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The Learning Guide for Skills for a Lifetime

in Home Economics series made use of the KPUP
(Knowledge, Process, Understanding, and Product)
approach. This is done in response to the K to 12
curriculum set by the Department of Education.
This aims to help the teachers feel more confident
and efficient in teaching this subject.
This guide has a general standard for the three
particular areas in Home Economics (Caregiving,
Dressmaking, and Fishery Arts) and four areas
in Industrial Arts (Carpentry, Automotive, Metal
Works, and Electronics). It is divided into four parts.
• Knowledge – prepares the learners with
the particular topic they will encounter to
enable them to understand the objectives
of the lesson and assess his/her prior
knowledge on it.
• Process – familiarizes the learners with the
• Understanding – assesses the learners’
• Product – allows the learners to have more
activities on the lesson
Finally, at the end of this guide, the resources/
materials, rubrics, and key to corrections are

The Author

K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum

Entrepreneurship-based Technology and Livelihood Education

This is an entrepreneurship-based TLE Home Economics minicourse
on Commercial Cooking which leads to National Certificate Level II (NCII).
It covers (1) using of tools, equipment, and paraphernalia; (2) maintaining
of tools, equipment, and paraphernalia; (3) performing mensuration and
calculation; (4) interpreting technical drawings and plans; and (5) practicing
Occupational Health and Safety Procedures (OHSP).
Content Standard
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
principles in developing fundamental skills in commercial cooking.
Performance Standard
The learners independently demonstrate common competencies in
commercial cooking as prescribed in the TESDA Training Regulation.
The learners are expected to have gained the following competencies:
»» Identify kitchen tools and equipment
»» Use kitchen tools and equipment in accordance with their
»» Identify the types of cleaning agent for cleaning and sanitizing
equipment and utensils
»» Discuss the steps in the cleaning process
»» Identify the most commonly used chemical sanitizers
»» Demonstrate how to clean and store cleaning tools and equipment
»» Demonstrate how to clean the kitchen
»» Identify and convert systems of measurement according to recipe
»» Measure ingredients according to recipe requirement
»» Calculate cost of production
»» Select measuring devices, tools, and equipment needed for each

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


»» Follow procedures in using measuring devices and instruments

»» Identify tables and conversion systems required of the task
»» Identify the common native delicacies and their ingredients
»» Identify the basic ingredients of the native delicacies
»» Name the different tools and equipment used in preparing native
»» Cook some native delicacies that are presented in the lesson
»» Analyze types of kitchen and their layouts
»» Read and interpret kitchen plan
»» Create kitchen layout
»» Identify hazards and risks in the workplace
»» Discuss the types of workplace hazards
»» Identify safety signs and color at work
Commercial cooking is a form of food business like restaurant, cafeteria,
and fast food chains. It is the result of man’s demand for food that is readily
available because of fast changing phase of his/her lifestyle. The study
of commercial cooking is activity-based, process-oriented, and student-
centered. Use their experiences as their framework in constructing their
own meaning of commercial cooking.

Lesson 1: Basic Kitchen Tools and Equipment

Duration: 4 hours
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
principles in developing fundamental skills in:
»» Kitchen Tools
• Types of Kitchen Knives and Their Uses
»» Kitchen Equipment
• Cookware Materials
1. Show the different kitchen tools and equipment to the learners. Ask
them to identify each tool and equipment.
2. Have a class discussion on the following:
a) Different Kitchen Tools and Equipment
b) Types of Kitchen Knives and Their Uses
c) Cookware Materials

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


1. To evaluate the outcome of the lesson, ask the learners to answer the
questions under Assessment on pages 11–12 of the worktext.
2. Prepare/Provide a performance/written test or situation analysis to
determine how well the learners understand the lesson.
Have the learners do the activities under Transfer of Learning on
page 12 of the worktext.

Lesson 2: Maintenance of Tools and Equipment

Duration: 5 hours
The learners demonstrate an understanding of basic concepts and
principles in developing fundamental skills in:
»» Cleaning and Sanitation of Equipment and Utensils
• Types of Cleaning Agent for Cleaning and Sanitizing Equipment
and Utensils
• Steps in the Cleaning Process
• Methods for the Final Sanitation
• Most Commonly Used Chemical Sanitizers
»» Preparing Surface for Sanitizing
»» Cleaning Food-Contact Surfaces
»» How to Clean and Store Cleaning Tools and Equipment
»» Steps to an Orderly Kitchen
»» Cleaning the Kitchen
1. Have a class discussion on the following:
• Cleaning and Sanitation of Equipment and Utensils
• Types of Cleaning Agent for Cleaning and Sanitizing Equipment
and Utensils
• Methods for the Final Sanitation
• Most Commonly Used Chemical Sanitizers
• Preparing Surface for Sanitizing
• Cleaning Food-Contact Surfaces
2. Ask the learners to demonstrate how to:
• Clean and store cleaning tools and equipment
• Clean the kitchen

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


1. To evaluate the outcome of the lesson, ask the learners to answer the
questions under Assessment on pages 25–26 of the worktext.
2. In evaluating their work, use the rubric for storing and stacking tools
and equipment on page 9 of this learning guide.
3. Prepare/Provide a performance/written test or situation analysis to
determine how well they understand the lesson.
1. Ask the learners to visit the school canteen. Let them observe how
the canteen staff store and stack kitchen tools and equipment. Have
them take note of their observation and write comments/suggestions
on how to improve their storing and stacking procedures.
2. Ask them to demonstrate in front of the class how to clean the kitchen
and gas stove.
3. Have them do the activities under Transfer of Learning on page 26
of the worktext.

Lesson 3: Mensuration and Calculation

Duration: 5 hours
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
principles in developing fundamental skills in:
»» Dry Measuring Cups
• Measuring Spoons
• Measuring Dry Ingredients
• Dry Measurements Conversion Table
• Tips for Measuring Dry Ingredients
»» Liquid Measuring Cups
• Measuring Liquid Ingredients
• Liquid Measurements Conversion Table
• US Measurements vs. English Measurements
• Tips for Measuring Liquid Ingredients
• Tips for Measuring Other Ingredients
»» Ingredient Substitution Table
»» How to Calculate Markup Percentage
»» Suggested Recipes for Commercial Cooking

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


1. Have a class discussion on the following:
• Measuring Dry Ingredients
• Dry Measurements Conversion Table
• Tips for Measuring Dry Ingredients
• Measuring Liquid Ingredients
• Tips for Measuring Liquid Ingredients
• Tips for Measuring Other Ingredients
• Ingredient Substitution Table
• How to Calculate Markup Percentage
2. Allow the learners to practice measuring dry and liquid ingredients.
1. To evaluate the outcome of the lesson, ask the learners to answer the
questions under Assessment on pages 44–46 of the worktext.
2. Prepare/Provide a performance/written test or situation analysis to
determine how well they understand the lesson.
3. In evaluating the demonstration performed by them on the proper
way of measuring ingredients, refer to Rubric A on page 8 of this
learning guide.
Have the learners perform the activity under Transfer of Learning on
page 46 of the worktext.

Lesson 4: Cooking Native Delicacies

Duration: 5 hours
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
principles in developing fundamental skills in:
»» Common Native Delicacies
»» Basic Ingredients of Native Delicacies
»» Tools and Equipment Used in Preparing Native Delicacies
»» Recipes for Native Delicacies
Have a class discussion on the following:
• Common Native Delicacies
• Basic Ingredients of Native Delicacies
• Tools and Equipment Used in Preparing Native Delicacies

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


1. To evaluate the outcome of the lesson, ask the learners to answer the
questions under Assessment on pages 57–59 of the worktext.
2. Prepare/Provide a performance/written test or situation analysis to
determine how well they understand the lesson.
3. In evaluating the native delicacies (for cassava, bibingka, maja blanca,
and palitaw only) prepared by each group, refer to the rubrics/
scoresheet (C–E) on page 9 of this learning guide.
Have the learners do the activities under Transfer of Learning on
page 59 of the worktext.

Lesson 5: Kitchen Layout and Design

Duration: 4 hours
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
principles in developing fundamental skills in:
»» Basic Kitchen Layout
• Kitchen Shapes
• Kitchen Floor Plans and Symbols
1. Show examples of different kitchen layout to the learners. Ask them to
describe each layout.
2. Have a class discussion on the following:
• Basic Kitchen Layout
• Kitchen Shapes
• Kitchen Floor Plans and Symbols
1. To evaluate the outcome of the lesson, ask the learners to answer the
questions under Assessment on pages 64–65 of the worktext.
2. Prepare/Provide a performance/written test on the different kitchen
layouts and designs.
3. In evaluating the suggested projects/activities, refer to Rubric F on
page 9 of this learning guide.
Have the learners do the activities under Transfer of Learning on
page 65 of the worktext.

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


Lesson 6: Occupational Safety and Health

Duration: 5 hours
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
principles in developing fundamental skills in:
»» Safety Precautions
• Hazards and Risks in the Workplace
• Types of Workplace Hazards
»» Workplace Health Safety and Security Procedure
»» Laws Concerning Safety, Health, and Welfare
»» Risk Assessment and Safety Statement
»» Safety Signs and Color at Work
»» Types of Safety Signs
»» Pointers for Effective Safety Sign and Color Use
»» Posting Signs
1. Show PowerPoint presentation to the class on the following:
• Hazards and Risks in the Workplace
• Types of Workplace Hazards
• Workplace Health Safety and Security Procedure
• Laws Concerning Safety, Health, and Welfare
2. Have a class discussion on the following:
• Risk Assessment and Safety Statement
• Safety Signs and Color at Work
• Types of Safety Signs
• Pointers for Effective Safety Sign and Color Use
• Posting Signs
1. To evaluate the outcome of the lesson, ask the learners to answer the
questions under Assessment on pages 79–81 of the worktext.
2. Prepare/Provide a performance/written test or situation analysis to
determine how well they understand the lesson.
3. To evaluate the activity, identifying hazards and risks, refer to Rubric G
on page 10 of this learning guide.
Have the learners answer the activities under Transfer of Learning on
page 81 of the worktext.

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


Technical Terms:
The Technical Terms are their learners’ guide and yours to be equipped
with the technical terms and be familiar with its meaning. This is very
useful whenever you and the learners need to quickly cover a wide range
of concepts and concise definitions. This will serve as a mini-dictionary of
cooking terms and concepts.
It will help you and the learners to read terms first to get a basic review
of the concepts that will be covered, and then to read the lesson with the
definitions fresh in mind.
Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 by Virginia C. Esmilla-Sercado

Description Score
Observed the proper way of measuring ingredients with no mistake 100
Observed the proper way of measuring ingredients with 1 mistake 95
Observed the proper way of measuring ingredients with 2 mistakes 90
Observed the proper way of measuring ingredients with 3 mistakes 85
Observed the proper way of measuring ingredients with 4 mistakes 80


Demonstrated and performed 5 proper ways of storing and stacking
tools and equipment
Demonstrated and performed 4 proper ways of storing and stacking
tools and equipment
Demonstrated and performed 3 proper ways of storing and stacking
tools and equipment
Demonstrated and performed 2 proper ways of storing and stacking
tools and equipment
Demonstrated and performed 1 proper way of storing and stacking
tools and equipment
Failed to demonstrate and perform any storing and stacking
procedures of tools and equipment

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE



Characteristics Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)
Shape: cut easily into well-shaped servings
Color: brown or yellowish
Texture: cooked mixtures are soft and runny when
hot; firm after cooking
Flavor: well-blended, pleasing, sweet, rich in flavor


Characteristics Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)
Shape: well-formed when served
Color: uniformly blended color or plain
Texture: well-cooked starch, smooth unless other
ingredients are added such as buko, corn, etc.
Flavor: pleasing coconut flavor for maja and latik


Characteristics Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)
Shape: well-formed when served
Color: uniformly blended color or plain
Texture: well-cooked, smooth
Flavor: pleasing sesame seeds with grated coconut


Demonstrated and interpreted 5 kitchen floor plans and symbols 100
Demonstrated and interpreted 4 kitchen floor plans and symbols 95
Demonstrated and interpreted 3 kitchen floor plans and symbols 90
Demonstrated and interpreted 2 kitchen floor plans and symbols 85
Demonstrated and interpreted 1 kitchen floor plan and symbol 80
Failed to demonstrate and interpret any kitchen floor plan and

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE



Demonstrated and identified 5 types of hazards and risks 100

Demonstrated and identified 4 types of hazards and risks 95

Demonstrated and identified 3 types of hazards and risks 90

Demonstrated and identified 2 types of hazards and risks 85

Demonstrated and identified 1 type of hazard and risk 80

Failed to demonstrate and identify any type of hazard and risk 75



Lesson 1: Basic Kitchen Tools and Equipment (pp. 11–12)
A. 1. Frying pan 6. Measuring cup
2. Stockpot 7. Ladle
3. Sauce pan 8. Cutlery
4. Colander 9. Chef’s knife
5. Sauté pan 10. Cleaver
B. 1. True 6. True
2. False 7. True
3. False 8. False
4. True 9. True
5. False 10. False
Lesson 2: Maintenance of Tools and Equipment (pp. 25–26)
A. 1. Cleaning 6. Solvent cleaners
2. Acid cleaners 7. Rinsing
3. Abrasive cleaners 8. Hot water
4. Sanitizing 9. Sanitation
5. Steam 10. Cutting boards

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


B. 1. Cleaning • • is a process that can remove 99.99% of

the microorganisms when done properly.
2. Heating • • is the process of removing soil or residue
from a particular surface.
3. Steaming • • is the process of removing harmful
microorganisms using chemicals.
4. Washing • • is a nonselective sanitization method for
food-contact surfaces.
5. Sanitizing • • is an excellent agent for treating food

Lesson 3: Mensuration and Calculation (pp. 44–46)

A. 1. Measuring ingredients
2. Dry ingredients
3. Dry graduated measuring cups
4. Liquid graduated measuring cups
5. Measuring spoons
6. Dry ingredients
7. Baking soda
8. White sugar
9. Measuring liquid ingredients
10. Vanilla
B. 1. 1 1⁄4 c confectioners’/powdered sugar – 1 c white sugar or 3⁄4 c honey
or 3⁄4 corn syrup
2. 1 c brown sugar – 1 c white sugar plus 1⁄4 cup molasses and decrease
the liquid in recipe by 1⁄4 cup white sugar or 1 1⁄4 cups confectioners’
3. 1⁄4–1⁄3 c dry bread crumbs – 1⁄4–1⁄3 c cracker crumbs or 1⁄4–1⁄3 c matzo
meal or 1⁄4–1⁄3 c ground oats
4. 1/4 c oil – 1/4 c melted margarine, butter, bacon drippings, shortening,
or lard
5. 1 c nuts – 1 c rolled oats, browned (in baked products)
6. 1 c coconut milk – 1 c whole or 2% milk

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


7. 1⁄2 tsp cream of tartar – 1 tsp lemon juice or vinegar

8. 1 c cake flour – 1 c all-purpose flour minus 2 tbsp
9. 1 c miniature marshmallow – 10 large marshmallows
10. 1 c skimmed milk – 1⁄3 c instant nonfat dry milk plus 7⁄8 c water
Lesson 4: Cooking Native Delicacies (pp. 57–59)
A. 1. Milk puto 6. Bibingkang galapong
2. Butse-butse 7. Bibingkang malagkit
3. Binagol 8. Corn maja
4. Bibingka cassava 9. Champorado
5. Puto with cheese 10. Simple kutchinta
B. 1. cereals 6. coconut grater
2. root crops 7. food grater
3. coconut 8. molder or cutter
4. carajay 9. strainer
5. chopping board 10. steamer
Lesson 5: Kitchen Layout and Design (pp. 64–65)
A. 1. kitchen 6. U-shaped
2. kitchen layout 7. L-shaped
3. food storage station 8. single-line
4. preparation/cooking station 9. galley kitchen
5. cleanup station 10. island
B. 1. microwave oven 6. refrigerator
2. gas range 7. mixer
3. blender 8. food processor
4. coffee maker 9. pressure cooker
5. oven toaster 10. rice cooker
(Answers may vary.)
Lesson 6: Occupational Safety and Health (pp. 79–81)
A. 1. Red sign 3. Green sign
2. Yellow sign 4. Blue sign

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


5. Safety and/or Health sign 8. Mandatory sign

6. Signboard 9. Warning sign
7. Prohibition sign 10. Illuminated sign
B. 1. a) safety e) psychological
b) biological f) mechanical or electrical
c) ergonomic g) chemical
d) physical
2. a) protective equipment and measures
b) health and safety leave
c) health and safety for young people
d) violence in the workplace
e) bullying
f) reporting accidents
3. a) safety and/or health sign e) acoustic signal
b) signboard f) hand signal
c) safety color g) fire safety sign
d) illuminated sign
4. a) prohibition sign
b) mandatory sign
c) warning sign
d) emergency escape or First-aid sign
5. a) attract a person’s attention
b) clearly identify the nature of the hazard
c) specify the immediate action required
d) be posted in a place that provides enough time for a person to
read the sign and act accordingly
e) be easily recognized and understood by all employees, reflect
the needs of those who have visual limitations, or who do not
speak English
f) be sized or placed according to the importance of the message

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE



This is an exploratory course which leads to Fishery Arts. It covers
competencies that Grade 7/Grade 8 Technology and Livelihood Education
(TLE) learners ought to possess, namely fishery, fish culture, fish capture,
and fish processing.
Content Standard
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
underlying theories in fishery arts.
Performance Standard
The learners independently demonstrate common competencies in
fishery arts as prescribed in the TESDA Training Regulation.
The learners are expected to have gained the following competencies:
»» Discuss the branches of fishery
»» Identify the external and internal parts of a fish
»» Discuss the functions of the most important parts of the body of
a fish
»» Explain the phases or aspects of fish culture
»» Classify fish culture
»» Identify the species of fish that are commonly cultured in ponds
»» Lay out an ideal pond for fish production
»» Interpret layout of fishponds
»» Discuss the methods of catching fish
»» Classify the different basic fishing gears according to structure
and functions
»» Identify the different fishing gears used in the Philippines
»» Discuss the uses of each fishing gear
»» Create a simple fishing gear made of indigenous materials
»» Identify the sizes and market forms of dressed fish
»» Characterize a fresh and stale fish
»» Classify bacteria and enzymes

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


»» Enumerate and explain the types of fish curing and the principles
of each type
»» Perform some of the methods of cutting fish
»» Identify the tools and equipment used in fish preservation like
»» Maintain the usability of tools and equipment used in fish
»» Discuss the different methods of preserving fish
This chapter will introduce the learners to the exploratory aspects of
fishery arts. It explains the different areas covered by fishery arts, namely
fishery, fish culture, fish capture, and fish processing. It gives information
on morphology of fishes, fishery as a business, and the three branches of
fishery including technical terms that will be encountered in the study of
fishery for further understanding of the topic.
This chapter will give the learners insights on what they can learn
in this module. In this process, they will be able to decide which area of
fishery arts they would engage in so they can participate in any fishery
programs of the government and promote economic progress of the
community and the country.

Lesson 1: Fishery
Duration: 3 hours
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
principles in developing fundamental skills in:
»» Branches of Fishery
»» Kinds of Fish
»» External Parts of a Fish and Their Functions
»» Internal Parts of a Fish and Their Functions
1. Ask the learners to bring actual samples of fish. Let them identify the
external and internal parts of a fish.
2. Have a class discussion on the functions of the most important parts
of the body of a fish.

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


1. To evaluate the outcome of the lesson, ask the learners to answer the
questions under Assessment on pages 87–88 of the worktext.
2. Prepare/Provide a performance/written test or situation analysis to
determine how well they understand the lesson.
1. Ask the learners to bring actual samples of fish and identify the
external and internal parts.
2. Let them discuss the functions of the most important parts of the
body of a fish.

Lesson 2: Fish Culture

Duration: 14 hours
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
principles in developing fundamental skills in:
»» Phases of Fish Culture
»» Methods of Fish Propagation
»» Methods of Fish Cultivation
»» Species of Fish That Are Commonly Cultivated in Ponds
»» Classification of Fish Species
»» Criteria for Selection of Suitable Fish Species
»» Classification of Fish Culture
»» Compartments of a Fishpond and Functions
»» Kinds of Dikes
»» Factors to Consider in Selecting Pond Size
»» Methods of Applying Fertilizer
»» Stocking of the Pond
»» Types of Supplemental Feeds
»» Advantages of Supplemental Feeding
»» Nutritional Requirements for Species of Fish
»» Diseases and Enemies of Fish
Have a class discussion on the following:
• Phases of Fish Culture
• Methods of Fish Propagation
Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE

• Methods of Fish Cultivation

• Species of Fish That Are Commonly Cultured in Ponds
• Classification of Fish Species
• Criteria for Selection of Suitable Fish Species
• Classification of Fish Culture
• Compartments of a Fishpond and Functions
• Interpreting Plans and Layout
• Kinds of Dikes
• Factors to Consider in Selecting Pond Size
• Steps in Preparing and Constructing a Fishpond
• Care and Maintenance of Fishpond
• Fertilization of Freshwater Fishponds
• Methods of Applying Fertilizer
• Stocking of the Pond
• Advantages of Supplemental Feeding
• Types of Supplemental Feeds
• Nutritional Requirements for Species of Fish
• Feed Care and Storage
• Managing Fish Wastes
• Diseases and Enemies of Fish
• Water Quality Tests
• Fish Diseases and Parasites
• Collecting and Submitting Fish Samples
1. To evaluate the outcome of the lesson, ask the learners to answer the
questions under Assessment on pages 112–113 of the worktext.
2. Prepare/Provide a performance/written test or situation analysis to
determine how well they understand the lesson.
Have the learners do the activities under Transfer of Learning on
page 114 of the worktext.

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


Lesson 3: Fish Capture

Duration: 4 hours
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
principles in developing fundamental skills in:
»» Methods of Catching Fish
• Draining
• Gill netting
»» Common Nontextile Fishing Devices
»» Kinds of Wounding Gears
1. Have a class discussion on the following:
• Methods of Catching Fish
• Common Nontextile Fishing Devices
2. Ask the learners to interview some fishermen in their locality about
what type of fishing devices they are using in catching fish.
1. To evaluate the outcome of the lesson, ask the learners to answer the
questions under Assessment on pages 119–120 of the worktext.
2. Prepare/Provide a performance/written test or situation analysis to
determine how well they understand the lesson.
Have the learners do the activities under Transfer of Learning on
page 120 of the worktext.

Lesson 4: Fish Processing

Duration: 10 hours
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
principles in developing fundamental skills in:
»» Preparation of Fish
• Sizes and Market Forms of Dressed Fish
• Steps in Preparing the Fish
• Dressing a Fish
• Cleaning a Round Fish

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


• Cleaning a Flat Fish

• Cutting a Round Fish into Two Fillets
• Filleting a Flat Fish
• Boning a Herring
• Agents of Spoilage
»» Methods Used in Fish Curing
• Salting
• Tools and Equipment Used in Salting
• Drying
• Smoking
• Storing
• Pickling
• Canning
• Packaging
1. Have a class discussion on the following:
• Kinds of Fish
• Preparation of Fish
• Sizes and Market Forms of Dressed Fish
• Types of Fish Fillets
• Principles of Fish Preservation
• Agents of Spoilage
• Classification of Bacteria according to Shape
• Classification of Bacteria according to Their Temperature
• Changes in Fish after Death
• Proper Steps in Handling Fresh Fish
• Characteristics of Fresh and Stale Fish
2. Have a class demonstration on the different methods of fish
1. To evaluate the outcome of the lesson, ask the learners to answer the
questions under Assessment on pages 137–138 of the worktext.

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


2. Prepare/Provide a performance/written test or situation analysis to

determine how well they understand the lesson.
3. Refer to Scoring Rubric on page 20 of this learning guide in evaluating
activity done by them.
Have the learners do the activity under Transfer of Learning on
pages 139–145 of the worktext.
Technical Terms:
The Technical Terms are your guide as well as the learners to be
equipped with the technical terms and be familiar with their meanings.
This is very useful whenever you and the learners need to quickly cover a
wide range of concepts and concise definitions. This will serve as a mini-
dictionary of fishery arts terms and concepts.
It will help you and the learners to read the terms first to get a basic
review of the concepts that will be covered, and then to read the lesson
with the definitions fresh in mind.
Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 by Virginia C. Esmilla-Sercado

Scoring Rubric
Discussion 5 4 3 2 1
Use of tools
Application of procedures
Safety work habits
Appearance of finished product
5 – Procedures properly followed
4 – Procedures well followed
3 – Procedures fairly followed
2 – Procedures slightly performed
1 – Procedures poorly performed

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE




Lesson 1: Fishery (pp. 87–88)
A. 1. Operculum/Gill cover 6. Brain
2. Nares/Nostrils 7. Spinal cord
3. Pectoral fins 8. Swim or Air bladder
4. Anal fin 9. Kidney
5. Lateral line 10. Pyloric caeca
B. 1. a) Fish culture c) Fish preservation
b) Fish capture
2. a) fin fish b) shellfish
3. a) oysters e) scallops
b) shrimps f) lobsters
c) crabs g) prawns
d) crayfish
Other answer: Clams
Lesson 2: Fish Culture (pp. 112–113)
1. a) fish propagation c) fish conservation
b) fish cultivation
2. a) tilapia d) catfish or hito
b) milkfish or bangus e) mudfish or dalag
c) carp or karpa f) gourami
3. a) nursery pond
b) transition pond or bansutan
c) rearing pond
d) breeding pond
e) catching pond
f) food growing pond
g) head pond
h) water supply canal

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


4. a) species of fish c) age of fish

b) size of fish d) category of fish
5. a) supply of water d) topography and elevation
b) type of soil e) vegetation
c) size of pond
6. a) broadcasting or spreading method
b) platform method
c) solution method
d) pile method
Lesson 3: Fish Capture (pp. 119–120)
1. Draining 6. Lever net
2. Gill netting 7. Push net
3. Nontextile 8. Wounding gear
4. Fish corral or Baklad 9. Spear
5. Cover pot or Salakab 10. Harpooning
Lesson 4: Fish Processing (pp. 137–138)
A. 1. b 4. c 7. d 10. a
2. a 5. a 8. c
3. c 6. b 9. b
B. 1. a) whole or round fish d) dressed fish
b) drawn fish e) fillets
c) steaks f) live fish
2. a) salting d) pickling
b) drying e) canning
c) smoking f) storing
3. a) sun drying
b) artificial heat
c) air blast

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


This Technology and Livelihood Education Home Economics
mini-course on caregiving prepares learners for the National Certificate
Level II (NCII). It covers five common competencies that Grade 7/Grade 8
TLE learners ought to possess, namely (1) use and maintenance of
equipment/tools and materials, (2) caring for tools, equipment, and
paraphernalia, (3) perform mensuration and calculation, and (4) practice
Occupational Health and Safety Procedures (OHSP).
Content Standard
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
underlying theories in caregiving.
Performance Standard
The learners independently demonstrate common competencies in
caregiving as prescribed in the TESDA Training Regulation.
The learners are expected to have gained the following competencies:
»» Identify caregiving tools, equipment, and paraphernalia applicable
to specific job
»» Demonstrate how to use the caregiving tools and equipment
»» Use equipment, tools, and materials properly
»» Perform after care activities for tools, equipment, and paraphernalia
»» Clean the materials and paraphernalia after use according to
standard operating procedures and in accordance with relevant
safety procedures
»» Perform computations involving ratio, proportion, fractions, and
»» Calculate oral dosages
»» Demonstrate how to administer medicine to the patient
»» Explain the Generics Law
»» Identify hazards
»» Determine hazard and risk indicators in the workplace
»» Determine the effects of hazards

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


Caregiving refers to the provision of assistance to another person who
is ill, disabled, or needs help with daily activities. It often requires attention
to the physical, mental, social, and psychology needs, and well-being of
both the caregiver and the elderly person requiring care.
In this course, the learners will be introduced to the different learning
activities that will train them to be skillful before they take the plunge into
the world of work specifically as health care provider. Indeed, as learners
of caregiving, they are a crucial link in the emergency response process.
Ideally, everyone should know what to do in an emergency situation,
more advanced training can help an individual provide basic care.

Lesson 1: Use and Maintenance of Equipment, Tools, and

Duration: 10 hours
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
principles in developing fundamental skills in:
»» Tools and Equipment for Caregivers
»» Tools and Paraphernalia for Taking Vital Signs
»» Tools, Equipment, and Paraphernalia Used for Meal Preparation
»» Tools, Equipment, and Paraphernalia for Cleaning, Washing, and
1. Have a class discussion on the following:
• Tools, Equipment, and Paraphernalia for Taking Vital Signs
• Types of Sphygmomanometer
• Kinds of Thermometer
2. Demonstrate the following with the help of volunteer learners.
• Use of the Sphygmomanometer
• Use of the Stethoscope
• Taking the Temperature by Mouth
• Taking the Temperature by Armpit
• Taking the Rectal Temperature
• Taking the Pulse Rate

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


• Use of the Blender

• Use of the Coffee Maker
• Use of the Food Processor
• Use of the Vacuum Cleaner
• Use of the Washing Machine
3. Ask them to fill out the chart below with projects/tasks/activities and
their corresponding dates of implementation.
Projects/Tasks/activities dates

1. Taking body temperature

2. Administering medicines
3. Monitoring patient
4. Taking blood pressure/pulse rate
5. Cleaning laboratory apparatuses,
tools, and other paraphernalia
6. Cleaning up wounds
7. Feeding patients
8. Others (please specify)
1. To evaluate the outcome of the lesson, ask the learners to answer the
questions under Assessment on pages 161–162 of the worktext.
2. Prepare/Provide a performance/written test or situation analysis to
determine how well they understand the lesson.
Have the learners form five groups. Tell them to do the activities under
Transfer of Learning on page 163 of the worktext.

Lesson 2: Caring for Tools and Paraphernalia

Duration: 12 hours
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
principles in developing fundamental skills in:
»» Cleaning and Storing Caregiving Tools and Paraphernalia

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


»» Cleaning and Storing the following:

• Thermometer
• Sphygmomanometer
• Stethoscope
• Coffee Maker
• Food Processor
• Airpot
• Blender
• Flatiron
• Washing Machine
• Vacuum Cleaner
Have a class demonstration on how to clean the following:
• Airpot
• Vacuum cleaner
• Sphygmomanometer
• Stethoscope
• Coffee maker
• Washing machine
• Flatiron
1. To evaluate the outcome of the lesson, ask the learners to answer the
questions under Assessment on pages 173–174 of the worktext.
2. Prepare/Provide a performance/written test or situation analysis to
determine how well they understand the lesson.
3. In evaluating the suggested project/activity, refer to the rubric for
performance on page 29 of this learning guide.
Ask the learners to perform the activities under Transfer of Learning on
page 174 of the worktext.

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


Lesson 3: Perform Mensuration and Calculation

Duration: 2 hours
Knowledge: 1
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
principles in developing fundamental skills in:
»» Dosage Calculations
»» Kilogram Conversions
»» Administering Pediatric Oral Drugs
»» Administering Medicine to the Patient
Have a class discussion on the following:
• Dosage Calculations
• Kilogram Conversions
• Administering Pediatric Oral Drugs
• Administering Medicine to the Patient
• Expiration of Medicines
• Disposal of Medicines
• The Generics Law
1. To evaluate the outcome of the lesson, ask the learners to answer the
questions under Assessment on pages 183–184 of the worktext.
2. Prepare/Provide a performance/written test or situation analysis to
determine how well they understand the lesson.
Ask the learners to perform the activities under Transfer of Learning on
page 184 of the worktext.

Lesson 4: Practice Occupational Safety and Health

Procedures (OSHP)
Duration: 5 hours
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
principles in developing fundamental skills in:
»» Tips for Health Care
»» Hazards Common in Nursing Homes or Day Care

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


»» Controlling Hazard
»» Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
»» Disposal of Health Care Wastes
Have a class discussion on the following:
• Tips for Health Care
• Hazards Common in Nursing Homes or Day Care
• Effects of Hazards in the Workplace
• Evaluating and Controlling Hazards and Risks
• Controlling Hazards
• Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
• Disposal of Health Care Wastes
1. To evaluate the outcome of the lesson, ask the learners to answer the
questions under Assessment on pages 190–191 of the worktext.
2. Prepare/Provide a performance/written test or situation analysis to
determine how well they understand the lesson.
Ask the learners to perform the activity under Transfer of Learning on
page 191 of the worktext. Let them use the chart below in gathering their
Possible Hazard/Risk Reason/s Why It Poses Danger to Me and My Family

Technical Terms:
The purpose of the Technical Terms is to guide you and the learners to
be equipped with the technical terms and be familiar with their meanings.
This is very useful whenever the learners need to recall the concepts and
vocabulary that are relevant to the lesson. It will be used to develop strong,
readily accessible knowledge that will help you and the learners to have
acquired, rehearsed, and connected background of knowledge.
The technical terms will serve as additional materials that will guide
the learners’ practice of the skills and help them when they commit errors.

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 by Virginia C. Esmilla-Sercado


Dimension Highly Skilled (5) Skilled (4) Moderately Skilled (3) Unskilled (2) No Attempt (1)
Use of Tools, Appropriate Appropriate Appropriate Never selected, No attempt to use
Equipment, and selection, selection, selection, prepared, and used tools/equipment
Materials preparation, and preparation, and use preparation, and use materials and tools/

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8

use of materials and of materials and tools/ of materials and tools/ equipment all the time
tools/equipment all equipment most of equipment some of
the time the time the time
Application of Systematic application Systematic application Systematic application Never followed No attempt to
Procedure of caregiving of caregiving of caregiving systematic application apply caregiving
procedures all procedures all the procedures some of caregiving procedures to project
the time without time with minimum of the time with procedures
supervision supervision constant supervision all the time without
Safety/Work Highly self-motivated Highly self-motivated Highly self-motivated Needs to be motivated No motivation and
Habits and observed all and observed most and observed to observe all safety totally disregarded
safety precautions at safety precautions sometimes some precautions precaution
all times most of the time safety precautions
some of the time
Speed/Time Work finished ahead Work finished on Work finished close to Work finished way No concept of time
of time deadline deadline beyond deadline



Lesson 1: Use and Maintenance of Equipment, Tools, and Materials
(pp. 161–162)
A. 1. Caregiving 9. Blender
2. Caregiver 10. Coffee maker
3. Sphygmomanometer 11. Electric knife
4. Stethoscope 12. Electric can opener
5. Thermometer 13. Food processor
6. Oral thermometer 14. Food tongs
7. Rectal thermometer 15. Ladle
8. Hot-water bag
B. 1. 3 4. 3 7. 3 10. 3
2. 5. 8.
3. 3 6. 3 9. 3
Lesson 2: Caring for Tools and Paraphernalia (pp. 173–174)
A. 1. thermometer 8. vacuum cleaner
2. stethoscope 9. blender
3. coffee maker 10. Check the manufacturer’s
4. food processor instruction carefully because
5. airpot this could damage some
6. sphygmomanometer self-cleaning irons.
7. washing machine
B. Answers may vary.
Lesson 3: Perform Mensuration and Calculation (pp. 183–184)
A. 1. 12.3 3. 23.6 5. 3.2 7. 7.3
2. 17.3 4. 5.2 6. 32.7 8. 41.8
B. 1. inaccurate dosage 6. Young’s rule
2. physician 7. Fried’s rule
3. Dosage calculations 8. Generics Act of 1988
4. kilograms 9. Generic Law
5. Body surface area 10. chemical component

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


Lesson 4: Practice Occupational Safety and Health Procedures (OSHP)

(pp. 190–191)
1. a) physical hazards d) ergonomic hazards
b) biological hazards e) psychological hazards
c) chemical hazards
2. a) heat c) vibration
b) noise
3. a) fatigue and hours of work
b) technological changes
c) stress and critical incident stress
d) bullying including cyber bullying/harassment
e) workplace violence and abuse
f) working alone
4. a) how much a person is exposed to a hazardous thing or condition
b) how the person is exposed
c) how severe the effects are under the conditions of exposure
5. a) elimination (including substitution)
b) engineering controls
c) administrative controls
d) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

This Technology and Livelihood Education Home Economics
mini-course on dressmaking prepares the learners for the Dressmaking
National Certificate Level II (NCII). It covers process and delivery and
four common competencies that Grade 7/Grade 8 TLE learners ought to
possess, namely (1) identifying sewing tools and equipment, (2) carrying
out measurements and calculations, (3) creating design in garments
constructions, and (4) basic hand stitches.
Content Standard
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
underlying theories in dressmaking.

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


Performance Standard
The learners independently demonstrate common competencies in
dressmaking as prescribed in the TESDA Training Regulation.
The learners are expected to have gained the following competencies:
»» Identify sewing tools and equipment
»» Classify them according to use and function
»» Describe the function of each part of the sewing machine
»» Demonstrate how to oil the sewing machine
»» Identify the causes of sewing machine troubles
»» Identify and apply the types of measurements to be used in
accordance with job requirements
»» Recognize the parts to be measured
»» Select appropriate measuring tools for the job
»» Obtain accurate measurements
»» Discuss the principles and elements of design in garment
»» Explain the effects of lines and colors in clothing
»» Explain the color system
»» Name the colors in the color wheel
»» Identify the different color harmonies
»» Identify the basic hand stitches
»» Sew different hand stitches
»» Identify the different types of seam finishes
»» Demonstrate how to make the following:
1. Edge-stitched finish
2. Double-stitched finish
3. Hand-overcast finish
4. Clean-finish
5. Patch pocket
6. In-seam pocket

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


This course aims to develop the creative and technical skills of the
learners. The subject matter fosters self-confidence and aesthetic sense.
Also, through proper guidance of the teacher, the learners are expected
to develop good taste, as well as to enhance creativity in the selection of
clothes and accessories. They are also expected to develop skills in basic
hand and machine sewing.

Lesson 1: Sewing Tools and Equipment

Duration: 5 hours
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
principles in developing fundamental skills in:
»» Measuring Tools/Drafting Tools
»» Cutting Tools
»» Marking Tools
»» Sewing Machine
• Parts of a Sewing Machine and Their Functions
• Attaching and Replacing the Needle of the Sewing Machine
• Threading the Sewing Machine
• Threading the Lower Part of the Sewing Machine
• Getting the Lower Needle
• Threading the Bobbin of the Sewing Machine
• Adjusting the Stitch Length Regulator
• Maintaining the Sewing Machine
1. Have a class discussion on the following:
• Sewing Tools and Equipment
• Types of Sewing Machine
• Parts of a Sewing Machine and Their Functions
• Advantages of a Sewing Machine
• Disadvantages of a Sewing Machine
• Sewing Machine Troubles and Remedies

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


2. Have a class demonstration on the following:

• Attaching and Replacing the Needle
• How to Thread a Sewing Machine
• Threading the Lower Part of the Sewing Machine
• Threading the Bobbin
• Inserting and Removing the Thread Bobbin
• Winding the Bobbin
• Removing the Bobbin from the Machine
• How to Clean and Oil a Sewing Machine
1. To evaluate the outcome of the lesson, ask the learners to answer the
questions under Assessment on pages 211–212 of the worktext.
2. Prepare/Provide a performance/written test or situation analysis to
determine how well they understand the lesson.
3. Check their work using Scoring Rubrics A and B on page 37 of this
learning guide.
1. Ask the learners to perform the following activities:
• Draw a sewing machine and label its parts.
• Bring a sewing kit and arrange the tools and supplies properly.
2. Have them do the activities under Transfer of Learning on page 213 of
the worktext.

Lesson 2: Carrying Out Measurements and Calculation

Duration: 3 hours
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
principles in developing fundamental skills in:
»» Body Measurements and How They Are Taken
»» Rules in Taking Body Measurements
»» Metric Conversion Chart for Fabric and Sewing
Have a class discussion on the following:
• Measuring Tools Used for Taking Body Measurements

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


• Units of Measurements Commonly Used in Dressmaking

• Details of Measurements
• How to Get the Body Measurements
• Rules in Taking Body Measurements
• System of Measurements
• English to Metric Conversion
• Metric to English Conversion
1. To evaluate the outcome of the lesson, ask the learners to answer the
questions under Assessment on pages 218–219 of the worktext.
2. Prepare/Provide a performance/written test or situation analysis to
determine how well they understand the lesson.
Have the learners perform the activity under Transfer of Learning on
page 219 of the worktext.

Lesson 3: Creating Design in Garment Constructions

Duration: 3 hours
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
principles in developing fundamental skills in:
»» Principles of Design in Garment Constructions
»» Elements of Design in Garment Constructions
»» Color System
»» Classes of Colors in Pigments
»» Color Wheel
»» Properties of Color
»» Color Harmonies
Have a class discussion on the following:
• Principles of Design in Garment Constructions
• Elements of Design
• Effects of Lines
• Psychological Effects of Colors
• Theories of Color System
• Classes of Colors in Pigments

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


• Color Wheel
• Properties of Color
• Color Harmonies
1. To evaluate the outcome of the lesson, ask the learners to answer the
questions under Assessment on pages 231–233 of the worktext.
2. Prepare/Provide a performance/written test or situation analysis to
determine how well they understand the lesson.
Have the learners do the activities under Transfer of Learning on
page 233 of the worktext.

Lesson 4: Basic Hand Stitches

Duration: 10 hours
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
principles in developing fundamental skills in:
»» Basic Hand Stitches
»» Kinds of Seams
»» Seam Finishes
»» Pocket
»» Pocket Styles
»» Safety Precautions in Sewing Construction
1. Have a class discussion on the following:
• Basic Hand Stitches
• Different Hand Stitches
• Different Types of Seam Finishes
2. Have a class demonstration on how to sew the following:
• Edge-stitched finish
• Double-stitched finish
• Hand-overcast finish
• Clean-finish
• Patch pocket
• In-seam pocket

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


1. To evaluate the outcome of the lesson, ask the learners to answer the
questions under Assessment on pages 250–251 of the worktext.
2. Prepare/Provide a performance/written test or situation analysis to
determine how well they understand the lesson.
Have the learners do the activities under Transfer of Learning on
page 251 of the worktext.
Technical Terms:
The purpose of the Technical Terms is to guide you and the learners to
be equipped with the technical terms and be familiar with their meanings.
This is very useful whenever the learners need to recall the concepts and
vocabulary that are relevant to the lesson. It will be used to develop strong,
readily accessible knowledge that will help you and the learners to have
acquired, rehearsed, and connected background of knowledge.
The technical terms will serve as additional materials that will guide
the learners’ practice of the skills and help them when they commit errors.
Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 by Virginia C. Esmilla-Sercado

A. Criteria Points
All tools were properly identified and used properly. 5

Almost all of the tools were properly identified and used properly. 4

Some of the items were properly identified and used properly. 3

Most of the items were improperly identified and used. 2

B. Criteria Points
14–16 tools inside the sewing kit 10

10–14 tools inside the sewing kit 8

8–10 tools inside the sewing kit 6

6–7 tools inside the sewing kit 4

1–5 tools inside the sewing kit 2

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE



Lesson 1: Sewing Tools and Equipment (pp. 211–212)
A. 1. Tape measure 6. Pinking shears
2. French curve 7. Tailor’s chalk
3. Seam gauge 8. Hand sewing machine
4. Hem marker 9. Hi-speed lockstitch sewing machine
5. L-square or Tailor’s square 10. Computerized sewing machine
B. 1. wheel 9. needle
2. spool pin 10. feed dog/teeth
3. thread guide 11. bobbin
4. take-up lever 12. bobbin case
5. tension knob 13. stitch regulator
6. foot lever 14. bobbin winder
7. needle clamp 15. storage box
8. presser foot
Lesson 2: Carrying Out Measurements and Calculation (pp. 218–219)
A. 1. Accurate body measurements 6. Neck
2. Proper measuring tools 7. Bust
3. Around upper arm 8. Waist
4. Armhole 9. Belly
5. Height 10. Hip
B. 1. waist 4. ruler
2. seam gauge 5. see-through ruler
3. armhole
Lesson 3: Creating Design in Garment Constructions (pp. 231–233)
A. 1. formal balance 6. elements of design
2. informal balance 7. Lines
3. Rhythm 8. Vertical
4. Parallel lines 9. Diagonal
5. Harmony 10. Crossed
B. 1. a) Red – suggests courage and aggressiveness.
b) Blue – speaks about loyalty and causes calming effect.

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


c) Orange – is a stimulating color that can put a person in prime

form for mental tasks.
d) Yellow – gives life, sunshine, cheerfulness, warmness, and
e) Green – means hope, life, and jealousy; is a symbol of growth,
freshness, spring, happiness, and prosperity.
f) Violet – expresses sorrow and sadness, mourning, weariness,
and solemnity.
g) White – implies sterility
h) Black – suggests authority and power.
i) Gray – gives the impression of weight and solidity.
C. 1. a) Brewster – Newton theory
b) Young – Helmholtz theory
2. a) Prang system
b) Munsell system
3. a) primary colors d) tertiary colors
b) secondary colors e) quarternary colors
c) intermediate colors
4. a) red g) green
b) red-orange h) blue-green
c) orange i) blue
d) yellow-orange j) blue-violet
e) yellow k) violet
f) yellow-green l) red-violet
5. a) hue c) intensity
b) value
6. a) related color harmonies
b) contrasting color harmonies
Lesson 4: Basic Hand Stitches (pp. 250–251)
1. Permanent stitches 6. Seam
2. Running stitch 7. Plain seam
3. Overcast stitch 8. French seam
4. Hemming stitch 9. Pinked finish
5. Slip hemming 10. Herringbone

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


This Technology and Livelihood Education Industrial Arts mini-
course which leads to Carpentry National Certificate Level II (NCII) covers
four common competencies that Grade 7/Grade 8 TLE learners ought to
possess, namely (1) identifying carpentry tools, equipment, and materials;
(2) care and maintenance of tools; (3) mensuration and calculation; and (4)
identifying materials and supplies used in carpentry.
Content Standard
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
underlying theories in carpentry.
Performance Standard
The learners independently demonstrate common competencies in
carpentry as prescribed in the TESDA Training Regulation.
The learners are expected to have gained the following competencies:
»» Identify basic carpentry tools and equipment
»» Classify the tools according to their uses
»» Explain the uses of each tool
»» Identify the equipment/machines used in carpentry
»» Observe proper care and maintenance of tools
»» Explain how to sharpen the different cutting tools
»» Demonstrate how to sharpen saw, chisel, planes, and twist bit
»» Select measuring instruments
»» Demonstrate the proper handling of measuring tools
»» Measure lengths, width, and thickness of pieces of wood
»» Identify and apply the types of measurements to be used in
accordance with job requirements
»» Select appropriate measuring tools for the job
»» Obtain accurate measurements
»» Discuss the classification of woods
»» Identify the different materials used in carpentry
»» Explain the use of each material

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


»» Compute the board foot of lumber

»» Identify the common wood joints
»» Construct the common wood joints
»» Explain the parts of the project plan
»» Make a project plan
Materials, tools, and equipment used in Carpentry are a common sight
to most of us. Many workers engage in this field of endeavor because of
its demand and also because it is easy to learn and apply. A civil technician
can be more effective and earn more if he can master most, if not all, of the
areas in civil technology.

Lesson 1: Carpentry Tools, Equipment, and Materials

Duration: 3 hours
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
principles in developing fundamental skills in:
»» Common Carpentry Tools
• Measuring Tools
• Lining Tools
• Testing Tools
• Edge-cutting Tools
• Toothed Cutting Tools
• Driving Tools
• Holding Tools
• Boring Tools
• Miscellaneous Tools
• Equipment/Machines
1. Ask the learners to bring actual tools in carpentry and let them classify
the tools according to their uses.
2. Ask them to draw the different tools used in carpentry. Let them label
each tool and indicate each part.
1. To evaluate the outcome of the lesson, ask the learners to answer the
questions under Assessment on pages 263–264 of the worktext.

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


2. Prepare/Provide a performance/written test or situation analysis to

determine how well they understand the lesson.
Have the learners do the activities under Transfer of Learning on
page 264 of the worktext.

Lesson 2: Care and Maintenance of Tools

Duration: 10 hours
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
principles in developing fundamental skills in:
»» Sharpening of Cutting Tools
• Sharpening a Hand Saw
• Sharpening Planes and Chisels
• Sharpening Twist Bits
»» Caring and Storing Tools
• Caring for the Electrical Tools
Have a class discussion and demonstration on the following:
• Sharpening of Cutting Tools
• Sharpening a Hand Saw
• Steps Involved in Sharpening Edge-cutting Tools
• Steps in Grinding a Plane Iron or Chisel
• Sharpening Planes and Chisels
• Testing for Sharpness
• Tips for Sharpening Planes
• Sharpening Twist Bits
• Caring and Storing Tools
• Caring for the Electrical Tools
1. To evaluate the outcome of the lesson, ask the learners to answer the
questions under Assessment on pages 271–272 of the worktext.
2. Prepare/Provide a performance/written test or situation analysis to
determine how well they understand the lesson.
Have the learners do the activities under Transfer of Learning on
page 272 of the worktext.

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


Lesson 3: Mensuration and Calculation

Duration: 4 hours
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
principles in developing fundamental skills in:
»» Systems of Mensuration
»» Laying Out Widths/Lengths
»» Proper Handling of Measuring Tools
Have a class discussion on the following:
• Systems of Mensuration
• Laying Out Widths/Lengths
• Proper Handling of Measuring Tools
1. To evaluate the outcome of the lesson, ask the learners to answer the
questions under Assessment on page 279 of the worktext.
2. Prepare/Provide a performance/written test or situation analysis to
determine how well they understand the lesson.
Have the learners do the activities under Transfer of Learning on
page 279 of the worktext.

Lesson 4: Materials and Supplies Used In Carpentry

Duration: 7 hours
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
principles in developing fundamental skills in:
»» Classifications of Wood
• Parts of the Cross Section of a Tree Trunk
• Common Defects in Wood
»» Lumber
1. Discuss with the class the following topics:
• Classifications of Wood
• Different Materials Used in Carpentry
• Common Defects in Wood

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


• How to Compute the Board Foot of Lumber

• Types of Nails
• Finishing Materials
2. Have a class demonstration on how to:
• Apply varnish
• Apply paint
• Apply shellac
1. To evaluate the outcome of the lesson, ask the learners to answer the
questions under Assessment on pages 287–288 of the worktext.
2. Prepare/Provide a performance/written test or situation analysis to
determine how well they understand the lesson.
1. Have the learners do the activities under Transfer of Learning on
page 288 of the worktext.
2. Demonstrate in front of the class how to:
• Apply varnish
• Apply paint
• Apply shellac

Lesson 5: Constructing Common Wood Joints

Duration: 5 hours
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
principles in developing fundamental skills in:
»» Kinds of Wood Joints
»» Project Plan
Have a class demonstration on how to construct the following:
• Butt joint
• Miter joint
• Dado joint
• Rabbet joint
• Cross-lap joint
• Mortise and tenon joint

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


1. To evaluate the outcome of the lesson, ask the learners to answer the
questions under Assessment on page 295 of the worktext.
2. Prepare/Provide a performance/written test or situation analysis to
determine how well they understand the lesson.
1. Have the learners do the activity under Transfer of Learning on
page 295 of the worktext.
2. Evaluate their work in accordance with their workmanship and
Technical Terms:
The purpose of the Technical Terms is to guide you and the learners to
be equipped with the technical terms and be familiar with their meanings.
This is very useful whenever the learners need to recall the concepts and
vocabulary that are relevant to the lesson. It will be used to develop strong,
readily accessible knowledge that will help you and the learners to have
acquired, rehearsed, and connected background of knowledge.
The technical terms will serve as additional materials that will guide
the learners’ practice of the skills and help them when they commit errors.
Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 by Virginia C. Esmilla-Sercado


Lesson 1: Carpentry Tools, Equipment, and Materials (pp. 263–264)
1. Scratch awl 6. Drill bit
2. Marking gauge 7. Portable electric drill
3. Compass saw 8. Wood lathe machine
4. Coping saw 9. Electric planer
5. Auger bit 10. Circular saw
Lesson 2: Care and Maintenance of Tools (pp. 271–272)
A. 1. Sharpening 3. Top jointing
2. Sharpening a saw 4. nick

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


5. Shaping 8. Grinding
6. Filing 9. Whetting
7. Setting 10. Honing
B. 1. a) uniformity of the teeth and not just sharpness of the points of
the teeth
b) the distances between the teeth
c) size of the saw and its height
d) the number of filings made
2. a) top jointing c) filing
b) shaping d) setting
3. a) grinding
b) whetting
4. a) Clean out the dust. c) Oil some electric tools.
b) Check the cords. d) Store the tools.
Lesson 3: Mensuration and Calculation (p. 279)
1. Mensuration 6. centimeter
2. craftsman 7. metric system
3. Foot 8. decimeters
4. foot 9. Laying out
5. meter 10. Setting dividers
Lesson 4: Materials and Supplies Used in Carpentry (pp. 287–288)
1. a) mode of growth d) shades or colors of wood
b) density e) grain
c) leaves f) nature of the surface when sawed
2. a) pith c) bark
b) heartwood d) medullary rays
3. a) heart shakes
b) knots
c) shakes
4. a) common nails c) casing nails
b) box nails d) finishing nails
5. a) shellac d) lacquer
b) varnish e) stain
c) paint
Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE

Lesson 5: Constructing Common Wood Joints (p. 295)

1. Joinery 6. End lap joint
2. Butt joint 7. Cross lap joint
3. Miter joint 8. Mortise and tenon joint
4. Dado joint 9. Project plan
5. Rabbet 10. Procedure


This Technology and Livelihood Education Industrial Arts minicourse
which leads to Carpentry National Certificate Level II (NCII) covers four
common competencies that Grade 7/Grade 8 TLE learners ought to possess,
namely (1) identifying automotive tools and equipment, (2) performing
mensuration and calculation, (3) interpreting plans and drawings; and (4)
applying safety practices.
Content Standards
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
underlying theories in automotive servicing.
Performance Standard
The learners independently demonstrate common competencies in
automotive servicing as prescribed in the TESDA Training Regulation.
The learners are expected to have gained the following competencies:
»» Identify tools through their categories and functions
»» Select and classify hand tools
»» Maintain hand tools
»» Convert English measurements to Metric measurements according
to procedure
»» Identify the different automotive measuring instruments
»» Perform actual mensuration using instruments
»» Identify and discuss the following:
1. Common electrical circuit symbols
2. Traffic signs and symbols

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


3. Shape meaning of traffic signs and symbols including road

signs, street signs, and highway signs
4. Dashboard signs and symbols
»» Identify hazards in accordance with OSH (Occupational Safety and
Health) procedures
»» Identify Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as per job
»» Identify safety signs and symbols
»» Recognize and follow safety signs and symbols in accordance with
workplace safety procedure
»» Identify and access manual/specification
»» Interpret information and procedure in the manual in accordance
with industry practices
Mastery of the tools, instruments, proper calculation, and diagram
interpretation is necessary in either putting up a shop that targets
automobile body servicing. It will help the learners to build up strong,
readily, and accessible knowledge that will help them to have acquired,
rehearsed, and connected background of knowledge.

Lesson 1: Automotive Tools and Equipment

Duration: 5 hours
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
principles in developing fundamental skills in:
»» Hammers
»» Chisels
• Types of Chisels
»» Screwdrivers
• Types of Screwdrivers
»» Pliers
• Types of Pliers
»» Wrenches
• Types of Wrenches
»» Feeler Gauge
• Types of Feeler Gauge
»» Hacksaw

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


»» Punches
»» Files
»» Cleaning Tools
»» Multimeter
»» Micrometer
• Types of Micrometer
»» Power Tools
Show to the learners the actual or pictures of different automotive
tools. Ask them to identify each and demonstrate to them how to use
1. To evaluate the outcome of the lesson, ask the learners to answer the
questions under Assessment on pages 308–310 of the worktext.
2. Prepare/Provide a performance/written test or situation analysis to
determine how well they understand the lesson.
Have the learners do the activities under Transfer of Learning on
page 310 of the worktext.

Lesson 2: Perform Mensuration and Calculation

Duration: 3 hours
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
principles in developing fundamental skills in:
»» Systems of Mensuration
»» Temperature Conversions
»» Automotive Measuring Tools
1. Explain to the learners the following:
• Systems of Mensuration
• English to Metric Conversion
• Metric to English Conversion
• Automotive Measuring Tools
2. Demonstrate to them how to read micrometer in millimeters.

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


1. To evaluate the outcome of the lesson, ask the learners to answer the
questions under Assessment on pages 319–320 of the worktext.
2. Prepare/Provide a performance/written test or situation analysis to
determine how well they understand the lesson.
Have the learners do the activities under Transfer of Learning on
page 320 of the worktext.

Lesson 3: Interpret Plans and Drawings

Duration: 5 hours
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
principles in developing fundamental skills in:
»» Common Electrical Circuit Symbols
• Traffic Signs and Symbols
• Color Meaning of Traffic Signal Lights
• Dashboard Signs and Symbols
1. Show to the learners the common electrical circuit symbols and ask
them to identify each.
2. Have a class discussion on the following:
• Traffic Signs and Symbols
• Color Meaning of Traffic Signal Lights
• Color Meaning of Flashing Traffic Signal Lights
• Regulatory Traffic Road Signs
1. To evaluate the outcome of the lesson, ask the learners to answer the
questions under Assessment on pages 340–343 of the worktext.
2. Prepare/Provide a performance/written test or situation analysis to
determine how well they understand the lesson.
Have the learners do the activities under Transfer of Learning on
page 343 of the worktext.

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


Lesson 4: Apply Safety Practices

Duration: 3 hours
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
principles in:
»» Hand Tools
• Power Tool Precautions
»» Safety Switches
• Electric Tools
»» Pneumatic Tools
»» Powder-actuated Tools
»» Hydraulic Power Tools
• Jacks
• General Safety Precautions
• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
• Safety Signs and Color
Have a class discussion on the following:
• Hazards in accordance with OSH (Occupational Safety and Health)
• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as per job requirements
• Safety signs and symbols
• How to recognize and follow safety signs and symbols in
accordance with workplace safety procedure
• Manual specification
• Information and procedure in the manual in acceptance of
industry practices
1. To evaluate the outcome of the lesson, ask the learners to answer the
questions under Assessment on pages 358–359 of the worktext.
2. Prepare/Provide a performance/written test or situation analysis to
determine how well they understand the lesson.
Have the learners perform the activity under Transfer of Learning on
page 359 of the worktext.

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


Technical Terms:
The purpose of the Technical Terms is to guide you and the learners to
be equipped with the technical terms and be familiar with their meanings.
This is very useful whenever the learners need to recall the concepts and
vocabulary that are relevant to the lesson. It will be used to develop strong,
readily accessible knowledge that will help you and the learners to have
acquired, rehearsed, and connected background of knowledge.
The technical terms will serve as additional materials that will guide
the learners’ practice of the skills and help them when they commit errors.
Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 by Virginia C. Esmilla-Sercado



Lesson 1: Automotive Tools and Equipment (pp. 308–310)

Flat chisel – A flat chisel becomes

especially useful for cutting and
chipping metals when it becomes
difficult or not suitable to use a
hacksaw or a shearing machine for
cutting a piece of thick gauge metal.

Cross-cut chisel – In cases where it

becomes inconvenient to use a flat
2. chisel, a cross-cut chisel becomes
a better option like when cutting
narrow flat bottom grooves.

Side chisel – It is used for chipping

3. vertical side of keyways and cotter-
slots flat.

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


Hammerhead screwdrivers – These

are used in difficult areas.

Offset screwdrivers – These are used

in difficult areas.

Mechanical pliers – These are used to

6. hold light objects such as nuts and

Box end wrench – This is an excellent

tool due to its gripping effect.

Socket wrench – This is the fastest

type among other wrenches (except
the pneumatically operated) and in
most instances, it is very convenient.

Torque wrench – This is used in

9. measuring the exact tightness applied
in bolts and nuts.

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


Hydraulic jack – This is used to lift

10. automotive vehicles when working
under chassis.

Lesson 2: Perform Mensuration and Calculation (pp. 319–320)

1. Vernier caliper 6. Megger test
2. Micrometer caliper 7. Engine analyzer
3. Multimeter 8. Timing/Strobe light
4. Automotive thermometer 9. Vacuum gauge
5. Ammeter 10. Compression gauge
Lesson 3: Interpret Plans and Drawings (pp. 340–343)
1. No U-Turn 11. Left or U-Turn
2. School Zone 12. No Parking
3. Winding Road 13. Railroad Crossing
4. Stop Road Sign 14. Airport Road
5. Yellow Light in Traffic Signals 15. Speed Limit
6. Red Light in Traffic Signals 16. Left or U-Turn
7. Yellow Arrow in Traffic Signals 17. School Bus Stop × FT
8. Disabled Road 18. School Zone
9. Center or Right Turn Lane 19. Sharp Turn Ahead Reduce Speed
10. No Parking Any Time 20. Signal Ahead
Lesson 4: Apply Safety Practices (pp. 358–359)
A. 1. T 6. improperly
2. T 7. T
3. responsible 8. T
4. T 9. to be safeguarded
5. T 10. must never be removed
B. 1. prohibition sign 6. fire sign
2. mandatory sign 7. fire equipment safety sign
3. restriction sign 8. warning safety sign
4. hazard warning sign 9. prohibition sign
5. mandatory safety sign 10. safe procedure safety sign
Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE
This Technology and Livelihood Education Industrial Arts minicourse
which leads to Metal Works National Certificate Level II (NCII) covers the
four common competencies that Grade 7/Grade 8 TLE learners ought to
possess, namely (1) using of basic hand tools and materials; (2) care and
maintenance of hand tools (3) performing mensuration and calculation,
and (4) interpreting plans and drawings.
Content Standards
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
underlying theories in metal works.
Performance Standard
The learners independently demonstrate common competencies in
metal works as prescribed in the TESDA Training Regulation.
The learners are expected to have gained the following competencies:
»» Classify the tools according to their uses
»» Demonstrate how to use tools in metal
»» Observe safety precautions while using the tools
»» Undertake routine maintenance of hand tools according to
standard operating procedures, principles, and techniques
»» Demonstrate how to clean and maintain hand tools
»» Discuss the systems of mensuration
»» Convert English unit to Metric system and vice versa
»» Read and interpret alphabet of lines according to International
Standard Organization
»» Identify the different welding symbols
Metal works is a process of joining metals together with the use of
flux-coated electrodes and welding machines on a prescribed voltage that
produces layers of slag brought about by the filler metal and atmospheric
The exploratory concepts and basic competencies in metal works
for the learners were anchored on how to use, classify, and maintain
the basic hand tools and equipment; the importance of estimating and
calculating the right measurement of a given data; the safety practices;
the interpretation of plans and drawing; and the ability of the learner in
applying what they have learned.

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


The learning guide will provide instructions for the assessment

strategies from Lessons 1 to 4. It also aims to facilitate learning in metal
works. It is an activity-based, process-oriented, and student-centered
design that will revitalize learners’ understanding and competence
through their collaborative work, active participation, and sharing of

Lesson 1: Use of Basic Hand Tools and Materials

Duration: 5 hours
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
principles in developing fundamental skills in:
»» Measuring and Testing Tools
»» Cutting Tools
• Hacksaw
• Files
• Chisel
»» Marking Tool
• Punches
»» Driving Tool
• Hammer
»» Holding Tools
»» Other Tools
• Welding Tools and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
1. Ask the learners to identify all the tools in the shop and classify them
according to their uses.
2. Have a class demonstration on:
• How to Cut Metals with a Hacksaw
• Steps in Cutting Metals with a Hacksaw
• Parts of a File
• Proper Care of Files
• Types of Cold Chisel
• Safety Precautions When Chiseling
• Marking Tool
• Kinds of Punches

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


• Driving Tools
• Kinds of Hammer
• Tips for Using Hammers
• Holding Tools
• Types of Pliers
• Using Pliers Safely
• Other Tools
• Most Commonly Used Rivet
• How to Operate a Blowtorch
1. To evaluate the outcome of the lesson, ask the learners to answer the
questions under Assessment on pages 376–377 of the worktext.
2. Prepare/Provide a performance/written test or situation analysis to
determine how well they understand the lesson.
Ask the learners to perform the activities under Transfer of Learning on
page 377 of the worktext.

Lesson 2: Care and Maintenance of Hand Tools

Duration: 3 hours
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
principles in developing fundamental skills in:
»» Cleaning, Inspecting, and Care for Tools
»» Power Tools
• Helpful Tips
• Inspect for Wear and Tear or Damage
• Lubricate Moving Parts
Have a class demonstration on how to clean and maintain hand tools.
1. To evaluate the outcome of the lesson, ask the learners to answer the
questions under Assessment on pages 381–382 of the worktext.
2. Prepare/Provide a performance/written test or situation analysis to
determine how well they learners understand the lesson.

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


Ask the learners to perform the activity under Transfer of Learning on
page 382 of the worktext.

Lesson 3: Perform Mensuration and Calculation

Duration: 2 hours
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
principles in developing fundamental skills in:
»» Systems of Measurement
»» English Conversion Table
»» Metric Conversion Table
Have a class discussion on the system of measurement.
1. To evaluate the outcome of the lesson, ask the learners to answer the
questions under Assessment on pages 385–386 of the worktext.
2. Prepare/Provide a performance/written test or situation analysis to
determine how well they understand the lesson.
Ask the learners to perform the activity under Transfer of Learning on
page 386 of the worktext.

Lesson 4: Interpret Plans and Drawings

Duration: 3 hours
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
principles in developing fundamental skills in:
»» Alphabet of Lines
»» Welding Symbols
• The Welding Symbols
»» The Weld Symbols
• Basic Weld Symbols
• Fillet Weld
• Contours
• Plug and Slot Welds

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


Have a class discussion on the following:
• Alphabet of Lines
• Welding Symbols
• Basic Weld Symbols
• Fillet Weld
1. To evaluate the outcome of the lesson, ask the learners to answer the
questions under Assessment on pages 404–405 of the worktext.
2. Prepare/Provide a performance/written test or situation analysis to
determine how well they understand the lesson.
Have the learners do the activities under Transfer of Learning on
page 405 of the worktext.
Technical Terms:
The purpose of the Technical Terms is to guide you and the learners to
be equipped with the technical terms and be familiar with their meanings.
This is very useful whenever the learners need to recall the concepts and
vocabulary that are relevant to the lesson. It will be used to develop strong,
readily accessible knowledge that will help you and the learners to have
acquired, rehearsed, and connected background of knowledge.
The technical terms will serve as additional materials that will guide
the learners’ practice of the skills and help them when they commit errors.
Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 by Virginia C. Esmilla-Sercado



Lesson 1: Use of Basic Hand Tools and Materials (pp. 376–377)
1. a) push-pull rule f) micrometer caliper
b) steel rule g) vernier caliper
c) trysquare h) dividers
d) bevel protractor i) wire gauge
e) combination square
Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE

2. a) frame c) wing nut

b) handle d) blade
3. a) tang c) point
b) face d) heel
4. a) flat file d) half round file
b) square file e) mill file
c) triangular file f) round file
5. a) prick punch c) nail punch
b) center punch d) automatic center punch
6. a) claw hammer e) club hammer
b) ball-peen hammer f) sledgehammer
c) cross and straight peen g) mallet
d) cross peen pin hammer
7. a) double-seaming stake d) break horn stake
b) hatchet-square stake e) hollow-mandrel square stake
c) blow horn stake
8. a) welding machine g) apron
b) welding rods h) safety shoes
c) head shield i) safety goggles
d) hand shield j) earmuffs
e) hand gloves k) earplugs
f) chipping hammer
Lesson 2: Care and Maintenance of Hand Tools (pp. 381–382)
1. Care and maintenance 6. heavy gloves
2. damage 7. storage system
3. not maintained properly 8. toolbox
4. replacement 9. Power tools
5. all-purpose oil 10. electric tools
Lesson 3: Perform Mensuration and Calculation (pp. 385–386)
1. 157.48 6. 0.61
2. 1.47 7. 78.74
3. 0.61 8. 0.079
4. 508 9. 610
5. 1.97 10. 1,830
Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE

Lesson 4: Interpret Plans and Drawings (pp. 404–405)

1. Hidden lines 6. Groove weld
2. Center lines 7. Groove weld size
3. Extension line 8. Contour and finishing
4. Leader line 9. Square groove
5. Weld symbol 10. V-groove
This Technology and Livelihood Education Industrial Arts minicourse
which leads to Metal Works National Certificate Level II (NCII) covers the
four common competencies that Grade 7/Grade 8 TLE learners ought
to possess, namely (1) identifying the basic tools and instruments in
Electronics (2) performing mensuration and calculation, (3) preparing and
interpreting technical drawing, and (4) observing occupational and safety
Content Standard
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
underlying theories in electronic servicing.
Performance Standard
The learners independently demonstrate common competencies in
electronics servicing as prescribed in the TESDA Training Regulation.
The learners are expected to have gained the following competencies:
»» Identify the different electronic tools and instruments
»» Discuss the uses of each tool and instrument
»» Demonstrate the proper care of electronic tools and equipment
»» Select appropriate measuring instruments for a specific task
»» Measure the resistance using a multitester
»» Measure and compute for the color code of a resistor
»» Describe the electronic component being used based on the
electronic diagram
»» Identify the proper electronic component for the given electronic
»» Read and interpret details and specifications of working plans and
electronic diagrams
Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE

»» Identify health hazards and occupational risks

»» Observe occupational safety and health practices
»» Observe safety procedures while at work
»» Use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) while working
The exploratory concepts and basic competencies in electronics
servicing for the learners were anchored on how to use, classify, and
maintain the basic hand tools and equipment; the importance of
estimating and calculating the right measurement of a given data; the
safety practices; and the interpretation of plans and drawing, and the
ability of the learner in applying.
The learning guide will provide instructions for the assessment
strategies from Lessons 1 to 4. It also aims to facilitate learning in electronics
servicing. It is an activity-based, process-oriented, and student-centered
design that will revitalize learners’ understanding and competence
through their collaborative work, active participation, and sharing of

Lesson 1: Basic Tools and Instruments in Electronics

Duration: 3 hours
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
principles in developing fundamental skills in:
»» Electronic Tools and Instruments and Their Uses
»» Proper Care and Maintenance of Electronic Tools and Instruments
1. Show to the learners the different electronic tools and instruments.
Ask them to identify each.
2. Have a class demonstration on how to use the electronic basic tools
and equipment.
1. To evaluate the outcome of the lesson, ask the learners to answer the
questions under Assessment on page 411 of the worktext.
2. Prepare/Provide a performance/written test or situation analysis to
determine how well they understand the lesson.
Ask the learners to perform the activities under Transfer of Learning
on page 411 of the worktext.
Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE

Lesson 2: Perform Mensuration and Calculation

Duration: 10 hours
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
principles in developing fundamental skills in:
»» Multitester
• Kinds of Multitester
»» Functions of Different Ohmmeter Ranges
»» Resistor Color Coding
»» Defects of Resistors
»» Color Coding Chart
»» Resistor Color Coding Chart
Have a class discussion on the following:
• Kinds of Multitester
• Parts of a VOM
• Functions of Each Part
• Function Selection
• Scale Reading
• Functions of Different Ohmmeter Ranges
• Resistor Color Coding
1. To evaluate the outcome of the lesson, ask the learners to answer the
questions under Assessment on pages 430–431 of the worktext.
2. Prepare/Provide a performance/written test or situation analysis to
determine how well they understand the lesson.
Ask the learners to perform the activities under Transfer of Learning on
pages 431–434 of the worktext.

Lesson 3: Prepare and Interpret Technical Drawings

Duration: 5 hours
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
principles in developing fundamental skills in:
»» Electronic Components and Their Symbols
• Symbols
Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE

• Schematic Diagram
• Electronic Components
»» Pictorial Diagram
»» Block Diagram
Show to the learners the illustrations of different electronic
components and their symbols. Ask them to interpret these illustrations.
1. To evaluate the outcome of the lesson, ask the learners to answer the
questions under Assessment on pages 442–443 of the worktext.
2. Prepare/Provide a performance/written test or situation analysis to
determine how well they understand the lesson.
Ask the learners to do the activity under Transfer of Learning on
pages 443–445 of the worktext.

Lesson 4: Observing Occupational Safety and Health

Duration: 2 hours
The learners demonstrate understanding of basic concepts and
principles in developing fundamental skills in:
»» Identification of Hazards
• Types of Hazards
»» Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
»» Safety in the Workplace
Have a class discussion on the following:
• Types of Hazards
• Personal Protective Equipment
• Safety in the Workplace
1. To evaluate the outcome of the lesson, ask the learners to answer the
questions under Assessment on pages 450–451 of the worktext.
2. Prepare/Provide a performance/written test or situation analysis to
determine how well they understand the lesson.

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE


Ask the learners to perform the activities under Transfer of Learning on
page 451 of the worktext.
Technical Terms:
The purpose of the Technical Terms is to guide you and the learners to
be equipped with the technical terms and be familiar with their meanings.
This is very useful whenever the learners need to recall the concepts and
vocabulary that are relevant to the lesson. It will be used to develop strong,
readily accessible knowledge that will help you and the learners to have
acquired, rehearsed, and connected background of knowledge.
The technical terms will serve as additional materials that will guide
the learners’ practice of the skills and help them when they commit errors.
Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 by Virginia C. Esmilla-Sercado



Lesson 1: Basic Tools and Instruments in Electronics (p. 411)
1. Artist’s cutter 6. Soldering iron
2. Minidrill 7. Soldering iron stand
3. Magnifying glass 8. Desoldering iron
4. Paint brush 9. Solid-state VOM
5. Reamer 10. Transistor tester
Lesson 2: Perform Mensuration and Calculation (pp. 430–431)
A. a) mirror f) negative terminal
b) indicator pointer g) positive terminal
c) zero-position adjuster h) panel
d) output terminal i) zero-ohm adjuster
e) range selector
B. 1. multimeter 6. range selector
2. analog multimeter 7. positive terminal
3. digital multimeter 8. negative terminal
4. zero-position adjuster 9. DC voltmeter
5. zero-ohm adjuster 10. AC voltmeter
Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE

Lesson 3: Prepare and Interpret Technical Drawings (pp. 442–443)

1. Schematic plan or diagram 6. Semiconductor
2. Resistor 7. Resistor
3. Capacitor 8. Transistors
4. Inductor 9. Rectifier diodes
5. Electron tube 10. Block diagram
Lesson 4: Observing Occupational Safety and Health Practices (OSHP)
(pp. 450–451)
1. a) biological hazards d) psychological hazards
b) chemical hazards e) ergonomic hazards
c) physical hazards
2. a) clothing d) safety footwear
b) safety helmet e) insulating mats
c) insulating gloves f) safety glasses
3. a) protective goggles
b) safety glasses
c) goggles for protection from glare, gas welding, and smelting
4. a) badly designed machinery
b) mechanical devices and tools used by workers
c) improper seating and work station design
d) poorly designed work practices
5. a) noise d) radiation
b) vibration e) extreme temperature
c) unsatisfactory lighting

Skills for a Lifetime in TLE 8 LEARNING GUIDE

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