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In Partial Fulfilment

Of the Requirements for the Subject

Science Technology and Sociey


Santos, Maybelle J.

Silva, Arizza Joyce A.

Tanguilig, Sheena Vanessa V.

Villena, Cherizza Mae D.


MARCH 2020


Method of Research

This chapter deals with the research methodology and

consists the research design, research locale, sample size

and sampling technique, description of the respondents,

research instruments, data gathering procedure and

statistical treatment data.

Research Design

According to Cooper and Schindler (2009), research

design is the strategy for study and the plan by which the

strategy is to be carried out specifying the methods and the

procedure for the data collection, measurement, and analysis

of data.

Survey research is defined as "the collection of

information from a sample of individuals through their

responses to questions" (Check & Schutt, 2012). This type of

research allows to collect data and utilize various methods

of instruments. Survey research can be use quantitative

research strategies, qualitative research strategies or both

strategies. Survey research are frequently used in social

and psychological research, and it is often used to describe

and explore human behaviour (Singleton & Straits, 2009).

This therefore was within the focus of this study.

Research locale

This study will be conducted at Nueva Ecija University

of Science and Technology at College of Nursing, located at

General Tinio St. Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija.

Sample Size and Sampling Technique

Sampling means selecting a given number of subjects

from a target population as representatives of that

population (Ongwae, 2016). According to Kenton (2019)

samples are used when population sizes where too large for

the test, and it should represent the population as whole

and not reflect any bias.

The participant of the study were taken from the

selected registered nurse in Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memorial

Research and Medical Center specifically in the Female

Medical Ward. The researcher used the convenience sampling

in selecting the respondents. Convenience sampling according

to Etikan (2015) is a type of nonprobability or non-

random sampling where members of the target population that

meet certain practical criteria, such as easy accessibility,

geographical proximity, availability at a given time, or the

willingness to participate are included for the purpose of

the study.

Description of the Respondents

A total of 50 registered nurses in Male and Female

Medical Ward of of Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memorial Research

and Medical Center were the respondents of the study. They

were the chosen respondents because their work has to do

with the government service and also for their experiences

by using technology in terms of interacting with patient.

Construction of the Instrument

The researchers will conduct a survey questionnaires as

the instrument of this study, so the researchers goes for

indirect observation for seeking answers. The questionnaires

were designed using closed and open-ended questions. The

items in the first section sought demographic profile about

the respondents such as age, gender and experience. The

second part sought information about the technology

integration and its impact on nursing and patient


The questionnaires contains series of questions

constructed for the individuals that will be answered by

selected participants and this questionnaires consist of 15

items with four choices and it is all about the perception

of the respondents on the topic given and also based on

their own experiences and judgement. We used survey

questionnaires for a good collection of data, in a way of


Survey questionnaires is in a likert scale form.

According to Stephanie (2015) likert scale is a type of

rating scale used to measure attitudes or opinions. With

this scale, respondents are asked to rate items on a level

of agreement. The questionnaires was drafted by the

researchers and shown to their adviser for revising and for

further improvement of the questions.

All questions to be asked to the participants are the

same to avoid favourableness and bias data. The researchers

must know the ethics of being a researcher, the information

gathered should be true, there is no less words or more

words added from the results. All the information that seeks

from the respondents will be process directly to the

research paper to be presented to the panellist to criticize

and to be better improved.

Validation of the Instrument

For the content validation of the survey

questionnaires, the researchers will allocate a dry run to

other registered nurse from other hospital consisting 15

items questions with four choices. For the reliability of

the survey questionnaires the researchers will do comparing

of answers from participant on a given topic. Summarizing

answers from the participants will do.

Statistical Treatment

After collecting the data needed, the researchers

tabulated and analyzed the gathered data with the help of

statistical tools. The statistical treatment to be applied

for the study will be Slovins Formula. Slovin’s Formula is a

random sampling technique formula to estimate sampling size.

Slovin’s Formula:

n= N

1+ Ne2

n= no. of sample

N= Population size

e= Margin of error

Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS)

Foster (2006) defined Statistical Package for

Social Sciences (SPSS) as one of the major computer packages

used by statisticians for analyzing quantitative data.

In this study, SPSS v.17.0 was used to analyze the

data through descriptive statistics.




Technology is an essential part of our lives today and

a few can imagine living without. We achieved a lot with the

help of technology, for example we have the possibility to

travel, keep in touch with friends on the other side of the

earth and cure many illnesses. It means more freedom and

choices for people but at the same time we have to consider

the social imbalance, weapons of mass destruction and

natural resource depletion (Godall, 2011).

In today’s healthcare system, information technology is

the foundation of the future. Healthcare modernization is

best visualized if we compare how we were thirty years ago

and where we are today. The need for improvement was the

driving force behind the evolution of computers in

healthcare. The majority of the past thirty years of

technological expansion was seen on computer for

administrative purposes while the past decade has seen as

emphasis on the clinical process. Patient care has become a

primary focus in the development in clinical applications is

he current trend in healthcare and it will continue to play

a major role for years to come. Healthcare information

technology began with the computer in the early 1970s and

did not see a broad acceptance until individual computers

were made available at the end of the decades. In spite of

the advancement of the computer, actual clinical patient

care was never a consideration until well after the turn of

the 21st century. Cross over from administration to clinical

applications started with individual departments the needed

to speed up the process in order to provide better outcomes.

Some of the automated systems began with radiology, pharmacy

and laboratory. This beginning then began to be adopted in

the clinical departments. Information technology is quickly

changing in all areas worldwide, creating new challenges and

opportunities for different industries every day, including

healthcare. Increasingly as technology permeates every

aspect of our daily lives, using technology I health

provision and care coordination in becoming a core skill

needed across the nursing profession (HMSS,2011).

Technology-led services are continually changing the

way nurses operate. One significant factor has been the

transition to electronic records. Integrated care records,

that draw together accurate patient information, help nurses

ensures that the needs of patients are understood. They also

safeguard patients by accurately tracking progression

throughout various care pathways, and allow test results,

diagnosis, procedures, and treatments to be appropriately

recorded in order to enhance the quality of patient care.

The purpose of this paper is to explore factors that

shaped the integration of technology, to improve the quality

of health care, the roles of nurses and specific

competencies and the skills and experience in introducing

the technology into the nurses of Female Medical Ward at Dr.

Paulino J. Garcia Medical Research and Memorial Center.

Theoretical Framework

Kurt Lewin’s theory of change offers a tactical

approach that can help informatics nurses in implementing

the projected changes in the system processes. An

interesting article was written by Polly Ryan in 2009 where

she started that “the integrated theory of health behaviour

change suggests that health behaviour change can be enhanced

by fostering knowledge and beliefs, increasing self-

regulation skills and abilities, and enhancing social

facilitation “(p.161). Informatics nurses motivate and

encourage nurses to use innovative problem-solving methods

by providing them will support.

The informatics nurse is part of the delivery of care,

the building of knowledge, skills, and the experience in the

use of information technology. They often lead clinical

informatics committee meetings that have a major influence

for nurses in assisting them to coordinate all the

multifaceted technology activities in regards to patient

care, documentation and safety. Informatics committee

provide continuing guidance in the development and

implementation of information technology and digital

solutions for nursing practice and patient care. The

significance of developing and maintaining positive

attitudes and computer-use acceptance among nursing staff

have been discovered in multiple literature reviews.

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Statement of the Problem

This study investigated technology integration in

nursing practice, its impact on nurse-patient interaction.

The study sought to answer the following specific questions.

1. What competencies are required for the introduction of

technology and the role of nurse in the process.

2. How does technology improve the standards and quality

of patient care
3. How nursing staff’s skills and experience on the use

of technology e described in terms of interacting with



1. Specific competencies and roles of nurses are required

in the introduction of technology.

2. Technology greatly improves the standards and quality

of health care.

3. Nursing staff’s skills and experience on the use of

technology can be described by the way they interact

with their patients.

Scope and Limitations

This study will conducted to know the impact on nurse-

patient interaction in terms of technology integration in

the nursing practice of the selected registered nurses in

Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memorial Research and Medical Center.

Male and Female Medical Ward nurses were purposively

selected based on their availability and varied experiences.

Adamson (2010) addressed faculty perceptions of possible

barriers for integrating technology into nursing curricula

and found hands-on training promotes a positive interactive

environment where faculty felt engaged. The purpose of this

study will gain insights into nurses’ perception of

technology use and integration. Survey forms are given to

further know the effect of the result of the study.

Significance of the Study

This presented study entitled “Technology Integration

In The Nursing Practice: It’s Impact On Nurse-Patient

Interaction” will be beneficial to the following:

Student Nurses. It gives student nurses more knowledgeable

in terms of technology integration, access to drug

references, diagnoses, medical textbooks and more online


Registered Nurses. It can lessen their workload, help reduce

clinical errors, administrative delays that can impact the

overall quality of care provided.

Future Researchers. The result of this study will serves as

a basis for future researchers in seeking for future

solution connected to the study.

Definition of Terms

Information technology. Is the foundation of the future.

Nurse. Provide patient care or a primary health provider.

Nursing Informatics. provide continuing guidance in the

development and implementation of information technology and

digital solutions for nursing practice and patient care

Nurse-Patient Interaction. Important aspect of care in which

you create a rapport to the patient.

Patient care. Has become a primary focus in the development

in clinical applications is he current trend in healthcare

Technology. Essential part of our lives today and a few can

imagine living without.

Technology Integration. Clinical applications started with

individual departments the needed to speed up the process in

order to provide better outcomes.

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