0349-MMS Assignment 4

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Arnees Knon

ASSannent -
MMS 21835A o4

Dstingwish between cas buh2in9 N.trding )

Co bu zi Ndin
|.I4inwakves incteasnga the Etnvolves dflusion o
Cobon Contents on Su face into paoducts to
Loyers upto about o.7 te o.s foxm ntrides.

Thhs padcess is use d Eor . T n this pro cess, the steek

oy steels isheated in Contact t h
corbona ce ous maei .

3.This is most wsed foy 3Ths method no stla used for|

Secuing hasd 8 wea esistaeincseases weaà é Cobosion

Susface with o ease,

estance latique Sttngt
used for 4 Ntioing sed fot clindo
4 Corbui 5hg
2ears, cons, beasin nes shafls
Wte a shost notes on a e a ydening?

Aae haxdenin The Pineiple natthe sold soL t

of one elemen 4 in another ele ment depends .on tempekafehr


Age haxdening.
.a a shot note doun on
cokbonnithoing )

Corbonit ding- It is a Surfate hardening p

nuosves the d:£lasion of cor hon nttogen The
is heate d toaemperatuse f dbout goo to gi
a atmasphere of cCax bon ntoen

The case haxdeninq attainable with carboni

ae simi lar to po5s 6e with cosbuisin3. The
The deph
Case in a attainable depends on carposstion a teel
o t h e p u cesina pasane ters but in mes casgs

Yones yem o.05 to 0.75nsn

Expain precess ofcarbuaising ni+ding?
Coxbubisina (hS po cesges is sed to incease
Contenon swsfaces JayeS.
as Carbuisng the poxt is
atabout loo-5o in unace in
Caxbon giehAS
afrnos phee

Ntin The
heating otacomponen t in
ae teat to
npeyaduse aabout
6ooc. Throug h he
etort the ammania aas to
ccitudate. A4 this
tenpeatuse the ommonia dss 0ciates by
eocton tellowing
NH N+3 H
3 Exploin 4he soutian heat

&omtempekatuse atonin Rasophase
Tn selution tae atmen
hs aloy is 'heafe d fe hi
omperatut &Cn Al dssahes successivel y in phase

at 546'cthe struetuse becomes Single phase -sa

solution Then it is quenched in sat°t. Th
Stctae obtaine d alter qenehing
s o sing
phase supe saturate d sel: soluti

Ostingush between Austempeaing e marterpea?

Matempe&f n9
A Austempei
Itis not a
hosdenn T+sa hordening
seafment 4reatment

. I E qves mortensite TE aives hainte produc

3 Less dstoton and Mae distoation quenh

uenching cyack s. Cacks

4.Cooedin isothermad
Coolen isothema bot
ma'ataine d j s t above
bath masntained in
bettseen nose 0 C DrAG| ng tenperatae above

and Ms tempe batukee ocThen cooXed in ai r

5t0 t20
4.aGle atpical heat kreatment se he dule fo durakosmin
&eplal n the velevant micbasttuets charg es

At Koom tempe>atuseduo nhas phase E

O phase (Cornond of coal). Tn gotton teatment
his ollo is hested to high tempedatuse Coak
Ssokves SuLLeSsive in -Pphse a 54o c the strtehe
become s singe phase d- Sold solution Then it
uenche dd in wates k . This struatu e dbtained af
quench n singe phasepha se sper
moderat e
Satuaaed sol solution 4. Th.s has

Stvengh Con sdeva ble ductiy

NosaiatnqNotmalizedzed steels axe staenge 4han
nneale d steels. Evpka'n. Discuss thenecesst
ipottance of suface haxden
Te equiye halde and ea esistant suface th
tou eoe Becau se of tough Coe the components

Can be ithstan impa eas

opeodkste in no amali zed steel is

The amount
having t h e same
moethan he anne ale stee
shiEGng o ha eutecteid
Casbon conte n due te n e
a kue
Cmposittonte alowe va.
peorKite 8 fart te
ispexsion o
fbme endetion hardening?
5aExplain abot
The neiple o
Llame hosdenn
Flone haxdening'-
heate d ndividualy hen
Sna ports may
may be slo
qenched parts o
otate& heated.by cxpasing thei sur face taqes ef

flome o totc h
Tthe Sustace Say e s oe ha>dene s to about

56-60 e . L4 s ess expensive

be easiky adapt-
/a ompr shapes. Flame
Lempeed afte haaderin9. hadene d por ts us

Intoduc tion hoadering
wthn a al
tinvo Kves ploctng the steeL components
o u g h which high faequency Cuen {is
paSsed (hecttet
n co cuttent i n surfae JayeS
& heaf
nduce edd
State t e n h
he Suface lay exspto Austenke
R n c h e d with caka ate t
Suyfoce isimmedtateJ
sfer t h e Austente to

Explasn about yaccam plosna hardening

ac harderinIishe oadensng proceduxe foy
eformatio m sensitive pedsion ) forme.d campne nés toa
hich male g h demanss naclean, byig ht ssface.
aenchina S do na a a s mlanS o aqas steam wit
Ver essue which con be adjusted i
bdey ts adpt

the coo Jing condtions to companenteqai yaments

b)Plasaa hardering' Tt is the hiah tempedatase ioni2e
aas tuo t e s
. Plasma carburising PKasma nitriding ,
T s S horter cyele neS no okidakion a t gtain

boundaries owe Ptodess aas e ne ConSumption

Automation abikto taeat hatd t Carbuti 2e
6 ExpLain dflesend tronsfotmations Austen te th
hep of dontinuou5 cooing euhves diag &Om,

A.Tonslomabion Austenite fo peoyke

Austenite is stable abeve z23c 6elow this
tenperatuye the Austenite is tends to peo+Lte.
Cooin9 below 7).3 Cthe cay ben prec:Ditotes

Ou hesoLsotton The pre cip itation of

Caabon forms Jaye s cementife

&osomation gf 4ustenite te Ba nte

Bante fomatton takes plac e 35o'c below fhe
nose e f T T T l a g o m . THs d e s k t s ta o stucte

t h Eine distbion o fasde e eementiHe

ferrdte ayes Jewaop aang sde eachothe
&stuctuse consistina ofaeanate koyes«¬
cementite g fexyite is coe d peose
3 a n s cana-tion oAustenite to martenste
Aarens te is med when Austehie s 9uic y
Coo le so tha coong &ate isa&eater Ehan fhe
itica &ote of coainq. The mafenSrte ttansfora
ion s sion ass invokves no change in Compo -
sitto n

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