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A basic guide to

cotton pricing & quality

January 2017
The cash price of Australian cotton.
There are three main factors that • Futures - July 17 - 71.6 USc/lb
influence the cash price of cotton: • Basis - 300 points on July futures
• New York Futures • Currency - Spot AUD 0.7237 AUD/
• Basis USD exchange rate
• Currency
Step 1. Add futures and basis to
Each of these variables can move obtain US cents per pound: 71.6 + 3
independently, with 80 per cent of = 74.6 USc/lb
price volatility attributed to futures and Step 2. Multiply US cents per pound
currency. by 500 pounds to obtain US dollars
per bale: 74.6 x 500 = $373
Futures – Australian cotton prices are Step 3. Divide USD per bale by
based on the New York cotton futures forward AUD exchange rate. Result is
which are traded in US dollars. A AUD per bale: $373/0.7237 = $515.
futures contract is a commitment to
make or take delivery of a specified The cotton marketing system is a
quantity and quality of cotton at an niche market when compared to grain
agreed price at some time in the future. marketing - consisting of approx. 1000
growers and 13 merchants.
Basis – The basis is the difference
between the cash price of a physical Merchants involved in the cotton
bale of cotton (at a specified location) market tend to build robust
and the New York Futures price. It relationships with clients and may be
can be a premium to the price (on) contracting forward contracts with
or a discount to the price (off). For these growers up to four years into
example a merchant may quote to the future. It is common that cotton
purchase cotton ex gin at 400 points on merchants will approach growers to
Dec. If Dec futures are at 55.49USc/ lock in business. Only a very small
lb, the merchant is buying cotton at proportion of cotton is traded on the
59.49USc/lb, the basis is +4.00USc/lb spot market at harvest.
(400 points on).
A list of merchants is available at the
Currency – The price of an Australian Australian Cotton Shippers Association
bale of cotton is fixed in US dollars and site:
as Australian cotton growers prefer to
be paid in AUD, the sale price needs to Further market information is available
be converted from USD to AUD. at:
The classification of cotton.

Colour can be classed either visually The below table lists the official colour
by a trained cotton classer or by a grades applied to Upland cotton.
High Volume Instrument (HVI). When
cotton is classed visually, the classer The colour of cotton as measured by
compares the sample to a standard lint HVI is determined by a colorimeter
sample of known grade provided by the and defined in terms of the Nickerson-
United States Department of Agriculture Hunter colour model, in terms of
(USDA). brightness (Rd) and yellowness (+b).

The colour grading of Upland cotton Colour management

takes into account both major and Managing to improve colour is largely
minor differences in colour. Major the result of harvesting the crop as
colour differences occur between the soon as possible. When a boll first
five classes of ‘white’, ‘light spotted’, opens the lint is white and clean due to
‘spotted’, ‘tinged’ and ‘yellow’ stained the highly reflective nature of cellulose
cotton, chiefly due to increasing and the lack of microbial degradation.
degrees of yellowness across the five
classes. If the crop gets wet due to rain it is
important to wait for the crop to dry
Within each of these classes the and bleach from sun and wind, prior
reflectance or whiteness of the fibre is to harvesting. However, when lint is
assessed across another eight levels exposed to moisture for a long time,
from ‘Good Middling’ to ‘Below Grade’. fungi will start to grow on the lint
There are currently 25 official physical surface with the fungal spores causing
colour grades for Upland cotton and five the lint to become grey and dull.
grades for below grade colour.
Designation/Abbreviation White Light Spotted Tinged Yellow/
Spotted Stained
Good Middling GM 11 12 13 - -
Strict Middling SM 21 22 23 24 25
Middling M 31 32 33 34 35
Strict Low Middling SLM 41 42 43 44 -
Low Middling LM 51 52 53 54 -
Strict Good Ordinary SGO 61 62 63 - -
Good Ordinary GO 71 - - - -
Below Grade BG 81 82 83 84 85
The classification of cotton (cont).

Trash Fibre length

Trash is a measure of the amount of Fibre length is the average length of the
non-lint material in the cotton sample. longer half of the fibres. It is reported in
Leaf grade is classified separately to either 100ths and 32nds of an inch, or
colour from level 1 (least trash) through in inch and mm. It is measured either
to level 7. Trash is assessed visually by pulling a hand staple, or by the HVI
with grade boxes (similar to colour) or machine by passing a beard of parallel
by a trash meter by the HVI machine. fibres through an optical sensing point.

Trash is removed in both the ginning Fibre length management

and spinning processes. When it is Fibre length is controlled largely by
removed in the spinning process it variety and to a minor extent by weather
contributes to increased cost and and management. As fibre length within
decreased fibre yield. Hence, cotton a boll is determined in the first 20 days
with high levels of trash attracts a after flower, high temperatures, severe
discount. water stress and potassium deficiency
can decrease fibre length.
Trash management
Trash levels are directly and indirectly All these factors affect the internal
influenced by the defoliation process. carbohydrate supply and moisture level
Poor defoliation is often a result of a inside a boll. Growing conditions that
combination of factors such as high increase the level of carbohydrate to
residual nitrogen, high soil moisture at the bolls generally increase length and
the time of defoliation, extreme level strength of the fibre. Length can also be
of water stress, rapidly growing plants affected by ginning. Low moisture levels
or regrowth, cool temperatures at at ginning and excessive lint cleaning
defoliation and high rates of defoliant can decrease fibre length and increase
that freezes leaves on the plant. short fibre content.

Extraneous matter
Extraneous matter is any foreign
contaminant such as grass, bark,
plastic, oil, seed coat fragments etc.
These are classed visually and attracts
a separate discount from the normal
trash discount.

The classification of cotton (cont).

Micronaire is a measure of fibre levels, can lead to premature
diameter and is a combination of fibre senescence.
fineness (linear density) and maturity
(wall thickness). The loss of the top leaves results in a
failure to fill the top bolls. Other factors
It is measured by the HVI using airflow that can create this condition are dense
that correlates fibre micronaire to the stands and/or high nitrogen/irrigation
permeability to air of a constant mass frequencies. These conditions can
of cotton fibres compressed into a promote rank growth causing increased
tube of a fixed volume. There is a base shading of lower leaves thereby
range of fibre micronaire (3.5 - 4.9) with reducing carbohydrate supply.
discounts for lower and higher levels.
Cool conditions, late in the season,
Low micronaire is generally equated to often causes low micronaire conditions
immature fibre, which does not readily as crops will have a good boll load from
absorb dye and thus creates an uneven ideal conditions and when it turns cool/
dye pattern in the finished cloth. Low cloudy, carbohydrate production is
micronaire cotton is more likely to form reduced, thereby reducing the amount
neps (minute knots of tangled fibre) of secondary filling of the late set bolls.
in the ginning and yarn manufacturing The risk of low micronaire cotton is
process. High micronaire cotton can greatly increased with late crops.
only be used in coarse fabrics like
denim. Fibre strength
Fibre strength is reported in terms of
Micronaire management grams per tex (g/tex), with the tex unit
As the micronaire of the fibre is being equal to the weight in grams of
determined in the second half of the 1000 metres of fibre. Thus strength is
boll fill period when secondary filling of the force required to break a bundle of
the fibre occurs, management factors fibres in tex unit in size.
affecting micronaire will affect this time
of growth. Strength measurements are made on
the same beards of cotton that are
Premature defoliation can result in low used for measuring fibre length. The
micronaire cotton. Potassium deficiency beard is clamped in two sets of jaws
can cause low micronaire as a high boll 1/8 inch apart.
load combined with low potassium
The classification of cotton (cont). Conclusion.

Fibre strength is highly correlated to HVI also test for short fibre content
yarn strength. A strong fibre is less (SFC) which is the amount of fibres
likely to break during the manufacturing shorter than 12.7 mm (0.5 inch).
process. The following is a guide:
• Very strong 30+ g/tex The grower is not discounted for SFC,
• Strong 27 - 29 g/tex however the mills use it to determine
• Intermediate 24 - 26 g/tex their laydowns (bale selection for
• Weak 21 - 23 g/tex various yarns).
• Very weak 20 g/tex and below
In the future it is anticipated that
Fibre strength management further classing by HVI will include
Strength is mostly determined by fineness, maturity, dust content and
variety. Growing conditions that produce stickiness.
high yields also tend to produce high
fibre strength. In Australia the base grade in the
classing system is a white middling
Exposure to fungi can reduce strength. (colour grade), with a level of leaf
Potassium deficiency can decrease material (trash) of 3, and a staple
strength by up to 2g/tex which would length of 36 (1.11-1.13 inch or 1 1/8th
also reduce yield by 40 per cent. The inch). That is 31,3,36.
effects of ginning is minimal, except
where excessive heat is used which can As cotton is marketed in US cents/lb,
reduce strength. the Premium and Discount (P&D) sheet
is in US cents, where 100 points equals
Elongation one US cent. As a guide 100 points is
Elongation is the percent that the fibre around 5 AUD. See Appendix 1 for a
extends before the maximum force is typical P&D sheet.
measured in the bundle break. It has
a direct influence on yarn elongation, As the growers return is a function of
structure and yarn breaks. yield and grade, there are management
factors that affect not only yield,
but also grade. Selection of a high
quality variety managed for high yield,
defoliated cleanly and picked before
adverse weathering has occurred will
result in producing high quality cotton.

Appendix 1. Example of a Premium and Discount sheet

This guide has been compiled with reference to the UNE Cotton Production course notes on
cotton quality, and the Cotton Incorporated booklet, The Classification of Cotton. For further
information, please see the CRDC and CottonInfo publication: the Australian Cotton Production
Manual. Note: HVI is a registered trademark of Uster Technologies.

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