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So the first A is Agile.

And Agile is a mindset. 
So rather than laying out your entire strategy from soup to nuts, 
which still happens in a lot of marketing departments and a lot of ad agencies. 
You start out with some guesses and a good framework, and 
then you adapt based on that. 
It's about doing more of what works and less of what doesn't work.

The second A is authentic. 

And this is often misunderstood. 
This is not about social media oversharing about what you're having for breakfast. 
The authenticity part of this framework is more about the strength and 
the shareability of a unique, individual human voice. 
Specifically, a great writing voice.
The third A is Attention. 

And the first letter of all copywriting formulas is A. 

It's either attraction or attention.
Reproduce el video desde :2:35 y sigue la transcripción2:35
If you can't get your potential customer's attention, 
you really can't do anything else. 
And of course right now, we are in a sea of distraction 
with everything that's available to us on the internet. 
And so attention is even more important. 
This is really about headlines, hooks, meaning and fascination. 
It's about relationships with other publishers so you can get the traffic and 
the attention you need for your content.

And one of the most important roles that theaudience plays is to share 
their insights. 
They share their concerns about the topic. 
They will be your best source for new product ideas or 
new angles for your content, new ways to frame and talk about what you talk about. 
They are your source for objections, things that are keeping them from moving 
forward, talking points for your content, story ideas. 
Now, social media tools are brilliant for 
relationship building with the audience as well as this listening function. 
Which too many marketers and companies forget to do. 
Even if you do not actively participate in social media and you probably should. 
But, even if you never say a word use those outputs to listen for 
audience problems, audience concerns, audience triumphs. 
But, you never want to build your whole platform there and you need to make sure 
that your organization or your customer, your client understands that as well. 
Social media is not a place to build your business. 
It's a place to grow your business by making new connections with 
new audience members. 
And then bringing them home to some kind of a content home base hub, 
that lives on a domain our organization controls.

So the fifth A is authority. 

And authority is really about becoming a likeable expert. 
An expert that your audience can relate to. 
It's not about arrogance. 
Arrogance is not one of the seven As. 
Authority is about combining meaning and fascination. 
So you know what you're talking about and you're able to teach the audience 
something that helps them solve a problem that they care about. 
But you do it in a human relatable way. 
This does tie back to authenticity. 
It's the human voice. 
It's one on one. 
Small is beautiful. 
And yet you do know what you are talking about. 
You're not just some fellow stumbler on the path in the darkness. 
You have a torch to light the way. 
You can show them something that they care about. 
And when I say you, that's you as the content marketer 
expressing the voice again of your organization, your client. 
But you also do it for yourself and your own marketing.
Reproduce el video desde :7:13 y sigue la transcripción

The sixth A is action which is really about sales and lead generation. 
This is where is somebody is going to take action 
on the content that you've been creating. 
So, this is sometimes called direct response copywriting and 
some people would just call this copywriting. 
This is about writing that persuades. 
Writing that motivates somebody in your audience to take a specific action. 
For example, sign up for an email opt-in list, make a purchase, register to vote, 
take a political action, make a donation to a nonprofit organization. 
The collection of actions you need your prospects and leads to take. 
That's where the action step comes in. 
So, as a content marketer sometimes you are going to work 
with a dedicated specialist on this. 
So, your client or your organization may 
be working with an ad agency with a dedicated direct response copywriter. 
And sometimes, probably more often, it's going to be up to you to make this happen.
And then, the seventh one is kind of a funny one
Reproduce el video desde :9:3 y sigue la transcripción9:03
that doesn't have a set of defined action steps. 
Because it's really about the doors that open that you don't even know 
might be there. 
The seventh A is called acceleration. 
And as a content marketer, as a content authority, 
you're going to find things that come your way that you hadn't thought about. 
And if you think about Brian Clark, who founded the Copyblogger blog. 
Out of the Copyblogger blog, he developed a couple of relationships 
with businesspeople that turned into spinoff businesses of their own.
Reproduce el video desde :9:36 y sigue la transcripción9:36
And at a certain point in Brian's career, he had so many of these plates that were 
sort of revolving, that he really felt for his own sanity. 
And also to get some synergy, 
sorry to use a business buzzword, but in this case it is apt. 
And he pulled together selected partners from his spinoff companies into 
a new organization and that organization is called Copyblogger Media. 
And that has become a pretty good sized company. 
But it really started with one blog, an authoritative content marketing blog.

Las primeras lineas osea headline o titulo tienens que solo llamar atención. Es lo que vas a
hablar. Solo ese punto. Un consejo es robarlo o adaptarlo de otros autores. En
que no sea aburrido y llame atención para que hagan click. Adaptalo cuanto sea necesario pa q
se vea diertido e interesante. Mira tu audiencia pa esto y que hace que sea bueno.

Una de las que puedes hacer pa llamar la atención es incluir un beneficio o promesa en el
titulo, que la audiencia sepa que va a sacar de tu contenido. Habla de soluciones a problemas.
No hagas promesas o títulos que no vas a cumplir. Tienen que ser mas claros que inteligentes.

Asimismo, usa curiosidad tipo que hizo kim lkardashan ayer. Tambin usa fasinacion, cosas que
a tu audiencia le interese tipo una wea de nutrición a una operación de peso o ropa. Podemos
usar la emoción de la audiencia, ya que esta responde mas rápido. Asimismo promociona tu

Como vas a comunicar la solución a tus clientes. Dales confianza y que tienes experiencia
solucionando problemas. Usa persuasión . pa las ventas haz visible el producto a tus posibles
clientes, algo que puedan mirar una foto, trata de mostrar como se transformara la vida del
consumidor con este producto, de esta manera conectas con lo emocional.

One really elegant way to do this is to use case studies and customer stories. 
You're painting the picture of what the person's life is going to look like 
once they have subscribed to the solution that you offer, the product, the service, 
what have you. 
So very roughly speaking there are two kinds of benefits. 
There are emotional benefits, these are things like, 
you're going to feel more confident, you're going to feel less stressed out, 
you're going to have a more loving relationship with your family, 
you're going to feel like you look good and 
that's going to make you feel proud and happy. 
You're going to feel successful, you're going to feel wealthy. 
Emotional benefits, about how you're going to feel.

Pueden vender a traves de historias .

Describe a la persona el sugiente paso para la compra. Eto se hace de manera clara

Al momento de expandirte no degrades a nadie y si se te acerca o haces contaacto con alguien

que admires no seas fanboy. HUMILDA

En la pag describe lo que haces por la gente en que los benficias, los beneficios de conectar
contigo, puedes poner tu numero celular o email., mientras mas weas de contacto mejor.
Pudes usar linkedln.

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