Abrogena - GED102 W1 Weekly Guided Notebook - AM12

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Guided Notebook in GED102 (Mathematics in

Modern World)

Lesson 1. Patterns and Numbers in Nature


A. What are the three (3) types of patterns?

The three types of patterns are Numeric Patterns, Geometry Patterns, and Patterns
of Change. The Numeric Patterns are the number sequence that follows a specific
pattern and rule, to execute the following sequence. An excellent example of this is
the consecutive even numbers and the number of days per month in a year. It also
exists in the Harmonic, Arithmetic, and Fibonacci sequences. Meanwhile, the
Geometric Patterns or patterns of shapes deal with shapes and lines that portray a
reoccurring order in the placements of shapes and lines, resulting in an abstract or
symmetrical design. This type of pattern can be seen mostly in nature and man-
made objects. Finally, the Patterns of Change deal with both the independent and
dependent variables. This pattern can often be found in real life, from the
population growth of a community up to the changes in weather.

B. What is the Golden ratio, and what is its estimated value?

The golden ratio is the divine proportion. It can be used for math, art, and design.
It is the ratio of two consecutive Fibonacci numbers. The golden ratio is achieved
when a line segment is broken into two other portions of various sizes, a longer and
a shorter part so that the entire segment must be equal to the sum of the longer
and shorter part divided by the longer part.It is the relationship between numbers
on the Fibonacci sequence where plotting the relationships on scales results in a
spiral shape. The golden ratio's estimated value is 1.61803... and is denoted as

C. What is a fractal?

Fractals are a type of pattern, whereas each part has the same characteristic as a
whole. Basically, it is self-similar and is a never-ending pattern. Benoit Mandelbrot
first used the Fractal, and the Latin word "fractus" means broken or uneven. An
example of Fractal is the Mandelbrot set, the wind flows, branching of trees, and so

Lesson 2. Systemizing Patterns using Mathematics


A. Describe a Logarithmic Spiral.

The Logarithmic Spiral or Equiangular spiral, is constructed by connecting the

bases of the golden triangle. The curves in the logarithmic spiral have a
distance that follows the geometric sequence. And based on Rene Descartes,
drawing a straight line from the pole to any position on the curve slices the
curve at the same angle.

B. Describe a Golden Spiral.

Similar to the previous spiral, the Golden Spiral follows the golden ratio. It
can be created by having the Golden Rectangle as its basis. A quarter circle
connects the corners of the squares in the golden rectangle to form the
golden spiral.

C. Enumerate and describe five (5) of the 17 equations that changed the world.

a. Newton's Law of Gravity – this equation helped us understand how

gravitational forces interact with the world. It unlocks the mystery of
understanding and solving for the divine force, momentum, and many
other laws.

b. The Gaussian Distribution-also known as the Normal Distribution, is

essential in inferential statistics, especially when it comes to generalizing

c. The Pythagorean Theorem- this equation was useful for land

measurements and laying out land maps, as it provided a deeper
understanding of geometry. Even back then, it was first used to calculate
the calculating speed, length, and even interstellar distances, and it has
since proven beneficial in design, building, carpentry, and navigation.

d. Relativity – is essential as it depicts that mass and energy conversion is

possible. Relativity has contributed to our ways of acquiring energy,
specifically nuclear energy, and its possibilities on how it can be

e. Chaos Theory – this particular equation enables us to understand

deterministic chaos where a single or multiple slim changes can
tremendously impact the output.

Lesson 3. Systemizing Functionality of Mathematics


How is mathematics utilized in the following areas?

A. Pharmaceutical Field

In the pharmaceutical field, where health is the most prioritized concern, it is

essential to provide the necessary number of intakes, measurements of
substances, and so on to the people who will use it. With Mathematics,
proper and precise computation is necessary for combining chemical
substances, formulating medicines, and research on finding out if it is
genuinely safe for the general public. In addition, mathematics is used for
data gathering to come up with a conclusion and a solution to solve a
problem in this field.

B. Agriculture

In agriculture, mathematics is utilized to measure the size of the land, the

production and the salary of the workers, the income of the business, seed
rate, time and work, and many more. Without mathematics, agriculture
won't be able to maximize its fullest potential without having a backlash,
essentially because a miscalculation can lead to a massive loss to farmers
and their businesses.

C. Engineering

In engineering, mathematics is applied everywhere in this field to solve real-

life problems. One significant point is that mathematics must be present,
specific, and precise in all fields of engineering for them to fully make a
solution or a project usable, valid and beneficial. Just as to how materials,
measurements, numerical analysis, production, etc., require mathematics.

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