A Mini-Project On Estimating Cost of A Building

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A Mini- Project

Estimating the cost of a given building

Writing a Mini- project Report

Below are some general instructions on how to present a technical report on a Mini-
Project paper.


A well written report is one that a fellow engineering student likes yourself. From a
report, the reader should be able to clearly understand the results and any calculations,
and appreciate the conclusions.

 The report should contain a cover sheet with the title of the project, the name(s)
and student number(s) of the author(s), the date, and the group number (if
 Reports should be neatly written. Typewritten reports are recommended but not
required. However poor presentation (including lack of neatness) detracts from
the quality of the report.
 All reports should be written in clear, concise English. Remember the purpose of
a Mini-project report is to communicate ideas and also as you are a civil Engineer,
you should not to guess the total cost of the building. Short sentences should be
used wherever possible, as they are clearer to understand but this does not mean
that notes on each topic should be included.
 The report should be written in the passive voice. Do not use the words I, he, she,
we, they, my, our etc. Keep the report impersonal at all times, Do not use words
you do not know, or are unsure of, their meaning. Commonly misused words
include; effect/affect, quiet/quite, and gauge/gauge – if in doubt use a dictionary!
If the report is prepared using a word processor, use the spell checker, but
remember that spell checkers are not always correct, and that the report is for use
in Ethiopia not the United States!


The report should contain a brief introduction that outlines the main aims of the Mini-

Body part:

In this section, the results from the Estimation of the members of a building, and any
subsequent calculations, should be presented along with any graphical representation of
the results if possible. A copy of the data given should be inserted (as an Appendix) that
contains all the raw results. Where appropriate it is recommended that Tables be used for
Arba Minch University
Instructor: Semma T.
Civil Engineering Department
Ac.year: 11, May,2006
presenting the data and the results of calculations. Remember to include units with the
column/row titles.

Where you are asked to show your calculations, this justification is only required for one
set of results. Do not waste time repeating the same calculation over and over, it is not
only boring to write, but also to read!

Care should be taken over the accuracy of any calculated figures, e.g. if the time taken to
cover a distance of 1 m (1 significant figure) is 3.2 s then the speed is 0.3 ms -1 (1 sig.
fig.), however if the distance was 1.0 m (2 sig. figs.), then the speed would be 0.31 ms -1.
The calculated result cannot have increased the accuracy of the least significant measured
value used in the equation. Special care should be taken in this respect if using a
spreadsheet to assist in calculations.


This should state what you have learnt from conducting estimating the cost of a building
and It should not be a repeat of statements made previously in the report.


Give a full reference including title, author(s), and publisher; date etc. everything that
would be required for anyone reading the report to find a copy of the publication.

A Final Note:
Quality Assurance

Any submission should be rechecked carefully by the author, and preferably by a third
party to check for any errors. A report with careless mistakes, spelling errors, etc.
appears most unprofessional, and will be marked down.

As you become professional engineers you will come to fully appreciate this. Start
practicing it now.

Arba Minch University

Instructor: Semma T.
Civil Engineering Department
Ac.year: 11, May,2006
Group One.
Prepare a detailed estimate of a Two-Roomed Residence in metric system from the
given drawings, General specifications and rates may be assumed suitably.

Two-Roomed Residence with Traditional Bricks.

(22.9cm * 11.4cm*7.6cm)

Arba Minch University

Instructor: Semma T.
Civil Engineering Department
Ac.year: 11, May,2006
Group Two.
Prepare a detailed estimate of a Three-Roomed Residential building in metric system
from the given drawings, the walls consists of traditional brick. General specifications
and rates may be assumed suitably.

Three-Roomed Residence with Traditional Bricks.

(22.9cm * 11.4cm*7.6cm)

Arba Minch University

Instructor: Semma T.
Civil Engineering Department
Ac.year: 11, May,2006
Group Three.
Prepare a detailed estimate of a District Engineer’s Office building in metric
system from the given plan elevations and sections in the drawings shown below,
Assume suitable rates. Calculate also the plinth area rate of the building. General
specifications are as follows:-

Foundation and plinth shall be first class brick work in 1:6 cement mortars over lime
concrete. Inside and outside shall be 12mm thick cement plastered 1:6. Inside shall be
white washed three coats and outside shall be color washed two coats over one coat of
white washing. Door and window chow hats shall be of well seasoned Sal wood. Door
and Window shutters shall be 4cm thick of C.P.teak wood, paneled, glazed, or partly
paneled and partly glazed as required. Doors and windows shall be painted two coats
over one coat of priming.

Arba Minch University

Instructor: Semma T.
Civil Engineering Department
Ac.year: 11, May,2006
Group Four.
Prepare a detailed estimate of a Rural Dispensary Building with standard
modular bricks in metric system from the given plan elevations and sections in the
drawings shown below, Assume suitable rates. Calculate also the plinth area rate of the
building. General specifications are as follows:-

Foundation and plinth shall be of first class brick work in lime mortar over lime
concrete. D.P.C. shall be 2.5 cm thick cement concrete 1: 11/2:3 with water proofing
materials. Superstructure shall be of first class work in 1:6 cement mortars. All lintels,
sunshades, roof slabs, etc, shall be R.C.C with 1 % reinforcement. All flooring shall be
2.5cm c/c. over 8cm lime concrete. Inside and outside faces of walls shall be of 12 mm
cement plastered with 1:6 cement sand mortar. Inside shall be white washed three coats
and outside shall be colour washed two coats over one coat of white washing. Door chow
hats shall be of 8cm *12cm teak wood. Window and C.S. window chowk hates shall be
of 8cm*10cm teak wood. Window and C.S. window shutters shall be 4cm thick fully
glazed of Ethiopian teak wood. Doors and windows shall be painted two coats over one
coat of priming.

Necessary rain water pipe shall be provided.

Current local rates shall be adopted. Wherever required suitable data and
dimensions may be assumed.

Arba Minch University

Instructor: Semma T.
Civil Engineering Department
Ac.year: 11, May,2006
Group Five.
Prepare a detailed estimate of a Double storeyed building from the given plan
elevations and sections in the drawings shown below, Assume suitable rates. Calculate
also the plinth area rate of the building. The wall consists of traditional brick. General
specifications and rates may be assumed suitably.

Drawings are in feet and inches dimensions. Student may convert the dimensions into
metric units and prepare the estimate.

Arba Minch University

Instructor: Semma T.
Civil Engineering Department
Ac.year: 11, May,2006
Group Six.
Prepare a detailed estimate of a Double storeyed residential building consisting four
two-roomed quarters (two quarters in each storey) from the given plan elevations and
sections in the drawings shown below, the estimate of the ground floor and first floor
should be prepared separately. The estimate of the Mumty room (staircase room in the
second floor) should be included in the estimate of the first floor. Assume suitable rates.
Calculate also the plinth area rate of the building. Assume suitable rates.

General specifications are as follows:-

Foundation and plinth:- Foundation, concrete shall be of the lime concrete with
over burnt brick ballast. Foundation and plinth masonory shall be of first class brick work
in the lime mortar.

Damp proof course:- D.P.C. shall be provided at the plinth level with 2.5cm thick
layer of C.C of cement coarse standard and stone chips in the proportion of 1: 11/2: 3
mixed with standard water proofing compound.

Roof and Floor:- Floor of ground floor shall be of 2.5cm C.C. 1: 2: 4 over 7.5cm
lime concrete. Floor of first floor shall be 2.5cm C.C. 1: 2:4 over R.C.C. slab. Roof of
first floor shall be 7.5cm lime concrete terracing over R.C.C. slab. All R.C.C. works shall
be of C.C. 1: 2: 4 of cement, coarse sand, stone chips, reinforced with 1% reinforcement.

Superstructure:- 30cm thick walls of the main rooms in ground floor shall be of
first class brick work in lime mortar. All 20cm thick wall in ground floor and first floor
shall be of first class brick work with 1: 6 cement and local and mortar. 10cm partition
walls shall be of first class brick work with 1:3 cement coarse sand mortar with hoop iron
or equivalent reinforcement every fourth layer.

Doors and Windows:-Door and window chowkhats shall be of sal wood of

10cm*7.5cm in section. All door and window shutters shall be 3cm thick paneled of
Deodar wood. Mumty room window shall be fully glazed with 3cm thick Deodar wood.
4cm R.C.C. Jalli shall be provided over bath and W.C doors and over Mumty room
Arba Minch University
Instructor: Semma T.
Civil Engineering Department
Ac.year: 11, May,2006
glazed windows for ventilation. All window s shall be provided with 20cm dia. Bars .
iron hold fasts shall be provided for fixing doors and windows chowkhats.

Plastering:- all wall shall be plastered with 12mm thick 1:6 cement local sand
mortar. ceiling and underside of R.C.C work shall be finished with 6mm thick 1:3 cement
and medium sand mortar. All inside wall shall be provided with 20cm high skirting with
12mm thick 1:3 cement coarse sand mortar, neat cement finished. Dado of 12mm thick
cement coarse sand 1:3 mortar neat cement finished shall be provided in kitchen and W.C
up to 50 cm height and in bathroom up to 100cm height. Steps shall be provided with
20mm thick plaster with 1:3 cement coarse sand mortars neat cement finished.

Painting, white washing and colour washing:- All doors and windows shall be
painted two coats over one coat of priming. Back of chowkhats shall be painted with two
coats of coaltar. Inside walls, ceiling, underside of sunshades shall be white washed three
coats. Outside shall be colour washed two coats over one coat of white washing.

Rain Water pipes:- 6 numbers 100mm dia. A.C. rain water down pipes shall be

Electrification, Water supply and Sanitary Works:- Provision for internal

electrification, water supply and sanitary works shall be provided on percentage basis

Arba Minch University

Instructor: Semma T.
Civil Engineering Department
Ac.year: 11, May,2006

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