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The nature order of mathematics can be a fundamental to the physical, biological and social

sciences. It is indeed useful to think and learn about the nature of our world and also it can be a
tool to quantify, organize and control our environment, to predict phenomena and make our life
even more easier. Numerology is the easiest way for finding patterns and patterns are clues to
phase and transition. Many of the patterns and occurrences exists in our nature, in our
environment and even in our life and those patterns are defined as normal, repeated, forms a
design, identify relationship between objects or to find logical connections that might form a
generalization and realizations. The two types of patterns are fractals, these are geometric
shapes that are repeated (e.i snowflakes, animal skin patterns and branches of a tree) and
chaos, these are deterministic nature and it’s unpredictable (e.i cloud patterns and ocean
currents). Mathematics can used not just through patterns, it is used for measurement,
estimations, probability, fractions, time, symmetry, finance and geometry. When I think about
mathematics the first comes into my mind is numbers, equations and problem-solving but
mathematics is not just about numbers, it’s also about performing operations such as addition,
subtraction, multiplication, division. The numbers we used is the best example of mathematical
ideas. In fact in our prehistoric era, the Mathematics are summed up as by discovery and by the
various civilizations and which the simplest forms of numbers are the numbers we used for
counting. The symbols were invented because of counting in which result to the discovery of
five mathematical systems such as real numbers, complex numbers, natural numbers, integers,
and rational numbers. As the mathematics grew wider the concepts of mathematics is to create
and support the mathematical thoughts of how a Mathematics really works. For example, If the
foundation of a single mathematical structure or equation is weak then the rest of the structure
are affected. The constant of changes tackles about how Isaac Newton discovers the law of
motion, his observation was that the change in the environment can be described in such
mathematical processes of what really happened to a cannon ball fired out towards to the
discovery of Newton’s fundamental law. The processes integration and differentiation leads to
invention of Calculus to help us solving the moving bodies, if we are given of the force, mass
and acceleration. The differentiation is working in finding the rates of change while Integration is
working with the undoing effect of differentiation and to further segregate the initial variables.
The violins and videos tackles about how a violin strings is the root of the discovery of what we
called television in our today’s generation. In this chapter tackles about a big development and
the invention of television by the help of Greek’s concepts when Greeks knew that the violin
strings can be a essential tool in creating new inventions as it was compared to Newton’s Law
of Inertia due to the acceleration of the strings after it was blocked from its straight line position
and also they were able to discover that the violin strings can vibrate in many ways and can
produce different tones when plucked as you pluck the string higher from its original state the
higher it sounds. The vibration of the strings are used for equations rather than fixing it sound
quality. Michael Faraday headed the discovery on how magnets can generate electricity through
the magnetic field which present in every magnets and because of magnetic fields, vibrations
are produced and transfers to a coil and through the vibrations it can be converted into
electricity and by that it lead to the invention of electrical motor that commonly seen in electric
fans and electric generators. Just on a simple string waves lead us to the invention of many
digital and electronic devices we commonly used today. On chapter of broken symmetry we all
knew that a shape is a perfect symmetry when the other is partially equal to its other half.
Symmetry is known when the two objects have a balance or equal proportion when it is cut in
half. The three common types of symmetries are reflection, rotation and translation. Reflection
are also know as “bilateral symmetry”, it is a mirror effect of one object when reflected such as a
heart, a butterfly or simply the human’s body. The rotational symmetries is when you get the
exact same result of a simple object such as flowers, starfish and a sphere ball while the
translation is a geometric figures which forms when you move it from one place to another or
without moving or rotating it, the common examples are floor tiles or bricks but the main concept
of this chapter is when Ian Stewart throws a pebble into the pond as an example to visualize the
idea. The pond has the extensive point when see it as a flat surface without thinking that it had
also a different patterns in which exists, as the pebble touches the surface of the pond it lose all
its symmetries except to the part where the pebble strikes that alters the original flat state of the
pond to form a concentric circles same as the formation of dunes. The symmetry of Ian Stewart
are now commonly used the field we called ‘Physics’ which specialize the stability of different
theories and scientific studies. The nature is nothing if there is none that perform a rhythmic
pattern as we used our human senses we can say that there are a lot of rhythms in our
surroundings the examples are what can be found inside of our human body examples are our
heart and lungs which follows a specific rhythmic pattern. The heart performs a heartbeat while
lungs create a breathing patterns. Nature’s rhythm performs as long there’s nothing happened.
Motional patterns are usually performed by living organisms, the example are gaits are patterns
or locomotor actions of an animals. Oscillation means to move back and forth than the usual
rhythm, the two oscillation patterns are a) In phase pattern which both of the oscillators behave
identically and b) out of phase pattern in which both oscillators behave identically except for the
half period phase. Meanwhile Hopf bifurcation is where a symmetries that breaks not to space
but time. The seven common quadrupedal gaits are trot, pace, bound, walk, rotary gallop,
transverse gallop and canter. The last chapter of the book tackles more about numerical
patterns and how it perceives between genetic sequence and mathematics as the nature’s looks
critical to think but it’s actually simple as it seems. In the ninth chapter when Ian Stewart perform
the case study about

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