A Simple Guide To Email Forwarding

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Simple Guide to Email Forwarding 

(by Nixon Rathor Negi) 

Note​: Email forwarding can ​only​ be enabled using a​ laptop​ or ​desktop​, it c
​ annot be 
done on your mobile phone​. 
Step 1 
Verify your email for forwarding from your ‘@enactussrcc.org’ ID. 

Once verified, you’ll see the following notification at the bottom of your screen. 

Step 2 
Go to the settings of your gmail account, click on the clockwork symbol on the top 
right of the screen and click on ‘​Settings​’, as shown below; 
Step 3 
Once the Settings window opens, click on the tab which says ‘​Accounts & Imports​’, 
then click on ‘​Add another email address​’. 

A new tab will now show up, in the field for email address, add your enactus email ID 
in the format ‘​firstname.lastname@enactussrcc.org​’.  

Once entered, click on ‘Next Step’. 
You will now see the following screen; 
You may now minimise this tab and proceed to Step 4. 
Step 4 
In a new tab on your browser, go to 
Once opened, along the left edge of the screen, you will see different tabs which help 
personalise and adjust your Google Account. Click on ‘​Security​’. 
Step 5 
Within the newly opened tab, e​ nsure that 2-step authentication is enabled for your 
Google Account​, this is ​mandatory​ in order to proceed to the next step.  
Step 6 
In the Security tab, click on ‘​App passwords​’ and you will see the following on your 

Select app -> ‘​Other (​Customer name​)’​  
In the input field that pops up, enter ‘​GoogleSMTPenactus​’. 
You will now receive a ​one-time password​ as shown below; 

Copy this password and go back to the tab opened in Step 3. 
Step 7 
In the ‘SMTP Server’ field, put ‘​smtp.gmail.com​’ 
Paste the password generated in Step 6 in the Password field, in the username field 
add your personal GMail address. 

Port and the check box under Password should be left as it is. 
Step 8 
You will now receive a mail with a verification code in your inbox, enter it and click 
​ ou will now be able to send and receive messages as 
Et voilà!​ Y
‘​firstname.lastname@enactussrcc.org​’, all the mails will be sent and received from 
your personal GMail inbox itself. In order to send an email from your enactus ID, 
simply click on the drop down next to your name while composing an email as 
shown below; 


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