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Purposive Communication

Name: Rossemare Gabriel C. Torregosa

Year and Section: 1st Year-BSA 1D
Professor: Ms. Melanie Danganan
INSTRUCTION: Write a one-paragraph explanation essay having five sentences. Pick a
topic/question from any of the choices listed below. Recite it with eyes closed at Google Meet
on Monday, April 25. No reading.
1. Why are plants green?
2. Why is traffic heavy in cities?
3. Why can't a man become pregnant?
4. Why do we celebrate the coming of a new year?
5. Why does Swiss cheese have holes?

Why does Swiss cheese have holes?

Swiss cheese is one of the world's most popular cheese. It is well-known for its holes,
but how did those holes form? Cheese is primarily made from milk, which contains lactose, a
sugar that is essential in the creation of cheese. Now, while making Swiss cheese, bacteria like
S. Thermophilus, Lactobacillus, and P. Shermanii are added to milk. Yes, bacteria are added
to milk but these are good bacteria. Out of these bacteria, the S. Thermophilus and
Lactobacillus first convert the lactose into lactic acid, producing curd. Then, after going
through various processes, when the curd is kept to mature, the P. Shermanii bacteria eat the
lactic acid and emit carbon dioxide gas. Being trapped, the carbon dioxide gas creates bubbles
around hay particles. These hay particles are obtained in the milking process. Eventually, the
bubbles pop, resulting in holes in the Swiss cheese.

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