Lesson 1

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Course Description

This course introduces Business Ethics as a modern managerial approach to ethical questions in business
environment. Besides having a solid foundation of theoretical concepts, it likewise aims to develop
among the students skills of identification and analysis of ethical dilemmas in a workplace vis-à-vis
organization ethical management as well as Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR. As the course is
connected with morality and ethical standards, it is crucially important and set an expectation to imbibe
and more so demonstrate ethical commitment and behavior.

Course Themes and Concepts

1. General Introduction: Nature and Essence of Ethics per se

1.1 Science of Ethics
1.2 Human Acts and Acts of Man
1.3 Ethics and Morality
* Sources of Morality
* Nature of Morality

2. Conscience and Virtues

2.1 Description of Conscience
2.2 Kinds of Conscience
2.3 Obligatory Force of Conscience
2.4 Education of Conscience
2.5 The Lost Conscience
2.6 Peace of Soul and Guilty Conscience

3. Moral Obligations and Sanctions

3.1 Moral vs Obligation : The Difference
3.2 Moral and Legal Obligations
3.3 Moral Obligation or Moral Responsibility?
3.4 Moral Obligation vs Ethical Obligation
3.5 Moral Value and Moral Obligation
3.6 Existence of Sanctions
3.7 Moral Necessity of Sanctions
3.8 Types of Sanctions

4. Ethics under the Different Fields of Business

4.1 Business Administration and Management
4.2 Business Ethics
4.3 Small Business in the Digital Era
4.4 Global Business ( Globalization )
4.5 Business Communication
4.6 Business Law ( e-Commerce )
5. Corporate Social Responsibility ( CSR )
5.1 Definition
5.2 Types
5.3 Main Benefits and Steps to Integrate Business CSR
5.4 CSR Standards
5.5 Principles of CSR
5.6 Elements of CSR

Part 1

General Ethics covering Lessons 1 to 4

Part 2

Special Ethics

a. Human Rights

b. Rights and Duties To:

b.1 God ( Worship );

b.2 Other's Intellect;

b.3 Life ( One's own and Others );

b.4 Property ( Property and Contracts )

b.5 Social Agencies ( Family, Community and Society, and

Government )

Part 3

Professional Ethics

Different Code of Ethics and professional Conduct for different


Corporate Social Responsibility ( CSR

Lesson 1: Nature and Essence of Ethics


The nature of ethics refers to the prescriptive standards of behavior pertaining to the IDEAL Code of
Conduct of human beings due to ethical guidelines and standards advocacy.

>Additionally it becomes difficult to identify the nature of ethics because of 2 possible problem

a. How to support our ethical standards?

b. How to apply the standards while facing a particular situation?

>5 sources of ethical standards :

a. Utilitarian Approach = Ethical action has been emphasized by many ethicists as one thing which
creates the greatest equilibrium of good in comparison to harm. Plain and simple, while dealing with the
ultimate consequences, this approach tries to " reduce the harm " done by increasing the positive

b. Deontological Approach = Both Philosophers and Ethicists call this as Rights Approach and hold the
view that humans have certain amount of "Dignity" as derived from the ability to choose a preferred

c. Justice or Fairness Approach = this refers to the ideal essence of equality among human beings,
henceforth deserve impartiality with reference to differences.

d. Common Good Approach = this approach pertains to actions that must be taken or even the policies
that are put into place in order to benefit everyone or if not the majority. Here, Compassion and Respect
ar the basic components of such kind of reasoning.

e. Virtue Approach = this lays special emphasis on Virtues such as :

e.1 Courage

e.2 Honesty

e.3 Compassion

e.4 Tolerance

e.5 Generosity

e.6 Integrity

e.7 Self control

e.8 Fairness

e.9 Fidelity

e.10 Prudence

e.11 Love
>Science of Ethics

The essence of ethics has been attributed to Socrates who advocated the Socratic Method aimed to
establish moral truths by QUESTIONING the beliefs of others rather than by explaining to others directly.
In addition, the Science of Ethics is the answer to questions having to do with " The last end of man and
meaning of life to him or her ". Always remember that EACH ONE has a special mission to fulfill.
>Etymological and diverse meanings of Ethics

a. Moral responsibility to present the truth

b. Duty to question " Falsehood "

c. Awareness of the possibility or possibilities in a problem or situation

d. A branch of Philosophy that investigates questions such as :

d.1 What is good and what is bad?

d.2 Is it just or fair to reward a person or group with more benefits over others ?

d.3 What action or actions should an individual take ?

e. A universal decision making tool to point out the way to Right Living in accordance with morality.
>Ethical Science is related to other Sciences from the standpoint of dealing with human nature and
human living:

a. Psychology discusses man's intellect and free will. Ethics directs the intellect to know and the will to
practice moral truths.

b. Logic is the Science of correct thinking. Ethics is the Science of correct doing.

c. Sociology describes the structure and attitude of social groups or agencies while Ethics studies these
social groups or agencies with reference to the moral social order.

d. Economics deals with labor, salaries or wages, production, and wealth distribution. Ethics here acts in
business processes based on justice and other moral principles to create and sustain harmony.
Moreover, humans are considered economic and material beings but are expected to act and be guided
by the norms and principles of ethics.

e. Jurisprudence studies laws based on interpretations, significance, and application. While Ethics here
come into picture as principles and values that are salient in guiding and ensuring the correct and most
of all PROPER way in which the purpose must be fulfilled.

f. Biological Sciences is the study of life and treat human beings as living organisms posed with health
and safety risks during the entire life cycle. Bioethics is a branch of applied ethics that deals with the
philosophical, social, and legal issues concerning human life and well-being and at times treats ethical
questions related to non - human biological environment or otherwise known as environmental ethics/
environmentalism as well as animal rights.

Group 1 leader and members, paki gawa ng ppt un lectures. To everyone, I had already given in
advance what we are supposedly tackle in class. Pls read, understand , and research more about this,
so we will have an interactive discussion or exchange of views. Tnx and see u nxt week...Doc V

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