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October-November 2018


String Plus:




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Problems with the Multiverse

In the moments after the big bang, spacetime expanded so rapidly that, in addition to our own, many—maybe infinite—
universes exploded into existence (I envision these universes as bubbles that surge up when you blow air through a straw
into your glass). So goes the “multiverse” component of string theory. To be sure, the multiverse is decidedly centered in the
pop physics zeitgeist, capturing the minds of the public in books, comics and film. Now a view of string theory posits that the
infinite number of universes predicted cannot accommodate the stable dark energy required in any universe. But this may
not necessarily be a bad thing for string theory research. Read more in “String Theory May Create Far Fewer Universes
Than Thought,” by Clara Moskowitz. For better or worse, ours may be a more singular universe after all.

Elsewhere in this issue, scientists worry that human exploration of the solar system may unwittingly spread our pathogens to
other worlds, possibly to the moon or Mars (see “Should the Moon Be Quarantined?” by David Warmflash). And physics
experiments in search of a fundamental particle of gravity—the graviton—are employing some new tools such as microscopic
superconductors, free-falling crystals and the cosmic background radiation (see “Is Gravity Quantum?” by Charles Q. Choi).
On the Cover
As always, we’d love to hear what you think! According to string theory, innumerable

universes formed, perhaps like bubbles,
Andrea Gawrylewski in the moments after the Big Bang.
Collections Editor

WHAT’S October-


Volume 1 • No. 4

String Theory May
NEWS Create Far Fewer
4. Universes Than
Deep within Mars, Thought
Liquid Water Offers Some physicists claim
Hope for Life the popular landscape of
Radar observations have universes in string theory

revealed what appears be may not exist
a buried lake on Mars, 19.
the first-ever stable Should the Moon
reservoir of liquid water Be Quarantined?
found on the Red Planet OPINION Nearly a half century after
7. 25. astronauts first visited the
Did a Stellar Intruder Theoretical Physics Is Pointless moon, it is once again a
Deform Our Outer without Experimental Tests flash point for debates on
Solar System? Our discipline is a dialogue with nature, how to safely and
New results suggest a not a monologue, as some theorists would responsibly explore the
massive star once swung prefer to believe solar system
dangerously close to our 27. 22.

sun—helping to shape the Astroethics and Cosmocentrism Is Gravity Quantum?

mysterious features we As astronomers forge ahead in their search for The ongoing search for
see today alien life, the ethical questions a discovery would the graviton—the
9. raise are becoming more urgent proposed fundamental
Neutrinos on Ice: 12. 13. 30. particle carrying
Astronomers’ Long Milky Way’s Black A Superconductor Physics Needs Philosophy; gravitational force—is a
Hunt for Source of Hole Provides Scandal? Scientists Philosophy Needs Physics crucial step in physicists’
Extragalactic “Ghost Long-Sought Test Question a Nobel Philosophy has always played an essential role in long journey toward a
Particles” Pays Off of Einstein’s Prize–Worthy Claim the development of science, physics in particular, theory of everything
Along with gravitational General Relativity Scientists claim to and is likely to continue to do so
waves, the find adds An observation decades have achieved 37.
more options for in the making confirms superconductivity at Sky Report
“multimessenger” predictions about how room temperature, The sky is always changing. To appreciate this
astronomy, which does light behaves in an but other physicists ever-changing view, grab these sky maps, go
not solely rely on immense gravitational say the data look outside at night and look up!
light to gather data field doctored Sky maps: October, p. 40; and November, p. 41.


THIS VIEW OF MARS’S south polar ice cap

and the surrounding area was captured by the
European Space Agency’s Mars Express space-
craft on February 25, 2015. Recent observations
from Mars Express have revealed a lake of liquid
water lurking beneath the ice cap.

Deep within Mars, Located at the edge of a more than lized carbon dioxide for any aspiring scientists using three years’ worth of
Liquid Water Offers three-billion-year-old ice cap explorer to see. Unless, that is, one data from the Mars Advanced Radar
Hope for Life covering Mars’s south pole, the could somehow peer deep beneath for Subsurface and Ionosphere
Radar observations have revealed region known as Planum Australe its frigid surface to the base of the Sounding (MARSIS) instrument on
what appears be a buried lake would rank high on any list of the ice cap some 1.5 kilometers below, the European Space Agency’s Mars


on Mars, the first-ever stable Red Planet’s least interesting where a lake of liquid water nearly Express orbiter, the potential lake is
reservoir of liquid water found locales. Frozen, flat and featureless, three times larger than the island of at least a few meters deep, and
on the Red Planet it seemingly offers little more than Manhattan may lurk. might be a fixed, steady feature of
windblown dust and drifts of crystal- Discovered by a team of Italian the subsurface. If confirmed, this


Mars Express radar footprints
Mars south polar region (blue represents brightest radar echo) Radar image of subsurface
would be the first known reservoir of
liquid water on present-day Mars—a
keystone in the search for past or Mars south polar region
even present life on the Red Planet,
potentially offering fresh clues about
how Earth’s neighbor so profoundly
transformed billions of years ago
from a warmer, wetter world to its
current freeze-dried state. An- Brightest radar echoes
nounced at a press conference in Surface suggest liquid water
Rome, the results are detailed in a South polar layered deposits
study appearing in the July 26 Study area (ice and dust layers)

edition of Science. Although this is

just one detection, the team wrote,
“there is no reason to conclude that
the presence of subsurface water
on Mars is limited to a single
location.” Radar studies of Mars’s Planum Australe (left
panel ) have revealed evidence of a lake (large
“The presence of a body of liquid has mapped the Martian under- Following up on preliminary detec- blue spot in central panel) buried beneath 1.5
water beneath Mars’s south polar ground using beams of low-frequen- tions of bright spots beneath Mars’s kilometers of ice and dirt (right panel).
cap has various implications, open- cy radar pulses, which can penetrate southern ice cap dating back to
ing new possibilities for the exis- up to several kilometers beneath the 2007, the Italian team repro- feature consistent with a sizable
tence of microorganisms in the surface. Although they pass relative- grammed MARSIS to employ a body of liquid water (or, to be fair,
Martian environment,” says Sebas- ly unscathed through most sub- more intensive scanning mode, then with water-saturated sediments
tian Lauro, a study co-author based stances, these pulses reflect back surveyed Planum Australe 29 times more akin to subterranean sludge).
at Roma Tre University in Rome. up to the spacecraft each time they with the instrument between 2012 The team then spent almost a year
“Moreover, it provides a valuable encounter boundaries between and 2015. Time and time again analyzing the data, and another two
confirmation that the water that different materials, such as the across the entire observing cam- years writing their paper and at-
once flowed abundantly over the interface of ice and bedrock. That paign the new MARSIS readings tempting to rule out nonaqueous
Martian surface in the form of seas, reflection is particularly strong at revealed a consistent 20-kilome- explanations for what they had seen.
lakes and rivers filled the voids in interfaces with liquid water, and ter-wide bright spot nestled in a Billions of years ago, Mars was a
the subsurface.” shows up as a distinctively bright bowl-like depression beneath the much more Earth-like place where
For the past 12 years MARSIS spot in visualizations of the data. ice cap in Planum Australe—a water pooled in seas, carved enor-


mous canyons and bubbled from hot frozen after all. worldwide aquifers he hypothesized mineral salts that leach out of rocks
springs. Life, many astrobiologists “The really exciting thing is that should exist beneath the planet’s and sediments to act as antifreeze.
speculate, may have had no difficul- this is a stable body of liquid water permafrost. Clifford’s models Suffusing the meltwater, the salts
ty getting started there. But early in that was observed in the radar data suggest huge amounts of liquid would create brines that remain
its promising existence the planet over three years, not just droplets water could still be hidden in the liquid far below the typical freezing
somehow lost its way, transforming that have been observed over a planet’s depths, providing a point of pure water. Such salts are
into a desiccated orb of dried-up short period of time,” says Anja Diez, globe-spanning refuge for any life known to exist in abundance in some
ocean-, river- and lakebeds. Robotic a glaciologist at the Norwegian that retreated from the ever more Martian rocks, and are the most likely
missions to the planet’s surface still Polar Institute who wrote an accom- inhospitable surface long ago. cause of the dewlike droplets and
find surprising echoes of that panying commentary about the “This finding is potentially of crater-wall rivulets previously ob-
bygone time, such as patches of discovery. The subsurface lake, Diez enormous significance,” says Clifford, served on the planet’s surface. But
water-ice frost forming on rocks as says, may be similar those found via who was not involved with the study. Clifford holds out hope subsurface
well as water droplets condensing radar sounding on Earth beneath ice “Based on analogy with Earth, if geothermal hotspots like those that
like dew on a lander’s leg. Orbiters, sheets in Antarctica and Greenland. water still exists in the subsurface, power volcanoes and hot springs on
too, have glimpsed what might be Whether below an Earthly glacier there is no reason to believe that life Earth could sufficiently heat portions
rivulets of water flowing down or a Martian ice cap, the mechanism which arose on Mars and evolved for of the Martian underworld to allow
sun-bathed crater walls at the for melting is much the same: heat underground conditions could not liquid reservoirs to exist there without
height of Martian summer. Perhaps trickling up from below combines persist there into the present day…. the need for life-sabotaging salt
life, too, has managed to endure in with the immense bulk of an insulat- If you do have liquid water as shallow levels. Such a hot spot could, in fact,
some diminished, limited way. But if ing blanket of material pressing as 1.5 kilometers beneath the be responsible for the MARSIS
so, it would have to contend with a down from above to form lakes of surface [at Planum Australe], then team’s newfound lake.
world in which all moisture quickly meltwater. On Earth those lakes are liquid water is also likely to be These conjectures must, for now,
vanishes in the thin, cold air, leaving often connected by channels, present at greater depths here. And remain untested. The MARSIS
the surface dry as a bone. Still, the forming branching riverlike networks if you have conditions for life in one instrument lacks sufficient sensitivity
water that once flowed across the of water that extend across vast area of the planet that is in hydraulic and resolution to clearly determine
land had to go somewhere. Some of spaces beneath the ice. In the late continuity with other areas where the thickness of this deposit or
it was likely lost to space, due to 1980s, Steve Clifford, a researcher liquid water also exists, you could whether it is in fact connected to
Mars’s diminutive gravitational field, now at the Planetary Science have a very substantial subsurface other similar bodies, although
but a significant fraction of the Institute, began exploring how biosphere that has survived since the studies using more advanced radar
planet’s aqueous inventory never similar hydrological activity could planet’s early history.” instruments on an as yet unbuilt
really left, instead just freezing occur under both Mars’s southern That life, however, would have to next generation of orbiters could
below ground. Now it appears not and northern polar caps and wheth- contend with another key factor clarify such details. For that matter,
all of that buried watery wealth is er it might feed meltwater into making its aquatic environs possible: the detection itself is as yet uncor-


roborated: another radar-sounding that we must take care that our

instrument called SHARAD (for investigations do not needlessly
shallow radar) onboard NASA’s Mars contaminate Mars,” he says. “That
Reconnaissance Orbiter has also could not only make the result of
repeatedly scanned Planum Aus- any life-detection experiment
trale and other regions in search of ambiguous but could also contami-
buried water, but its beams cannot nate a habitat that may be intercon-
penetrate as deeply, and it has not nected on a global basis, leading to
replicated MARSIS’s detection. Even a very serious impact on any native
so, according to Bruce Campbell, a biosphere. I worry that unless we are
SHARAD team member and senior very careful, we could end up
scientist at the Smithsonian Institu- responsible for the extinction of the
tion, “it is possible that a targeted very first life we ever detect on
effort [by SHARAD] to collect data another planet.”
on more tracks across this region —Lee Billings
could build up enough echo strength
to detect the reflector seen by
MARSIS.” The odd orbit of the dwarf planet Sedna (shown here in an artist's conceptualization) and other
Ultimately, “ground truth” may be Did a Stellar Intruder outer solar system objects suggests a visiting star may have swerved too close to the sun long ago.
required to solve the mystery of just Deform Our Outer
how much water is locked away in Solar System? dust and gas that surrounded the scientists speculated that maybe
Mars’s underworld. But there are at New results suggest a massive star young sun. But in 2003 scientists these worlds are scars from a violent
present no public or private plans to once swung dangerously close to discovered something strange: a past, a sign something—perhaps a
build or launch missions, robotic or our sun—helping to shape the dwarf planet known as Sedna whose passing star—knocked them off
human, that would be capable of mysterious features we see today elongated orbit takes it from twice course in our solar system’s infancy.
drilling or melting down to the Pluto’s distance to more than 20 Or maybe there is a distant ninth
depths probably required to directly times its distance from the sun. And planet whose gravity sculpts their
sample meltwater anywhere on the There is a mystery brewing in the far it is not alone. In the years since, peculiar orbits.


planet—which, Clifford says, might reaches of our solar system. astronomers have uncovered nearly The latter hypothesis has gained
be for the best. Astronomers have long thought two dozen distant icy objects whose traction over the past several years,
“The possibility that life could the eight planets orbit in nearly orbits are oblong and strangely tilted leaving the first in the dust, says
currently exist somewhere beneath perfect circles because they once compared to the plane of the solar Susanne Pfalzner, an astronomer at
the polar ice reinforces the point formed within the swirling disk of system. To explain such oddities, the Max Planck Institute for Radio


Astronomy in Germany. Anomalies in argue the odds of an encounter tions to date. “But whether they’ll floodgates for trying to discover
the orbits of some small outer solar remained quite high after the cluster last for 4.5 billion years,” or over the these distant objects,” he says.
system objects have amassed had started to disperse. After many solar system’s entire life span, “is Meanwhile Kenyon is hopeful the
evidence for a “Planet Nine” roughly long computer simulations they the million-dollar question,” says Gaia spacecraft, which is in the
10 times Earth’s mass. Meanwhile a found there is a 20 to 30 percent Scott Kenyon, an astronomer at process of charting one billion stars
stellar interloper has been consid- chance a star perhaps as massive Harvard-Smithsonian Center for to unprecedented accuracy, will help
ered too unlikely—until now. Pfalzner as the sun would swing nearly as Astrophysics who was not involved in find our sun’s long-lost siblings. That
and her colleagues recently pub- close as Pluto at 50 to 150 astro- the research. And Pfalzner agrees. will allow scientists to better under-
lished a paper to the preprint server nomical units. (One AU is the mean She would like to model the long- stand the stellar cluster in which our
arXiv that has been accepted by The distance from Earth to the sun, or term behavior next to see whether young solar system formed, along
Astrophysical Journal showing stars 93 million miles.) And there is no those changes will hold over the with the likelihood another star
might buzz our solar system far doubt such a close approach would solar system’s entire lifetime. It could zoomed too close. “Gaia is the new
more often than previously thought. shake our young solar system. be that a flyby clusters objects for a savior on the block,” he says. A
Not only do the results lend credibil- Although the large planets would cosmic moment before they random- recent Gaia study even traced the
ity to a stellar flyby, but they just remain unbothered (much as the sun ize again. If that is the case, then a paths of nearby stars into the past
might also explain how the elusive is only slightly jostled by the minor planet is the best explanation for the and projected those paths into the
Planet Nine would have landed in its gravities of the eight planets), the observations. future, only to find that 25 stars
odd orbit in the first place. encounter would perturb the solar Scientists are eagerly tracking speed dangerously close to home
Astronomers know the sun has system’s smaller objects—tossing down more data with a number of over a 10-million-year time period.
not always been so solitary. It was them around and placing them in different observing campaigns. A That tally is seven times as much
born within a cluster of hundreds to odd orbits in the distant reaches of handful of teams, for example, are nearby stellar traffic as previously
perhaps tens of thousands of stars the solar system. What is more, the already scouring large chunks of the thought. Then, of course, there are a
that dispersed only 10 million years simulations also re-created a second heavens in search of more oddities number of surveys searching for the
later. So while the sun was still trend astronomers have observed in in the outer solar system. Scott elusive Planet Nine itself.
entombed within that cluster, stars the solar system: that outer objects Sheppard, an astronomer at the But Pfalzner argues the discov-
would have rocked to and fro in a tend to cluster together in space. Carnegie Institution for Science who ery of another major member of the
dizzying dance that easily could have They travel together in tight-knit was not involved in the study, cannot solar system will not rule out a
brought one waltzing into our groups that all cross the plane of the contain his excitement over the stellar flyby. “It’s not an either-or
nascent solar system. But after the solar system at roughly the same upcoming Large Synoptic Survey scenario,” she says. “If Planet Nine
cluster broke apart the likelihood of spot before swinging outward to the Telescope—an 8.4-meter-wide exists, this would not be in any way
such an encounter dropped nearly same distant point. In short, simula- scope that will likely uncover a contradiction to the flyby model,
to zero, or so the thinking went. tions including a stellar interloper hundreds of new solar system rocks. but possibly even a point in favor for
Pfalzner and her colleagues now can perfectly re-create the observa- “That’s really going to open up the it.” Her team argues Planet Nine’s


predicted orbit, which is also both

eccentric (stretched out) and inclined
(tilted from the solar system’s plane),
was likely shaped by the stellar
interloper itself. So she and others
will continue to hunt for both Planet
Nine and further oddities.
And although astronomers might
disagree over the specifics of our
solar system’s origin story, they are all
certain the treasure trove of objects
already discovered in the outer solar
system is only the beginning. Sedna
was the tip of the iceberg, Sheppard
says. “There’s just so much sky we
haven’t covered to date that it’s more
likely than not there’s something
pretty big out there.” In this artistic composition, based on a real
—Shannon Hall image of the IceCube Lab at the South Pole,
a distant source emits neutrinos that are
detected below the ice by IceCube sensors,
called DOMs.

Neutrinos on Ice: Ever since the 1950s, when physi- discern much more than up from and flies through space at almost
Astronomers’ Long cists first dreamed up the idea of down or left from right. the speed of light. Its nickname,
Hunt for Source of doing astronomy with neutrinos, the Three papers released in July “ghost particle,” points to the fact it
Extragalactic “Ghost holy grail has been to observe the (two in Science and one on the rarely interacts with any form of
Particles” Pays Off first object outside our solar system preprint server arXiv) announced the matter and is therefore devilishly
Along with gravitational waves, that emits these ghostly particles. A culmination of this 60-year quest. difficult to detect. Like the photon
the find adds more options for handful were collected from a IceCube, a strange telescope made (particle of light), the neutrino carries
“multimessenger” astronomy, nearby supernova in 1987, but that of deep glacial ice at the South Pole, no electric charge, so it is not diverted
which does not solely rely on was a rare event and the instru- has detected neutrinos from a by electromagnetic fields: its arrival

light to gather data ments that made the detection were distant, luminous galaxy. direction will point directly back to its
hardly telescopes; they could not The neutrino is nearly massless source. Unlike the photon, however, it


can pass through planets, stars, detectors. In 2013 it detected the NASA's Fermi (top left) has achieved a new
galaxies, veils of interstellar dust as
first high-energy neutrinos coming first—identifying a monster black hole in a
far-off galaxy as the source of a high-energy
easily as a bullet passes through fog from beyond our atmosphere. But neutrino seen by the IceCube Neutrino Obser-
and can therefore bring us news from that breakthrough was not entirely vatory (sensor strings, bottom).
regions that are opaque to light, at satisfying because those neutrinos
the edge of the universe and from the had rained in uniformly across the violent creatures in the astronomical
earliest times. sky: there was no indication of the zoo: giant elliptical galaxies with
The latest discovery represents specific objects that may have rapidly spinning, supermassive black
only the second time—after the emitted them—no “point source.” holes at their cores that gobble up
near-miraculous supernova—scien- This past September IceCube nearby stars and other material in a
tists have identified neutrinos and detected a neutrino carrying about sort of continuous cosmic earthquake
light coming from the same extraga- 20 times the energy of any particle and send out laserlike jets of light
lactic object. It also provides a clue to
that could possibly be created by and other particles from their north
the long-standing mystery of how the the most powerful man-made and south poles. What differentiates
charged particles known as cosmic accelerators. This meant it had blazars from other galaxies with such
rays, which constantly bombard our probably come from outer space. that merger to a gamma-ray burst: a so-called active nuclei is that one of
planet from space, are accelerated to The instrument broadcast an brief flash of the most energetic the jets points in Earth’s direction,
the highest energies that have ever automated alert. form of light. No neutrinos were making these objects extremely
been observed. “It’s incredibly exciting IceCube’s alerts generate a lot of seen, however. bright. Blazars occasionally flare,
and what we were always hoping for interest among astronomers, brightening by factors of 10 or more


from the neutrino detectors,” says because the neutrino represents the A Blazar Seen in Texas for periods of minutes to years.
Alan Watson, a cosmic ray physicist third arrow in the quiver of the Several days after IceCube’s alert, Because they are so cataclysmic and
from the University of Leeds in newborn field of multimessenger astronomer Yasuyuki Tanaka, who give off very energetic gamma rays,
England who was not involved in astronomy. Astrophysicists have long works at Kanata (“faraway” in they have long been suspected of
these studies. dreamed of employing messengers Japanese), an optical/near-infrared emitting not only high-energy neutri-
besides light to reveal the inner telescope operated by Hiroshima nos but also mysterious ultrahigh-en-
Observatory in the Ice workings of the many unfathomable University, realized the neutrino was ergy cosmic rays.
IceCube can tell the direction of wonders in the cosmos. And the pointing within two tenths of a Tanaka also works on the Fermi
some neutrinos to better than a dream had come true only one degree of a known blazar named Gamma-ray Space Telescope, which
quarter of a degree. It consists of a month earlier, when three gravita- TXS 0506+056, which had first has been taking images of the
billion tons of diamond-clear Antarc- tional-wave observatories had been observed by a radio telescope entire gamma-ray sky every three
tic ice about two kilometers deep, detected the merger of two neutron in Texas four decades ago. hours for about 10 years. Searching
monitored by more than 5,000 light stars and optical telescopes had tied Blazars are among the most its catalogues, he discovered TXS


had been flaring since the previous just that, a coincidence. In this subtle way. Although it had not given directions do not point back to their
April. He sent out a second alert business, you need one chance in off more gamma-ray energy alto- origins. Because the neutrinos
encouraging “observations of this three million to claim discovery. gether, its spectrum had shifted IceCube detected must have traveled
source” across the optical spectrum. But IceCube’s principal investiga-toward higher-energy gammas in straight lines and must have been
TXS had not distinguished itself tor, Francis Halzen, a physicist at theexactly when it had flared in neutri- produced by hadrons, they indicate
among the 4,000 or so known University of Wisconsin–Madison, nos. And the shapes of the optical high-energy hadrons must have been
blazars until that moment, so little points out there is more to the and neutrino spectra shifted in emitted from the same blazar source.
was known about it—even how far science of this matter than statistics.complementary ways during both The various models for neutrino
away it was. In the excitement after He quotes the great experimentalist flares. It all holds together," Watson emission from blazars, developed in
Tanaka’s alert the astronomical Ernest Rutherford: “If your experiment says. "I believe the whole story, but it blissful theoretical isolation, have
community made up for lost time. needs a statistician, you need a bettertook all three papers to convince me. now had their first encounter with
One group determined TXS is about experiment,” and adds, “We did that.” This is the first convincing direct real data, and none can explain the
4.5 billion light-years away. That evidence for the acceleration of a exact details seen. Theorist Eli
makes it one of the most luminous Looking Back in Time hadronic component [a particle made Waxman of the Weizmann Institute of
objects in the cosmos. IceCube’s point source group, led by of quarks] in any source.” Science in Israel believes the models
Six days after Tanaka’s alert, the astrophysicist Chad Finley of Basic particle physics says these “will require a complete modification.”
operators of MAGIC, the Major Stockholm University, looked through neutrinos can only have been pro- This discovery also gives a shot in
Atmospheric Gamma Imaging the experiment’s historical data and duced by hadrons, which would the arm to the nascent field of
Cherenkov telescope on the La discovered IceCube had detected a primarily have been protons, emerg- neutrino astronomy. Both Waxman
Palma Canary Island, announced the spectacular “neutrino flare” from ing in the blazar jet and colliding with and Watson now hunger for
observation of very high-energy TXS—about 13 particles in all— other particles, including photons, on next-generation instruments. The
gammas coming from TXS. Because during a four-month period starting their way out. Because the cosmic IceCube collaboration has proposed
MAGIC sees to higher energies and in October 2014. Perplexingly, rays that bombard Earth are made up an upgrade that stands to improve
has finer angular resolution than however, Fermi had observed no predominantly of protons and heavier sensitivity by an order of magnitude,
Fermi, this finding strengthened the corresponding flare in gamma rays. nuclei, the simple fact a blazar has and similar instruments are planned
connection to the neutrino—but not Another IceCubist, Elisa Resconi, now been shown to produce high-en- for deployment in the Mediterranean
quite enough. In the first of the recent an astrophysicist at the Technical ergy neutrinos is the first solid clue to Sea and Lake Baikal, Siberia.
papers IceCube and the 15 collabo- University of Munich, gathered a a possible source of ultrahigh-energy Meanwhile, this remarkable
rations that followed up on its alert small team to investigate more cosmic rays. The reason it is difficult telescope continues to watch the
conclude there is about one chance closely. Synthesizing all the observa- to identify the sources of cosmic rays neutrino sky from its deep, icy
in a thousand the coincidence in tions that had ever been made of is that they carry electric charge, so abode. IceCube almost certainly has
direction and time between the single TXS, they discovered it actually had their trajectories are bent by interstel- more surprises in store.
neutrino and the flaring blazer was flared in gammas in 2014, but in a lar magnetic fields and their arrival —Mark Bowen


Milky Way’s Black Hole

Provides Long-Sought
Test of Einstein’s
General Relativity
An observation decades in the
making confirms predictions about
how light behaves in an immense
gravitational field

Astronomers have caught the giant

black hole at our galaxy’s center
stretching the light emitted by an
orbiting star—nearly three decades
after they first starting tracking the
star. The long-sought phenomenon,
known as gravitational redshift, was
predicted by Einstein’s general theory
of relativity, but until now it had never
This artist’s impression shows the orbit of the star S2 as it passes close to the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way. The black hole’s
been spotted in the environs of a powerful gravitational field causes the star’s color to shift slightly to the red in precise concordance with predictions of Einstein’s theory of general relativity.
black hole.
“It’s another big step in getting
closer to understanding the black announced the discovery in July at a known as S2, since the early 1990s. Milky Way. That makes it an ideal
hole,” says Heino Falcke, an astrono- press conference and reported the Using telescopes at the European place to hunt for relativistic effects.
mer at Radboud University in Nijme- results in Astronomy & Astrophysics. Southern Observatory in Chile, the On May 18 this year, S2 passed
gen, the Netherlands, who was not The group includes scientists from scientists watch it as it travels in an as close as it ever does to the black
involved in the research. “This is just universities and research institutions elliptical orbit around the black hole, hole. The researchers pointed
amazing, to be able to see these in Germany, France, Portugal, Switzer- which lies 26,000 light-years from instruments including GRAVITY, an
effects.” land, the Netherlands, the United Earth in the constellation Sagittarius. instrument called an interferometer

A team led by Reinhard Genzel of States and Ireland. With a mass of 4 million times the that combines light from four
the Max Planck Institute for Extrater- Genzel and his colleagues have sun, the black hole generates the 8-meter telescopes and became
restrial Physics in Garching, Germany, tracked the journey of this star, strongest gravitational field in the operational in 2016. “With our


measurements the door is wide uses the Keck telescopes in Hawaii The discovery would change the
open to black-hole physics,” says to measure the star’s path around A Superconductor world. From power grids that never
team member Frank Eisenhauer, an the galactic center. Scandal? Scientists lose energy to magnetically levitat-
astronomer at the Max Planck It takes 16 years for S2 to make Question a Nobel ing trains, finding a material that is
institute. a complete orbit around the black Prize–Worthy Claim superconductive at room tempera-
GRAVITY measured S2’s move- hole, so both groups have been Scientists claim to have achieved ture would bring a range of fantasti-
ment across the sky; at its fastest, eagerly awaiting this year’s close superconductivity at room cal technologies to life. And it is not
the star whizzed along at more than passage. But Ghez says that her temperature, but other physicists as far-fetched as it sounds. Al-
7,600 kilometers a second, or nearly team plans to wait until later in the say the data looks doctored though superconductors—materials
3 percent the speed of light. Mean- year to publish their results. that can transmit electricity with
while, a different instrument studied In April, S2 experienced its
how fast S2 moved towards and maximum velocity in the line of sight
away from Earth as it swung past the from Earth. In May, it made that
black hole. Combining the observa- closest approach to the galactic
tions allowed Genzel’s team to detect center. And in late August and early
the star’s gravitational redshift—its September, it experienced the
light being stretched to longer minimum velocity in the line of sight
wavelengths by the black hole’s from Earth. “It’s taken us 20 years to
immense gravitational pull, which is get to this moment,” Ghez says.
consistent with the predictions of “We’re going to wait until the end of
general relativity. the passage, until the star will be
“What we measured cannot be done with whatever it’s going to do.”
described by Newton any more,” says S2 has already begun slowing
Odele Straub, an astrophysicist at the down, in the direction of travel as
Paris Observatory. Future observa- seen from Earth, as it transitions
tions of S2 might confirm other towards the third event. And both the
Einstein predictions, such as how the U.S. and European teams are
spinning black hole drags spacetime watching it closely. “We’re in the thick


around with it. of it,” says Ghez. “It’s super-exciting.”
“Their data look beautiful,” says This article is reproduced with per-
Andrea Ghez, an astronomer at the mission and was first published on
University of California, Los Angeles, July 26, 2018. Superconductors allow magnetic levitation
who leads a competing team that —Alexandra Witze and other tantalizing possibilities.


zero resistance—exist only at

extremely frigid temperatures today,
well the superconductor repels
different magnetic fields at various
“I think that’s a explanation. Skinner knew he had
an obligation to go public. So, in a
there is no physical reason why they temperatures, he noticed that the really important short note published to the arXiv, he
cannot also work at room tempera-
ture. It could simply be that no one
data for two different values of the
magnetic field have the exact same
observation and pointed out the repeated noise
pattern and asked for an explana-
has stumbled upon the magical pattern of noise, albeit slightly offset he’s done a true tion, without suggesting the data
formula yet. That might be about to from each other. Every time one service to the were fraudulent. And Peter Armit-
change. In a study posted to the
arXiv in late July, Dev Kumar Thapa
pattern veers up or down, the other
follows—perfectly in sync. But noise is field by not only age, a physicist from Johns Hopkins
University, agrees it was the correct
and Anshu Pandey, two scientists random by definition. It should not pointing it out— move. “I think that’s a really import-
from the Indian Institute of Science,
suggest a concoction of gold and
repeat itself on separate trials done
under different magnetic fields.
but having the ant observation and he’s done a true
service to the field by not only
silver nanoparticles achieves the That correlation is alarming nerve to do so pointing it out—but having the nerve
Nobel Prize–worthy goal. The
finding, from a reputable team, was
alone. But it also echoed one of the
biggest scandals in modern physics.
publicly.” to do so publicly,” he says.
Despite Skinner’s careful attempt
initially met with both excitement In the early 2000s, scientists —Peter Armitage to not accuse the team, his finding
and skepticism as physicists discovered that prominent physicist caused quite the debate. “When I
cautiously took a closer look. But Jan Hendrik Schön, who also looked at Skinner’s paper and I saw
the story has since prompted worked on superconductors among teach students to be scrupulously the curve, I thought ‘game over,’”
disbelief and even a little drama. other topics, had falsified data from honest. And it made Skinner hesi- says David Muller, a physicist at
Despite physicists’ hope, those in several experiments. It was a move tant to publish his finding. He knew Cornell University. “It’s not hard
the field know that numerous previ- that eventually stripped him of his that the repeated noise pattern evidence … but I know which way I
ous claims of warm superconductors doctoral degree and led to the would bring Schön to the forefront would take a bet.” The original
have all fizzled out. Many initially retraction of several papers. And, of everyone’s minds—making his paper’s authors have not addressed
worried that Thapa and Pandey’s find yes, the discovery was sparked claim sound like an accusation the noise correlation and say they
would turn out to be one more when scientists noticed that the against Thapa and Pandey. Skinner are waiting for outside validation of
erroneous report—dubbed a USO, or noise pattern within one of his deliberated for more than a week, their results. Pratap Raychaudhuri, a
unidentified superconducting object. published graphs looked eerily pulling other scientists aside—from physicist at the Tata Institute of
But that natural skepticism trans- similar to the noise pattern within technicians to senior experimental- Fundamental Research in India, set
formed into suspicion when Brian another. ists—to ask whether this could be an out to find the most plausible
Skinner, a physicist at MIT, found It is a story that scientists know honest mistake. Although that is still explanation for the correlation. After
something unnerving. In one of the extremely well. “It’s sort of like a possible, everyone agreed that the much thought, he argues that the
paper’s figures, which shows how bedtime fable,” Skinner says, told to noise patterns had no obvious noise is not noise at all but a signal


that arises from the natural rotation chaudhuri received an e-mail that Raychaudhuri post several
of particles within a magnetic field. appeared to come from T.V. Ra- Facebook posts last week, but
The signal simply looks random and
therefore masquerades as noise.
makrishnan, a physicist at the Indian
Institute of Science, asking him not
Skinner also posted a Twitter
thread—events that brought the Explore theuniverse
Explore the universe
from your inbox
What is more, this pattern can to criticize the authors on social scientific process into the public
repeat itself after independent media. (Raychaudhuri had posted sphere. “This is a very good thing, your inbox
runs—thus explaining why the two his findings to Facebook.) But because it connects people,”
curves match. Although Raychaud- Ramakrishnan never sent such an Raychaudhuri says. “The research Sign up for our
SpaceSign up for our
huri admits that he does not fully e-mail. It did not take long before community is normally very
believe his rationalization, he says it the two realized that a fake e-mail esoteric and detached from & Physics Newsletter
can be easily tested at any profes- address had been set up in Ra- society at large.” He is even Space & Physics Newslette
sional lab—should the authors send makrishnan’s name. “The purpose of optimistic that no matter what
their samples along. the e-mail seems to be to stir up happens—whether Thapa and SIGN UP
The issue is that Thapa and discord between him and me,” Pandey’s results hold up or their
Pandey have done no such thing. Ramakrishnan says. The odd events work turns out to be incorrect—
“This kind of silence from the do not end there. The same name that the events will help the public
authors is not a healthy practice,” attached to the encrypted e-mail understand this is how the
Raychaudhuri says. “It is against the address is also attached to a scientific method works to verify
spirit of science.” And while Pandey Facebook profile that attempted to (or reject) claims in order to
insists that his results are being befriend both Skinner and Ray- slowly inch forward.
validated by independent experts, chaudhuri shortly after the e-mail —Shannon Hall
that brings no comfort to Raychaud- scandal. The profile has zero friends
huri, who worries the checks cannot and the timeline reads: "Remember:
truly be independent. “Getting this Julius Caesar went too far!"
validated by your friend, by your Both the e-mail address and the
next-door colleague and so on, is Facebook profile have been deleted.
not independent validation,” he says. Some suspect that it was the work
He and others in the field would like of a disgruntled student, but Ray-
the team to send their supercon- chaudhuri thinks it is far too early to
ducting material to outside labs that venture a guess. At the moment, he
can test the results. is surprisingly thankful that so much
In the meantime, the story has scientific discourse has happened
taken a wild turn: in August, Ray- over social media. Not only did

String Theory May Create
Far Fewer Universes Than Thought

By Clara Moskowitz

Clara Moskowitz is Scientific American’s senior editor covering space
and physics. She has a bachelor’s degree in astronomy and physics from
Wesleyan University and a graduate degree in science journalism from the
University of California, Santa Cruz.

THE PROBLEM WITH STRING THEORY, ACCORDING entists have known many solutions must fall in this University of Chicago welcome the reevaluation that is
to some physicists, is that it makes too many universes. It swampland for years, but the idea that most, or maybe happening now. “I think this is exciting,” he says. “I’ve
predicts not one but some 10500 versions of spacetime, all, of the landscape solutions might live there would be been a skeptic of the landscape for a long time. I’m real-
each with its own laws of physics. But with so many uni- a major change. In fact, it may be theoretically impossi- ly happy to see the paradigm shift away from this belief
verses on the table, how can the theory explain why ours ble to find a valid solution to string theory that includes that we have this proven set of solutions.” But not every-
has the features it does? stable dark energy, says Cumrun Vafa, a Harvard Univer- one buys the argument that the landscape actually
Now some theorists suggest most—if not all—of sity physicist who led the work on the two papers. belongs in the swampland—especially the research team
those universes are actually forbidden, at least if we that established one of the earliest versions of the land-
want them to have stable dark energy, the supposed LOST IN THE MULTIVERSE scape in the first place back in 2003, which goes by the
force accelerating the expansion of the cosmos. To some, String theory is an attempt to describe the whole universe acronym KKLT after the scientists’ last names. “I think
eliminating so many possible universes is not a draw- under a single “theory of everything” by adding extra it’s very healthy to make these conjectures and check
back but a major step forward for string theory, offering dimensions of spacetime and thinking of particles as what other things could be going on but I don’t see either
new hope of making testable predictions. But others say minuscule vibrating loops. Many string theorists contend theoretical or experimental reasons to take such a con-
the multiverse is here to stay, and the proposed problem it is still the most promising direction for pursuing Albert jecture very seriously,” says KKLT member Shamit Kach-
with all those universes is not a problem at all. Einstein’s dream of uniting his general theory of relativity ru of Stanford University. And Eva Silverstein, a Stan-
The debate was a hot topic at the end of June in with the conflicting microscopic world of quantum ford physicist who also helped build the early landscape
Japan, where string theorists convened for the confer- mechanics. Yet the notion of a string theory landscape models, likewise doubts Vafa and his colleagues’ argu-
ence Strings 2018. “This is really something new and it’s that predicts not just one universe but many has put ment. “I think the ingredients KKLT use and the way
led to a controversy within the field,” says Ulf Daniels- some physicists off. “If it’s really the landscape, in my they put them together is perfectly valid,” she says. Juan
son, a physicist at Uppsala University in Sweden. The view it’s death for the theory because it loses all predic- Maldacena, a theorist at the Institute for Advanced
conversation centers on a pair of papers posted on the tive value,” says Princeton University physicist Paul Study, says he also still supports the idea of string theo-
preprint server arXiv in June taking aim at the so-called Steinhardt, who collaborated on one of the recent ry universes with stable dark energy.
“landscape” of string theory—the incomprehensible papers. “Literally anything is possible.” To Steinhardt And many theorists are perfectly happy with the
number of potential universes that result from the many and others, the newfound problems with dark energy string theory multiverse. “It is true that if this landscape
different solutions to string theory’s equations that pro- offer string theory a way out. “This picture with a big picture is correct, the bit of the universe we’re in com-
duce the ingredients of our own cosmos, including dark multiverse could be mathematically wrong,” Danielsson pared to the multiverse will be like our solar system
energy. But the vast majority of the solutions found so says. “Paradoxically this makes things much more inter- within the universe,” Kachru says. And that is a good
far are mathematically inconsistent, the papers contend, esting because that means string theory is much more thing, he adds. Johannes Kepler originally sought a fun-
putting them not in the landscape but in the so-called predictive than we thought it was.” damental reason for why Earth lies the distance it does
“swampland” of universes that cannot actually exist. Sci- Some string theorists such as Savdeep Sethi of the from the sun. But now we know the sun is just one of bil-

lions of stars in the galaxy, each with its own planets, good theory be able to explain the particular character-
and the Earth-sun distance is simply a random number “We don’t have to istics of the universe around us or is that asking too
rather than a result of some deep mathematical princi- wait for new much? And when a theory conflicts with the way we
ple. Likewise, if the universe is one of trillions within the
multiverse, the particular parameters of our cosmos are
technology to be in think our universe works, do we abandon the theory or
the things we think we know?
similarly random. The fact these numbers seem perfect- the game. We’re in String theory is incredibly appealing to many scien-
ly fine-tuned to create a habitable universe is a selection
effect—humans will of course find themselves in one of
the game now.” tists because it is “beautiful”—its equations are satisfy-
ing and its proposed explanations elegant. But so far it
the rare corners of the multiverse where it is possible for —Paul Steinhardt lacks any experimental evidence supporting it—and
them to have evolved. even worse, any reasonable prospects for gathering such
evidence. Yet even the suggestion string theory may not
THE ACCELERATING UNIVERSE signs dark energy was stronger or weaker in the past be able to accommodate the kind of dark energy we see
If it is true string theory cannot accommodate stable than the present. “The interesting thing is that we’re in the cosmos around us does not dissuade some. “String
dark energy, that may be a reason to doubt string theory. already at a sensitivity level to begin to put pressure on theory is so rich and beautiful and so correct in almost
But to Vafa it is a reason to doubt dark energy—that is, [the cosmological constant theory],” Steinhardt says. all the things that it’s taught us that it’s hard to believe
dark energy in its most popular form, called a cosmolog- “We don’t have to wait for new technology to be in the that the mistake is in string theory and not in us,” Sethi
ical constant. The idea originated in 1917 with Einstein game. We’re in the game now.” And even skeptics of says. But perhaps chasing after beauty is not a good way
and was revived in 1998 when astronomers discovered Vafa’s proposal support the idea of considering alterna- to find the right theory of the universe. “Mathematics is
that not only is spacetime expanding—the rate of that tives to the cosmological constant. “I actually agree that full of amazing and beautiful things, and most of them
expansion is picking up. The cosmological constant [a changing dark energy field] is a simplifying method do not describe the world,” physicist Sabine Hossen-
would be a form of energy in the vacuum of space that for constructing accelerated expansion,” Silverstein says. felder of the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies
never changes and counteracts the inward pull of gravi- “But I don’t think there’s any justification for making wrote in her recent book, Lost in Math: How Beauty
ty. But it is not the only possible explanation for the observational predictions about the dark energy at this Leads Physics Astray (Basic Books, 2018).
accelerating universe. An alternative is “quintessence,” a point.” Despite the divergence of opinions, physicists are a
field pervading spacetime that can evolve. “Regardless Quintessence is not the only other option. In the friendly bunch and are united by their common goal of
of whether one can realize a stable dark energy in string wake of Vafa’s papers, Danielsson and colleagues pro- understanding the universe. Kachru, one of the found-
theory or not, it turns out that the idea of having dark posed another way of fitting dark energy into string the- ers of the landscape idea, worked with Vafa, the land-
energy changing over time is actually more natural in ory. In their vision our universe is the three-dimension- scape’s critic, as his undergraduate advisor—and the two
string theory,” Vafa says. “If this is the case, then one can al surface of a bubble expanding within a larger-dimen- are still friends. “He asked me once if I’d bet my life
measure this sliding of dark energy by astrophysical sional space. “The physics within this surface can mimic these [landscape solutions] exist,” Kachru says. “My
observations currently taking place.” the physics of a cosmological constant,” Danielsson says. answer was I wouldn’t bet my life but I’d bet his!”
So far all astrophysical evidence supports the cosmo- “This is a different way of realizing dark energy com- ­—Additional reporting by Lee Billings
logical constant idea, but there is some wiggle room in pared to what we’ve been thinking so far.”
the measurements. Upcoming experiments such as
Europe’s Euclid space telescope, NASA’s Wide-Field A BEAUTIFUL THEORY
Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST) and the Simons Ultimately the debate going on in string theory centers on
Observatory being built in Chile’s desert will look for a deep question: What is the point of physics? Should a

Should the
Moon Be

Nearly a half century after astronauts first visited
the moon, it is once again a flash point for debates on PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON welcomes the Apollo 11 astronauts
back to Earth after their historic voyage to the moon. The astro-
how to safely and responsibly explore the solar system nauts were confined within one of NASA's Mobile Quarantine
Facilities for 21 days to ensure they would not contaminate Earth
By David Warmflash with any potential lunar bacteria after their short lunar sojourn.

David Warmflash, M.D., is an astrobiologist, science
writer, physician, and citizen of the cosmos.

he moon and the word “astrobiology” don’t often cerned only with preventing back contamination from
putative lunar organisms,” says Andy Spry, a senior sci-
appear in the same sentence—even with a handful of
entist at the SETI Institute and a planetary protection
government space agencies and private corporations consultant for NASA. Even before the first Apollo land-
planning crewed forays to the lunar surface for the ings the possibility of lunar life was still considered
remote. But precautions against back contamination
first time since NASA’s Apollo 17 mission in 1972. That
were still put in place, given that unlikely scenario’s
final Apollo lunar landing took place after it became potentially catastrophic consequences. Astronauts and
clear the moon was lifeless—a shift from the initial lunar samples—plus a recovery engineer and flight sur-
geon who met returning crews—were all quarantined for
landings, which subjected their crews to quarantine
21 days after Apollos 11, 12 and 14. (Apollo 13 failed to
after returning to Earth. Those early precautions, now land on the moon, so quarantine was not necessary.)
called “planetary protection,” were meant to prevent back contamination—the Beginning with Apollo 15, however, there were no
post-mission quarantines because analysis of lunar sam-
potentially catastrophic introduction of extraterrestrial organisms to Earth’s bio-
ples brought back by Apollos 11 and 12 indicated the
sphere. But by the end of the Apollo program, moon-walking astronauts were moon was lifeless.
only quarantined prior to leaving Earth, simply to ensure they were not incubat- Beginning in the 1980s the Committee on Space
Research (COSPAR) began beefing up protocols aimed
ing an infectious disease that could manifest during their high-risk missions.
at preventing forward contamination to better protect
off-Earth environments. Those guidelines have evolved
Keeping Earth’s germs from journeying to the moon forward contamination—the transfer of Earthly life- over time as scientific knowledge has increased—for
proved to be a tall order, however. At least one bacterial forms to other worlds—is the most vexing challenge of both good and ill. Although today we know more than
species, Streptococcus mitis, found its way inside the Sur- planetary protection. ever before about the potentials for life on other worlds,
veyor 3 camera that had spent some 2.5 years on the Forward contamination is a familiar concern for mis- the lack of actual alien organisms to study means our
moon before the astronauts of Apollo 12 retrieved and sion planners seeking to preserve the environments of burgeoning knowledge tends to raise more questions
returned it to Earth. Experts now believe Surveyor 3’s S. Mars and ocean-bearing icy moons of the outer solar sys- than it answers. Unlike during the Apollo era, today the
mitis came from post-return contamination by human tem (such as Saturn’s Enceladus and Jupiter’s Europa) so question of whether or not a celestial body requires any
investigators, rather than surviving lunar conditions. astrobiologists can identify native life there—should it protection at all is no longer a simple matter of yes or no.
Even so, subsequent research has conclusively shown exist. But how should planetary protection’s prohibitions “There are five COSPAR planetary protection catego-
certain terrestrial organisms—Deinococcus radiodurans and restrictions apply to the moon, and what lessons ries,” Spry says, “category I being that no precautions are
and Bacillus subtilis bacteria as well as tiny invertebrates from the Apollo era might be applicable in the coming needed to protect a target body. The ‘requirement’ is
called tardigrades—can indeed survive extended expo- years as we aim to go back? merely to demonstrate that your mission does not
sure to the harsh conditions of space. Both then and now “Biological precautions during Apollo were con- require any particular protection precautions.” Since

2008 the moon has been considered category II, mean- level for working with dangerous, disease-causing organ-
ing that although it is not a target in the search for life, isms on Earth, such as smallpox or Ebola viruses). Such a
exploration there merits a modicum of caution. This is facility would also require added measures to keep any
because the satellite’s largely untrammeled surface offers samples pristine, just as most Apollo samples were.
unique clues about the history of our solar system—and Another way to look at the problem of protecting the
perhaps the origins and evolution of life on Earth. moon is that our lifeless lunar neighbor could best be
The quarantines and other planetary protection safe- treated as a kind of test bed for missions to more astrobi-
guards of Apollos 11, 12 and 14 had a few things in com- ologically delicate locales—namely Mars. “As we contin-
mon with today’s category V, which applies to missions in ue to develop and refine planetary protection require-
which equipment or samples are returned to Earth from ments for Mars exploration, lunar exploration provides
a potentially habitable (or maybe even inhabited!) world an opportunity to assess those requirements before
such as Mars, Europa or Enceladus. In such cases one goal applying them in a microbially sensitive environment,”
is to prevent back contamination; another is to keep says Julie Mitchell, curator of ices and organics in the
returned samples pristine, just like during the Apollo Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science Divi-
lunar landing missions. Of course, category V missions sion at NASA's Johnson Space Center (JSC). For example,
also must prevent forward contamination—a goal that she adds, an outpost on the moon could yield new insights
was not given priority during Apollo. about how a space habitat’s microbiome can change over
One proposed solution for handling modern catego- time, and could lead to better methods for preventing
ry V scenarios would be to return equipment and sam- dust and other contaminants from intruding into a facil-
ples not to Earth but rather to purpose-built labs on the ity from the alien world outside.
moon or in orbit. There, the reasoning goes, the diverted The lifeless and sterile moon could also offer an ideal
material could be analyzed without the risk of contami- proving ground for “synthetic biology” experiments before
nating Earth. But such approaches would be very expen- they could be unleashed elsewhere in the solar system.
sive, and off-Earth facilities would lack the big, heavy The term refers to sophisticated genetic modifications of
instruments currently needed to maximize the scientific terrestrial organisms such as the deliberate engineering of
payback from sample-return missions. And that is not photosynthetic algae known as cyanobacteria to purify a
the only problem. habitat’s air or even to produce rocket fuel. “Human space
Moving people, equipment and material freely exploration is not possible without the application of cya-
throughout the Earth-moon system without high-catego- nobacteria,” says Igor Brown, a microbiologist who
ry planetary protection requirements should be a priori- researched lunar applications of synthetic biology with
ty, Spry says: “We don’t want to revive the old quarantine the late astrobiology pioneer David McKay at JSC.
protocol from Apollo exactly, but returning samples and Could such a visionary synthetic biology–enhanced
astronauts to an isolation facility located on Earth is a program of human interplanetary exploration throughout
reasonable approach.” The logistical details of such an the solar system ever mesh with the strict tenets of plane-
Earth-based receiving plan still need to be worked out, tary protection? The answer, if it is to be found at all, will
but Spry envisions a containment facility with what is likely emerge when, how and if we return to the moon.
called “biosafety level 4 capability” (the highest safety

tional waves generated by merging
neutron stars. The primordial uni-
verse is another source of gravita-
tional waves, which, if detected,
could help physicists devise a quan-
tum theory of gravity.



The ongoing search for the graviton—the proposed fundamental
particle carrying gravitational force—is a crucial step in physicists’
long journey toward a theory of everything
By Charles Q. Choi

 22
Charles Q. Choi is a frequent contributor to Scientific American. His
work has also appeared in The New York Times, Science, Nature, Wired,
and LiveScience, among others. In his spare time, he has traveled to all
seven continents.

All the fundamental forces of the universe are known to follow the laws of quantum chip to perform this experiment. This chip held two
mechanics, save one: gravity. Finding a way to fit gravity into quantum mechanics would microscopic aluminum-coated plates that were cooled
bring scientists a giant leap closer to a “theory of everything” that could entirely explain almost to absolute zero so that they became supercon-
ducting. One plate was attached to a movable mirror,
the workings of the cosmos from first principles. A crucial first step in this quest to know
and a laser was fired at that mirror. If the plates moved
whether gravity is quantum is to detect the long-postulated elementary particle of gravity, because of a gravitational Casimir effect, the frequency
the graviton. In search of the graviton, physicists are now turning to experiments involv- of light reflecting off the mirror would measurably
ing microscopic superconductors, free-falling crystals and the afterglow of the big bang. shift. As detailed online July 20 in Physical Review Let-
ters, the scientists failed to see any gravitational Casi-
Quantum mechanics suggests everything is made of verse is inherently fuzzy—for instance, one can never mir effect. This null result does not necessarily rule out
quanta, or packets of energy, that can behave like both a absolutely know a particle's position and momentum at the existence of gravitons—and thus gravity’s quantum
particle and a wave—for instance, quanta of light are the same time. One consequence of this uncertainty is that nature. Rather, it may simply mean that gravitons do
called photons. Detecting gravitons, the hypothetical a vacuum is never completely empty, but instead buzzes not interact with superconductors as strongly as prior
quanta of gravity, would prove gravity is quantum. The with a “quantum foam” of so-called virtual particles that work estimated, says quantum physicist and Nobel lau-
problem is that gravity is extraordinarily weak. To direct- constantly pop in and out of existence. These ghostly enti- reate Frank Wilczek of the Massachusetts Institute of
ly observe the minuscule effects a graviton would have ties may be any kind of quanta, including gravitons. Technology, who did not participate in this study and
on matter, physicist Freeman Dyson famously noted, a Decades ago, scientists found that virtual particles can was unsurprised by its null results. Even so, Quach says,
graviton detector would have to be so massive that it col- generate detectable forces. For example, the Casimir this “was a courageous attempt to detect gravitons.”
lapses on itself to form a black hole. effect is the attraction or repulsion seen between two Although Norte’s microchip did not discover whether
“One of the issues with theories of quantum gravity is mirrors placed close together in vacuum. These reflective gravity is quantum, other scientists are pursuing a vari-
that their predictions are usually nearly impossible to surfaces move due to the force generated by virtual pho- ety of approaches to find gravitational quantum effects.
experimentally test,” says quantum physicist Richard tons winking in and out of existence. Previous research For example, in 2017 two independent studies suggested
Norte of Delft University of Technology in the Nether- suggested that superconductors might reflect gravitons that if gravity is quantum it could generate a link known
lands. “This is the main reason why there exist so many more strongly than normal matter, so Quach calculated as “entanglement” between particles, so that one parti-
competing theories and why we haven’t been successful in that looking for interactions between two thin supercon- cle instantaneously influences another no matter where
understanding how it actually works.” ducting sheets in vacuum could reveal a gravitational either is located in the cosmos. A tabletop experiment
In 2015, however, theoretical physicist James Quach, Casimir effect. The resulting force could be roughly 10 using laser beams and microscopic diamonds might
now at the University of Adelaide in Australia, suggested times stronger than that expected from the standard vir- help search for such gravity-based entanglement. The
a way to detect gravitons by taking advantage of their tual-photon-based Casimir effect. crystals would be kept in a vacuum to avoid collisions
quantum nature. Quantum mechanics suggests the uni- Recently, Norte and his colleagues developed a micro- with atoms, so they would interact with one another

through gravity alone. Scientists
says. “But if they are found, and Scientific American
would let these diamonds fall at the properties match the expec-
the same time, and if gravity is all over the world tations from inflation, it would
Print + Digital
quantum the gravitational pull
are curious to take be very strong evidence that
each crystal exerts on the other
could entangle them together. the challenge up.”
gravity is quantized.”
One more way to find out
The researchers would seek whether gravity is quantum is to
—Anupam Mazumdar
out entanglement by shining look directly for quantum fluc-
lasers into each diamond’s heart tuations in gravitational waves, Stay up-to-date on the
after the drop. If particles in the
crystals’ centers spin one way, they would fluoresce, but
which are thought to be made
up of gravitons that were generated shortly after the big
most important and
they would not if they spin the other way. If the spins in bang. The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave awe-inspiring
both crystals are in sync more often than chance would Observatory (LIGO) first detected gravitational waves in advances in science and
predict, this would suggest entanglement. “Experimental- 2016, but it is not sensitive enough to detect the fluctuat-
ists all over the world are curious to take the challenge ing gravitational waves in the early universe that inflation technology with the
up,” says quantum gravity researcher Anupam Mazumdar stretched to cosmic scales, Guth says. A gravitation- essential guide to the
of the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, co-au- al-wave observatory in space, such as the Laser Interfer-
thor of one of the entanglement studies. ometer Space Antenna (LISA), could potentially detect modern world.
Another strategy to find evidence for quantum gravity these waves, Wilczek adds.
is to look at the cosmic microwave background radiation, In a paper recently accepted by the journal Classical
the faint afterglow of the big bang, says cosmologist Alan and Quantum Gravity, however, astrophysicist Richard
Guth of M.I.T. Quanta such as gravitons fluctuate like Lieu of the University of Alabama, Huntsville, argues that
waves, and the shortest wavelengths would have the most LIGO should already have detected gravitons if they car-
intense fluctuations. When the cosmos expanded stagger- ry as much energy as some current models of particle
ingly in size within a sliver of a second after the big bang, physics suggest. It might be that the graviton just packs
according to Guth’s widely supported cosmological mod- less energy than expected, but Lieu suggests it might also
el known as inflation, these short wavelengths would have mean the graviton does not exist. “If the graviton does not
stretched to longer scales across the universe. This evi- exist at all, it will be good news to most physicists, since
dence of quantum gravity could be visible as swirls in the we have been having such a horrid time in developing a
polarization, or alignment, of photons from the cosmic theory of quantum gravity,” Lieu says.
microwave background radiation. Still, devising theories that eliminate the graviton may
However, the intensity of these patterns of swirls, be no easier than devising theories that keep it. “From a
known as B-modes, depends very much on the exact ener- theoretical point of view, it is very hard to imagine how
gy and timing of inflation. “Some versions of inflation pre- gravity could avoid being quantized,” Guth says. “I am not
dict that these B-modes should be found soon, while oth- aware of any sensible theory of how classical gravity could
er versions predict that the B-modes are so weak that interact with quantum matter, and I can't imagine how
there will never be any hope of detecting them,” Guth such a theory might work.”

Abraham Loeb is chair of the astronomy department at
Harvard University, founding director of Harvard's Black Hole
Initiative and director of the Institute for Theory and Compu-
tation at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.
He also chairs the advisory board for the Breakthrough
Starshot project.


Physics Is
Pointless without
Our discipline is a dialogue with nature,
not a monologue, as some theorists would
prefer to believe

A NEW DEBATE has recently emerged as to wheth-

er string theory admits even a single rigorous solu- Einstein made great
tion that includes a cosmological constant, as we discoveries based on pure
thought, but he also made
find observationally in the real universe. The debate mistakes. Only experiment
follows on a period of several decades during which and observation could
the mathematical richness of the theory has been determine which was which.

advanced considerably but with very limited connec-

tion to experimental testing. This experience inspired than an arena for demonstrating our intellectual mind that he was wrong about the fundamental na-
a new culture of doing theoretical physics without power. As students of experience, we should be al- ture of quantum mechanics as well as the existence
the need for experimental verification. lowed to make mistakes and correct our prejudices. of gravitational waves and black holes—which he dis-

Given our academic reward system of grades, Albert Einstein is admired for pioneering the use missed late in his career, and which were both con-
promotions and prizes, we sometimes forget that of thought experiments as a tool for unraveling the firmed observationally by LIGO in 2015, exactly a cen-
physics is a learning experience about nature rather truth about the physical reality. But we should keep in tury after he formulated the general theory of relativity.



Comprehensive Coverage
Given this humbling historical lesson, theoretical even though there is no evidence for any extra di-
physicists should be careful of premature hubris in mension beyond the 3+1 we witness in our daily life.

at Your Fingertips
celebrating conjectures and accept the final verdict Many of the same scientists who consider the
of experimental guillotines in setting the fate of un- study of extra dimensions as mainstream regard the
tested speculations. search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) as
The feedback from experimental data is essential. speculative. This mindset fails to recognize that SETI
At its foundation, physics is a dialogue with nature, merely involves searching elsewhere for something
not a monologue as some theorists would prefer to we already know exists on Earth, and the knowledge BUY NOW
believe. On my daily route to work, I am often remind- that a quarter of all stars host a potentially habitable
ed of the need for empirical verification by the sight Earth-size planet around them. This search should be
of the beautiful house purchased by Charles Ponzi in considered well within the boundaries of mainstream
1920, just months before his arrest for the fraudulent research, whereas the conjecture of extra dimensions
investment operations now commonly associated with should be regarded as highly speculative.
his last name. The experience of subjecting a theoretical con-
Ponzi made his fortune by promising investors jecture to an experimental test is humbling. If the
guaranteed revenues, a desirable theoretical scheme conjecture turns out to be wrong, it must be adjust-
that was socially acceptable until it was brought to an ed. Becoming a physicist brings with it the privilege
experimental test by the investors asking to cash out of retaining your childhood curiosity throughout your
their funds. Their shock at the time signified the need adult life. There is no need to pretend you know
for testing theoretical schemes before giving them more than you actually do, and you can admit mis-
the stamp of approval as descriptions of reality. takes if proven wrong by experience, just like a child
Similar to the way physicians are obliged to take who is seeking to learn about the world. Doing pure
the Hippocratic Oath, physicists should take a “Galile- theory without worrying about experimental verifica-
an Oath” in which they agree to gauge the value of tion actually deprives you from the pleasure of learn-
theoretical conjectures in physics based on how well ing something new about nature.
they are tested by experiments within their lifetime. Identifying the boundaries of our knowledge is
The risk for physics stems primarily from mathe- more exciting than taking pride in past knowledge.
matically beautiful “truths,” such as string theory, ac- And only our contact with reality itself through ex-
cepted prematurely for decades as a description of perimentation can direct our notions into new
reality just because of their elegance. This is a judg- realms. No one, not even Einstein, would have imag-
ment often guided by a social trend within physics to ined quantum mechanics without the experimental
feed off mathematical sophistication and prestige. It is data that led us to this unexpected notion of reality.
widely accepted today that the study of extra dimen-
sions is part of the mainstream in theoretical physics

Steven J. Dick is the former NASA chief historian and the former Baruch S. Blum-
berg NASA/Library of Congress Chair in Astrobiology. He is the author or editor of
20 books, including, most recently, Astrobiology, Discovery, and Societal Impact (Cam-
bridge, 2018). In 2006 Dick received the LeRoy E. Doggett Prize from the American
Astronomical Society for a career that has significantly influenced the field of the
history of astronomy. Minor planet 6544 Stevendick is named in his honor.


Astroethics and
As astronomers forge ahead in their
search for alien life, the ethical questions
a discovery would raise are becoming
more urgent


subsurface lake on Mars, ongoing investigations of
the oceans of Europa and Enceladus (complete with
shooting geysers!), the discovery of exoplanets num-
bering in the thousands and the $100-million Break-
through Listen SETI program well underway, the par-
adigm-shattering discovery of life beyond Earth could
be made any day. NASA is showing renewed interest ing the interdisciplinary conversation in a serious way, of astroethics—the contemplation and development
in SETI (it is sponsoring a meeting on technosigna- impelled by the increasing possibility of discovery. of ethical standards for a variety of outer space is-
tures in September), and a few intrepid organizations All of this activity gives new urgency to a whole sues, including terraforming the planets, resource
such as METI International are actually sending mes- series of ethical questions. Does Mars belong to the utilization, near-Earth asteroid threats, space explora-
sages to the stars (METI stands for “messaging ex- Martians, even if the Martians are only microbes? tion, planetary protection—and the discovery of extra-
traterrestrial intelligence”). What do we say in response to an alien message, and terrestrial life.


In recent months both Breakthrough Listen and who speaks for Earth? How do we treat aliens, either The problems involving E.T. life are particularly
the SETI Institute have sponsored both real and virtu- remotely or in a “close encounter of the third kind”? In fraught, especially if it talks back to us. Before we
al meetings to examine the societal impact should short, whether we discover alien microbes or ad- can act in any situation that involves life, it is first im-
their programs prove successful. Anthropologists, vanced alien life, we will immediately be faced with portant to assess the moral status of the organisms
historians, ethicists, philosophers and others are join- the problem of how to interact. Welcome to the world involved. This is no easy task, since we are ambigu-


ous about relations with animals on Earth, on the one verse and all or part of its life as a priority rather than ered. One has the feeling that even if a biocentric
hand sheltering them as beloved pets, on the other just humans or even terrestrial life in general. ethic is adopted in principle, human health will always
hand and rather arbitrarily hunting, eating and exter- Let’s look at some specific issues, beginning with take priority.
minating them. But a good deal of thought has been microbes, which many consider most likely to be the While the policy issues involved with the discovery
given to the subject of the moral status of Earth or- first discovery of life beyond the Earth. Microbes have of microbes are serious enough, the issues become
ganisms and the idea of intrinsic value on which it is always been a focus of attention in the context of even more daunting for extraterrestrial intelligence.
often based. Contemplating encounters with alien life Mars exploration, but now the focus is expanded to Once again they depend on the discovery scenario,
tremendously expands our ethical horizons. other water worlds of our solar system, such as Jupi- most urgently in connection with current programs for
The case of intelligent aliens also encompasses ter’s moon Europa or Saturn’s Enceladus. At first the indirect contact via SETI or METI, and most spectacu-
not just the problem of how we might treat them but issues might seem straightforward: NASA has a ro- larly in terms of impact if we ever make direct contact
also how they might act or react. In other words, it is bust planetary protection program whose goal is to with aliens on Earth or in our solar system, even in the
not just a question of our ethics. What about their protect all of the planets all of the time from contami- form of alien artifacts. The question of what to do in
ethics? Is there any basis for inferring whether alien nation or back contamination. the event of success in SETI has received consider-
intelligence might be good or bad? On Earth we ex- Beyond that, however, the scary fact is that no able attention in the form of SETI protocols adopted
hibit a mix of altruism and evil, but is there any reason guidance exists on what to do if microbial life is actu- three decades ago, which basically boil down to “con-
to believe altruism has triumphed among extraterres- ally discovered. In the context of microbes, it matters firm and then tell everybody.”
trials? Might there be such a thing as a universal eth- whether we adopt an anthropocentric or ratiocentric In other words, no false positives and no secrets.
ics in the form of a universal Golden Rule or a rever- ethic that confers intrinisic value only on reasoning While these protocols have been adopted by a num-
ence for life? Or is Star Trek’s “Prime Directive” of beings, or a biocentric ethic that values all living ber of international organizations such as the Inter-
nonintervention a naive one-way street, a recipe for things. It matters whether we consider microbes only national Astronomical Union, they have not been
our own extinction? Does the arc of the moral uni- of scientific value or whether they are considered to adopted by the United Nations and are not legally
verse indeed bend toward justice? have intrinsic value, in which case microbes have enforceable. Moreover, they have already been bro-
There are obviously many more questions than rights too—rights that we do not give their counter- ken. When a reporter calls an astronomer to ask
answers. Nonetheless, answers to these questions parts on Earth. Planetary contamination policies seem about a rumored detection, astronomers admirably
will inform our actions in real-world contacts with to confer rights on any microbes we may find on oth- tend not to lie, even before confirmation. Beyond
alien life under different scenarios. As I argue in my er worlds; the central goal of those policies, after all, that, there are no principles for dealing with a suc-
new book Astrobiology, Discovery and Societal Im- is to protect from contamination any planets that cessful SETI detection.
pact, by contemplating these issues, and certainly by might harbor life. That is a kind of biocentric ethic. And despite attempts, there are no protocols for
putting them into practice in the event of the discov- But it is an unstable and inconsistent one, since the messaging in METI, although there has been a
ery of life beyond Earth, we will not only address what by necessity on Earth we stamp out pathogenic mi- great deal of heated discussion about the ethics of
the World Economic Forum has called one of the crobes while at the same time realizing the microbi- initiating messages, both in terms of consultation and
“X-factors” in our near or far future but also transform ome is essential to human health. Thus, the status of message content. Opponents have gone so far as to
our thinking by moving from an anthropocentric ethic microbes is one of many ethical dilemmas we will suggest METI should be banned, and readers of Cix-
toward a “cosmocentric” one that establishes the uni- face if and when extraterrestrial microbes are discov- in Liu’s disturbing Three-Body Problem trilogy might


tend to agree as they witness the Trisolaran fleet ethic stipulating that our increasing cosmic con-
heading to Earth from the Alpha Centauri system. sciousness requires us to consider our place in the
In contrast, I argue that when it comes to METI— biological universe when we make ethical judg-
and all of astrobiology—we are a part of the uni- ments. We are, after all, part of the cosmos and
verse and cannot isolate ourselves from it. We will perhaps not the most important part when it comes
have to deal with microbes and aliens for good or ill to life—the central question of astrobiology. In this
in the same way we have had to deal with terrestri- view, when we ask about the rights of Martian life
als for good and ill. Certainly, we can have consulta- or how to treat alien intelligence, we should certain-
tions about message construction, content and ly avoid an anthropocentric stance that only hu-
other burning issues bound to arise. mans have moral status.
But it is good to recall that METI is just one Perhaps you think this is all rather esoteric, a
step ahead of SETI. If SETI is successful, we will subject for elites to contemplate while most people
reply, and all the questions METI practitioners are deal with the more pressing problems of daily life. In
now dealing with will immediately come to the fore. my view, you would be wrong. Yes, we have plenty
In my view, not only is it unrealistic to think we will of problems on Earth to deal with, but extraterrestri-
restrain ourselves from replying, it is also undesir- al contact may soon be one of them. Preparing for
able. An Earth where we have to limit our curiosity discovery is important to maximize the chances for a
is not the kind of place I want to live. We should beneficial outcome. And we should never forget that
take all necessary precautions, feel at home in the Earth is part of the universe, and the cosmic view of
universe and deal with the problems and the prom- astroethics and an accompanying cosmocentric eth-
ise as they come. ic might just give us a perspective on our problems
The questions we have been asking go to the that will help solve them. In addition, astroethics has
very core of the concepts of intrinsic value, moral the potential to influence multitudes with the rise of
status and their meaning for practical ethics. They the related discipline of astrotheology, the study of
raise the issue of whether an anthropocentric ethic alien behavior, now also a hot topic and the subject
is enough for an astroethics dealing with alien life, of many books. But that is another question.
even when extended to environmental ethics and
deep ecology, or whether we need something even
broader: a “cosmocentric ethic,” as NASA engineer,
biologist and philosopher Mark Lupisella and space
policy analyst John Logsdon suggested two de-
cades ago.
I would argue that we do, in the sense that at a
minimum we should apply a basic cosmocentric

Carlo Rovelli is a theoretical physicist at
Aix-Marseille University in France and one
of the developers of loop quantum gravity.


Philosophy has always played an
essential role in the development of science,
physics in particular, and is likely to
continue to do so

CONTRARY TO CLAIMS ABOUT the irrelevance of many expected it challenge the validity of philosophical Stephen Hawking famously wrote in The Grand De-
philosophy for science, philosophy has always had, and assumptions common among theoretical physicists, sign that “philosophy is dead” because the big ques-
still has, far more influence on physics than commonly inviting us to engage in a clearer philosophical reflec- tions that used to be discussed by philosophers are
assumed. A certain current antiphilosophical ideology tion on scientific method. now in the hands of physicists.2 Neil deGrasse Tyson


has had damaging effects on the fertility of science. “Against Philosophy” is the title of a chapter in publicly stated that “we learn about the expanding uni-
The recent momentous steps taken by experimental Dreams of a Final Theory, written by one of the great verse,… we learn about quantum physics, each of
physics are all rebuttals of today's freely speculative physicists of the last generation, Steven Weinberg.1 which falls so far out of what you can deduce from
attitude in theoretical physics. Empirical results such Weinberg argues eloquently that philosophy is more your armchair that the entire community of philoso-
as the detection of the Higgs particle and gravitational damaging than helpful for physics—it is often a strait- phers … was rendered essentially obsolete.”3 I dis-
waves and the failure to detect supersymmetry where jacket that physicists have to free themselves from. agree. Philosophy has always had an essential role in


the development of science, physics in particular, and Here are a few examples of this influence, from
is very likely to continue to do so. Quantum mechanics astronomy and physics. Ancient astronomy—that is,
This is a long-standing debate. An early delight- springs from Heisenberg’s everything we know about Earth being round, its size,
ful chapter of the debate was played out in Athens
during its classical period. At the time, the golden
intuition, grounded in the size of the moon and the sun, the distances to the
moon and the sun, the motion of the planets in the sky,
youth of the city were educated in famous schools. the strongly positivist and the basis from which modern astronomy and mod-
Two stood out: the school of Isocrates's and the philosophical atmosphere ern physics have emerged—is a direct descendant of
Academy, founded by a certain Plato. The rivalry be- philosophy. The questions that motivated these devel-
tween the two was not just about quality: their ap-
in which he found himself: opments were posed in the Academy and the Lyceum,
proach to education was different. Isocrates's of- one gets knowledge by motivated by theoretical rather than practical concerns.
fered a high-level practical education, teaching restricting oneself to what Centuries later Galileo and Newton took great steps
young people the skills and knowledge directly re- ahead, but they relied heavily on what had come be-
quired to become politicians, lawyers, judges, archi- is observable. fore.5 They extended previous knowledge, reinterpret-
tects, and so on. The Academy focused on discuss- ing, reframing and building on it. Galileo’s work would
ing general questions about foundations: What is have been inconceivable without Aristotelian physics.
justice? What would be the best laws? What is wrote a short work in response to Isocrates’ criticisms: Newton was explicit about his debt to ancient philoso-
beauty? What is matter made of? And Plato had the Protrepticus, a text that became famous in antiqui- phers, Democritus in particular, for ideas that arose
invented a good name for this way of posing prob- ty. The bright young fellow who authored the pamphlet originally from philosophical motivations, such as the
lems: “philosophy.” later left Athens but eventually returned to open his notions of empty space, atomism and natural rectilin-
Isocrates's criticisms of Plato’s approach to edu- own school and had quite a career. His name was ear motion. His crucial discussion about the nature of
cation and knowledge were direct and remarkably Aristotle. Two millennia of development of the sci- space and time built on his discussions with (and
like the claim by those contemporary scientists who ences and philosophy have vindicated and, if any- against) Descartes.
argue that philosophy has no role in science: “Those thing, strengthened Aristotle’s defense of philosophy In the 20th century both major advances in physics
who do philosophy, who determine the proofs and against Isocrates’ accusations of futility. His argu- were strongly influenced by philosophy. Quantum me-
the arguments … and are accustomed to enquiring, ments are still relevant, and we can take inspiration chanics springs from Heisenberg’s intuition, grounded
but take part in none of their practical functions,… from them to reply to the current claims that philoso- in the strongly positivist philosophical atmosphere in
even if they happen to be capable of handling some- phy is useless to physics. which he found himself: one gets knowledge by re-
thing, they automatically do it worse, whereas those The first of Aristotle’s arguments is the fact that stricting oneself to what is observable. The abstract of
who have no knowledge of the arguments [of philos- general theory supports and happens to be useful Heisenberg’s 1925 milestone paper on quantum theo-
ophy], if they are trained [in concrete sciences] and for the development of practice. Today, after a couple ry is explicit about this: “The aim of this work is to set
have correct opinions, are altogether superior for all of millennia during which both philosophy and sci- the basis for a theory of quantum mechanics based
practical purposes. Hence for sciences, philosophy is ence have developed considerably, historical evi- exclusively on relations between quantities that are in
entirely useless.”4 dence regarding the influence of philosophy on sci- principle observable.”6 The same distinctly philosophi-
As it happened, a brilliant student in Plato’s school ence is overwhelming. cal attitude nourished Einstein’s discovery of special


relativity: by restricting to what is observable, we rec- scientists had to say about the usefulness of philoso- of science they have read or whose ideas they have
ognize that the notion of simultaneity is misleading. phy, physicists such as Heisenberg, Schrödinger, Bohr absorbed from their environment. The imprint is un-
Einstein recognized very explicitly his debt to the philo- and Einstein, we find opposite opinions to those of mistakable. When viewed as an ensemble of pseudo-
sophical writings of Mach and Poincaré. The philo- Hawking and Weinberg. statements—words that resemble statements but
sophical influences on the conception of general rela- Here is a second argument from Aristotle: those have no proper meaning—of the kind recurrent, for
tivity were even stronger. Once again, he was explicit in who deny the utility of philosophy are doing philosophy. instance, in the way Tyson mocks philosophy, these
recognizing his debt to the philosophical arguments in The point is less trivial than it may sound at first. Wein- criticisms are easily traced to the Vienna Circle’s anti-
Leibniz, Berkeley and Mach. Einstein claimed that even berg and Hawking have obtained important scientific metaphysical stance.10 Behind these anathemas
Schopenhauer had had a pervasive influence on him. results. In doing this, they were doing science. In writ- against “philosophy,” one can almost hear the Vienna
Schopenhauer’s ideas on time and representation are ing things like “philosophy is useless to physics” or Circle’s slogan of “no metaphysics!” Thus, when Wein-
perhaps not so hard to recognize in Einstein’s ideas “philosophy is dead,” they were not doing physics. They berg and Hawking state that philosophy is useless,
leading to general relativity.7 Can it really be a coinci- were reflecting on the best way to develop science. they are actually stating their adhesion to a particular
dence that, in his younger days, the greatest physicist The issue is the methodology of science: a central philosophy of science.
of the 20th century should have had such a clear fo- concern in the philosophy of science is to ask how In principle there’s nothing wrong with that, but the
cus on philosophy,8 reading Kant’s Three Critiques science is done and how it could be done to be more problem is that it is not a very good philosophy of sci-
when he was 15? effective. Good scientists reflect on their own method- ence. On the one hand, Newton, Maxwell, Boltzmann,
Why this influence? Because philosophy provides ology, and it is appropriate that Weinberg and Hawking Darwin, Lavoisier and so many other major scientists
methods leading to novel perspectives and critical have done so too. But how? They express a certain worked within a different methodological perspective
thinking. Philosophers have tools and skills that phys- idea about the methodology of science. Is this the and did pretty good science as well. On the other
ics needs yet are not part of the physics training: con- eternal truth about how science has always worked hand, philosophy of science has advanced since Car-
ceptual analysis, attention to ambiguity, accuracy of and should work? Is it the best understanding of sci- nap, Popper and Kuhn, recognizing that the way sci-
expression and the ability to detect gaps in standard ence we have at present? ence effectively works is richer and more subtle than
arguments, to devise radically new perspectives, to It is neither. In fact, it is not difficult to trace the the way it was portrayed in the analysis of these think-
spot conceptual weak points and to seek out alterna- origins of their ideas. They arise from the back- ers. Weinberg and Hawking’s error is to mistake a par-
tive conceptual explanations. Nobody puts this better ground of logical positivism, corrected by Popper ticular, historically circumscribed, limited understanding
than Einstein himself: “A knowledge of the historic and and Kuhn. The current dominant methodological of science for the eternal logic of science itself.
philosophical background gives that kind of indepen- ideology in theoretical physics relies on their notions The weakness of their position is the lack of
dence from prejudices of his generation from which of falsifiability and scientific revolution, which are awareness of its frail historical contingency. They
most scientists are suffering. This independence creat- popular among theoretical physicists; they are often present science as a discipline with an obvious and
ed by philosophical insight is—in my opinion—the mark referred to and are used to orient research and eval- uncontroversial methodology, as if this had been the
of distinction between a mere artisan or specialist and uate scientific work. same from Bacon to the detection of gravitational
a real seeker after truth.”9 It is sometimes said that Hence, in declaring the uselessness of philosophy, waves or as if it was completely obvious what we
scientists do not do anything unless they first get per- Weinberg, Hawking and other “antiphilosophical” sci- should be doing and how we should be doing it
mission from philosophy. If we read what the greatest entists are in fact paying homage to the philosophers when we do science.


Reality is different. Science has repeatedly rede- well. Science is not simply an increasing body of em-
fined its own understanding of itself, along with its “A knowledge of the pirical information and a sequence of changing theo-
goals, its methods and its tools. This flexibility has historic and philosophical ries. It is also the evolution of our own conceptual
played a major part in its success. Let us consider a
few examples from physics and astronomy. In light of
background gives that kind structure. It is the continuous search for the best con-
ceptual structure for grasping the world at a given lev-
Hipparchus's and Ptolemy’s extraordinarily successful of independence from el of knowledge. The modification of the conceptual
predictive theories, the goal of astronomy was to find prejudices of his generation structure needs to be achieved from within our own
the right combination of circles to describe the motion thinking rather as a sailor must rebuild his own boat
of the heavenly bodies around Earth. Contrary to ex-
from which most scientists while sailing, to use the beautiful simile of Otto Neur-
pectations, it turned out that Earth was itself one of are suffering. This ath of Austria so often quoted by American philoso-
the heavenly bodies. After Copernicus, the goal ap- independence created by pher Willard Quine.11
peared to be to find the right combination of moving This intertwining of learning and conceptual
spheres that would reproduce the motion of the plan- philosophical insight is—in change and this evolution of methodology and objec-
ets around the sun. Contrary to expectations, it turned my opinion—the mark of tives have developed historically in a constant dialogue
out that abstract elliptical trajectories were better than between practical science and philosophical reflection.
spheres. After Newton, it seemed clear that the aim of
distinction between a mere The views of scientists, whether they like it or not, are
physics was to find the forces acting on bodies. Con- artisan or specialist and a impregnated by philosophy.
trary to this, it turned out that the world could be better real seeker after truth.” And here we come back to Aristotle: philosophy
described by dynamic fields rather than bodies. After provides guidance about how research must be done.
Faraday and Maxwell, it was clear that physics had to —Albert Einstein Not because philosophy can offer a final word about
find laws of motion in space, as time passes. Contrary the right methodology of science (contrary to the phil-
to assumptions, it turned out that space and time are osophical stance of Weinberg and Hawking), but be-
themselves dynamic. After Einstein, it became clear structure. It is our ever evolving endeavor to better un- cause the scientists who deny the role of philosophy in
that physics must search for only the deterministic derstand the world. In the course of its development, it the advancement of science are those who think they
laws of nature. But it turned out that we can at best has repeatedly violated its own rules and its own stat- have already found the final methodology—they have
give probabilistic laws. And so on. ed methodological assumptions. already exhausted and answered all methodological
Here are some sliding definitions for what scien- A common current description of what scientists questions. They are consequently less open to the
tists have thought science to be: deduction of general do is collecting data and making sense of them in the conceptual flexibility needed to go ahead. They are the
laws from observed phenomena, finding out the ulti- form of theories. As time goes by, new data are ac- ones trapped in the ideology of their time.
mate constituents of nature, accounting for regularities quired and theories evolve. In this picture, scientists are One reason for the relative sterility of theoretical
in empirical observations, finding provisional conceptu- depicted as rational beings who play this game using physics over the past few decades may well be pre-
al schemes for making sense of the world. (The last their intelligence, a specific language and a well-estab- cisely that the wrong philosophy of science is held
one is the one I like.) Science is not a project with a lished cultural and conceptual structure. The problem dear today by many physicists. Popper and Kuhn, pop-
methodology written in stone or a fixed conceptual with this picture is that conceptual structures evolve as ular among theoretical physicists, have shed light on


important aspects of the way good science works, but chance is negligible; more important, nature always maic astronomy, Newtonian gravity and special relativi-
their picture of science is incomplete, and I suspect surprises us, and we, limited critters, are far less cre- ty. The contradictions and unexplained coincidences
that, taken prescriptively and uncritically, their insights ative and imaginative than we may think. When we they found in these would open the way to a new con-
have ended up misleading research. proudly consider ourselves to be “speculating widely,” ceptualization.
Kuhn’s emphasis on discontinuity and incommen- we are mostly playing out rearrangements of old It is not fishing out unfalsified theories and test-
surability has misled many theoretical and experimen- tunes: true novelty that works is not something we can ing them that brings results. Rather it is a sophisti-
tal physicists into not valuing the formidable cumula- just find by guesswork. cated use of induction, building on a vast and ev-
tive aspects of scientific knowledge. Popper’s empha- The radical conceptual shifts and the most uncon- er-growing accumulation of empirical and theoretical
sis on falsifiability, originally a demarcation criterion, ventional ideas that have actually worked have indeed knowledge, that provides the hints we need to move
has been flatly misinterpreted as an evaluation criteri- been always historically motivated, almost forced, ei- ahead. Einstein’s relativity was not a new idea: it was
on. The combination of the two has given rise to disas- ther by the overwhelming weight of new data or by a Einstein’s realization of the extensive validity of Gali-
trous methodological confusion: the idea that past well-informed analysis of the internal contradictions lean relativity. There was no discontinuity: in fact, it
knowledge is irrelevant when searching for new theo- within existing, successful theories. Science works was continuity at its best. It was Einstein’s insightful
ries; that all unproved ideas are equally interesting and through continuity, not discontinuity. conservatism in the face of those who were too
all unmeasured effects are equally likely to occur; and Examples of the first case—novelty forced by ready to discard the relativity of velocity, just because
that the work of a theoretician consists in pulling arbi- data—are Kepler’s ellipses and quantum theory. Kepler of Maxwell’s equations. I think this lesson is missed by
trary possibilities out of the blue and developing them did not just “come out with the idea” of ellipses: nature much contemporary theoretical physics, where plenty
because anything that has not yet been falsified might had to splash ellipses on his face before he could see of research directions are too quick to discard what we
in fact be right. them. He was using ellipses as an approximation for have already found out about nature.
This is the current “Why not?” ideology: any new the epicyclic motion of Mars and was astonished to Three major empirical results have marked recent
idea deserves to be studied just because it has not find that the approximation worked better than his fundamental physics: gravitational waves, the Higgs
yet been falsified; any idea is equally probable be- model.12 Similarly, atomic physicists of the early 20th and the absence of supersymmetry at the Large Had-
cause a step further ahead on the knowledge trail century struggled long and hard against the idea of ron Collider. All three are confirmations of old physics
there may be a Kuhnian discontinuity that was not discontinuities in the basic laws, doing everything they and disconfirmations of widespread speculation. In all
predictable on the basis of past knowledge; any ex- could to avoid accepting the clear message from spec- three cases, nature is telling us: do not speculate so
periment is equally interesting, provided it tests troscopy, that is, that there was actually discontinuity in freely. So let’s look more closely at these examples.
something as yet untested. the very heart of mechanics. In both instances, the The detection of gravitational waves, rewarded by
I think that this methodological philosophy has giv- important new idea was forced by data. the last Nobel Prize in fundamental physics, has
en rise to much useless theoretical work in physics Examples of the second case—radical novelty from been a radical confirmation of century-old general
and many useless experimental investments. Arbitrary old theories—are the heliocentric system and general relativity. The nearly simultaneous detection in Au-
jumps in the unbounded space of possibilities have relativity. Neither Copernicus nor Einstein relied signifi- gust 2017 of gravitational and electromagnetic sig-
never been an effective way to do science. The reason cantly on new data. But neither did their ideas come nals from the merging of two neutron stars by the
is twofold: first, there are too many possibilities, and out of the blue. They both started from an insightful LIGO and Virgo detectors has improved our knowl-
the probability of stumbling on a good one by pure analysis of successful well-established theories: Ptole- edge of the ratio between the speeds of propagation


of gravity and electromagnetism by something like Recent attention to Bayesian accounts of confirma-
14 orders of magnitude in a single stroke.13 One Einstein’s “relativity” tion in science is common in the philosophy of sci-
consequence of this momentous increase in our em- was not a new idea: it was ence but largely ignored in the theoretical physics
community, with negative effects, in my opinion.14
pirical knowledge has been to rule out a great many
theories put forward as alternatives to general rela-
Einstein’s realization What I intend here is not a criticism of Popper
tivity, ideas that have been studied by a large com- of the extensive validity and Kuhn, whose writings are articulate and obvi-
munity of theoreticians over the past decades, con- of Galilean relativity. ously insightful. What I am pointing out is that a sim-
firming instead the century-old general relativity as pleminded version of their outlooks has been taken
the best theory of gravity available at present.
There was no casually by many physicists as the ultimate word on
The well-publicized detection of the Higgs particle discontinuity: in fact, the methodology of science.
at CERN has confirmed the Standard Model as the it was continuity Far from being immune from philosophy, current
best current theory for high-energy physics, against physics is deeply affected by philosophy. But the
scores of later alternatives that have long been receiv- at its best. lack of philosophical awareness needed to recog-
ing much attention. nize this influence, and the refusal to listen to philos-
But CERN’s emphasis on the discovery of the ophers who try to make amends for it, is a source of
Higgs when the Large Hadron Collider became op- bility across scientific revolutions, they fail to build weakness for physics.
erational has also served to hide the true surprise: on what we already know, which is how science has Here is one last argument from Aristotle: more in
the absence of supersymmetric particles where a always moved forward. A good example of this is the need of philosophy are the sciences where perplexi-
generation of theoretical physicists had been expect- disregard for general relativity’s background inde- ties are greater.
ing to find them. Despite rivers of ink and flights of pendence in many attempts to incorporate gravity Today fundamental physics is in a phase of deep
fancy, the minimal supersymmetric model suddenly into the rest of fundamental physics. conceptual change because of the success of gen-
finds itself in difficulty. So once again, nature has Similarly, the emphasis on falsifiability has made eral relativity and quantum mechanics and the open
seriously rebuffed the free speculations of a large physicists blind to a fundamental aspect of scientific “crisis” (in the sense of Kuhn, I would rather say “op-
community of theoretical physicists who ended up knowledge: the fact that credibility has degrees and portunity”) generated by the lack of an accepted
firmly believing them. Nature’s repeated snub of the that reliability can be extremely high, even when it quantum theory of gravity. This is why some scien-
current methodology in theoretical physics should falls short of absolute certainty. This has a doubly tists, including myself, working as I do on quantum
encourage a certain humility, rather than arrogance, negative effect: considering the insights of success- gravity, are more acutely aware of the importance of
in our philosophical attitude. ful theories as irrelevant for progress in science (be- philosophy for physics. Here is a list of topics cur-
Part of the problem is precisely that the domi- cause “they could be falsified tomorrow”) and failing rently discussed in theoretical physics: What is
nant ideas of Popper and Kuhn (perhaps not even to see that a given investigation may have little plau- space? What is time? What is the “present”? Is the
fully digested) have misled current theoretical inves- sibility even if it has not yet been falsified. world deterministic? Do we need to take the observ-
tigations. Physicists have been too casual in dis- The scientific enterprise is founded on degrees er into account to describe nature? Is physics better
missing the insights of successful established theo- of credibility, which are constantly updated on the formulated in terms of a “reality” or in terms of “what
ries. Misled by Kuhn’s insistence on incommensura- basis of new data or new theoretical developments. we observe,” or is there a third option? What is the


quantum wave function? What exactly does “emer- in to science. No great philosopher of the past Individuation of Physical Systems. D. Howard in The Cosmos of
Science: Essays of Exploration. Edited by John Earman and John D.
gence” mean? Does a theory of the totality of the would ever have thought for a moment of not tak- Norton. Pittsburgh-Konstanz Series in the Philosophy and History of
universe make sense? Does it make sense to think ing seriously the knowledge of the world offered by Science, Vol. 6. University of Pittsburgh Press 1997.
8. ‘A Kind of Vessel in which the Struggle for Eternal Truth is Played
that physical laws themselves might evolve? It is the science of their times. Out’: Albert Einstein and the Role of Personality in Science. D. Howard
clear to me that input from past and current philo- Science is an integral and essential part of our in The Natural History of Paradigms: Science and the Process of
Intellectual Evolution. Edited by John H. Langdon and Mary E. McGann.
sophical thinking cannot be disregarded in ad- culture. It is far from being capable of answering all University of Indianapolis Press, 1994.
dressing these topics. the questions we ask, yet it is an extremely powerful 9. Letter to Robert A. Thornton, 7 December 1944. Albert Einstein. EA
61-574 in The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, multiple volumes.
In loop quantum gravity, my own technical area, tool. Our general knowledge is the result of the con- Princeton University Press, 1986–present.
Newtonian space and time are reinterpreted as a tributions from vastly different domains, from science 10. Überwindung der Metaphysik durch Logische Analyse der Sprach.
R. Carnap in Erkenntnis, Vol. 2, 1932. English translation: “The
manifestation of something which is granular, prob- to philosophy, all the way to literature and the arts, Elimination of Metaphysics Through Logical Analysis of Language” in
abilistic and fluctuating in a quantum sense. Space, and our capacity to integrate them. Logical Empiricism at its Peak: Schlick, Carnap, and Neurath. Edited by
Sahotra Sarkar. Garland Publishing, 1996.
time, particles and fields get fused into a single Those philosophers who discount science—and 11. Word and Object. Willard Van Orman Quine. MIT Press, 2015.
entity: a quantum field that does not live in space there are many of them—do a serious disservice to 12. Astronomia Nova. Johannes Kepler. Translated by William H.
Donahue. Cambridge University Press, 1992.
or time. The variables of this field acquire definite- intelligence and civilization. When they claim that 13. GW170817: Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary
ness only in interactions between subsystems. The entire fields of knowledge are impermeable to sci- Neutron Star Inspiral. B. P. Abbott and the LIGO Scientific Collaboration
& Virgo Collaboration, in Physical Review Letters, Vol. 119, No. 16;
fundamental equations of the theory have no ex- ence and that they are the ones who know better, 2017. Also, “Multi-messenger Observations of a Binary Neutron Star
plicit space or time variables. Geometry appears they remind me of two little old men on a park bench: Merger.” B. P. Abbott et al. in Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 848, No. 2;
October 20, 2017.
only in approximations. Objects exist within approx- “Aaah,” says one, his voice shaking, “all these scien- 14. The worst episode of this misunderstanding is the confusion
imations. Realism is tempered by a strong dose of tists who claim they can study consciousness or the between the (strong) common-sense notion of “confirmation” and the
(weak) Bayesian notion of “confirmation” that has driven the
relationalism. I think we physicists need to discuss beginning of the universe.” “Ohhh,” says the other, controversy over Richard Dawid's work on non-empirical confirmation
with philosophers because I think we need help in “how absurd! Of course, they can’t understand these [String Theory and the Scientific Method. Richard Dawid. Cambridge
University Press, 2013]. An attempt to study the actual source of
making sense of all this. things. We do!” (possibly unjustified) confidence in a theory has been re-trumpeted by
To be fair, some manifestations of antiphilo- scientists as a proof of validity.
sophical attitudes in scientific circles are also a 1. Against Philosophy. Steven Weinberg in Dreams of a Final Theory.
reaction to antiscientific attitudes in some areas of Vintage Books, 1992.
2. The Grand Design. Stephen Hawking. Bantam Books, 2010.
philosophy and other humanities. In the 3. Neil deGrasse Tyson and the Value of Philosophy. Massimo Pigliucci
post-Heideggerian atmosphere that dominates in Scientia Salon, published online May 12, 2014.
4. Isocrates, as quoted in Protrepticus: Ad Fidem Codicis Florentini, by
some philosophy departments, ignorance of sci- Iamblichus. Edited by Pistelli, Ermenegildo. DeGruyter, 1996.
ence is something to exhibit with pride. Just as the 5. Aristotle's Physics: A Physicist's Look. C. Rovelli in Journal of the
American Philosophical Association, published online 27 March 2015.
best science listens keenly to philosophy, so the Preprint available at
best philosophy listens keenly to science. This has 6. Über Quantentheoretische Umdeutung Kinematischer und
Mechanischer Beziehungen. W. Heisenberg in Zeitschrift fur Physik, Vol.
certainly been so in the past: from Aristotle and 33, No. 1, pages 879–893; 1925.
Plato to Descartes, Hume, Kant, Husserl and Lewis, 7. A Peek behind the Veil of Maya: Einstein, Schopenhauer, and the
Historical Background of the Conception of Space as a Ground for the
the best philosophy has always been closely tuned




The sky is always changing. The planets move overhead as they trace their
paths around the sun, and the moon rotates through the heavens as it circles
our own world. Though the stars that provide their backdrop stay fixed in
relation to one another, they too spin above as Earth makes its daily revolu-
tion and its yearly passage around the sun. To appreciate this ever-changing
view, grab these sky maps, go outside at night and look up!


Astronomical Events October—November 2018: Visibility of planets

October—November 2018 Two of the brightest planets can be seen in the evening sky: Saturn and Mars. Jupiter’s
visibility is coming to an end as the planet moves closer to the wun. Venus switches from
the evening to the morning sky, where it appears as a bright object in November.
October Event

2 Moon: last quarter

Moon reaches northernmost declination (+20.7°)

Venus is in
5 Venus stationary
inferior conjunction on
Moon at perigee (366,392 km), apparent diameter 32´ 36˝ October 26. The planet reap-
pears in the morning sky in
9 New moon east-southeast direction around No-
11 Evening sky: moon near Jupiter vember 3, about 30 minutes before sun-
rise. Its morning visibility then strongly
14 Evening sky: moon near Saturn improves, and you might notice the daily
motion of Venus relative to the star Spica,
15 Moon reaches southernmost declination (–22.0°)
the brightest star in the constellation
16 Moon: first quarter Virgo. Again, binoculars are recom-
mended, because Spica is five
17 Moon at apogee (404,227 km), apparent diameter 29´ 35˝ magnitudes fainter
Evening sky: moon near Mars than Venus.

22 Morning sky: maximum of Orionid meteor shower

Mars is moving
24 Uranus in opposition eastward through the
Moon: full moon constellation Capricornus and
enters Aquarius on November 11.
26 Venus in inferior conjunction The red planet becomes visible at
dusk, when it is well above the south-
31 Moon: last quarter
ern horizon. Its brightness gradually
Moon at perigee (370,204 km), apparent diameter 32´ 16˝ Saturn is about decreases during October and No-
halfway between Jupiter vember. The waxing moon is near
and Mars in the evening sky in Mars in the evening sky on
the constellation Sagittarius, close October 17 and
to the Milky Way’s center. If you want November 15.

to observe Saturn’s famous rings in a
telescope now is the time—for the


remainder of the year Saturn will
move too close to the sun for



Astronomical Events October—November 2018: Visibility of planets

October—November 2018 Two of the brightest planets can be seen in the evening sky: Saturn and Mars. Jupiter’s
visibility is coming to an end as the planet moves closer to the sun. Venus switches from
the evening to the morning sky, where it appears as a bright object in November.
November Event
2 Morning sky: moon near Regulus
6 Mercury greatest elongation east (23°)
7 Moon: new moon Mercury remains hid-
11 Evening sky: moon near Saturn den in the sun’s bright glare
during October. The innermost planet
12 Occultation of dwarf planet Pluto by the moon achieves its greatest eastern elongation on
November 6. Around this date, Mercury might be
Moon reaches southernmost declination (–22.2°) spotted in the southwest direction with the help of
14 Venus stationary binoculars about 40 minutes after sunset, when the
evening sky is still bright. The planet is only 3° above the
Moon at apogee (404,339 km), apparent diameter 29´ 32˝ horizon at this time and it will set 20 minutes later. But
make sure not to confuse Mercury with the somewhat
15 Moon: first quarter
brighter Jupiter, which is nearly at the same altitude, but
Evening sky: moon near Mars 8° further to the west. The best chance to see Mercury
is on the evening of November 9, about 45 minutes
17 Mercury stationary after sunset: in the southwest sky Mercury is 9°
Minor planet Juno at opposition vertically beneath the 2.3-day-old waxing moon.
On November 27, Mercury is in inferior
18 Maximum of Leonid meteor shower conjunction, between the Earth
and the sun.
23 Moon: full moon
25 Neptune stationary
26 Jupiter in conjunction with sun
Moon reaches northernmost declination (+21.1°)
Moon at perigee (366,620 km), apparent diameter 32´ 35˝ Jupiter can only
be seen in the evening sky,
27 Mercury in inferior conjunction close to the horizon after suset.

From early November it becomes
29 Morning sky: moon near Regulus too close to the sun for observa-
30 Moon: last quarter tion. The gas planet is in con-


junction with the sun on
November 26.


REPORT Perseus
9h 11 h

h 12 h
60 jor




Hold this sky map so that


M 81/82 NW

the direction you are facing

is located at the bottom of



the page. For example, if you


are looking north, rotate the

α apella

map 180 degrees so that the Ursa Minor

α Polaris
“N” on the edge of the circle

15 h
is down. White dots denote 80

Bor ona
stars, purple lines mark α






ra α
constellations, and yellow




Cepheus α


symbols mark bright objects γ

α b


such as star clusters. The red





line running from one side of 4h
ng Ve
ul M3 h
um 16
b 1 α

Deneb a
the sky to the other represents M
n Lyr

33 Lacerta

Oc α
the ecliptic—the plane of our t2 And 40


5 eda

solar system and the path the α


e cula ch
planets take around the sun. Vulp hiu

Pegas Op


The moon also orbits closely 20 Delphinus Sagitta
in line with the ecliptic, so it s Oc
3 Pis α
ce ε
can be found here. 3h s

e ns
a erp
Equuleus Aquil S

Cetu Oc Aqua
s rius um
1 Scut
ne Oct
M 24
The reference point is 100° W and
40° N and the exact time is 10 p.m. EST b Oct
19 Saturn
M 20
or 9 p.m. CST.
2h M8 h
–20 18
Oct 17 Pluto Oct 15
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Fomalhaut Sagittarius
Apparent magnitudes
M 55 ε
1h Piscis Austrinus 19h
Open cluster Microscopium

Grus Corona
Globular cluster


Galaxy α
0h 20h

Nebula 23h 21h Centauru

Grus 22h



h 13 h
10 Ursa

b Maj h
h or r

60 M



Hold this sky map so that NW

the direction you are facing /82
M 81

is located at the bottom of
the page. For example, if you



are looking north, rotate the

M 13

map 180 degrees so that the Ursa Minor



“N” on the edge of the circle

17 h


is down. White dots denote



stars, purple lines mark





α Veg
constellations, and yellow

Cass eu

iope h

symbols mark bright objects b
α γ

h+ 60 us
such as star clusters. The red Pe c
b gn
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b αDe Cy
line running from one side of 6h b h

the sky to the other represents
ta ε c
M 31 Lacer

a Ple Vu

the ecliptic—the plane of our 40


es Tria

Hyades ngu
Or lum M 33 b Andromed
ion a itta s
solar system and the path the Sag en

Ari rp
es s Se

α b

planets take around the sun. M
42 Ata
ir α

The moon also orbits closely κ
No Ur 20
v2 an uil
a um
us Aq ut
1 us Sc
in line with the ecliptic, so it Rig
α ε

can be found here. 5h h


Erid v1 0
Nept uarius
une Aq

Nov Mars
Cetus 17
The reference point is 100° W and
40° N and the exact time is 10 p.m. EST s
Nov 15 Capricornu σ
or 9 p.m. CST. b Nov 13
4h –20

-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Fomalhaut α Piscis Austrinus

Sculptor Microscopium
Apparent magnitudes
3h 21h
Open cluster

Globular cluster


Galaxy 2h
α Grus
Nebula 1h 23h
0h α

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