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(A Creative Writing)
by Flordemaelyn S. Baranda

The cold breeze air that touches my skin is like a cold compress delicately pressed

around my body. It’s a bit chilly yet soothing. I can smell the wooden scent of the surrounding

mixed with the sweet fragrance of a jasmine flower. My eyes are still shut but I’m already in my

consciousness. I don’t feel like getting up and just savour the peaceful moment while lying

down on my soft cotton - like bed. But something warm starts to flicker and gives a tickling

sensation on my eyelids giving a signal that I need to open them. As a response, I slowly

opened my eyes. It is then I discerned that that “something warm” is from the shining sunrays

of the gradually rising sun, atop the mountains green as emerald, passing through my slightly

opened clear glass sliding windows. In my sub – consciousness, I lazily lift my left arm, one ruler

apart from my eyes with open hand, palm up and slightly spread my fingers. Then I started

moving my fingers alternately like I am playing a piano above air while the sunrays are peeking

in between. A sweet smile formed between my lips adoring the magnificent morning light.

Having enough amusement of the wonderful view, I decided to rise from bed. I put my feet

down on the cold smooth wooden floor and start to glide happily like a kid towards the door. As

I opened the door, I then smelled the bitter – sweet taste of a newly roasted coffee. The air is

filled with strong aroma of a freshly made coffee placed above a small circle glass table with a

knitted apricot table cloth set diagonally. I went over the table and start indulging the hot

coffee. In a small sip I made, I tasted the complementary flavours of creaminess, bitterness and

sweetness of the coffee. Feeling energized, I then decided to have my morning walk. Outside, I

can see the front yard as colourful as the rainbows due to the newly bloomed flowers perfectly
landscaped. In every step I made, I can smell a thousand fragrances of the flowers mixing in the

air and I feel like being hugged with its scent. I can also hear birds chirping giving a relaxing

melodic sound. I continued walking towards the end of the wide colourful front yard and there I

saw different faces greeting each other good mornings with glee. Across, there is a small simple

industrious family who did household chores. The father in his mid-30’s, looking strong on his

bulging muscles is fixing small damages in their house, the mother in her early 30’s, bronze hair

messily bund giving her a youthful look is hanging the newly washed clothes, the little boy in his

cute jumpsuit above his shirt is watering their small garden in the front yard and the girl in teen

– age years, bronze hair neatly braided and has little freckles on the left side of her cheeks is

sweeping the dried leaves falling from the sycamore tree. However, the most delightful part

I’ve seen is them happily singing and gracefully dancing a song that you can surely jive and you

can’t see tiredness in their faces. As I continued walking, I can see children having fun riding

their old and new bicycles. There are some cars passing by but you can’t see a dark black dirty

smoke coming from them because they are water fuelled and solar powered type of cars. While

walking under the big trees along the roadside, the sunrays are like playing hide and seek with

the broad green leaves of each tree that are swaying gracefully following the wind. I stop for a

moment, heads – up, eyes close, arms spread sideways, palms up, hearing the soft whistling of

the wind then I told myself in this place you are in peace, away from mind blowing pollutions,

full of freshness and full of positivity and this is the place I want to spend the rest of my life


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