Piquit Ethics LearnerWorksheet5

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Research on any of the following cultural practices and give a critique of the
practice based on Dr. Rachels’ culture neutral considerations for judging cultural
practices. Write your critique in Learner Worksheet 5.
Topic Choices
o Child brides or early marriage of girls 11- 13 after which they are expected
to start producing children.

o Sex bias or son preference leading to selective abortion, foeticide and

infanticide because the female child is not valued by her culture.

o Female genital mutilation (FGM), an age-old practice which is perpetuated

in many communities around the world simply because it is customary which
involves surgical removal of parts or all of the most sensitive female genital

o Dowry murder is a brutal practice involving a woman being killed by her

husband or in-laws because her family is unable to meet their demands for
her dowry — a payment made to a woman’s in-laws upon her engagement
or marriage as a gift to her new family.

o Honour Killings wherein rape victims, women suspected of engaging in

premarital sex, and women accused of adultery have been murdered by
their male relatives because the violation of a woman’s chastity is viewed
as an affront to the family’s honour.
Critique Guide (Total Word Limit should not exceed 500 words)
o Discuss the cultural practice you have chosen. Give a short background of the
practice including the societies/ cultures that still engage in the practice.
o Discuss the practice against Dr. Rachels’ first culture- neutral consideration: Does
the practice promote or hinder the welfare of the people whose lives are affected
by it? Give proof to support your claim.
o Discuss the practice against Dr. Rachels’ second culture- neutral consideration: Is
there an alternative set of social arrangements that would do a better job of
promoting their welfare?
o Give your personal stance based on your research. Should the practice be
stopped? Or if it would be changed what is your proposal for change?
o All sources must be properly cited. Submissions will be subjected to plagiarism


Learner Worksheet 5
Student Name: Norlejan A. Piquit Score: ____________

Course/ Year/ Section: BSIT/ 1st Year/ 1A

Sex bias or son preference leading to selective abortion, foeticide and infanticide
because the female child is not valued by her culture.

Sex selection can occur prior to the establishment of a pregnancy,

throughout pregnancy via prenatal sex detection and selective abortion, or after
delivery via infanticide or child neglect. Sex selection is occasionally used to
balance families, but it is considerably more frequently utilized as a result of a
purposeful predilection for boys. At birth, the physiologically typical sex ratio is
between 102 and 106 men to 100 girls. However, ratios greater than usual have
been seen (up to 130 in rare cases) (Gender-Biased Sex Selection, 2022).

While India and China account for the majority of sex-selective abortions,
biased sex ratios at birth have been documented in a variety of countries, including
South Korea, Vietnam, Nepal, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Albania, Kosovo,
Macedonia, and Montenegro, as well as among Asian populations in the United
States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Greece, and Spain (Son Preference: Why
We Should Care about It, 2021).

Sex selection has a detrimental effect on the lives of a large number of

individuals worldwide. In certain civilizations, wanting a son demonstrates a lack of
regard for females. It frequently reflects discriminatory socioeconomic practices
and customs. For instance, in certain regions, sons inherit property only, and they
are required to care for elderly parents, execute burial ceremonies, and carry on
the family name. On the other side, daughters may be viewed as a burden,
particularly if they require a sizable dowry to marry (Gender-Biased Sex Selection,


Additionally, such customs create enormous pressure on women to bear

sons. Certain mothers may even endure desertion or abuse as a result of having
girls rather than sons. Unwanted girls may face neglect or be denied chances,
further discouraging moms from having daughters, since they do not want to watch
their children suffer. In the end, son preference has an effect on women's sexual
and reproductive life, affecting their health and survival. Additionally, this condition
has been connected to an upsurge in sexual assault and human trafficking. Lastly,
it is estimated that over 142 million women and girls are missing as a result of son
preference and gender-biased sex selection (Gender-Biased Sex Selection, 2018).

There is no alternative set of social arrangements capable of enhancing the

welfare of those impacted by this practice. The only way to end this tradition is to
abolish it. It is wrong to kill or abort a newborn based on her gender. Sex selection
cannot be regarded in any social situation.

I am a firm believer in ending gender-biased sex selection. There are no ifs

or buts. I concur that this behavior displays society's discrimination against
women. Taking a life just because she is a female is a heinous act in every aspect.
Nobody should be discriminated against on the basis of their gender.



Gender-biased sex selection. (2022). ESCWA. https://www.unescwa.org/sd-


Gender-biased sex selection. (2018). United Nations Population Fund.


Son preference: Why we should care about it. (2021, October 19). World Bank Blogs.




Note: You may use the back part of this paper or an extra sheet of paper if you need to.

Submitting Your Work. If you do not have Internet Connectivity, neatly detach this page
from your module and submit via University Drop Box or by courier/ mail together with your
other Learner Activity Worksheets once you reach the prescribed Learning Checkpoint. If
you have Internet connectivity, you may answer directly on the online version of this
worksheet through the University Virtual Environment.


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