Student Name and Ethan Taylor Surname:: Submission and Plagiarism Declaration

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Student name and Ethan Taylor


Student number: 3002076

Hospitality Management with AHLEI

Program: recognition

Occupational Health and safety Subject /

Subject / Module: Module

Occupational Health and safety Individual

Assignment title: Research Assignment

Submission date: 10 September 2020

Submission and plagiarism declaration:

I, the undersigned, hereby declares that this material, which I now submit for assessment, is entirely my
own work and has not been taken from the work of others. I understand that plagiarism, collusion and
copying are grave and serious offences and accept the penalties that would be imposed should I engage in
plagiarism, collusion or copying. All the sources of facts, ideas, opinions and viewpoints have been
referenced correctly. Direct quotations from books, journal articles, internet sources, module texts or any
other source whatsoever are acknowledged, cited and identified in the reference list. This assignment, nor
any part of it, has been previously submitted by myself, or any other person, for any form of assessment.

Student signature
Student name and Ethan Taylor

Student number: 3002076

Program: Hospitality Management with AHLEI recognition

Occupational Health and safety Subject /

Subject / Module: Module

Occupational Health and safety Individual Research

Assignment title: Assignment

Submission date: 10 September 2020

Submission and plagiarism declaration:

I, the undersigned, hereby declares that this material, which I now submit for assessment, is entirely my
own work and has not been taken from the work of others. I understand that plagiarism, collusion and
copying are grave and serious offences and accept the penalties that would be imposed should I engage in
plagiarism, collusion or copying. All the sources of facts, ideas, opinions and viewpoints have been
referenced correctly. Direct quotations from books, journal articles, internet sources, module texts or any
other source whatsoever are acknowledged, cited and identified in the reference list. This assignment, nor
any part of it, has been previously submitted by myself, or any other person, for any form of assessment.

Student signature
Assignment Instructions
Answer the following questions.

1. Identify the document below page.                                                          (1)

2. Explain the significance of having this document at your premises.
3. Explain the procedures that will follow if Mr. Deal sells his food premises to another
person. (5)
4. Identify the criteria that a food inspector will judge in order to grant this document (6)
5. Another requirement that a food premises must adhere to is to have at least one
qualified First Aider per department. Provide the correct emergency procedures to
be administered for the following accidents:

 Fractures                                                   (5)

 Choking                                                     (5)
 Fainting                                                     (5)

Total : 30
1. Certificate of acceptability for food premises
2. Certificate of acceptability for food premises shows evidently that a business being
runned is legal and also is required to be placed in a visible area. The document shows
that the restaurant is compliant with food hygiene requirements as mandated by law.
Essentially, they provide for a mandatory inspection, by a local authority health officer,
of any business that provides and or sells food to the public. ... Every establishment that
prepares and or sells food to a consumer is required to hold a valid “certificate of
a) The certificate also ensures that the tax compliance organizations can follow up on
whether your business is in accordance with the tax requirements.
b) The certificate also makes a business eligible to be insured as it is a requirement
that for a business to be insured it must be legal.
3. Depending on different laws in different regions all over the world selling your
certificate of acceptability to another business is a punishable offence in a court of law.
The business or person selling his or her certificate may have his/ her business banned
and, also the seller and the buyer may face heavy fines and also a jail term depending
on the severity of the offence.
In other instances, the seller and, the buyer may be indefinitely banned to access and,
apply for a new certificate. They may be also by the court of law not allowed to ever
engage in any form of business.
4. In the past food inspectors would take a final sample of the finished foods and, take
it for testing to see if whether the foods are fit for human consumption. Currently
processes have changed and, procedures have been put in place.
a) The inspector needs to ensure that the kitchen premises are clean and fit for food
b) The inspector also needs to ensure that the staff preparing the food are fit and,
skilled to prepare consumable food.
c) The inspector also needs to ensure that the food, raw materials or raw foods are
also fit and safe for human consumption.
d) The inspector also needs to inspect the process of how the food is being made in
order to assess whether it is fit for consumption.
e) The inspector must also inspect how and, where the food is being served.
f) The inspector needs to ensure the location, design, construction, and finish of
food premises do not create a health hazard
g) If the food can be handled hygienically on the food premises or with needed
h) If the food can be protected from contamination or spoilage

5. Fractures
a) Apply pressure on any bleeding area to stop the bleeding cover with a sterilized clean
b) Immobilize the injured area and, don't try to move any injured bones
c) On any swelling areas apply ice to reduce the swelling
d) If the person is unresponsive perform CPR and, place them in the safety position

a) Stand behind the individual who's choking
b) Place your hand around their chest are and, lean them forward
c) Give them 5 blows on the back
d) Check if the chocking is over
e) If there is still chocking give 5 other abdominal thrusts

a) Place the person in an open area
b) Listen if the individual is breathing
c) Place the legs of the individual above heart level
d) Loosen all collars, belts and, shoes.
e) Put the person to rest once they are up

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