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all the documents,

materials , equipment, resources are done ,

set and ready i can now start the training

good morning trainees! Good morning mam

welcome to Gala National High School
This was founded in 2001 in Gala , Ozamiz
Good day everyone I am
Chrilie Mae L. Cuarteros
License Professional Teacher
A Graduate of Bachelor of Secondary
Education major in Technology and
Livelihood Education, an NCII holder in Bread
and Pastry Production and I will be your
trainer for today.

Before we start please rise for the prayer

Amen please take your set
Now let’s check your attendance
Please say present when your name is called

Irish Sajol Present

Okay please sign the attendance sheet
Thank you

So this training recognizes your prior learning

so you don’t have to undergo the same
training again

I have here with the data gathering tools for

trainees characteristic
This will help me to determine your
background, experiences, and knowledge so
that you will be personalized according to
your needs

please get one

I will give you 20 minutes to answer .
Please read the instruction carefully
Your timer starts now.

Okay times up
Please pass
Thank you

I also have here the self-assessment check list

So this will help me determine your current
competencies that is relevant with this
Please get one and pass

I will give another 20 minutes to answer then

please read the instruction carefully
Okay times up please pass
Thank you

So, according to the questionnaires that I

have here, it seems that Irish Sajol has a
relevant experience in computer systems
Dont worry Mhaggie that is why we have this
training so you can have experience okay

So now, let’s start our proper orientation for

this training

So This morning we are going to talk about

Bread and Pastry NC II
The Qualification Overview, the Unit of
Competency, the Benefits this Training and
Special considerations of the training
Next is the principles of CBT
Next is the role of me as your trainer and
your role as a trainee
Next the use and part of competency base
learning material or CBLM
Next the Assessment Method
Next the Types of Rating
Next the Monitoring tools
And Lastly the tour of our Workshop
So let’s go to the fist topic the qualification
overviewed. So this is all about computer
systems servicing. So, What is computer
systems servicing by the way? Computer
Systems Servicing NC II is a title of our
qualification. So, this belong to the
Electronics Sector with the nominal duration
of 280 hours or 35 days.

Okay let’s move on the unit of Competencies

it is compose of Basic, Common, And Core
In our core competencies these is the most
important competencies in our qualification.
And it is consist of four core competencies
First Install and configure computer systems
Second Set-up Computer Networks
Third Set-up Computer Servers
And lastly, Maintain and repair computer
systems and networks
So,you need to apply this skills for this
qualification for you to become a certified
Computer Systems Service technician. Okay,

Do you have any question?

Now let’s go the benefits of this training this

training is designed to develop knowledge,
skills, and attitudes of a computer service
technician in accordance with industry
So if you have this title you can be a certified
computer systems service technician. Do you
want to be a computer service technician?
Mr. Dennis?
So, do you have any question?

Now let’s go to special consideration of the

training, this training considered person with
disability or having difficulty in walking we
have available wheel chairs in our workshop
so you can use it during our training and our
facility it well designed to accommodate this
special kinds of person during our training.

Do you have any question?

Now let’s go the characteristics of

CBT. CBT stands for competency base training
It is the training delivery approach that
focuses on the competency development of
a learning as a result of a training
So this means that CBT does not focus only
with what you know but what you can
actually do with what you know
It focuses more on the outcomes rather than
the process and it is learner centered okay

Do you have any questions?

So let’s go the principles of CBT

So the first principles we have
The training is based on curriculum
development from the competency
So this means learning is based on the
Training Regulation of TESDA

Next learning is competency-based or

modular in structure
So this means you have to finished and
accomplished the first or particular module
before you can proceed to another module
and you have to complete all the modules for
you to qualify this qualification okay

Next training delivery is individualized and

self-paced so that is why I have gathered
your current competencies so that your
training will be personalized according to
your needs and it is self-paced so you will the
one responsible for your own learning okay

Next training is based on work that must be

performed this means that all your training is
related or is in accordance with industry
standards what we do here in our training is
actually done in industry okay

Next training materials are directly related to

the competency standards and the
So this means you are provided with the
appropriate learning materials .

Next assessment of learners is based in the

collection of evidences of work performance
based on industry required standards
So compared to traditional approach trainees
are judged against each other but in CBT
each trainee is assessed against the
evidences based on standard

Next training is based on and off the job

Means better learning with industry and
school partnership like example after
completion you are going to undergo On the
job training in our partnered industry you can
apply our training into the real world.

Next the system allows recognition of Prior

Learning (RPL)
This means that those trainee that have prior
skills are recognized so that they can advance
to the next level

Next the system allow for learner to enter Trainees know they will be rated on
and exit programs at different time and levels performance
and to receive an award for competencies
attained at any point so this means that
trainees do not need to wait for others to be
competent before he can exit either a
competency or the qualification and fast
learners may graduate faster than others and
can receive certificate of achievement or

Next Approved training programs are

nationally accredited this means our training
is registered to the Unified TVET Program
Registration and Accreditation System

Okay that is the entire Principles of CBT do

you have any questions?

Okay let’s move on to next topic my role as

So what are my roles? I have a lot of roles
Okay I will serve as a team member so that I
can diagnosed your problems and I can help
those who really needs help I will also
stimulates your motivation to encourage you
that’s why I will motivate you, and I also
recognize your prior learning and give you
reward for your individual achievement.

Okay do you have any question?

Okay lets go to your role as a trainee. So

what are your role? So, you may select what
area, so that you still need to learn base on
your current competencies
Now can you give me another role? So in CBT
it is more on performance okay

Now, Do you have any question?

Now let’s go the use of CBLM.

So CBLM stands for Curriculum based
learning materials. So What is CBLM? Do you
what is CBLM?
Is simply a well-designed and carefully
developed learning materials that give
trainees detailed instructions to guide you
through the learning process. So is actually a
book developed by me and it is not available
of any bookstore.

Now lets go to the parts of CBLM. We have

the preliminary pages. So in our preliminary
You can see the Front page, Trainee’s Guide
on How to Use the CBLM, List of
Competencies, Competency Summary,
Learning Outcome Summary, and Lastly the
learning experience. And we have also the
instruction. So in our instruction sheet first
we have information sheet were in the
content of the desired learning outcome are
their so the trainee should read the
information sheet. Second, self check so this
is a immediate assessment or evaluation of
your understanding based on what you have
read in information sheet, Third , Answer key
so this is a immediate feedback on your self
check, and fourth task sheet, operation
sheet, and job sheet this are performance
test and performance criteria checklist, will
be use to assess or rate your task sheet,
operation sheet and job sheet. References
this is a sources of idea that content of this

Do you have any question with the CBLM?

Now lets go to the Assessment Method

For me to assess your level of competency
throughout the training I have these tool.
First we have written test. Do you love
written test? Demonstration and Oral

Now lets go the types of rating, You will be

rate only one of this two types of rating
competent and not competent. Competent if
you finished and achieved the desired
learning outcomes or level of competencies.
Not competent if you failed to achieve but do
not worry you can reassess anytime if you are

Do you have any questions?

Now lets go on the Monitoring tools

We have monitoring tools so you can have
monitor your own progress, achievement and
your task during training.
We have the Progress chart and achievement
chart and also the training matrix. so what is
the difference between the two they look the
same. So okay, the difference is when
everytime you achieve the particular learning
activity you achieve a particular learning
outcome so I will put check in your
achievement chart that means it is your daily
activity however it you have acquired or
accomplished a certain learning outcomes for
a particular unit of competency so I will check
here in our progress chart. that’s the
difference with progress and achievement
Next Training matrix this is a schedule of
trainees in every training session and it is
updated daily and this will be our guide
through out the training process.

Do you have any question?

Do you have any question and clarifications?

So please get your notebooks and ballpens I

will take you to the different part of our
workshop for our tour.

So lets have first this area so this our

we have learning resource area, in our
learning resource area it is a place where self-
paced learning is base. This is the area where
you read the information sheet of the CBLM.

Next we have the institutional assessment

area this is one of the most important part of
our workshop because this is where
assessment is done specially your assessment
during your mock assessment and then this is
also recognition of prior learning is done okay
Next we have the trainer’s resource center so
here in our trainer resource center this are
houses the learning materials, the training
regulations and curriculum exemplars. This is,
also, the place where I produce training
material for your training.

Next we have the quality control area various

testing are conducted is this area and this is
also were overall computer systems servicing
quality control is included

Next, our support service area, in our support

service area this is the area which provide
value adding competencies for computer
systems servicing and addressing
underpinning skills in the competency.

Next Contextual learning laboratory this

facility ensures that the underpinning
knowledge in Computer system servicing its
like a mini library

Next we have the distance learning area you

can have non print and print media in our
distance learning area and you can take it at
home with you.

Next We have the computer laboratory, so in

our computer laboratory you can see
different or many arrays of computer that
you can use for word, excel and even
researching. So if you want to use computer
just use our computer laboratory

Lastly, we have Practical work area, in our

practical work area this is the area you
acquire the skills in our training okay it
compose of workstation.

Okay do you have any question?

Okay non so far
If you don’t any question you can have 15
minutes break.

Since were done with the orientation I am

welcome you to the training proper.

Now are you ready for your pretest?

So this is a 30 item test so don’t worry this
will help me determine your current
competency and so your training will be
personalized according to your needs. Okay
I will give you 30 minutes to answer
Please read the instructions carefully.
Okay you may start now
Are you done please pass your paper. Thank
I will give you the result later

So I have here your training activity matrix so

this will be our guide through out the training
For this day Mr Dennis you will assigned in
Institutional assessment area and Mr. John
you will be assigned here in our learning
resource area and to those who check yes in
their self-assessment check please present
to me your evidence. Okay thank you so
According to your diploma MrDennis you are
graduate of Computer Hardware Servicing NC
II that’s good but I still need to validate your
competency through written test, actual
demonstration and oral questioning okay?

For you ms Nadine please start with the first

Module on Installing and configuring
computer systems please read information
sheet 1.1-1 on How to build a PC and please
answer self check 1.1.1 and compare your
answer to the answer key
If you have any question please ask me. Okay
Okay Mr. Dennis please come on me to the
institutional assessment area for the
validation of your prior learning.
For the validation of your prior learning mr
james I going to give you written test,
demonstration and oral questioning okay?
So this is a 30 item test and I will give you 30
minutes to answer and please read the
instructions carefully. Time will start now.
are you done please pass . thank you

so for your demonstration I have here a

desktop computer part and you are going to
assemble the desktop computer, install
windows 7 and ms office. Okay . I will give
you 1 hour to perform. do you have any
question? you may start now .
okay times up.
So for your oral questioning .

Why is important to wear personal

protective equipment in assembling PC?
Okay thank you so much for your answer
Okay give me a moments to check your

Okay Mr Dennis wow according to your

written test you got a score of 25 out of 30
which is very good

And for your demonstration you are able to

assemble the desktop computer and Install
Operating Systems and application software.
however please observe occupational health
and safety while working with computer next
time okay but in your oral questioning you
are answer the question very well according
to the industry standard. So base on this
evidence I found it confidently that in the
three module installing and configuring
computer systems, Setttingup Computer
Networks and Maintaining and Repairing
Computer and Network you are competent
enough. for that I will give this certificate of
achievement for successfully completing the
three module in computer systems servicing
so I will now record your achievement in our
progress chart and achievement chart please
go back to the learning resource area

Mr Dennis , please proceed to the next

module on setting-up Computer Servers
please read information sheet 3.1-1 and
answer self check and compare your answer
with the answer key
If you have any question please ask me.

How are you Mr. John, are you done with

reading the information sheet and answer
the self check . okay please proceed to the
Practical area
Okay Mr. John your going to specify the specs
in system unit in the table assigned to you.
Okay, this is your answer sheet please write
specs of system unit and I will give 10
minutes to do the task andYou will be assess
in performance criteria checklist. Please start
now. Okay ms Nadine times up. Please pass
your answer sheet. thank you so much may I
have the follow up question Mr. John why do
you think specifying the computer
specification is important in Computer
Systems Servicing?
Thank you so much for your answer. So
please give me a moment I will check your
answer .
So okay Mr. John, according to your answer
in your oral question you are able to answer
appropriately and very well according to the
industry however in your task in specifying
the computer specification you wrote 5
wrong answers in the list of computer
specification but I will give you another
chance to repeat again I will give you 30
minutes to watch Video on Specifying
Computer Specs. Please watch that one for
30 minutes. Okay 30 minutes up, are you
ready to specifying the computer specs
So I will give 10 minutes to do the task again.
Here is you answer sheet . okay you may
start now. Okay times up ok please for the a
moments I will check your answer . ms
Nadine congratulations, according to your
answer you are able specify the system unit
assigned to you. Congratulation, now I find
you competent in Installing and configuring
computer networks and this is your
certificate of achievement for completing this
module. Congratulations now I will record
your achievement and progress in
achievement chart and progress chart. Okay
please go back to the learning resource area

You can now proceed to the next Content

Mr. John Tools you need in Building a PC
please read information sheet 2.1-1 and
answer self-check 2.1.1 and refer your
answer in answer key and please do the task
sheet too. so if you have any question please
ask me.

So how are you mr Dennis. Are you ready for

the demonstration? Do you have any
question with the CBLM mr james. No
question. Lets go to the practical work area
now mr james im going to give a working
laptop computer and you are going to do the
Job sheet Access into the BIOS setting a have
CD/DVD first boot in the boot sequence . this
is your assigned laptop computer. I will give
you 5 minutes to configure. And do you have
any questions? Are you ready? Okay please
Okay times up. Okay I have a follow up
question mr james why do think configuring
the BIOS setting is important in computer
system servicing
Thank you so much for your answer. Please
stay for a moment I review your performance
in performance criteria checklist.
Okay wow mr james according to the
performance criteria check list you follow
procedure in accessing the bios.very good.
That is amazing, thank you and according
from answer in our oral question you are able
to answer it appropriately and very well
according to the industry standard with that
reason I will find you competent in this unit
of competency
You completed all the module in this unit of
competency already in our qualification I will
give a post assess and this is your certification
of achievement for completing the BIOS
configuration and I will now record your
achievement in our achievement chart and
progress chart.

So let us look at our achievement and

progress chart . wow, one of you had already
completed all the unit of competency in this
Lets give hand for mr denis.
Please continue in your module ms Nadine
and mr james please come on me on
institutional assessment area for your post
Okay so, mr james this is a 30 item test and
this is the same with your pre test and I will
give 30 minutes to answer. Do you have any
question? Okay please read the instruction
carefully you may start now. Okay times up.
Please pass your paper . now please give me
a moment I will check your answer . wow, mr
james, according to your score in your pre
test you got 20 out of 30 which is not bad
however in your post test you got 30 out of
30 . excellent . that’s means you have
improved your skills and knowledge during
this training okay. Congratulations for that I
will give you your certificate of completion .
let me read this for you
Republic of the Phillippines
Bal-ason National High School
Division of Gingoog City
awards this certificate of completion to
Dennis Ansong for successfully completing of
the unit of competency for Computer
Systems Servicing NC II signed by Jimmy Beril
School Principal . Congratulations and I also
have here our training evaluation form so
please rate our training this will help
determine the areas of the training that still
needs improvement and for me to determine
how will I facilitate your training too. Okay
thank you so much for that . I also have here
your application for national assessment
please fill this out and please go to the tesda
provincial office for your application please
bring four picture passport size with white
background and with colar of course and 600
pesos for assessment fee okay and also this is
the schedule for the upcoming national
assessment this year so I recommend you to
take the national assessment and
congratulations again and goodluck to your
assessment . okay

okay that’s all for today please rise for prayer

. amen okay goodbye and see you tomorrow

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