Module 6 Ethics

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Republic of the Philippines


Balbagon 9100, Mambajao, Camiguin Tel(088)8890183|

Institute of Technology
Republic of the Philippines
Balbagon 9100, Mambajao, Camiguin Tel(088)8890183|

Institute of Technology


After reading and browsing this module, the students are expected to:

1. Describe freedom as an essential attribute of human act.

2. Explain the principles related to fear and violence as modifiers of freedom.
3. Exhibit knowledge of the role or freedom and moral courage in morality.

Module Overview
This module is concerned with developing your understanding of what human act as freely
done is, freedom as foundation of morality the modifier of freedom, and the role of moral
courage in becoming ethical. It is hoped that the discussion, description and explanation in
this module will further help in your journey to the understanding of ethics, especially freedom
as an essential attribute of human act, freedom as the minimum requirement of morality and
the role of moral courage in ethics.

This module contains the following topics:

Topic 1: Freedoms as a Foundation of Morality
Topic 2: The Modifier of Freedom: Fear and Violence
Topic 3: The Importance of Will and Moral Courage

Let’s begin!

Preparatory Activity!

1. List down 3 actions that express courage.

2. List down 3 actions that express cowardice.

Republic of the Philippines
Balbagon 9100, Mambajao, Camiguin Tel(088)8890183|

Institute of Technology

Act as Freely Done


Freedoms as a Foundation of Morality

One of the reasons animals cannot be truly ethical is that they are not really autonomous
or free. Likewise, a robot no matter how beneficial its functions may be cannot be said to be
moral, for it has no freedom or choice but to work according to what is commanded based on
its built-in program.
Basically, morality is a question of choice. Morality, practically is choosing ethical codes,
values or standards to guide us in our daily lives. Philosophically, choosing is impossible
without freedom.
Morality requires and allows choice, which means, the right to choose even differently
from our fellows. In their daily lives, people make the choice to give to charities, donate time
and money to schools, mentor children, open businesses, or protest against animal cruelty.
Everyone who wishes to function morally, and rationally in a society has to make choices
virtually every minute of the day. Practically, the sum of our choices can be said to define our
specific morality. Applicably, using the government or one’s culture to coerce people to behave
in a certain way is not morality but the antithesis of morality. This principle in ethics applies
even when the motive is pure.
Republic of the Philippines
Balbagon 9100, Mambajao, Camiguin Tel(088)8890183|

Institute of Technology

Modifiers of Freedom: Fear and Violence

Fear is the mind of a person who is confronted by an impending danger or harm himself
or loved ones. Distinction is made however between an act done with fear and act done out
or because of fear.
Certain actions which by nature are dangerous or risky are done with fear with varying
degree of fear. Climbing a cliff, flying an airplane through a storm, diving for pearls, or
arresting a notorious killer are examples of acts performed with fear. In these cases, fear is a
normal response to danger. Such actions are voluntary because the doer is in full control of
his faculties and acts in spite of his fear.
Fear is an instinct for self-preservation. We even fear new experiences or situations such
as embarking on a long journey, being left alone in a strange place, or being asked to speak
before a group of people. But doing something out of fear or because of it is entirely different.
Here, fear becomes a positive force compelling a person to act without careful deliberation.
The child reads his book out of fear of the mother; the employee volunteers to work
overtime out fear of being fired by the boss; a friend stops smoking out of fear of contracting
cancer. These examples show actions done because of fear. Fear modifies the freedom of the
doer, inducing him to act in a certain predetermined manner often without his full consent.

1. Acts done with fear are voluntary. A person acting with of fear is acting in spite of his fear
and is in full control of himself.
Republic of the Philippines
Balbagon 9100, Mambajao, Camiguin Tel(088)8890183|

Institute of Technology

2. Acts done out of fear, however great is simply voluntary although is conditionally voluntary.
It is simply voluntary because the person remains in control of his faculties including that of
moderating fear. It is also conditionally involuntary because, if it were not for the presence of
something feared, the person would not act or would act in another way.
3. Acts done because of intense fear or panic are involuntary. Panic completely obscures the
mind. In this mental state, a person is not expected to think sensibly. Thus, a person in a
state of panic might jump from the 12th floor of a building. Such is not considered suicide
since it is done involuntarily. Panic causes a person to lose complete control of himself.
Intimidating or threatening a person with harm is an unjust act. Legally speaking, actions
done out of fear are invalid acts. Thus, contracts entered into out of fear are voidable, meaning
they can later on be annulled. It is grossly unfair to oblige a person to fulfil a contract obtained
by the forced of a threat.

Violence refers to any physical force exerted on a person by another free agent for the
purpose of compelling said person to act against his will. Bodily torture, maltreatment,
isolation and mutilation are examples of violence against person.
1. External actions or commanded actions performed by a person subjected to violence to
which reasonable resistance has been offered are involuntary and are not accountable. Active
resistance should always be offered to an unjust aggressor. However, if resistance is
impossible, or if the there is a serious threat to one’s life, a person confronted by violence can
always offer intrinsic resistance by withholding consent that his enough to save his moral
2. Elicited acts or those done by the ill alone are not subject to violence and are therefore
voluntary. The will insofar as it is a spiritual faculty is not within the reach of violence. History
carries the story of thousand heroes who had suffered death instead of surrendering their will
to that of their tormentors. On the contrary, we consider them villains or weakling those who
succumbed and consented to the wishes of tyrants. Burt we may not be too harsh on them,
since every man has his own limit of endurance. “Violence of force in any instance if bound
with the refined cruelty of present-day methods of psychological torture, can constitute a
serious temptation and often also contribute towards a notable diminution of inner freedom.
Republic of the Philippines
Balbagon 9100, Mambajao, Camiguin Tel(088)8890183|

Institute of Technology

Moral Courage
We have learned that in morality, over reliance on feelings, to say the least is
disadvantageous in resolving moral dilemmas. We are thus advised to guide emotions with
reason if not tonally suppress them. But reason for many ethicists is also not enough in
carrying out moral decisions. Moral courage is also important.

The Importance of Will and Moral Courage

Moral Courage means doing the right thing even at the risk of inconvenience, ridicule,
loss of job or security or social status, etc. It requires that we rise above the apathy,
complacency, hatred, cynicism, and fear mongering in our political systems, socioeconomic
divisions and cultural/religious differences. Will refers to that faculty of the mind which
chooses at the moment of making decision, the strongest desire from among the various
desires present. Will does not refer to any particular desire, but rather to the capacity to act
decisively on one’s desires. Moral courage demands us to make judgments about what
behavior or acts are supportive to our ethical ideologies or highest ideals, and which ones are
destructive. Moral courage and will require us to recognize our responsibilities and be
accountable to the consequences of our own actions.


A freely done act can be affected by the presence of fear and violence. Moral Courage is
important in the midst of fear and violence. Thus, we need to develop will and moral courage.
Republic of the Philippines
Balbagon 9100, Mambajao, Camiguin Tel(088)8890183|

Institute of Technology


Name: Date:
Course & Year:

⚫ You can just edit the document and insert your answer then turn in, in the google classroom.
⚫ Read and follow instructions.

I. Identification. Identify whether the following is freely done (F) or not freely done (NF).
1. Driving a car happily.
2. Being raped
3. Sharing Experiences
4. Tortured
5. Writing a letter for your lover

II. Explanation
1. Why are actions done out of fear accountable actions?

2. Why act done out of panic is called involuntary acts?

3. What is the reason why animals are not truly ethical?

Republic of the Philippines
Balbagon 9100, Mambajao, Camiguin Tel(088)8890183|

Institute of Technology

Agapay, R. B. Ethics and the Filipino: A Manual on Morals for Students and Educators, 2ns
ed. (1995, 2008)

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