aspect

This pertains to our feelings, mood, temper and strong motivational force. Emotions is essential
for well being because it provides information about what is relevant for us. They express needs
and provide a directions towards action. They give meaning to our life story, to our narratives,
thus they are fundamental in the construction of self. Emotion Aspect are very important in
one's life and without emotion there are no normal life. But the most important things is how
we manage the emotion in our lives.

Social Aspect

This pertains to how we interact or relate with other people. Sociologies define society as a
group of people who share common values and lifestyles. Social aspect are an important part of
the foundation for a society and they encompass all aspect of it. This is seem in how well a
person conduct himself with other people and how he will observes the of etiquette that
govern society.
Moral Aspect

This refers to our conscience and concept on what is good or bad . Moral are formed out of a
person's values. Values are the foundation of a person's ability to judge between right and
wrong .Right and wrong is determined by the overall goodness of the consequences of action.

Psychosexual Aspect

This pertains how being a man or a woman and the expression of love. And relating to the
mental, emotional, and behavioral aspects of sexual development . And also relating to mental
or emotional attitudes concerning sexual activity. or relating to the physiological psychology of

Political Aspect

This pertains to our ideology towards society/government. Politics is the way that people living
in groups make decisions. Politics is about making agreements between people that they can
live together in groups such a tribes, cities, or countries. In large groups, such as countries,
some people may spend a lot of their time making such agreements. These people are called
politicians. Politicians, and sometimes other people, may get together to form a government.
One of the ways the government leads the group is by making laws and rules which tell
everybody what they can and cannot do. The government makes these laws so that society will
be safe and well-ordered. A political ideology is a set of ideas, beliefs, values, and opinions,
exhibiting a recurring pattern, that competes deliberately as well as unintentionally over
providing plans of action for public policy making in an attempt to justify, explain, contest, or
change the social and political arrangements and processes of a political community.

Values or Attitude

This pertains to our interest towards something, our likes and dislikes. Values are the basic
notion of what is right and what is wrong, and they are fairly constant over time. Attitudes are
an evaluation you make about something. Attitudes have three components:

 A cognitive component, which is based on your values

 An affective component, which is how you feel about something
 A behavioral component, which is how you act about something

Cognitive dissonance is a conflict between two values or between values and behavior. To
understand people’s behavior, you need to understand their values and attitudes.

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