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Malay Manuscripts in Germany: a review of their catalogues


Ibrahim bin Ismail"

Abstrak: Koleksi manuskrip Melayu yang terdapat di dalam koleksi-koleksl Jerman

adalah kurang daripada seratus buah jumlahnya. Usaha untuk mendokumentasikan
manuskrip-manuskrip ini bermula lebih seratus tahun dahulu. Beberapa jenis katalog
telah disedia dan diterbitkan di dalam bentuk makalah, buku dan juga sebuah katalog
pameran. Usaha mutakhir ialah sebuah katalog induk yang amat teliti yang diterbitkan
olen Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia.

Abstract: The Malay manuscripts known to be available in German collections are

less than one hundred in number. Efforts to document these manuscripts began over
a hundred years ago. Several types of catalogues have been prepared and published
in the form of articles, books and even an exhibition catalogue. The latest effort is a
detailed union catalogue published by the National Library of Malaysia.

German repositories holding Malay manu- 1. Fiction and narrative - 23 manuscripts

scripts can boast of having some of the earliest 2. Poems - 6 manuscripts
extant specimens. That they have survived the 3. Muslim dogmatics, law, - 27 manuscripts
ravages of war and destruction is testimony to the mysticism and edifying
care and attention which scholars and librarians
have devoted to their safety and preservation for
4. History of East Indian - 4 manuscripts
posterity. 5. Codes of East Indian - 2 manuscripts
Information on Malay manuscripts in Ger- 6. Politics, didactical - 8 manuscripts
many may be found in a few catalogues pro- works, calendars,
duced overthe last hundred years. These have prophecies, etc.
appeared as articles in learned periodicals, as
monographs, union lists and even as an exhi- The manuscripts are described in great
bition catalogue. detail. Each entry begins with a serial number
followed by the press-mark of the manuscript;
Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje's Katalog der title; material; foliation; size and number of
malaiischen Handschriften der Koniglichen Hot- lines per page. These preliminaries are fol-
bibliothek in Berlin was completed in 1889, but lowed by detailed notes on the contents with
it remained as a handwritten catalogue in the references to manuscripts with similar titles in
University of Leiden Library (Cod. Or. 8015) other repositories and their catalogues.
until 1989 when the publishing house of Franz
Steiner produced a fascsimile edition of it as Carl Brockelmann's Katalog der orientalis-
supplementary volume no. 29 in the series chen Handschriften der Stadtbibliothek zu
Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften Hamburg; mit Ausschluss der Herbraischen
in Deutschland. (Hamburg: Otto Meissners Verlag, 1908) holds
descriptions of manuscripts in two parts: Is-
Seventy Malay Manuscripts are described lamic and Christian. Five Malay manuscripts
in this catalogue under six subject headings: bearing serial numbers 293-297 are described

"Acquisitions Librarian, University of Malaya Library

~ Kekal Abadi 12 (1) Mac 1993

briefly under the section on Islamic manu- Adnan Jawad AI-Toma described in detail
scripts. twenty-five manuscripts in his Die arabischen
Handschriften in der universitatsbibliothek Mar-
Hans Overbeck produced the first English burg (Marburg : 1979). The index to this cata-
catalogue in his 'Malay manuscripts in the logue indicates that Malay texts are to be found
public libraries of Germany', Journal of the in seven of these manuscripts.
Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society,
vol.4, pt.2 (1926) pp. 233-259. This is a union Detailed descriptions of four Malay manu-
list of Malay manuscripts known to be available scripts were published by L.F. Brakel in 'Four
in German collections to the compiler. The 'Malay' manuscripts in Hamburg : some pro-
repositories and the number of manuscripts in blems encountered in describing them', Majalah
them are: Perpustakaan Malaysia, vol.9 (1981) pp.13-
1. Preussische Staatsbibliothek, - 64 manuscripts
2. Sachsische Landesbibliothek, - 2 manuscripts An account of the history of the collection
Dresden of oriental manuscripts and the inventories
3. Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, - 6 manuscripts available forthem in the Bavarian State Library
Munich (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek) was published
4. Stadtbibliothek, Hamburg - 1 manuscript by Gunter Gronbold in 'The oriental manu-
scripts in the Bavarian State Library', Interna-
Under each repository, the manuscripts tional Association of Orientalist Librarians
are listed according to the numerical sequence Bulletin, no.21 (1983) pp. 7-17. Eleven Malay
of their press-marks. The description of each manuscripts are noted as available in this
manuscript includes make of paper; size; folia- collection.
tion; and lines per page. The titles of manu-
scripts of texts with known titles are provided.
Otherwise a note on the contents of a manu- The latest addition to this list of catalogues
script serves as title. Scribes' names and dates is Katalog Manuskrip Melayu di Jerman Barat.
of copying are noted wherever these are avail- Catalogue of Malay Manuscripts in West Ger-
able. Manuscripts with more than one text many (Kuala Lumpur: Perpustakaan Negara
have the texts listed in order with indications of Malaysia, 1992). It is based on the research
the folios on which they begin and end. Refer- and bibliographical expertise of Asma Ahmat
ences to published catalogues and information of the Malay Manuscripts Centre at the Na-
on similar manuscripts elsewhere are also pro- tional Library of Malaysia, and is the eighth
vided. number in a series of catalogues on Malay
manuscripts published by the Centre.
Based upon published catalogues availa-
ble at that time, J.H. Howard published a union The catalogue holds descriptions of ninety-
catalogue under the title Malay Manuscripts: a one Malay manuscripts in the following reposi-
Bibliographical Guide (Kuala Lumpur: Univer- tories:
sityofMalaya Library, 1966). Fifteen reposito-
ries are listed. The German repositories are: 1. Staatsbibliothek Preussischer - 64 manuscripts
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich; Preussische Kulturbesitz
Staatsbibliothek, Berlin; Sachsische Landesbi-
2. Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, - 9 manuscripts
bliothek, Dresden and Staats- und Universitats-
Bibliothek, Hamburg.
3. Universitatsbibliothek - 6 manuscripts
An exhibition catalogue of Southeast Asian Heidelberg
manuscripts appeared in 1976 under the title 4. Stadtbibliothek, Trier - 1 manuscript
Handschriften aus Sudostasien (Berlin: Staats- 5. Universitatsbibliothek - 5 manuscripts
bibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz, 1976). Marburg
Thirty-one Malay manuscripts are described
6. Universitatsbibliothek Bonn - 1 manuscript
with information on title (or provided title in
German); short notes on contents; press-marks 7. Universitatsbibliothek - 5 manuscripts
and references to published catalogues. Hamburg

------------------------------------ ~11
In a short introduction the compiler pro- The existence of Malay manuscripts in the
vides a brief history of the Malay manuscripts collections of the Staatsbibliothek Preussischer
held in each repository and provides refer- Kulturbesitz in Berlin, the Bayerische Staatsbiblio-
ences to the catalogues which hold descrip- thek in Munich, the Universitatsbibliothek Mar-
tions of them. burg and the Universitatsbibliothek Hamburg
have been noted in earlier cataloqees. This
The description of each manuscript inlcudes catalogue brings to light the availability of Malay
the press-mark of the manuscript; name of the manuscripts in the Universitatsbibliothek Heidel-
repository in abbreviation; title; author/copyist; berg, the Stadtbibliothek Trier and the Univer-
date of writing/copying; the structure ofthe manu- sitatsbibliothek Bonn.
script including its foliation, height and width,
type of material, watermarks, collation, catch Classical Malay literary scholarship is manu-
words, number of lines per page and size of the script based and the traditional centres of
text area. Notes are provided on the style of learning have always been those with large
writing, rubrication and binding; contents with collections of manuscripts and accessible catalo-
incipit and explicit; summary of contents; bibliog- gues of their holdings. The efforts of the Malay
raphy and other related titles and texts. Manuscripts Centre to locate Malay manu-
scripts in any part of the world and to document
The compiler has provided detailed de- descriptions of them will assist scholars tre-
scriptions and notes on each of the manuscript mendously in their search for primary sources.
which has been examined in the true tradition In Kata/og Manuskrip Me/ayu di Jerman Barat
of bibliographical scholarship. The catalogue we have yet another valuable item added to the
is equipped with indexes for titles, authors/ slowly but steadily growing collection of refe-
copyists, places and watermarks. rence tools for Malay manuscript studies. _


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