ECE332 - Fall 2021 - Hw01 - 7sept21

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ECE332 – Fall 2021 – Hw01 Assigned:

Homework Exercises:

1. Why must every computer have some amount of nonvolatile memory? Why must every computer
have some amount of volatile memory? Answer each question in your own words, with a few

Secondary storage or long-term continuous storage are common non-volatile memory applications.
Often non-volatile memory costs more, does worse, and has a shorter lifetime than the random volatile
access memory.

Volatile storage is a computer that only saves data while the device is activated. On the other hand, non-
volatile memory will not lose its content if power is lost. Non-volatile memory has a constant power
supply and doesn't need to regularly refresh its memory information.

2. Use the repeated division technique and a lookup table to convert the given unsigned decimal
numbers to binary and octal. Use four digits in the octal answer and 12 bits in the binary answer.

a) 305

Binary: (000100110001)2

Octal: (0461)8

b) 679

Binary: (001010100111)2

Octal: (1247)8

c) 3210

Binary: (110010001010)2

Octal: (6212)8

3. Use tables to convert the given hexadecimal numbers to binary and octal. Use four digits in the
octal answer and 12 bits in the binary answer.

a) 0x06f

b) 0xb4a

c) 0x3d4

Hexadecimal Binary Octal

0x06f 000001101111 0157
0xb4a 101101001010 5512
0x3d4 001111010100 1724

4. Use the positional number system to convert the given octal numbers to decimal.

a) 0217

(0217)8 = 0x83 + 2x82 + 1x81 + 7x80

= 0 + 2x64 + 8 + 7x1 = 128 + 8 + 7

(0217)8 = (143)10

b) 02365

(02365)8 = 0x84 + 2x83 + 3x82 + 6x81 + 5x80

= 0 + 2x512 + 3x64 + 6x8 + 5x1 = 1024 + 192 + 48 + 5

(0217)8 = (1269)10

c) 06047

(06047)8 = 0x84 + 6x83 + 0x82 + 4x81 + 7x80

= 0 + 6x512 + 0 + 4x8 + 7x1 = 3072 + 32 + 7

(0217)8 = (3111)10

5. Attempt to represent each of the following signed decimal values in two’s complement notation
with eight bits. If possible convert the value to hexadecimal.

a) 65

Binary = (1000001)2

Binary signed 2's complement = (01000001)2

Hexadecimal = (41)16

b) – 65

Binary = (-1000001)2

Binary signed 2's complement = (10111111)2

Hexadecimal = (-41)16
c) 135

Binary = (10000111)2

Binary signed 2's complement = (10000111)2

Hexadecimal = (87)16

6. Perform the following addition operation directly in hexadecimal, producing a four digit answer. For
each answer indicate whether or not there is a carry out and whether or not there is signed overflow.

a) 0x0173 + 0x113E


0x0173 + 0x113E = 0x12B1

b) 0x62A3 + 0x3A24


0x62A3 + 0x3A24 = 0x9CC7

c) 0x2534 + 0x972A


0x2534 + 0x972A = 0x BC5E

d) 0x972A + 0xA834


0x972A + 0xA834= 0x13F5E


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