Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress in Ruminant Medicine: Review Article

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Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology, 2011; 33(2): 233–240

© 2011 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.

ISSN 0892-3973 print/ISSN 1532-2513 online
DOI: 10.3109/08923973.2010.514917


Biomarkers of oxidative stress in ruminant medicine

Pietro Celi
Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology Downloaded from by RMIT University on 09/03/13

Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia

The study of oxidative stress is a relatively young field of research in ruminant medicine. Oxidative stress results from
increased exposure to or production of oxidants, or from decreased dietary intake, de novo synthesis or increased
turnover of antioxidants. The understanding of the role of oxidants and antioxidants in physiological and pathological
conditions is rapidly increasing. Oxidative stress is an active field of research in veterinary medicine and has been
implicated in numerous disease processes including sepsis, mastitis, acidosis, ketosis, enteritis, pneumonia, respiratory,
and joint diseases. Compared to human medicine, only a limited number of conditions have been investigated in
regard to the effects of oxidative stress in ruminants. Studies in cattle have been sporadic and mainly with mastitis,
pneumonia, and retained placenta. More recently, studies have been focused on metabolic diseases that affect dairy
cows during the peripartum period. Numerous and rapidly evolving methodologies for evaluating oxidative stress
are available to researchers and clinicians, each with their own distinct advantages and disadvantages. Differences
in models and methodologies make it difficult to make meaningful comparisons, even for studies that seem quite
similar superficially. With this in mind, it is the goal of this review to discuss the advantages and shortfalls of different
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methodologies commonly used to measure oxidative stress and damage in ruminants. Clarity of understanding of
the pathophysiology of oxidative stress in ruminants will allow the design of specific antioxidant therapies. Future
research should focus on the establishment of a reference panel of biomarker of oxidative stress to be used in
ruminant medicine. To help accelerate practical applications, we propose the development of an oxidative stress
index as an approach in ruminant and veterinary medicine.
Keywords:  Antioxidants, pro-oxidants, free radicals, sheep, cattle

leading to pathological changes.(1) However, ROS are
Oxidative stress is the consequence of an imbalance also involved in several physiological processes,(5)
between oxidants and antioxidants in which oxidant therefore a certain level is desirable. Unfortunately it is
activity exceeds the neutralizing capacity of antioxi- not known what this level is for ruminants at different
dants. In ruminants, oxidative stress may be involved physiological stages. Oxidative stress can be particularly
in several pathological conditions, including conditions dangerous because no clinical symptoms are shown
that are relevant for animal production and the general and the condition is diagnosed by means of dedicated
welfare of the individuals. In dairy cows oxidative stress analytical methods. It is important thus to establish the
has been associated with diseases(1) and reproductive physiological ranges for biomarkers of oxidative stress in
problems(2). A free radical is defined as any species capa- ruminant medicine so that an oxidative stress threshold
ble of independent existence that contains one or more can be determined. For example, given the lack of refer-
unpaired electrons(3). Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are ence values for reactive oxygen metabolites (ROMs) and
capable of attacking all of the major classes of biomole- biological antioxidant potential (BAP) in dairy cows the
cules, although lipids are particularly susceptible.(2) ROS causes of oxidative stress are difficult to identify. For this
have several normal physiological functions,(4) but oxi- reason, in a study that was aimed to determine the effect
dative stress will occur when excess production cannot of diet, energy balance and milk production on oxidative
be counteracted by antioxidant mechanisms, potentially stress in early-lactating, Holstein–Friesian dairy cows

Address for Correspondence:  Pietro Celi, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Sydney, PMB 4003, Narellan, 2567, NSW, Australia.
(Received 08 June 2010; accepted 07 August 2010)

234  Pietro Celi
fed to produce either low or high levels of milk(6) we direct or indirect measures of oxidants and antioxidants.
developed low, medium, and high energy balance and Given their often high reactivity, quantification of oxi-
milk yield categories to further investigate the relation- dants and antioxidants often requires specialized equip-
ship between these variables and oxidative stress. This ment and considerable experience. As oxidative stress
approach reduced the effect of individual cow variation is indicative of an imbalance between oxidants and
and also took into account the feeding system effect antioxidants, methods for quantifying oxidative stress
and showed that the information on oxidative stress is mostly include direct or indirect measures of oxidants
more accurate when combining ROMs and BAP data and antioxidants.(1,2) In the following sections, some prin-
than using them separately.(6) However, in order to study ciples and commonly used measures of oxidative stress
oxidative stress in ruminants, a normal range needs to and damage will be briefly outlined.
be established for the different biomarkers of this pro-
cess. Such an approach is well established in human Pro-oxidants
medicine and would allow a more evidence-based inter- The most abundant free radicals in biological systems are
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pretation of the results of various studies in ruminants the oxygen-centered free radicals and their metabolites,
that currently appear contradictory. usually referred to as ROS.(2) ROS are formed continuously
In dairy cows, pregnancy and lactation are physiologi- as normal by-products of cellular metabolism and, in low
cal stages considered to induce metabolic stress.(7) For concentrations, they are essential for several physiologi-
example, dairy cows can experience oxidative stress,(8,9) cal processes, including protein phosphorylation, tran-
which may be associated with metabolic diseases dur- scription factors activation, cell differentiation, apoptosis,
ing the peripartum period.(2) A number of recent studies oocyte maturation, steroidogenesis, cell immunity, and
have reported variable levels of oxidative stress during cellular defense against microorganisms.(2,4,18) However,
the periparturient period in sheep,(10) dairy cows,(8,11,12) when produced in excess, ROS can damage cell func-
and dairy goats.(13,14) However, it is not clear whether or tionality as they can harm cellular lipids, proteins, and
not the level of oxidative stress during this period could DNA.(2,5)
compromise animal performance and health. It seems, Plasma level of ROMs is considered an indicator of
however, that ROS and antioxidants may be involved free radical production.(2) ROMs is a collective term that
in some relevant physiological functions such as milk includes not only oxygen-centered free radicals such as
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yield(15) and therefore it might be beneficial to supple- superoxide anion and hydroxyl radical, but also some
ment cows with antioxidants.(6) In ruminants, the activity non-radical derivates of oxygen, such as hydrogen perox-
of oxidative stress biomarkers can be influenced by nutri- ide (H2O2), and hypochlorous acid.(19) A ROMs kit has been
tion and season.(16,17) For example, feeding high levels of developed to assess oxidant levels in plasma and other
starch in the diet to cows at 80 days lactation increased biological fluids. The ROMs test has been validated using
oxidative stress, possibly due to cellular changes related electron spin resonance,(20) which is considered the “gold
to oxidative phosphorylation.(15) standard” for measuring total oxidative status. Electron
Increasing interest in the role of oxidative stress in spin resonance is not suitable for routine analysis as the
ruminant medicine has increased the need to develop method is complex and requires specific technical assis-
reliable methods to quantify the markers of oxidative tance not available in most laboratories. The utility of the
stress. The methods involve direct or indirect assessment ROMs assay in monitoring oxidative stress in goats,(13,14,17)
of oxidant and antioxidant concentrations and, given sheep,(10) and dairy cows(8,6,16) has been reported.
the highly reactive nature of the compounds, specialized The concentrations of individual oxidant components
equipment is frequently required.(1) With this in mind, it can be measured separately in the laboratory, but such
is the goal of this review to discuss the advantages and measurements are time-consuming, labor intensive, and
shortfalls of different methodologies commonly used costly. It has been shown that free radical analytical sys-
to measure oxidative stress and damage in ruminants. tem 4 technology offers a quick, simple, precise, and reli-
Clarity of understanding of the pathophysiology of oxi- able method of assessing oxidative status in dairy cows(21)
dative stress in ruminants will allow the design of specific and in horses,(22) which is particularly useful in the field
antioxidant therapies. where it is not always practical or possible to get samples
to a laboratory immediately. The possibility of assessing
Measuring oxidative stress in ruminants oxidative stress directly in blood provides veterinarians
Oxidative stress in veterinary medicine and particularly with a simple and reliable method of measuring oxida-
in ruminant health is a relatively young field of research. tive stress in clinical situations such as the monitoring
Numerous and rapidly evolving methodologies for of therapy and in the antioxidant supplementation of
evaluating oxidative stress, each with their own distinct domestic animals. However, given the lack of reference
advantages and disadvantages, are available to clinician values for ROMs in ruminants it is difficult to establish
and scientists (Table 1). However, differences in models if and when these animals are experiencing oxidative
and methodologies make it difficult to make meaningful stress. Therefore, it is important to calculate the specific
comparisons, even for studies that seem quite similar. referral ranges because a correct biochemical evaluation
Methods for quantifying oxidative stress mostly include of oxidative status is an essential premise to prevent and

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Oxidative stress in ruminants  235

Table 1.  Advantages and disadvantages of various biomarkers of oxidative stress.

Biomarker Assay procedure Advantages Disadvantages
MDA Colirometry, luminometry, Sensitive and reproducible Non-specific product of lipid
chemiluminescence, HPLC, peroxidation; interferes with
TBARS Spectrometry, luminometry Rapid, popular, easy, and economical Non-specific, non-reproducible,
chemiluminescence no quantitative relationship with
lipid peroxidation
F2- EIA, ELISA, HPLC, GC/MS Specific, reproducible, sensitive Expensive, auto-oxidation of
Isoprostane samples, sample derivitisation
ORAC Fluorescence Sensitive and covers a wide variety of Requires spectro-fluorimeter;
antioxidants AAPH used a free radical source
undergoes spontaneous decay
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and it is sensitive to temperature

FRAP Spectrometry Serum dilution effect not seen Fe may generate free radicals; not
every free radical reduces Fe; GSH
is not measured
TEAC Spectrometry Extremely fast and simple Results vary with sample dilution;
antioxidant used may interact
with solvent molecules; specificity
TRAP Chemiluminescence Gives an idea of the rate of free radical Antioxidant employed may not
formation trap all types of free radicals
ROMs Spectrometry Extremely fast, simple; only 5–20 µL of Inhibited by sodium azide
plasma/serum required; can be performed
directly in whole blood, inflammatory fluids,
cell extracts and respiratory condensate
BAP Spectrometry Extremely fast, simple and covers a wide Can be performed only in plasma
variety of antioxidants; only 5–20 µL of and serum samples; hyperlipemic
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plasma/serum required samples can underestimate

AAPH, 2,2′-azobis(2-amidinopropane) dihydrochloride; BAP, biological antioxidant potential; EIA, enzyme immunoassay; ELISA,
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; FRAP, ferric reducing ability of plasma; GC, gas chromatography; HPLC, high-pressure liquid
chromatography; MDA, malonildialdehyde; MS, mass spectrometry; ORAC, oxygen radical absorbance capacity; ROMs, reactive
oxygen metabolites; TBARS, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances; TEAC, trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity; TRAP, total radical
antioxidant potential.

eventually to treat the effects of oxidative stress in rumi- intense.(32,33) This suggests that oxidative stress is closely
nant medicine. linked to inflammation and acute phase reactions than
Advanced oxidation protein products (AOPPs) are advanced glycation process and its end products. AOPP
terminal products of proteins exposed to free radicals could thus better describe acute inflammation, whereas
and arise from the reaction between plasma proteins and AGE might serve more as a marker of chronic long-last-
chlorinated oxidants mediated by a neutrophil enzyme ing damage.(32) These observations are highly relevant as
myeloperoxidase.(23,24) In humans, AOPP have been increased levels of AOPP could indicate the presence of
linked to several diseases like chronic renal failure,(25) inflammatory process that can compromise the correct
diabetes mellitus,(26) diabetic nephropathy,(27) coronary embryonic development in dairy cows.(21,34)
artery diseases,(28) and obesity.(29) Chronic accumulation Lipids, in particular those that are polyunsaturated,
of AOPP has been demonstrated to promote inflamma- are prone to oxidation. Lipids are one of the most suscep-
tory processes in diabetic kidney(27) and in chronic renal tible substrates to free radicals damage and biomarkers
failure(25) indicating that AOPP might be a by-product of of lipid peroxidation are considered the best indicators of
neutrophil activation during infections. Studies in rumi- oxidative stress.(35) Malondialdehyde (MDA) is one of the
nants have reported higher levels of AOPP in lambs(30) several low-molecular-weight end products formed dur-
and dairy cows(31) supplemented with Yerba Mate (Ilex ing the radical induced decomposition of polyunsatu-
Paraguanensis). More information about the role of pro- rated fatty acid.(36) MDA readily reacts with thiobarbituric
tein oxidation in ruminants’ health and production could acid producing a red pigment that can be easily mea-
be obtained by the comparison of AOPP with other indi- sured by spectrophotometry in the form of thiobarbituric
cators of protein oxidation, such as advanced glycation acid reactive substances (TBARS).(36) It is worth noting
end products (AGE). However, although a correlation that the MDA assays have been criticized for low speci-
between AGE and inflammatory parameters is usually ficity and artifact formation, since only a fraction of the
not found or is only weak, the induction of proinflam- MDA measured is generated in vivo. Furthermore, the
matory activities caused by AOPP seems to be more TBARS assay, a common method used to measure MDA,

© 2011 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.

236  Pietro Celi
is considered inaccurate, and returns results that differ GSH-Px activity is inhibited,(13,14) the organism could have
according to the assay conditions used.(37) For example, been defended against oxidative stress by other alterna-
studies in dairy cows have yielded contrasting results tive routes. For example, catalase is another antioxidant
with some reports failing to show any significant changes enzyme that can catabolise H2O2.(4)
in plasma MDA concentrations during the peripartum The second group includes non-enzymatic protein
period,(9,10) whereas in other studies MDA or TBARS con- antioxidants that are primarily found in plasma. They are
centrations increased around calving.(8,16,38) This apparent mainly represented by sulfhydryl (SH) groups of albu-
discrepancy could also have been mainly due to the great min and are considered a significant element of extra-
individual variations observed in MDA concentrations cellular antioxidant defense system. Protein SH groups
measured in the studies by Castillo et  al.(9,11) Similarly, are considered a significant element of the extracellular
studies in transported cattle have failed to report a con- antioxidant defense system against oxidative stress.(48)
sistent change in MDA concentration. It seems that this The reducing properties of SH residue are known to be
discrepancy is partly due to the different methodologies oxidized under oxidative stress and other physiological
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employed to assess MDA. TBARS detect a wide range of conditions.(49,50) Total thiol groups of plasma represent
lipid peroxidation products, and are rather unspecific for the sulfhydryl groups of albumin, l-cysteine, and homo-
MDA.(39) High-pressure liquid chromatography would be cysteine. Under physiological conditions, SH groups are
expected to be highly specific, and perhaps, more accu- the most chemically reactive sites and have strong reduc-
rate than the spectrophotometric procedures.(40) More ing properties.(51,52) Studies in dairy goats have shown that
recently an ELISA based isoprostane, which are consid- plasma albumin concentrations are significantly reduced
ered to be the most reliable markers of lipid oxidation,(41) during summer.(17) This finding is quite relevant consider-
assay has become commercially available and might be ing that albumin is part of the antioxidant pool because it is
able to shed more light on the role of lipid peroxidation a free radical scavenger.(53) Plasma albumin levels are also
during the peripartum period in ruminants. decreased during the peripartum period in dairy goats,
which further indicates that goats were exposed to oxida-
Antioxidants tive stress during the peripartum period.(13,14) Albumin
Endogenous antioxidants can be divided into three is exclusively synthesized by the liver, and is the main
major groups.(2) The first group comprises enzymatic source of plasma SH. The reduction in liver function that
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antioxidants including superoxide dismutase (SOD) and is usually observed in the early postpartum period might
glutathione-peroxidase (GSH-Px), and represents the explain lower plasma SH and albumin levels. Studies in
main form of intracellular antioxidant defense. Plasma dairy cows have confirmed the antioxidant role played by
GSH-Px activity contributes to the oxidative defense of albumin particularly near calving when animals usually
animal tissues by catalyzing the reduction of hydrogen do not receive any vitamin/mineral supplementation.(11)
and lipid peroxides(37) and is also considered an indica- The third group is represented by the non-enzymatic
tor of oxidative stress.(42) GSH-Px functions in cellular low-molecular weight antioxidants, and it is found mainly
oxidation-reduction reactions to protect the cell mem- in plasma but also in other extracellular and intracellu-
brane from oxidative damage caused by free radicals.(43) lar fluids. The primary antioxidant capacity of serum is
SOD catalyses the dismutation of superoxide to H2O2 and derived from non-enzymatic antioxidants, such as gluta-
it is considered the first defense against pro-oxidants.(37) thione, α-tocopherol, β-carotene, and uric acid.(3) In par-
Studies in grazing sheep have shown that GSH-Px activity ticular, GSH plays an important role in protecting cells
is influenced by soil and pasture characteristics(44) and by against oxidative stress and toxic agents. It acts as sub-
season.(45) In dairy goats SOD activity is decreased during strate or co-substrate in enzymatic reactions and it also
the postpartum period probably a consequence of lower reacts directly with free radicals and lipid peroxides.(54)
peroxide generation as testified by the decrease in ROMs For example, in a selenium deficiency situation,
concentrations.(14) Since SOD activity increases H2O2 pro- hepatic glutathione (GSH) synthesis is increased and
duction, protection from reactive oxygen would only be this depletes cellular cysteine,(55) so it may impair
given by a simultaneous increase in catalase and GSH-Px physiological processes (growth and wool production)
activities and availability of glutathione.(46,47) Studies in where cysteine is required for protein synthesis. Indeed,
dairy goats have shown that blood GSH-Px activity is GSH synthesis seems to compete with wool growth for
decreased during the postpartum period, suggesting cysteine.(56) Cysteine is vital for wool growth and is usually
that goats may have experienced some degree of oxida- the first limiting amino acid for wool fiber synthesis.(57)
tive stress and lipid peroxidation.(13,14) Since GSH-Px is Sheep selected for high wool production tend to have
directly targeted at removing H2O2 generated during the lower blood cysteine and GSH concentrations than those
dismutation of free radicals,(4) it would reasonable to see selected for low wool production.(58,59) Low concentrations
a parallel decrease in ROMs levels. ROMs levels indeed, of GSH can be associated with impaired animal health as
decreased on week 4 postpartum, however its concen- cysteine and GSH play a key role in the regulation of the
trations on week 2 were significantly higher,(14) which immune response.(60) Therefore, considering that GSH is
further indicated that the goats experienced oxidative a reservoir of cysteine, selecting for both GSH concentra-
stress during the early postpartum period. Even if blood tions and wool growth rate might result in improvements

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Oxidative stress in ruminants  237
in both wool production and health status. In the mean
BAP levels was observed when dairy cows were fed corn
time, when selenium deficiency is diagnosed, its supple- silage and concentrate supplementation.(31) Concentrate
mentation is recommended to improve the development supplementation with the diet has been proved to either
of resistance and resilience of sheep to gastro intestinal reduce pasture intake(70) and to increase the degrada-
parasites.(61) tion of some antioxidants at ruminal level.(71) Plasma
Because of the difficulty in measuring each anti- BAP might have decreased also as a direct consequence
oxidant component separately and their interaction in of ROMs increase. Indeed, changes in the components
plasma, several methods have been developed to assess of antioxidants systems are often not the cause, but the
total antioxidant capacity (TAC). The measure of anti- consequence of the oxidative stress induced by higher
oxidant capacity considers the cumulative action of all free radical activity.(72)
the antioxidants present in plasma and body fluids, thus Plasma antioxidant status is the result of the interac-
providing an integrated parameter rather than the simple tion of many different compounds and systemic meta-
sum of measurable antioxidants.(62) Antioxidant capacity bolic interactions.(62) As a single measure, TAC provides
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can be measured by means of several methods (Table 2), relevant information that may effectively describe the
such as trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity,(63) total dynamic equilibrium between pro-oxidants and anti-
radical-trapping antioxidant parameter,(64) oxygen radi- oxidant in the plasma compartment.(62,73) In absence
cal absorbance capacity,(65) or the ferric reducing ability of reference values for ruminants, TAC can be used to
of plasma, and BAP.(66) The BAP test provides a global evaluate the effect of treatments when the results are
measurement of many antioxidants, including uric acid, expressed as change with respect to the basal value.(62)
ascorbic acid, proteins, α-tocopherol and bilirubin.(66) In Indeed, TAC is a useful tool for measuring stress in
dairy cows BAP levels have been measured during early transported calves.(74) In conclusion, the evaluation of
lactation(6) and mid lactation,(31) however, comparisons TAC on a herd basis may be a useful indicator of animal
can be hardly done since those studies involved cows welfare and may be more sensitive and reliable than the
in different physiological phases. Also, the rearing sys- measure of a single parameter, which could reveal indi-
tem may determine important differences in terms of vidual variations. Moreover, TAC could be used as a tool
the oxidative status of animals. Pasture-based systems to evaluate the nutritional status of animals fed different
could improve the oxidative status of animals due to the diets or to evaluate the general nutritional status of ani-
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elevated antioxidants content of green grass(67,68) and the mals throughout the year.
physical exercise related with grazing system, have bet-
ter antioxidant status.(67) Grazing may provide dairy cows Current and future developments
with health benefits from certain vitamins and minerals. The field of oxidative stress in ruminant medicine is still
Vitamins A and E, and selenium are known antioxidants in the early stages of development. Despite that oxida-
that play important roles in animal health and produc- tive stress has been associated with numerous condi-
tion. Though fresh forages are typically considered capa- tions, there is a great deal to be discovered about its
ble of supplying adequate levels of antioxidants for dairy role in ruminant health and production. For example, if
cattle, the availability of these compounds for lactating oxidative stress is a primary cause of pathologic change
grazing cows is diminished when pasture availability or a consequence of disease processes still remains to be
is not adequate to meet their energy requirements. In determined. Clarity of understanding of the pathophysi-
this situation the gap between energy required for milk ology of oxidative stress in ruminants will allow the
production and energy intake is often met by supple- design of specific antioxidant therapies. Future research
menting cows with conserved forages like silage. Silage should focus on the establishment of a reference panel
is known for its poor content in antioxidants(69) and thus of biomarkers of oxidative stress to be used in ruminant
this might expose cows to oxidative stress. A decrease in medicine. Future research should also address the issue
of standardization of techniques and methodologies to
study oxidative stress. For example, tissue biopsy sam-
Table 2.  Key criteria of the validation process of a suitable
biomarker of oxidative stress. pling techniques can be utilized only in particular cases
•  Selection of biomarker of oxidative stress in veterinary medicine, therefore a major challenge in
•  Directly implicated in the onset and progression of disease veterinary oxidative stress research is to develop a set
•  Development of method for measuring the biomarker of blood biomarkers that can reliably reflect the tis-
•  Verification of potential for pitfalls and artefacts sue oxidative status in the individual animal. There
•  Verification of biomarker in suitable animal models are numerous techniques that can be used to measure
•  Identification of modifying factor of the biomarker (nutrition, oxidative damage,(1) however veterinary scientists and
physiological status, photoperiod) clinicians need to establish whether oxidative stress
•  Establishment of reference intervals and values biomarkers measured in blood and/or serum provide a
•  Adaptation of the method to field condition (sensitivity, reasonable index of the general oxidative stress status.
simplicity, throughput) Considering that oxidative damage is likely to occur in
•  Demonstration of the efficacy of antioxidant therapy in animal only few tissues at the same time, high levels of serum
models oxidative stress biomarkers can be the consequence

© 2011 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.

238  Pietro Celi
of: (1) a generalized increase in oxidative stress in most negative energy balance had a higher level of oxidative
of the tissues, resulting in an increase of the biomarker stress.(6) Indeed, when the degree of oxidative stress is
concentration in blood proportional to the extent of estimated by the calculation of an oxidative stress index
the tissues damage; (2) the increase of oxidative stress the relationship between the level of oxidative stress and
just in a particular tissue that is the origin of the patho- pathology is higher when ROMs and BAP measurements
logical dysfunction; (3) an increase of oxidative damage are so combined.(76)
produced specifically in the circulatory system.(75) Even Information is steadily growing in the field of oxida-
if several animal studies seem to suggest that oxidative tive stress in veterinary medicine, indicating the general
stress biomarkers change toward the same direction importance of oxidative stress and related inflammation
in blood and tissues this needs to be fully evaluated disorders to ruminant health and production. There is an
in ruminant species. Therefore, several questions still increasing need to translate this knowledge to practical
remain to be answered in the field of both human and applications for animal and veterinary scientists. To help
veterinary oxidative stress research. For example, what accelerate practical application, we propose the develop-
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are the most appropriate biomarkers when investigating ment of an oxidative stress index as an approach in rumi-
oxidative stress in relation to disease state? What is the nant and veterinary medicine.
best methodology to measure them? A good biomarker
should satisfy a series of specific criteria (Table 2). Some Declaration of interest
biomarkers of oxidative stress might be of limited value
in vivo because they lack sensitivity and/or specificity The author reports no conflicts of interest. The author
or require invasive methods. Other biomarkers could be alone is responsible for the content and writing of the
useful, however the “ideal” biomarker seems not to exist paper.
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