Bibliography: Books

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Code of Criminal procedure code1973
The Indian Constitution of India
Indian Penal Code 1860- Act of 45 and Act of 1961- act of 41.
Section 144 of the Code of Cri.Pro1890 (Act of -1890)
Suppression of Immoral Traffic in Women and Girls act1956. Section 5&7
Madras Temple Entry Authorization Act1947
Madras Hindu Religion and Charitable, Endowment Act1951
Rajasthan Act13 of 1959
Orissa Hindu Religious Endowment Act1957
Bombay Public Trust Act1950
Kerala EducationBill1957
Bombay Prevention of Hindu Bigamous Marriage Act1946
Untouchability Offence Act1955
Sandesh News Guajarati Thursday 28/02/2002
Jaihind, 26/02/2002
Time of india28/02/2002
Times of India, July1, 2011.
The Indian Express
Home Ministry data of released in the National Integration Council Meeting, 2012 &
Indian Express Date 9/9/2013
Times of India 15/092013
Sahafat Daily, Dtd7/02/2013
Sahafat Daily, 14/06/2013Sunday Express28/7/2013
Indian Exprees118/102013
Times of India 25/09/2013
www. Inflibinate. Gandhinagr. Com

www, legal
www.State govt/documents-/organizati0on
www.iloveindia.comRight to freedom of religion.

Acharya Jagdish warananda Avdhuta V. commission or of police culcuta AIR [1984]
SC, 51
Adelaide Company vs. Commonwealth
A.S Narayan Deekshitulu v. State of A.P AIR 1995, SC1805
Keshvanand Bharti V. state of Kerala AIR1972, SC 146
Indira Gandhi V. Rajnarayan
Bijoi Emmanuel V.state of Kerala. AIR 1986, SCC 615 Shabanu Begum
V.Mohmadahmed khan AIR 1994, SCC 945
Aruna Roy V. Union of India 2002[7] Scc 389, xxxiv The commissioner Hindu
Religion Endowment, Madras, Swaminarayan .AIR1954 SC.282
Dr, Ramesh Yeshwant PrabhuV. Prabhakar Kashinath [1966] 1.SCC130 Abdul Hnif
Qareshi V. state of Bihar AIR 1961 SC448 [1961] 1 SCA 733,310
Mahmod Hanif Querashi V, state of Bihar AIR 1958, Sc 731, 1959, SCR, Supra Foot
note 629
St. Xavier’s College V. State of Gujarat (AIR, 1974, SC 1389).
Ziyauddin Burhammudin Bukhari V. Brijmohan Ramdas Mehra & Bros. (AIR 1975,
SCR, 281).
Kesavanand Bharti V. State of Kerala. (AIR, 1973, SC, 1461).
M. Ismail Faruqui (Dr.) V. Union of India. AIR (1994), SCC, 360).
The Commissioner Hindu Religious Endowments, Madras V.L.T. Swamlar,
(AIR, 1954, SC, 282)
Ratilal V. State of Bombay (AIR, 1954, SC, 388).
Sardar Swarup Singh V. State of Punjab (AIR, 1961. SC, 1402).
Masud Alam V. Commissioner of Police (AIR 1956 Cal. 9 at 10)
Dr. Ramesh Yeshwant Prabhoo V. Prabhakar Kashinath Kunte. (1996) 1, SCC, 130.
S.R.Bommai and Others V. Union of India and Others (AIR 1994 SC, 1918).
Manohar Joshi V. Nitin Bhaurao Patil. (1996) 1, SCC, 169).
Bira Kishore Dev V. State of Orissa (AIR, 1964, SC, 1501).
Atheist Society of India V. Govt. of Andhra Pradesh (AIR, 1992 AP 310)
M.H. Quareshi V. State of Bihar (AIR, 1958, SC, 731).
Jehovah’s Witness v. Commonwealth
Fowler vs. Rhodes
McCollum vs. Board of Education
Everson vs. Board of Education
US vs. Sugar.

Lemons V. Kurtzman
Sherbet V. Verner
Employment Divisions V. Smith


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