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Listening Section.

In this section of the test, you will have a chance to show how well you understand spoken English.
There are four parts to this section with special directions for each part.
Part I. Pictures
Questions : 1 to 3.
Direction : For each item, there is a picture in your test book and four short statements about it on the
tape. They are spoken TWICE, and are not written out in your test book, so you must listen to them
carefully. Youmust choose one statement - (A), (B), (C), or (D) – that best describes the picture. Then, on
your answer sheet, mark your choice.
Example : Look at the following

Now listen to the following statements.

A. He is in a photography studio.
B. He wears darks trousers.
C. A backpack is on his arms.
D. He’s arranging pictures.
Choice (B) - “He wears dark trousers.”- Best describes what is seen in the picture, therefore you should mark
(B) on your answer sheet.

Let’s begin with question number one.




2. A.




3. A.




Part II. Questions - responses.Questions 4 to7.

Direction :

In this part of the test you will hear several questions spoken in English, followed by four responses, also
spoken in English. The questions and responses will be spoken TWICE. They will not be printed in your test
book, so must listen to them carefully to understand what the speakers say. You have to choose the best
response to each question.

Now listen to a sample question:

You will hear : Woman: Did you enjoy your trip to Malang last year?

You will also hear: Man: (A). I can’t say anything about you.
(B). It was exciting. I’ll be back.
(C). Malang is famous for it
(D). There has been an increase in income.
Choice (B)- “It was exciting, I’ll be back.”- is the best to the question. “Did you enjoy your trip to Malang last
year?”, therefore you should mark (B) on your answer sheet.





6. A


7. A A A

Part III. Short Conversations.

Questions : 8 to 11.

Direction : In this section of the test, you will hear short conversations. You will hear the conversations
TWICE. The conversations will not be printed on your test book, so you must listen to them carefully to
understand what the speakers say.
In your test book, you will read a question about each conversation. The question will be followed by four
answers. You have to choose the best answer to the question, and mark it in your answer sheet.
Example: You will hear :
Man : Hello Marry, Many happy returns of the day.
Woman : Thank you Dave, You are the first one to congratulate me.
Man : Oh, really? Here is a little present for you. I hope you like it.
You will read:
Why did the man congratulate the woman?
A. She just returned home.
B. She is celebrating her birthday.
C. She had given him a special present.
D. She is his best friend.
Choice (B) – “She is celebrating her birthday is the best answer to the question, “Why did the man
congratulate the woman?”, therefore you should mark(B) on your answer sheet.
8. What can we say about the speakers?
A. They are at a swimming pool.
B. The man wants to buy shoes.
C. They have different interests.
D. The woman loves to play pool, too.
9. Why was the man late?
A. He didn’t get a taxi.
B. He wasn’t able to get out.
C. He couldn’t find a parking space.
D. He couldn’t find the way.
10. What is the man probably going to do?
A. Call a real estate agent.
B. Buy new furniture.
C. Write some papers.
D. Sell the house.
11. What can be concluded about the speakers?
A. Their parents love music.
B. They have different hobbies.
C. They are from the same country.
D. They have just met at a language- class.

Part IV. Short Monolog

Questions : 12 to 15.
Direction : In this part of the test you will hear several short monologues. Each will be spoken TWICE.
They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen to them carefully to understand and
remember what is said.
In your test book, you will read two or more questions about each short monologue. Each question will be
followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer
12. What is the speaker talking about?
A. The assembly procedure of a motorcycle.
B. The reparation of old motorcycles.
C. The basic functions of a standing fan.
D. The installation of a standing fan.
13.What should you do after all the parts are laid on the floor?
A. Set up the pole on the base of the stand.
B. Install the motor of the pole.
C. Drill the grooves for the screws.
D. Wire the three blades of the fan.
14.Who is most likely to be interested in visiting the place?
A. Everybody who likes water parks.
B. Someone who likes snorkeling.
C. Everybody who likes playing on the beach.
D. All people who likes snowboarding.
15. What can be concluded about the fresh Water Park?
A. It is generally small.
B. It is not very popular.
C. It has compilations in the area.
D. It is open the whole year.

This is the end of the listening section

Questions 16 to 18 refer to the following text.

Suban Hot Spring, the Pool of rejuvenating Warmth.

Covering a total area of approximately 30 hectares, amidst a picturesque landscape of

green hills,TheSuban Hot Spring is the perfect place to get rid of all tensions of the bustling
day and just soak up the relaxing warmth of nature. The water that fills the pool is drawn
from anumber of springs. They flow down from Bukit Kaba Hills, while the water is
channeled through bamboo pipes. The hot spring is also believed to have medicinal effect
for certain diseases.

With another relatively short trekking adventure, visitors can also visit two waterfalls that
are not too far from the hot spring. The first waterfall is 50 meters high while the second is
15 meters. A side from the refreshing splashes of pouring water, visitors will be indulged in
with the stunning panoramic scenery of the waterfalls and the serene ambience of nature.

Within the pool area, visitors will see the two boulders that are considered sacred by the
local people. The first is the Batu Tri Sakti (Tri Sakti Stone) which is said to be inhabited by
three great spirits protecting those who visit the hot spring. The second is BatuMenangis or
the Crying Stone, which is said to occasionally emit water as if she was crying. The presence
of BatuMenangis relates to the legend of a princes, named GemercikEmas who constantly
sobbed since she refused to be forcefully married to a prince named Putra GambirMelang.

16. Readers will be most likely benefited from reading it by becoming ....
A. informed about the hot spring and the other tourist spots around the spring.
B. knowledgeable of the legend of the hot spring and the boulders close to it.
C. convinced to plan their next trip to visit the hot spring and other objects.
D. Persuaded to get the benefits of the hot spring water for health purposes.
17. The Suban Hot Spring can be described as ....
A. a wide spot with a green landscape and a legend behind it.
B. a spot with an unbelievably mesmerizing green landscape.
C. a large site surrounded by amazing green nature scenery.
D. an open area offering wide range of leisure activities.
18. The phrase ‘get rid of’ in “... the perfect place to get rid of all tensions ...” (paragraph 1) has a similar
meaning to....
A. radiate.
B. release.
C. drain.
D. throw.

A mobile phone, also known as cell a phone or handphone, is a device that can make
and receive telephone calls or text messages to communicate with others. It has become the
new technology of today’s lifestyle.
Handphones are extensively used by most of us. If we are bored and have nothing to
do, we can listen to the music or radio. Therefore a handphone is very functional gadget and
the product of a beneficial technology in daily life.
In this rapidly changing world, technology is growing and handphones are getting
cheaper and smarter. There is a kind of handphones which are quite smart called
smartphones. You can save data in your phone, type your task, take and customize your
picture, and the most important thing is you can connect your phone with internet
connection, of course with the options of your SIM card provider.
All mobile phones have a number of features in common; however, manufacturers
also try to differentiate their own products by implementing additional functions to make
them more attractive to consumers. The common components found on all phones are
battery, providing the power for the phones to function; an input mechanism to allow the
users to interact with the phone – the most common input mechanism is a keypad, but a
touch screen is found in most if not all smartphones; basic mobile phone features to allow
usersto make calls and send text message.

19. What is the text mainly about?

A. A device which is used to communicate by calling or messaging.
B. A device which is used to communicate only by connecting the internet.
C. The price and growing technology of handphones
D. An input mechanism to allow users to interact with the phones.
20. What is the main idea of the fourth paragraph?
A. Various kinds of cell phones.
B. Functions of a cell phone.
C. Some manufactures produce cell phones.
D. Common features found in a hand phone.
21. The smartphone ... save the data and connect to the internet.
A. can.
B. will.
C. may.
D. Shall.
Read the text to answer questions 22 – 24.

Millions of people around the world take dietary supplements in the belief that they will
boost their health. New research casts doubt on the benefit of these pills and tablets. A
new report from the American organization Consumer Report (CR) found serious health risk
from supplements that included vitamins, probiotics, and weight loss pills. CR said the
biggest problem with supplements is that they are largely unregulated. While medicinal
drugs have to be tested for safety and effectiveness, dietary supplements need far less
government approval in many countries. This means that consumers are largely in the dark
regarding the ingredients of the supplements and how the body will react to them.

Lisa Gill, an editor at CR, said the report showed how dangerous many supplements were.
She said they could cause liver failure, kidney failure, requiring kidney transplants, seizures,
and heart problem. Gill added: “Just because it’s not on a prescription, you say, ‘oh, it’s
safe,’ but that’s not necessarily true.” Gill urges consumers to avoid 15 ingredients
commonly found in supplements, including red yeast and caffeine powder. She warned:
“There have been deaths associated with each of these.” She told people to seek medical
help before taking supplements. She said: “Tell, your doctor and your pharmacist what you
are taking. Treat it like a medication. It’s that important. It’s really about your health.”

22. What is the text about?

A. Supplements are good for health.
B. Health risk from supplements.
C. Ingredients in supplements.
D. Benefit of supplements.

23. What will happen if you take many dietary supplements?

A. You will boost your health.
B. You will have good kidneys.
C. You may be overweight.
D. You could have liver failure.
24. From the text we may conclude that ....
A. people must be careful of taking supplements.
B. there are 15 ingredients found in supplements.
C. agood regulation is needed for supplements.
D. supplements do not need government approval.
Read the text to answer questions 25 – 27.

I was teaching very basic class in BASIC programing to a group of adults. Adults who have
never been around computers are usually very nervous and are much harder to teach than
I am a patient person, though. So I enjoy their success.

However I must share the following:

After putting a short program on the board, I told the students to type “R,” ‘U,” ‘N” and
press return to see the program executed.

Someone raised a hand in the back of the room, waving to get my attention, and the person
with the hand raised said, “I did what you said and it didn’t work.” Knowing too well that all
of us make mistakes when typing on the computer, I suggested that she retyped ‘R’, ‘U,’ ‘N’,
and press return. A few seconds later a lady’s hand goes up again. “It still doesn’t work,”, she

So I went back to see what the problem was only to find that instead of typing RUN, she had
typed in the following: ARE VYOU IN!

25. The writer’s role in the text is as ….

A. An application programmer.
B. An administrative staff.
C. A computer instructor.
D. A preschool teacher.
26. What is the funny thing you can find in the text?
A. The teacher was nervous around her students.
B. The students misunderstood the teacher.
C. The students had spelling problem.
D. The teacher made a mistake.
27. “…, she had typed in the following: ARE YOU IN?!” (last paragraph).
The underlined word refers to ….
A. A lady student.
B. A nervous adult.
C. A patient person.
D. A programming teacher.
Read the text and answer questions 28-30.

Personnel manager
Yogyakarta Plaza Hotel
JL.Affandi- Gejayan
Yogyakarta 55281

Dear Sir,

On this good opportunity, I would like to apply for a position as a receptionist in

your company. My name is Anita Kadima, 22 years old, female, single, energetic and
healthy. I graduated from vocational high school majoring in Tourism. I would like to
expand my career and broaden my experience.

I consider myself to have qualifications as required. I am highly motivated to grow,

eager to learn and to work with a team or individual. In addition, I can work with
computer and have a good command of English, spoken and written. Please find the
attachment of my curriculum vitae and my study certificate for you to consider.

I would be willing to sit for a test or to come for an interview any time and I would
be grateful if you give me the opportunity to join your company. I hope you will con
sider my application and I am looking forward to receiving your early reply.

Yours faithfully,

Anita Kadima

28. Why does Ms.Kadiman write an application letter?

A. She intends to improve her skill.
B. She wants to have a higher career.
C. She wants to be a receptionist.
D. She has a good motivation to work.
29. What is Ms. Kadima’s main strength to apply for the job?
A. She has a good qualification.
B. She a vocational school graduate.
C. She hasa lot of certificates.
D. She is willing to take test or interview.
30. “... I would be very grateful ...” (Paragraph).
The synonym of the underlined word is ....
A. thankful.
B. obliged.
C. careful.
D. glad.
Read the text to answer questions 31 - 33
A training seminar in the use of the new software package we have adopted will take place
next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 9:30 to 3:00.All seminar participants should be
seated in Conference Room B by 9:30. Participation in this training seminar is mandatory for
all staff of the Finance Office. Any other staff members who wish to participate should contact
Mr. Oda in the Human Resource Office before Friday.

We are please to have Patricia Rossi of Intelligent Software Design, Inc., as our trainer. Ms.
brings to the seminar years of experience as a computer consultant, and her previous
seminars at our company have been well-received.

31. Where can you probably read the above announcement?

A. At the school.
B. At the office.
C. At the general library.
D. At the public area.
32. What is the text about?
A. A mandatory meeting for all staff having new computers.
B. A compulsory training about the use of software package.
C. Avery important meting with the experienced computer consultants.
D. An obligatory seminar on human resources training and development.
33. Based on the announcement, it can be concluded that ....
A. The participants will enter the seminar of they use new software package.
B. The staff members can participate in the seminar if they get permission.
C. The seminar will be held if all staffs have new computers.
D. Ms. Rossi can attend the seminar if she has good experience.
Read the text to answer questions 34 – 36.

November 5th, 2018

Dear Mrs. White

You are cordially invited to a special performance of “Greatest Classical Music “ from
students of Musical School in celebrating the 25th anniversary of our school on November
30 at 7 p.m. at the Queen Hotel.

As you were one of our best graduates who had made many popular albums, we would like
cordially to invite you to deliver your best song in order to mark the opening this event. If
you are interested in making this event possible, please let me know within the next week.

Please let us know if you are attending the said event by November 9 at our number (021)
666 777. Your presence is what we look forward to.

Sincerely yours,

Edgar John

Headmaster of Musical School.

34. What does Mrs. White do?

A. An actress.
B. A dancer.
C. A singer.
D. A player.
35. If She accept the offer, Mrs. White most likely will ....
A. tell whether she could come with her group band.
B. bring her albums for her special performance.
C. send a thank-you note to the headmaster.
D. sing several songs on the special event.
36. The underlined word in ‘Your presence is what we look forward to’ has a similar meaning to ....
A. incidence.
B. existence.
C. attendance.
D. occurrence.
Read the dialog to answer questions 36 – 37

Arina : Who is the attractive woman in this picture?

Metta : She’s Sinta, my relative from Samarinda. She is very good at producing concept,
developing patterns, making sketches, and analyzing trends in fabrics, colours and
Arina : Where does she work?
Metta : At Tiara Modiste in Bandung. She has designed many outfits for famous
Arina : Oh, She’s so amazing.

37. What is mainly discussed in the dialogue?

A. Profession as a fashion designer.
B. Occupation as a seamstress.
C. Occupation as a modiste.
D. Job as a drafter.
38. From that conversation we know that Sinta ....
A. Remove stitches from outfits.
B. Presses fabrics using hand iron.
C. Examines general change in fabrics.
D. Join fabrics together to create a pattern.
Read the dialog to answer questions 39 – 41

Sybil : I’m flying to Bengkulu next week for a job interview. Have you been there
Shane : Yes, I Have. Is this your first time?
Sybil : Yes. Which hotel did you stay back then? Do you recommend it?
Shane : I’ d stayed in a small guest house, called Vanda Hookeriana. It was very nice and
Sybil : Should I book now?
Shane : That would be a good idea.

39. Why does Sybil ask Shane for an advice?

A. Sybil has never been to Bengkulu.
B. Sybil has never got a job interview.
C. Shane has never stayed in a guest house.
D. Shane has never worked in Bengkulu.
40. What will Sybil probably do?
A. Postpone her flight.
B. Stay in the house.
C. Make a reservation.
D. Make a phone call.
41. “It was very nice and scenic.”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....
A. Comfortable.
B. Green.
C. Fantastic.
D. Attractive.
Read the dialog and answer questions 42 - 43

Fathir : Have you printed the bill for Mr. Gerard?

Rasahid: I am sorry, Sir. The new printer doesn’t work well.
Fathir : If you follow the manual, you will be able to operate it.
Rashid : I have followed the manual, Sir, but it still doesn’t work.
Fathir : Then call Arsyad, the mechaniac.
Rashid : I will, Sir.

42. Where does the conversation take place?

A. At a bank customer service.
B. At a ticket agency.
C. Ata souvenir shop.
D. At a hotel front office.
43. It can be concluded that ....
A. Arsyad is the most important person.
B. Arsyad is the only mechanic available.
C. Arsyad is a helpful person.
D. Arsyad is a skillful mechanic.
44. Complete the dialog with the suitable expression.

Vina : I have to finish my assignment today. I have read the materials many times but still I don’t
understand. It is too difficult for me.
Lisa : . . . I happened to learn about it when I was taking my undergraduate degree.
Vina : Really? Thank you very much. You are the best sister ever.

A. Would you mind explaining the material?

B. Do you want me to explain it to you?
C. Could you tell me about the material?
D. Would you like to borrow my book?
45. Complete the dialogue with the suitable expression.

Caca : I need to go to the bookstore. Could you accompany me?

Lala : I’d love to, but my mother asked me to take this document to my father’s office.
He needs it for this afternoon meeting.
Caca : ... I am not in hurry.
Lala : Okay, let’s do that.

A. Why don’t you give it after we get back from bookstore?

B. How about going to bookstore after giving the document?
C. It is better for you to call your father to take the document
D. You could hand it over to the courier, so you can go with me.
46. Complete the dialog with the suitable expression.

Rani : Did you see Dani around?

Dian : He was helping Mr. Anto in his office. What’s the matter?
Rani : He promised to help me with the decoration.
Dian :...

A. It will be done.
A. It is being fixed.
B. It has been checked.
C. It should have been finished.
47. Complete the dialog with the suitable expression.

Nick : Living in big cities is great. Health and education facilities are
Not to mention various entertainment available to cater every taste.
Jack : ... I can’t stand the traffic. It takes hours just to get places nearby.

A. You are totally right.

B. I disagree with you.
C. I have no idea about it.
D. That’s exactly what I think.
48. Complete the dialog with the suitable expression.

Alexandra : Have you repaired my car?

Mechanic : Not yet, . . . right now, I think you can take it tomorrow.

A. It will be done.
B. It is being fixed.
C. It has been checked
D. It should have been finished.
49. Complete the following dialogue with the suitable expression!

Imran : Mom, I get an extra money from my job. I think it is quite enough for me to
motorbike. What do you think about it, mom?
Mother : For me, education is more important. . . . .
A. If you have enough money, would you continue your study?
B. If you had had enough time, would you have tried to find a new job?
C. If you have enough money, why don’t you continue your study?
D. If you have enough time, will you be able to ride me home?
50. Complete the following dialog.

Ms. Dewi : Where were you yesterday? ...

Arif : I’m sorry, Ma’am. I was sick. How can I catch up ?
Ms. Dewi : Read page 10 to 20. You can ask me if you have problems.

A. You left your books in the library.

B. You didn’t submit your assignment yet.
C. You didn’t read the new timetable.
D. You missed an important lesson.

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