The Problem and Its Setting

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Technology is an essential part of our lives today and

few can imagine living without. We achieved a lot with the

help of technology, for example we have the possibility to

travel, keep in touch with friends on the other side of the

earth and cure many illnesses. It means more freedom and

choices for people but at the same time we have to consider

the social imbalance, weapons of mass destruction and

natural resource depletion (Godall, 2011).

In today's healthcare system, information technology is

the foundation of the future. Healthcare modernization is

best visualized if we compare how we were thirty years ago

and where we are today. The need for improvement was the

driving force behind the evolution of computers in

healthcare. The majority of the past thirty years of

technological expansion was spent on computer programs for

administrative purposes while the past decade has seen as

emphasis on the clinical process. Patient care has become a

primary focus in the development of new concepts and

knowledge in healthcare technology. Technological

development in clinical applications is the current trend in

healthcare and it will continue to play a major role for

years to come. Healthcare information technology began with

the computer in the early 1970s and did not see a broad

acceptance until individual computers were made available at

the end of the decade. In spite of the advancement of the

computer, actual clinical patient care was never a

consideration until well after the turn of the 21st century.

Cross over from administration to clinical applications

started with individual departments that needed to speed up

the process in order to provide better outcomes. Some of the

automated systems began with radiology, pharmacy, and

laboratory. This beginning then began to be adopted in other

clinical departments. Information technology is quickly

changing in all areas worldwide, creating new challenges and

opportunities for different industries every day, including

healthcare. Increasingly, as technology permeates every

aspect of our daily lives, using technology in health

provision and care coordination is becoming a core skill

needed across the nursing profession (HIMSS, 2011).

Technology-led services are continually changing the

way nurses operate. One significant factor has been the

transition to electronic records. Integrated care records,

that draw together accurate patient information, help nurses

ensure that the needs of patients are understood. They also

safeguard patients by accurately tracking progression

throughout various care pathways, and allow test results,

diagnoses, procedures, and treatments to be appropriately

recorded in order to enhance the quality of patient care.

Theoretical Framework

Kurt Lewin's theory of change offers a tactical

approach that can help informatics nurses in implementing

and evaluating the projected changes in the system

processes. An interesting article was written by Polly Ryan

in 2009 where she stated that: "the integrated theory of

health behavior change suggests that health behavior change

can be enhanced by fostering knowledge and beliefs,

increasing self-regulation skills and abilities, and

enhancing social facilitation" (p. 161). Informatics nurses

motivate and encourage nurses to use innovative problem-

solving methods by providing them with support.

The informatics nurse is part of the delivery of care,

the building of knowledge, skills, and the experience in the

use of information technology. They often lead clinical

informatics committee meetings that have a major influence

for nurses in assisting them to coordinate all the

multifaceted technology activities in regards to patient

care, documentation and safety. Informatics committees

provide continuing guidance in the development and

implementation of information technology and digital

solutions for nursing practice and patient care. The

significance of developing and maintaining positive

attitudes and computer-use acceptance among nursing staff

have been discovered in multiple literature reviews.

Conceptual Framework

The paradigm presented “Technology Integration in Nursing

Practice: Its Impact on Nurse-Patient
below will serve as a guide in Interaction”.


conducted study.
Profile of Respondents
a. Gender
b. Age


Figure 1

Research Paradigm

The paradigm shows the relationship of independent

variable which includes the profile of the respondent’s

gender and age, and the dependent variable which is

“Technology Integration in Nursing Practice: Its Impact on

Nurse-Patient Interaction”.

Statement of the Problem

This study investigated technology integration in

nursing practice, its impact on nurse-patient interaction.

The study sought to answer the following specific questions:

1. What competencies are required for the introduction

of technology and the role of nurse in the process

2. How does technology improve the standards and

quality of patient care

3. How nursing staff’s skills and experience on the use

of technology be described in terms of interacting

with patient?


1. Specific competencies and roles of nurses are

required in the introduction of technology.

2. Technology greatly improve the standards and quality

of health care.

3. Nursing staff’s skills and experience on the use of

technology can be described by the way they interact

with their patients.

Scope and Limitations

This study was conducted to know the impact on nurse-

patient interaction in terms of technology integration in

nursing practice of the selected registered nurses in Dr.

Paulino J. Garcia Memorial Research and Medical Center.

Only in the Female Medical Ward were purposively

selected based on their availability and varied experiences.

The impact on nurse-patient interaction in terms of

technology integration in nursing for the school year 2019-


Significance of the Study

This present study entitled “Technology Integration in

Nursing Practice: Its Impact on Nurse-Patient Interaction”.

This study benefits the following:

 Student Nurses. It gives students instant access

to drug references, diagnoses, medical textbooks

and more using apps and online guides.

 Registered Nurses. It can lessen the workload of a

nurse, help reduce clinical errors and

administrative delays that can impact the overall

quality of care provided.

 Future Researchers. The result of this study will

serve as a basis for future researchers in seeking

for future solution connected to the study.

Definition of Terms

 Technology- improving standards and quality care in

nursing that many of the advances center on

communication and the ability for nurses to complete

their jobs accurately and efficiently.

 Technology Integration- Technology can automate more

routine or less value-adding elements of the patient

experience, helping nurses to significantly improve

customer satisfaction and engagement.

 Nurse- provide patient care or a primary health


 Nurse-Patient Interaction- Important aspect of care in

which you create a rapport to the patient.


“Technology Integration in Nursing Practice: It’s Impact on

Nurse-Patient Interaction”

Santos, Maybelle J.

Silva, Arizza Joyce A.

Tanguilig, Sheena Vanessa V.

Villena, Cherizza Mae D.

(BSN 2B)

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