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KUKA System Technology KUKA Roboter GmbH

KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0

For KUKA System Software 8.3 and 8.5


spray 1.0

Issued: 08.03.2018

Version: KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0 V2

KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0

© Copyright 2018
KUKA Deutschland GmbH
Zugspitzstraße 140
D-86165 Augsburg

This documentation or excerpts therefrom may not be reproduced or disclosed to third parties without
the express permission of KUKA Deutschland GmbH.
Other functions not described in this documentation may be operable in the controller. The user has
no claims to these functions, however, in the case of a replacement or service work.
We have checked the content of this documentation for conformity with the hardware and software
described. Nevertheless, discrepancies cannot be precluded, for which reason we are not able to
guarantee total conformity. The information in this documentation is checked on a regular basis, how-
ever, and necessary corrections will be incorporated in the subsequent edition.
Subject to technical alterations without an effect on the function.
Translation of the original documentation

Publication: Pub KST KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0 (PDF) en

Book structure: KST KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0 V2.1
Version: KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0 V2

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1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Target group .............................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Industrial robot documentation ................................................................................... 5
1.3 Representation of warnings and notes ...................................................................... 5
1.4 Licenses ..................................................................................................................... 6

2 Product description ..................................................................................... 7

2.1 Product description .................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Intended use of the option package ........................................................................... 7
2.3 Rights management ................................................................................................... 7
2.3.1 Displaying user rights ........................................................................................... 8

3 Safety ............................................................................................................ 9
4 Installation .................................................................................................... 11
4.1 System requirements ................................................................................................. 11
4.2 Installation via WorkVisual ......................................................................................... 11
4.2.1 Installing or updating KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0 ..................................................... 11
4.2.2 Uninstalling KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0 .................................................................... 12

5 Configuration ............................................................................................... 15
5.1 Configuring network settings ...................................................................................... 15
5.1.1 Storing the IP address of the DÜRR AUC controller ............................................ 15
5.1.2 Configuring the KUKA Line Interface .................................................................... 15
5.2 Configuring simulation mode ..................................................................................... 16
5.3 Configuring 1 or 2-component paints ......................................................................... 16
5.4 Configuring an anticipation time ................................................................................. 17
5.5 Controlling the main needle via a digital output or UDP ............................................ 18

6 Programming ............................................................................................... 21
6.1 General information on programming ........................................................................ 21
6.2 Checking for production readiness ............................................................................ 22
6.3 Change brush ........................................................................................................... 22
6.4 Change color (in motion) ........................................................................................ 23
6.5 Change color (at standstill) ..................................................................................... 23
6.6 Wait for loaded color ............................................................................................... 24
6.7 Start painting (in motion) ........................................................................................ 24
6.8 Start painting (at standstill) .................................................................................... 25
6.9 Stop painting (in motion) ........................................................................................ 25
6.10 Stop painting (at standstill) ..................................................................................... 25
6.11 Purge (in motion) ..................................................................................................... 25
6.12 Purge (at standstill) ................................................................................................. 26
6.13 Wait for purged ........................................................................................................ 26
6.14 Brief purge (in motion) ............................................................................................ 26
6.15 Brief purge (at standstill) ........................................................................................ 27
6.16 Adaptable subprograms ............................................................................................. 27
6.17 Example program ....................................................................................................... 28

7 Diagnosis ..................................................................................................... 31

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KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0

7.1 Variable overview ...................................................................................................... 31

7.2 Checking the submit interpreter ................................................................................. 32

8 Messages ...................................................................................................... 35
8.1 System messages from module: ready2_spray ........................................................ 35
8.1.1 ready2_spray 00001 ............................................................................................. 35
8.1.2 ready2_spray 00002 ............................................................................................. 35
8.1.3 ready2_spray 00003 ............................................................................................. 36
8.1.4 ready2_spray 00004 ............................................................................................. 36
8.1.5 ready2_spray 00005 ............................................................................................. 37
8.1.6 ready2_spray 00006 ............................................................................................. 38
8.1.7 ready2_spray 00007 ............................................................................................. 39
8.1.8 ready2_spray 00008 ............................................................................................. 39
8.1.9 ready2_spray 00009 ............................................................................................. 40
8.1.10 ready2_spray 00010 ............................................................................................. 40
8.1.11 ready2_spray 00011 ............................................................................................. 41
8.1.12 ready2_spray 00012 ............................................................................................. 43
8.1.13 ready2_spray 00013 ............................................................................................. 45
8.1.14 ready2_spray 00014 ............................................................................................. 46
8.1.15 ready2_spray 00015 ............................................................................................. 47
8.1.16 ready2_spray 00016 ............................................................................................. 47
8.1.17 ready2_spray 00102 ............................................................................................. 48
8.1.18 ready2_spray 00103 ............................................................................................. 49
8.1.19 ready2_spray 00104 ............................................................................................. 50
8.1.20 ready2_spray 00105 ............................................................................................. 50
8.1.21 ready2_spray 00106 ............................................................................................. 51

9 KUKA Service ............................................................................................... 53

9.1 Requesting support ................................................................................................... 53
9.2 KUKA Customer Support ........................................................................................... 53

Index ............................................................................................................. 61

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1 Introduction

1 Introduction

1.1 Target group


This documentation is aimed at users with the following knowledge and skills:
 Basic knowledge of the robot system
 Basic knowledge of network technology
 KRL programming skills
 Basic knowledge of the painting application

For optimal use of our products, we recommend that our customers

take part in a course of training at KUKA College. Information about
the training program can be found at www.kuka.com or can be ob-
tained directly from our subsidiaries.

1.2 Industrial robot documentation

The industrial robot documentation consists of the following parts:

 Documentation for the manipulator
 Documentation for the robot controller
 Operating and programming instructions for the System Software
 Instructions for options and accessories
 Parts catalog on storage medium
Each of these sets of instructions is a separate document.

1.3 Representation of warnings and notes

Safety These warnings are relevant to safety and must be observed.

These warnings mean that it is certain or highly probable

that death or severe injuries will occur, if no precautions
are taken.

These warnings mean that death or severe injuries may

occur, if no precautions are taken.

These warnings mean that minor injuries may occur, if

no precautions are taken.

These warnings mean that damage to property may oc-

cur, if no precautions are taken.

These warnings contain references to safety-relevant information or

general safety measures.
These warnings do not refer to individual hazards or individual pre-
cautionary measures.

This warning draws attention to procedures which serve to prevent or remedy

emergencies or malfunctions:

The following procedure must be followed exactly!

Procedures marked with this warning must be followed exactly.

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KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0

Notices These notices serve to make your work easier or contain references to further

Tip to make your work easier or reference to further information.

1.4 Licenses

The KUKA license conditions and the license conditions of the open-source
software used can be found in the following folders:
 Under .\LICENSE on the data storage medium with the installation files of
the KUKA software
 Under D:\KUKA_OPT\Option package name\LICENSE after installation on
the robot controller
 In the license folder under the name of the option package in the Options
catalog after installation in WorkVisual

Further information about open-source licenses can be requested

from the following address: opensource@kuka.com

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2 Product description

2 Product description

Product description

KUKA.ready2_spray enables communication between the KUKA KR C4 robot


controller and the DÜRR AUC paint system controller, as well as activation of
the DÜRR AUC paint system controller. Communication is carried out via UDP
and optionally via digital inputs/outputs.

Functions For this, KUKA.ready2_spray performs the following functions:

 Communication with the paint system controller via UDP and optionally
digital inputs/outputs
 Transfer to the paint system controller of commands, such as start and fin-
ish painting, change color, change brush, or purge
 Processing and visualization of paint system controller status messages
 Visualization of transfer variables

2.2 Intended use of the option package

Use The KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0 option package is intended exclusively for paint-
ing and for use in an industrial environment.
The technology package must only be operated in compliance with the speci-
fied system requirements. (>>> 4.1 "System requirements" Page 11) It is
used exclusively for activating and communicating with the Dürr AUC control-
Operation in accordance with the intended use also requires compliance with
the configuration instructions in this documentation and constant observance
of the assembly and operating instructions for the cell components used.

Misuse Any use or application deviating from the intended use is deemed to be misuse
and is not allowed. The manufacturer cannot be held liable for any resulting
damage. The risk lies entirely with the user.
Examples of such misuse include:
 Use in a cell which does not conform to the applicable safety regulations
for painting
 Use in a non-industrial environment

2.3 Rights management

Only if using KUKA System Software 8.5:

The functions of a software are assigned various function groups. In the rights
management, the minimum user group required to execute a function is de-
fined for each function group.
 The administrator can assign other user groups to the function groups.
 The assignment of the individual functions to the function groups cannot
be changed.
 Every user can display which user groups are currently assigned to which
function groups.
(>>> 2.3.1 "Displaying user rights" Page 8)
The technology-specific activities are assigned to the following function
groups: Configuration of the technology packages

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KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0

Activity Function group

Install/update/uninstall KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0 General configuration
Default setting: Expert

(>>> 5.1 "Configuring network settings" Page 15) General configuration

Default setting: Expert
(>>> 5.2 "Configuring simulation mode" Page 16) General configuration
Default setting: Expert
(>>> 5.3 "Configuring 1 or 2-component paints" General configuration
Page 16)
Default setting: Expert
Insert inline forms General KRL program changes
(>>> 6 "Programming" Page 21) Default setting: User

2.3.1 Displaying user rights

Description The user groups assigned to the function groups can be displayed.

Procedure 1. In the main menu, select Start-up > Rights management.

The Rights management window opens.
2. Select the Function groups tab.

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3 Safety

3 Safety

y The safety information for the industrial robot can be found in the “Safety”
chapter of the Operating and Programming Instructions for System Integrators
or the Operating and Programming Instructions for End Users.

The “Safety” chapter in the operating and programming instructions

of the KUKA System Software (KSS) must be observed. Death to per-
sons, severe injuries or considerable damage to property may other-
wise result.

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4 Installation

4 Installation

The option package can either be installed on the robot controller via the sm-
artHMI or via WorkVisual.

4.1 System requirements

Hardware  KR C4 robot controller

 DÜRR AUC controller
 Ethernet connection between the controllers via the KUKA Line Interface

Software The following software must already be installed on the robot controller before
installation of KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0:
 KUKA System Software 8.3
 KUKA.EthernetKRL 2.2
 KUKA.UserTech 3.3
 KUKA.MultiSubmitInterpreter 1.0
 KUKA System Software 8.5
 KUKA.EthernetKRL 3.0
 KUKA.UserTech 3.4
The number of the required release must be taken from the file
ReleaseNotes_[…].TXT. The file is located on the data storage medium con-
taining KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0.
The following KRL resources are used by KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0 and must
be free:

KRL resource Number

Timers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Flags 1, 2, 3
Extended submit EX1

Laptop/PC Software:
 For KUKA System Software 8.3:
WorkVisual 4.0.x
 For KUKA System Software 8.5:
WorkVisual 5.0.x
The requirements for installation of WorkVisual are contained in the WorkVi-
sual documentation.
The number of the required release must be taken from the file
ReleaseNotes_[…].TXT. The file is located on the data storage medium con-
taining KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0.

4.2 Installation via WorkVisual

4.2.1 Installing or updating KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0

Description The option package is installed in WorkVisual and added to the project. During
project deployment, the option package is automatically installed on the robot

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KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0

The option package KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0 contains all the necessary setup
files. The catalog element ready2_spray device contains the I/O configura-
tion including the long texts for the inputs and outputs for controlling the main
needle and for status polling of the compressed air controller. On completion
of installation, all necessary presettings for connecting the paint system con-
troller and the compressed air controller to the robot have been made.
In the case of an update, the previous version of the option package in WorkVi-
sual must first be uninstalled.

It is advisable to archive all relevant data before updating a software


Precondition  User group “Expert”

 T1 or T2 mode
 No program is selected.
 Network connection between PC and robot controller
 The option package is available as a KOP file.

Procedure 1. Only for an update: Uninstall the previous version of the option package
KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0 via the menu Extras > Option package man-
agement... in WorkVisual.
2. Install the option package KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0 via the menu Extras >
Option package management... in WorkVisual.
3. Load the active project from the robot controller.
4. Drag the option package KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0 from the Catalogs area
to the Project structure area on the robot controller in order to insert the
option package into the project.
For this, the robot controller must not be set to active.
5. Drag the catalog element ready2_spray device located in the same cat-
alog as the option package to the robot controller in order to insert it into
the project as well.
For this, the robot controller must not be set to active.
6. Select the first input for the I/O mapping.
7. Configure the option package in WorkVisual as required.
8. Deploy the project from WorkVisual to the robot controller and activate it.
9. The request for confirmation Do you want to activate the project […]? is dis-
played on the smartHMI. The active project is overwritten during activa-
tion. If no relevant project will be overwritten: Answer the query with Yes.
10. An overview with the changes and a request for confirmation are displayed
on the smartHMI. Answer this with Yes. The option package is installed
and the robot controller carries out a reboot.

Information about procedures in WorkVisual is contained in the

WorkVisual documentation.

LOG file A LOG file is created under C:\KRC\ROBOTER\LOG.

4.2.2 Uninstalling KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0

It is advisable to archive all relevant data before uninstalling a soft-

ware package.

Precondition  User group “Expert”

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4 Installation

 T1 or T2 mode
 No program is selected.
 Network connection between PC and robot controller

Procedure 1. Load the project from the robot controller.

2. Remove the catalog element ready2_spray device from the project.
3. Remove the KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0 option package from the project. A
window with modifications is displayed.
4. Deploy the project from WorkVisual to the robot controller and activate it.
5. Answer the request for confirmation Do you want to activate the project […]?
on the smartHMI with Yes.
6. An overview with the changes and a request for confirmation are displayed
on the smartHMI. Answer this with Yes. The option package is uninstalled
and the robot controller carries out a reboot.

Information about procedures in WorkVisual is contained in the

WorkVisual documentation.

LOG file A LOG file is created under C:\KRC\ROBOTER\LOG.

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5 Configuration

5 Configuration

5.1 Configuring network settings


5.1.1 Storing the IP address of the DÜRR AUC controller

Description Notify the KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0 option package of the IP address and port
of the DÜRR AUC controller so that the 2 controllers can communicate via

Information about configuring and displaying the IP address and port

of the DÜRR AUC controller can be found in the manufacturer docu-

Precondition  “Expert” user group

Procedure 1. In the Navigator, select the file C:\KRC\ROBOTER\Config\User\Com-

mon\EthernetKRL\R2S.xml and click on Open.
2. Enter the IP address of the AUC controller in the section <IP>.
3. Enter the port of the AUC controller in the section <PORT>.

4. Save and close the file.

5. Perform a cold start of the controller with Reload data:
a. In the main menu, select Shutdown.
b. Select the type Cold start in the window Shutdown > Default settings
for switching off the controller via main switch.
c. Select Reload data in the window Shutdown > Settings valid next time
the system is switched off using the main switch.
d. Restart the controller.

5.1.2 Configuring the KUKA Line Interface

Description In order for the KR C4 robot controller to be able to communicate with the
DÜRR AUC controller, a VLAN must be configured as follows in the KUKA
Line Interface:
 Fixed IP address
 Subnet mask:
 IP address: must be in the same subnet as the DÜRR AUC controller

Procedure 1. In the main menu, select Start-up > Network configuration. The Net-
work configuration window opens.
2. Select Advanced....
3. Mark the VLAN interface virtual6.
4. Select the Fixed IP address type in the Address type: box.
5. In the boxes underneath, enter the IP address of the robot controller and
the subnet mask.

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6. Press Save.
7. Reboot the robot controller so that the change takes effect.

Further information about KLI network configuration can be found in

the Operating and Programming Instructions for System Integrators
for the system software.

5.2 Configuring simulation mode

Description In simulation mode, robot programs can be executed without the paint system
controller actually applying paint. In simulation mode, commands are not
transmitted to the paint system controller. Simulation mode can be used to test
robot programs that have been taught.

Precondition  “Expert” user group

Procedure 1. In the main menu, select Display > Variable > Overview > Display.
The Variable overview – Display window opens.
2. Select the group R2S status / config.

Fig. 5-1: Variable overview - group R2S status / config

3. Select the LED next to Simulation mode is active.

4. Press Edit to switch the simulation mode on or off:
 Gray: Simulation mode is inactive
 Green: Simulation mode is active
5. Click X to close the window.

T1 mode In mode T1 (test mode), the robot controller behaves in the same way as it
does in simulation mode (>>> 5.2 "Configuring simulation mode" Page 16):
commands are not issued to the paint system controller so painting does not
take place.

5.3 Configuring 1 or 2-component paints

Description The paint system controller can work with 1 and 2-component paints. The
commands that need to be sent to the paint system controller for this purpose
will vary. For this reason, the option package needs to be informed as to which
type of paint is being used. This setting must be consistent with the setting on
the paint system controller.

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5 Configuration

Precondition  “Expert” user group

Procedure 1. In the main menu, select Display > Variable > Overview > Display.
The Variable overview – Display window opens.
2. Select the group R2S status / config.

Fig. 5-2: Variable overview - group R2S status / config

3. Check the LED next to Two component color is active.

4. Press Edit to switch between 1 and 2-component paint:
 Gray: 1-component paint (1C)
 Green: 2-component paint (2C)
5. Click X to close the window.

5.4 Configuring an anticipation time

Description Setting an anticipation time delays the trigger point of the commands Start
painting / Stop painting / Change brush by the specified time (unit: ms). En-
tering a negative value consequently shifts the trigger moment forwards. Set-
ting an anticipation time makes it possible to start or stop painting exactly at
the taught point. The anticipation time depends on the spray head.

Precondition  “Expert” user group

Procedure 1. In the main menu, select Display > Variable > Overview > Display.
The Variable overview – Display window opens.
2. Select the group R2S status / config.

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Fig. 5-3: Variable overview - group R2S status / config

3. Select the number next to Anticipation time Gun On / Anticipation time

Gun Off / Anticipation time Change Brush.
4. Press Edit.
5. Enter a value with the unit ms and confirm with Enter.
 Negative value: The trigger moment is shifted forwards.
 Positive value: The trigger moment is shifted backwards.

5.5 Controlling the main needle via a digital output or UDP

Description Communication between the robot controller and the paint system controller is
generally carried out via UDP.
The command for switching the main needle is issued via a digital output, how-
ever. This behavior can be configured. If no digital output is to be used, the
command can also be issued via UDP.

Precondition  “Expert” user group

Procedure 1. In the main menu, select Display > Variable > Overview > Display.
The Variable overview – Display window opens.
2. Select the group R2S status / config.

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5 Configuration

Fig. 5-4: Variable overview - group R2S status / config

3. Select the LED next to Control GunOn/Off with IO.

4. Press Edit to change mode:
 Gray: Commands are issued via UDP (Ethernet)
 Green: Commands are issued via a digital output
5. Press X to close the window.

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6 Programming

6 Programming

6.1 General information on programming

Motion types It is advisable to program the robot motions during the painting operation as
CP or PTP spline motions (SPTP, SLIN, SCIRC) and not as conventional CP
or PTP motions. The acceleration profile is more uniform for spline motions
and thus produces a more uniform application of the paint.

T1 mode In mode T1 (test mode), the robot controller behaves in the same way as it
does in simulation mode (>>> 5.2 "Configuring simulation mode" Page 16):
commands are not issued to the paint system controller so painting does not
take place.

Triggering time The entries for the triggering time refer to the following commands:
 Change brush
 Start painting (in motion)
 Stop painting (in motion)
 Change color (in motion)
 Purge (in motion)
 Brief purge (in motion)
The command is activated on reaching the next end point that is programmed
after the command. If the end point after the command is approximated
(CONT), the robot controller calculates how far the distance would be from the
start of the approximate positioning arc to the end point with exact positioning.
This distance is then applied to the approximate positioning arc.
The distance PStartApprox → P3 is the same as PStartApprox → P3'Trigger 1.

Fig. 6-1: Triggering time

SPTP P3; ab hier wird der Befehl aktiv

Trigger commands cannot be used together with PTP motions.

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Further information about reference points for approximate position-

ing is contained in the operating and programming instructions for the
KUKA System Software for system integrators, in the chapter TRIG-

6.2 Checking for production readiness

Description Check whether the paint system controller is ready for production. If the com-
mand is programmed at the start of a motion program, this prevents motion
commands from being executed if the paint system controller is not ready for
The next program command is only executed if the signal mStatOn (station
ready for production) from the paint system controller is active.

Precondition  Program has been opened.

Procedure 1. Select the menu sequence Commands > ready2_spray > Check for
production readiness.
2. Press Cmd OK to save the instruction.

Inline form

Fig. 6-2: Inline form “ChkProdRdy”

Item Description
ChkPro- Check for production readiness command
Other commands from the option package can be quickly se-
lected via this menu.

6.3 Change brush

Description Inform the paint system controller which brush data set is to be used. Program
the Change brush / ChangeBrush command before starting the painting op-

Precondition  Program has been opened.

Procedure 1. Select the menu sequence Commands > ready2_spray > Change
2. Set the desired brush number in the inline form.
3. Press Cmd OK to save the instruction.

Inline form

Fig. 6-3: Inline form "ChangeBrush"

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6 Programming

Item Description
Change- Change brush command
Other commands from the option package can be quickly se-
lected via this menu.
Brush Brush number
 1 ... 19
The parameters of the brush data sets are stored in the paint
system controller.

6.4 Change color (in motion)

Description Inform the paint system controller that the color is to be changed. The paint
system controller then purges the spray head before the new color is loaded.
This operation may take several minutes. The current status of the paint sys-
tem controller is indicated by messages on the robot controller.
When the command Change color (in motion) / ChangeColorDyn is called,
the color change is initiated when the robot reaches the next point pro-
grammed after the command. The color change is then executed in parallel to
the following motion commands that are executed by the robot.
The command Wait for loaded color should always be programmed after the
motion commands that are to be executed by the robot during the color

Precondition  Program has been opened.

Procedure 1. Program one or more robot motions so that the spray head is in a suitable
position for purging.
2. Select the menu sequence Commands > ready2_spray > Change color
> Change color (in motion).
3. In the inline form, set the color that is to be loaded next.
4. Press Cmd OK to save the instruction.

Inline form
Fig. 6-4: Inline form “ChangeColorDyn”

Item Description
Change- Change color (in motion)Change color command
Other commands from the option package can be quickly se-
lected via this menu.
Color Number of the color that is to be loaded next.
 1 ... 20

6.5 Change color (at standstill)

Description Inform the paint system controller that the color is to be changed. The paint
system controller then purges the spray head before the new color is loaded.
This operation may take several minutes. The current status of the paint sys-
tem controller is indicated by messages on the robot controller.
Before the Change color (at standstill) / ChangeColorStat command is ex-
ecuted, the spray head should be in a suitable position for purging. The robot

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stops when the color change is initiated and waits until the color change has
been completed.

Precondition  Program has been opened.

Procedure 1. Program one or more robot motions so that the spray head is in a suitable
position for purging.
2. Select the menu sequence Commands > ready2_spray > Change color
> Change color (at standstill).
3. In the inline form, set the color that is to be loaded next.
4. Press Cmd OK to save the instruction.

Inline form
Fig. 6-5: Inline form “ChangeColorStat”

Item Description
Change- Change color command
Other commands from the option package can be quickly se-
lected via this menu.
Color Number of the color that is to be loaded next.
 1 ... 20

6.6 Wait for loaded color

Description The command Wait for loaded color / WaitForColorLoaded stops the robot
program until the signal from the paint system controller indicating completion
of the color change is active.
The command is programmed after the command Change color (in motion)
/ ChangeColorDyn. The command ensures that the program is not resumed
until the color change has been completed.

Precondition  Program has been opened.

Procedure 1. Select the menu sequence Commands > ready2_spray > Change color
> Wait for loaded color.
2. Press Cmd OK to save the instruction.

6.7 Start painting (in motion)

Description The Start painting (in motion) / GunOnDyn command activates the main
needle of the spray head. The system first checks whether a color change is
active. If a color change is still active, the program is not continued.

Precondition  Program has been opened.

Procedure 1. Select the menu sequence Commands > ready2_spray > Start painting
(in motion).
2. Press Cmd OK to save the instruction.
3. Program a motion command.
The painting operation starts at the end point of this motion command. If
the motion command is programmed with approximate positioning, the
painting operation starts in the middle of the approximate positioning arc.
4. Program the motion commands during which painting is to be carried out.

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6 Programming

6.8 Start painting (at standstill)

Description The Start painting (at standstill) / GunOnStat command activates the main
needle of the spray head. The system first checks whether a color change is
active. If a color change is still active, the program is not continued. The com-
mand is executed during program execution and cannot be approximated.
The command can be used to activate the main needle of the spray head with-
out the robot moving.

Precondition  Program has been opened.

Procedure 1. Select the menu sequence Commands > ready2_spray > Start painting
(at standstill).
2. Press Cmd OK to save the instruction.

6.9 Stop painting (in motion)

Description The Stop painting (in motion) / GunOffDyn command deactivates the main
needle of the spray head.

Precondition  Program has been opened.

Procedure 1. Select the menu sequence Commands > ready2_spray > Stop painting
(in motion).
2. Press Cmd OK to save the instruction.
3. Program a motion command.
The painting operation stops at the end point of this motion command. If
the motion command is programmed with approximate positioning, the
painting operation stops in the middle of the approximate positioning arc.

6.10 Stop painting (at standstill)

Description The Stop painting (at standstill) / GunOffStat command deactivates the
main needle of the spray head.
The command is executed during normal program execution and cannot be

Precondition  Program has been opened.

Procedure 1. Select the menu sequence Commands > ready2_spray > Stop painting
(at standstill).
2. Press Cmd OK to save the instruction.

6.11 Purge (in motion)

Description Inform the paint system controller that a purging operation is to be initiated.
The paint system controller then purges the spray head. This operation may
take several minutes. The current status of the paint system controller is indi-
cated by messages on the robot controller.
When the command Purge (in motion) / PurgeDyn is called, the purging op-
eration is initiated when the robot reaches the next point programmed after the
command. The purging operation is then executed in parallel to the following
motion commands that are executed by the robot.
The command Wait for purged should always be programmed after the mo-
tion commands that are to be executed by the robot during the purging oper-

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KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0

Precondition  Program has been opened.

Procedure 1. Program one or more robot motions so that the spray head is in a suitable
position for purging.
2. Select the menu sequence Commands > ready2_spray > Purge >
Purge (in motion).
3. Press Cmd OK to save the instruction.

6.12 Purge (at standstill)

Description The Purge (at standstill) / PurgeStat command initiates a purging operation
for the spray head. This operation may take several minutes. The current sta-
tus of the paint system controller is indicated by messages on the robot con-
Before the Purge (at standstill) / PurgeStat command is executed, the spray
head should be in a suitable position for purging. The robot stops when the
purging operation is initiated and waits until the purging operation has been

Precondition  Program has been opened.

Procedure 1. Program one or more robot motions so that the spray head is in a suitable
position for purging.
2. Select the menu sequence Commands > ready2_spray > Purge >
Purge (at standstill).
3. Press Cmd OK to save the instruction.

6.13 Wait for purged

Description The command Wait for purged / WaitForPurgeFinished stops the robot pro-
gram until the signal from the paint system controller indicating completion of
the purging operation is active.
The command is programmed after the command Purge (in motion) / Purge-
Dyn. The command ensures that the program is not resumed until the purging
operation has been completed.

Precondition  Program has been opened.

Procedure 1. Select the menu sequence Commands > ready2_spray > Purge > Wait
for purged.
2. Press Cmd OK to save the instruction.

6.14 Brief purge (in motion)

Description The Brief purge (in motion) / ShortPurgeDyn command merely cleans the
bell disk of the spray head.
When the command Brief purge (in motion) / ShortPurgeDyn is called, the
purging operation is initiated when the robot reaches the next point pro-
grammed after the command. The purging operation is then executed in par-
allel to the following motion commands that are executed by the robot.

Precondition  Program has been opened.

Procedure 1. Program one or more robot motions so that the spray head is in a suitable
position for purging.
2. Select the menu sequence Commands > ready2_spray > Brief purge >
Brief purge (in motion).

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6 Programming

3. Press Cmd OK to save the instruction.

6.15 Brief purge (at standstill)

Description The Brief purge / ShortPurge command merely cleans the bell disk of the
spray head.
The robot stops when the purging operation is initiated and waits until the
purging operation has been completed.

Precondition  Program has been opened.

Procedure 1. Program one or more robot motions so that the spray head is in a suitable
position for purging.
2. Select the menu sequence Commands > ready2_spray > Brief purge >
Brief purge (at standstill).
3. Press Cmd OK to save the instruction.

6.16 Adaptable subprograms

Description KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0 contains subprograms which are called automatically

at various points by the robot controller. These are provided to allow the user
to program the instructions that are to be executed at the relevant points in the
process, e.g. setting outputs or counters, or polling inputs.
The following general conditions must be observed:
 No additional parameters can be transferred to the subprograms.
 The subprograms must not contain wait instructions.
 The subprograms must not contain instructions that trigger an advance run

The adaptations in these subprograms are preserved if the option

package is updated. If the package is uninstalled, the adaptations will
be lost. The data must therefore be backed up beforehand if required.

Precondition  “Expert” user group

Module Directory C:\KRC\ROBOTER\KRC\R1\TP\ready2_spray\User

File [Name of subprogram].src/.dat

Point in time at which the robot controller Transfer
calls the subprogram value
CheckStationOnPreAction Before execution of the Check for production -
readiness command
CheckStationOnPostAction After execution of the Check for production -
readiness command
ChgBrushUserPreAction Before execution of the Change brush com- Brush num-
mand ber
ChgBrushUserPostAction After execution of the Change brush com- Brush num-
mand ber
ChgColorUserPreAction Before execution of the Change color com- Color number
ChgColorUserPostAction After execution of the Change color command Color number
WaitForClrChgPreAction Before execution of the Wait for loaded color -

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KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0

Point in time at which the robot controller Transfer

calls the subprogram value
WaitForClrChgPostAction After execution of the Wait for loaded color -
GunOnUserPreAction Before execution of the Start painting com- -
GunOnUserPostAction After execution of the Start painting command -
GunOffUserPreAction Before execution of the Stop painting com- -
GunOffUserPostAction After execution of the Stop painting command -
PurgeUserPreAction Before execution of the Purge command -
PurgeUserPostAction After execution of the Purge command -
WaitForPurgePreAction Before execution of the Wait for purged com-
WaitForPurgePostAction After execution of the Wait for purged com-
ShortPurgeUsrPreAction Before execution of the Brief purge command -
ShortPurgeUsrPostAction After execution of the Brief purge command -

Procedure  Insert the desired KRL commands in the SRC file of the subprogram.

6.17 Example program

Description The following example program describes a painting operation in which the
brush data set is changed once. All motions are programmed as spline mo-
tions with the same Tool 1 and Base 0. None of the points is approximated.

Fig. 6-6: Example program

2 SPTP HOME VEL=100% DEFAULT Tool[1] Base[0]
3 SPTP P1 VEL=100% DEFAULT Tool[1] Base[0]
4 SPTP P2 VEL=25% DEFAULT Tool[1] Base[0]
5 ready2_spray.ChangeColorStat Color: 1
6 ready2_spray.ChangeBrush Brush: 2
7 SPTP P3 Vel=75% PDAT6 Tool[1] Base[0]
8 ready2_spray.GunOnDyn
9 SLIN P4 Vel=1 m/s CPDAT1 Tool[1] Base[0]
10 SLIN P5 Vel=1 m/s CPDAT1 Tool[1] Base[0]
11 SLIN P6 Vel=1 m/s CPDAT1 Tool[1] Base[0]
12 ready2_spray.ChangeBrush Brush: 3
13 SLIN P7 Vel=1 m/s CPDAT1 Tool[1] Base[0]

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6 Programming

14 SLIN P8 Vel=1 m/s CPDAT1 Tool[1] Base[0]

15 ready2_spray.GunOffDyn
16 SLIN P9 Vel=1 m/s CPDAT1 Tool[1] Base[0]
17 SPTP P10 Vel= 50 % CPDAT1 Tool[1] Base[0]
18 SPTP HOME Vel=100 % CPDAT1 Tool[1] Base[0]

Line Description
2-4 The robot moves from the HOME position to points P1 and P2.
5 Color 1 is loaded into the paint system controller.
6-7 The robot moves to point P3.
On reaching P3, brush data set 2 is loaded into the paint sys-
tem controller.
8-9 The robot moves to point P4.
On reaching P4, the painting operation commences.
10-11 The robot moves to points P5 and P6; the painting operation
is active.
12-13 The robot moves to point P7.
On reaching P7, brush data set 2 is loaded into the paint sys-
tem controller.
14 The robot moves to point P8.
15-16 The robot moves to point P9.
On reaching P9, the painting operation is terminated.
17-18 The robot returns via P10 to the HOME position.

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KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0

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7 Diagnosis

7 Diagnosis

Variable overview

Description The main variables that are relevant for communication between the robot
controller and the paint system controller are stored in the variable overview.
The same variables can also be displayed on the paint system controller.

Fig. 7-1: Variable overview – Display

1 Variable with value FALSE

2 Changing the value of a writable variable
3 Variable with value TRUE
4 Variable group
5 Variable list
6 Display of the variable value is refreshed during the runtime

The following variable groups are configured in the variable overview for
KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0:
 R2S DURR -> KUKA 2
 R2S status / config
 R2S process data
 R2S purge controller

Further information about the individual variables can be found in the

documentation of the paint system controller and the compressed air

Group R2S The group R2S status / config contains variables that primarily affect the robot
status / config controller.

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KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0

Name Description
Spray process state Process state of
KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0.
 Connecting
 Initializing
 Idle
 Spraying
 Purging
 ColorChange
 Error
Two component color is active The paint system controller is con-
trolled with the commands for a 2-
component paint.

Simulation mode is active The simulation mode is active.

AnticipationTime Setting an anticipation time delays

GunOn/GunOff/Change Brush the trigger point of the commands
Start painting / Stop painting /
Change brush by the specified
time (unit: ms)
Control GunOn/Off with IO The command for switching the
main needle is issued via a digital

Procedure 1. In the main menu, select Display > Variable > Overview > Display.
The Variable overview – Display window opens.
2. Select the desired group.

7.2 Checking the submit interpreter

Description KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0 has its own submit interpreter. This submit interpreter
must be correctly integrated into the Multi-Submit interpreter and selected.
Otherwise, no commands will be transferred to the paint system controller and
the robot controller cannot receive any commands from the paint system con-

Mini menu Touching the Submit interpreter status indicator opens the mini menu All
SUBMIT interpreters.

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7 Diagnosis

Fig. 7-2: Mini menu “All SUBMIT interpreters”

Procedure 1. In the main menu, select Configuration > All SUBMIT interpreters >
In the status bar, touch the submit interpreter status indicator. The mini
menu All SUBMIT interpreters is opened.
Select Display/Assign.
2. The Submit interpreter window opens.
Select the Current display/assignment tab.
3. Check whether the submit interpreter sps_r2s has been selected.
4. If not, press Select/Start or Start on the right-hand side.

Further information about the functionality of the submit interpreter is

contained in the operating and programming instructions for the
KUKA System Software and in the operating and programming in-
structions for KUKA.MultiSubmitInterpreter 1.0.

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KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0

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8 Messages

8 Messages

System messages from module: ready2_spray

8.1.1 ready2_spray 00001

Message code  ready2_spray 00001

Message text  There is an active error in the paint system controller.
Message type  Status message

Possible cause(s)  Cause: The paint system controller reports an error (>>> Page 35)
Solution: Check the messages on the paint system controller
(>>> Page 35)

Cause: The paint system controller reports an error

Description The paint system controller reports an error. It is not possible to execute inline
forms from ready2_spray.

Solution: Check the messages on the paint system controller

Description Check the active messages on the paint system controller and rectify their

8.1.2 ready2_spray 00002

Message code  ready2_spray 00002

Message text  The paint system controller is not in external brush mode.
Message type  Status message

Possible cause(s)  Cause: The paint system controller is not in external brush mode
(>>> Page 35)
Solution: Switch the paint system controller to external brush mode
(>>> Page 36)

Cause: The paint system controller is not in external brush mode

Description The paint system controller must be in external brush mode so that the robot
controller can inform the paint system controller of which brush data set to use.
This means that the paint system controller can receive commands concern-
ing the intended brush data set externally. Use the command Change
brush / ChangeBrush to transmit the desired brush data set.

Checking instruc-  Check the paint system controller to determine whether it is in external
tions brush mode.

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KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0

Solution: Switch the paint system controller to external brush mode

Description Switch the paint system controller to external brush mode. Only then can the
robot controller inform the paint system controller as to which brush data set
to use.

8.1.3 ready2_spray 00003

Message code  ready2_spray 00003

Message text  Flushing active.
Message type  Status message

Possible cause(s)  Cause: A flushing process is active (>>> Page 36)

Solution: System information: no operator action required
(>>> Page 36)

Cause: A flushing process is active

Description A flushing process has been started on the paint system controller. This is still
active. A flushing process is carried out when there is a change of color or to
clean the hoses.

Checking instruc-  Check the progress of the flushing process on the paint system controller.

Solution: System information: no operator action required

Description This message provides system information to the operator and requires no ac-

8.1.4 ready2_spray 00004

Message code  ready2_spray 00004

Message text  Loading active.
Message type  Status message

Possible cause(s)  Cause: A new color is loaded (>>> Page 36)

Solution: System information: no operator action required
(>>> Page 37)

Cause: A new color is loaded

Description A new color is loaded for a color change.

Checking instruc-  Check the loading progress on the paint system controller.

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8 Messages

Solution: System information: no operator action required

Description This message provides system information to the operator and requires no ac-

8.1.5 ready2_spray 00005

Message code  ready2_spray 00005

Message text  No active communication with the paint system controller.
Message type  Status message

Possible cause(s)  Cause: It is not possible to establish a connection to the paint system
controller (>>> Page 37)
Solution: Enter correct IP address (>>> Page 37)

 Cause: It is not possible to establish a connection to the paint system

controller (>>> Page 37)
Solution: IP address and port number correctly entered in the XML file
(>>> Page 38)

Cause: It is not possible to establish a connection to the paint system controller

Description The network communication to the paint system controller is not active.
The procedure for checking whether the network connection between
the paint system controller and the robot controller is configured cor-
rectly is as follows:

Checking instruc- 1. In the Navigator, select the file C:\KRC\ROBOTER\Config\User\Com-

tions mon\EthernetKRL\R2S.xml and click on Open.
2. Compare the IP address of the DÜRR AUC controller in the <IP> section
with the IP address that is entered in the paint system controller.
3. Compare the port for the DÜRR AUC controller in the <PORT> section with
the port that is entered in the paint system controller.
4. In the main menu, select Start-up > Network configuration. The Net-
work configuration window opens.
5. Check the Address type: box to see if the Fixed IP address type has
been selected.
6. In the boxes underneath, check the IP address of the robot controller and
the subnet mask:
 Subnet mask:
 IP address: must be in the same network as the paint system controller

Solution: Enter correct IP address

Description Enter the correct IP address.

Cause: It is not possible to establish a connection to the paint system controller

Description The network communication to the paint system controller is not active.

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KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0

The procedure for checking whether the network connection between

the paint system controller and the robot controller is configured cor-
rectly is as follows:

Checking instruc- 1. In the Navigator, select the file C:\KRC\ROBOTER\Config\User\Com-

tions mon\EthernetKRL\R2S.xml and click on Open.
2. Compare the IP address of the DÜRR AUC controller in the <IP> section
with the IP address that is entered in the paint system controller.
3. Compare the port for the DÜRR AUC controller in the <PORT> section with
the port that is entered in the paint system controller.
4. In the main menu, select Start-up > Network configuration. The Net-
work configuration window opens.
5. Check the Address type: box to see if the Fixed IP address type has
been selected.
6. In the boxes underneath, check the IP address of the robot controller and
the subnet mask:
 Subnet mask:
 IP address: must be in the same network as the paint system controller

Solution: IP address and port number correctly entered in the XML file

Precondition  “Expert” user group

 T1, T2 or AUT mode

Procedure 1. Modify the XML file as necessary.

2. If the XML file has been modified offline, copy it into the intended directory
and overwrite the old XML file.
3. Reboot the robot controller with the settings Cold start and Reload files.

8.1.6 ready2_spray 00006

Message code  ready2_spray 00006

Message text  Pot life for mixed materials is about to expire. It will soon be necessary
to flush the main duct. If this is not initiated by the robot, then the main
duct is flushed automatically once the configured pot life has expired.
Message type  Status message

Possible cause(s)  Cause: Pot life about to expire (>>> Page 38)
Solution: Move the robot into the flushing position (>>> Page 38)

Cause: Pot life about to expire

Description The pot life of a 2-component paint is about to expire. The automatic hose
flushing process will begin shortly to prevent damage to the spray head.

Solution: Move the robot into the flushing position

Description Move the robot into the position that is designated for flushing.

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8 Messages

Flushing is initiated automatically after the pot life has ex-

pired. If the robot is not in the flushing position at that
time, residue from the flushing process could cause minor damage to com-
ponents or the cell.

8.1.7 ready2_spray 00007

Message code  ready2_spray 00007

Message text  The main duct flushing process was initiated automatically because the
pot life had expired.
Message type  Status message

Possible cause(s)  Cause: Pot life expired (>>> Page 39)

Solution: Check the cell prior to restart (>>> Page 39)

Cause: Pot life expired

Description The pot life of a 2-component paint has expired. The hoses are flushed auto-
matically to prevent damage to the spray head.

Solution: Check the cell prior to restart

Description Because the flushing procedure was initiated automatically, it may be the case
that the robot was not in its designated position for flushing.

Procedure  Check the cell and the current component for flushing residue prior to re-

8.1.8 ready2_spray 00008

Message code  ready2_spray 00008

Message text  Connection to the paint system controller has already been established.
Message type  Notification message

Possible cause(s)  Cause: The connection to the paint system controller is active
(>>> Page 39)
Solution: System information: no operator action required
(>>> Page 40)

Cause: The connection to the paint system controller is active

Description The connection to the paint system controller was established successfully.
Paint programs can now be executed.

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KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0

Solution: System information: no operator action required

Description This message provides system information to the operator and requires no ac-

8.1.9 ready2_spray 00009

Message code  ready2_spray 00009

Message text  The paint system controller is not ready for production.
Message type  Acknowledgement message

Possible cause(s)  Cause: The paint system controller is not ready for production
(>>> Page 40)
Solution: Check the messages on the paint system controller
(>>> Page 40)

Cause: The paint system controller is not ready for production

Description The paint system controller is not ready for production. It is not possible to ex-
ecute inline forms from ready2_spray.

Solution: Check the messages on the paint system controller

Description Check the active messages on the paint system controller and rectify their

8.1.10 ready2_spray 00010

Message code  ready2_spray 00010

Message text  A color change was not necessary.
Message type  Notification message

Possible cause(s)  Cause: The color has already been loaded (>>> Page 40)
Solution: System information: no operator action required
(>>> Page 40)

Cause: The color has already been loaded

Description An attempt was made to carry out a color change. However, the target color
has already been loaded. A color change is not carried out, the command is
skipped and the program is resumed.

Solution: System information: no operator action required

Description This message provides system information to the operator and requires no ac-

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8 Messages

8.1.11 ready2_spray 00011

Message code  ready2_spray 00011

Message text  A requested color change failed.
Message type  Acknowledgement message

Possible cause(s)  Cause: The paint system controller reports an error (>>> Page 41)
Solution: Check the messages on the paint system controller
(>>> Page 41)

 Cause: The configuration for 1 or 2-component paint on the paint sys-

tem controller and robot controller does not match (>>> Page 41)
Solution: Configure 1 or 2-component paints (>>> Page 42)

Cause: The paint system controller reports an error

Description The paint system controller reports an error. It is not possible to execute inline
forms from ready2_spray.

Solution: Check the messages on the paint system controller

Description Check the active messages on the paint system controller and rectify their

Cause: The configuration for 1 or 2-component paint on the paint system controller and robot
controller does not match

Description The paint system controller can work with 1 and 2-component paints. The
commands that need to be sent to the paint system controller for this purpose
will vary. For this reason, the option package needs to be informed as to which
type of paint is being used. This setting must be consistent with the setting on
the paint system controller.
The procedure for checking which type of paint is configured is as fol-

Precondition  “Expert” user group

Checking instruc- 1. In the main menu, select Display > Variable > Overview > Display.
tions The Variable overview – Display window opens.
2. Select the group R2S status / config.

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KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0

Fig. 8-1: Variable overview - group R2S status / config

3. Check the LED next to Two component color is active:

 Gray: 1-component paint (1C)
 Green: 2-component paint (2C)
4. Compare the setting with the setting on the paint system controller. The
same type of paint must be configured.

Solution: Configure 1 or 2-component paints

Description The paint system controller can work with 1 and 2-component paints. The
commands that need to be sent to the paint system controller for this purpose
will vary. For this reason, the option package needs to be informed as to which
type of paint is being used. This setting must be consistent with the setting on
the paint system controller.

Precondition  “Expert” user group

Procedure 1. In the main menu, select Display > Variable > Overview > Display.
The Variable overview – Display window opens.
2. Select the group R2S status / config.

Fig. 8-2: Variable overview - group R2S status / config

42 / 63 Issued: 08.03.2018 Version: KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0 V2

8 Messages

3. Check the LED next to Two component color is active.

4. Press Edit to switch between 1 and 2-component paint:
 Gray: 1-component paint (1C)
 Green: 2-component paint (2C)
5. Click X to close the window.

8.1.12 ready2_spray 00012

Message code  ready2_spray 00012

Message text  A requested flushing process failed.
Message type  Acknowledgement message

Possible cause(s)  Cause: The paint system controller reports an error (>>> Page 43)
Solution: Check the messages on the paint system controller
(>>> Page 43)

 Cause: The configuration for 1 or 2-component paint on the paint sys-

tem controller and robot controller does not match (>>> Page 43)
Solution: Configure 1 or 2-component paints (>>> Page 44)

Cause: The paint system controller reports an error

Description The paint system controller reports an error. It is not possible to execute inline
forms from ready2_spray.

Solution: Check the messages on the paint system controller

Description Check the active messages on the paint system controller and rectify their

Cause: The configuration for 1 or 2-component paint on the paint system controller and robot
controller does not match

Description The paint system controller can work with 1 and 2-component paints. The
commands that need to be sent to the paint system controller for this purpose
will vary. For this reason, the option package needs to be informed as to which
type of paint is being used. This setting must be consistent with the setting on
the paint system controller.
The procedure for checking which type of paint is configured is as fol-

Precondition  “Expert” user group

Checking instruc- 1. In the main menu, select Display > Variable > Overview > Display.
tions The Variable overview – Display window opens.
2. Select the group R2S status / config.

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KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0

Fig. 8-3: Variable overview - group R2S status / config

3. Check the LED next to Two component color is active:

 Gray: 1-component paint (1C)
 Green: 2-component paint (2C)
4. Compare the setting with the setting on the paint system controller. The
same type of paint must be configured.

Solution: Configure 1 or 2-component paints

Description The paint system controller can work with 1 and 2-component paints. The
commands that need to be sent to the paint system controller for this purpose
will vary. For this reason, the option package needs to be informed as to which
type of paint is being used. This setting must be consistent with the setting on
the paint system controller.

Precondition  “Expert” user group

Procedure 1. In the main menu, select Display > Variable > Overview > Display.
The Variable overview – Display window opens.
2. Select the group R2S status / config.

Fig. 8-4: Variable overview - group R2S status / config

44 / 63 Issued: 08.03.2018 Version: KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0 V2

8 Messages

3. Check the LED next to Two component color is active.

4. Press Edit to switch between 1 and 2-component paint:
 Gray: 1-component paint (1C)
 Green: 2-component paint (2C)
5. Click X to close the window.

8.1.13 ready2_spray 00013

Message code  ready2_spray 00013

Message text  Simulation mode is active.
Message type  Status message

Possible cause(s)  Cause: Simulation mode is active (>>> Page 45)

Solution: Configure simulation mode (>>> Page 46)

Cause: Simulation mode is active

Description In simulation mode, robot programs can be executed without the paint system
controller actually applying paint. In simulation mode, commands are not
transmitted to the paint system controller. Simulation mode can be used to test
robot programs that have been taught.
The procedure for checking whether simulation mode is active is as fol-

Precondition  “Expert” user group

Procedure 1. In the main menu, select Display > Variable > Overview > Display.
The Variable overview – Display window opens.
2. Select the group R2S status / config.

Fig. 8-5: Variable overview - group R2S status / config

3. Check the LED next to Simulation mode is active:

 Gray: Simulation mode is inactive
 Green: Simulation mode is active

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KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0

T1 mode In mode T1 (test mode), the robot controller behaves in the same way as it
does in simulation mode (>>> 5.2 "Configuring simulation mode" Page 16):
commands are not issued to the paint system controller so painting does not
take place.

Solution: Configure simulation mode

Description In simulation mode, robot programs can be executed without the paint system
controller actually applying paint. In simulation mode, commands are not
transmitted to the paint system controller. Simulation mode can be used to test
robot programs that have been taught.

Precondition  “Expert” user group

Procedure 1. In the main menu, select Display > Variable > Overview > Display.
The Variable overview – Display window opens.
2. Select the group R2S status / config.

Fig. 8-6: Variable overview - group R2S status / config

3. Select the LED next to Simulation mode is active.

4. Press Edit to switch the simulation mode on or off:
 Gray: Simulation mode is inactive
 Green: Simulation mode is active
5. Click X to close the window.

T1 mode In mode T1 (test mode), the robot controller behaves in the same way as it
does in simulation mode (>>> 5.2 "Configuring simulation mode" Page 16):
commands are not issued to the paint system controller so painting does not
take place.

8.1.14 ready2_spray 00014

Message code  ready2_spray 00014

Message text  A requested short flushing process failed.
Message type  Acknowledgement message

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8 Messages

Possible cause(s)  Cause: The paint system controller reports an error (>>> Page 47)
Solution: Check the messages on the paint system controller
(>>> Page 47)

Cause: The paint system controller reports an error

Description The paint system controller reports an error. It is not possible to execute inline
forms from ready2_spray.

Solution: Check the messages on the paint system controller

Description Check the active messages on the paint system controller and rectify their

8.1.15 ready2_spray 00015

Message code  ready2_spray 00015

Message text  A requested brush change failed.
Message type  Acknowledgement message

Possible cause(s)  Cause: The paint system controller reports an error (>>> Page 47)
Solution: Check the messages on the paint system controller
(>>> Page 47)

Cause: The paint system controller reports an error

Description The paint system controller reports an error. It is not possible to execute inline
forms from ready2_spray.

Solution: Check the messages on the paint system controller

Description Check the active messages on the paint system controller and rectify their

8.1.16 ready2_spray 00016

Message code  ready2_spray 00016

Message text  Unable to open the main needle.
Message type  Acknowledgement message

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KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0

Possible cause(s)  Cause: The paint system controller reports an error (>>> Page 48)
Solution: Check the messages on the paint system controller
(>>> Page 48)

 Cause: Selected color or selected brush data set not configured cor-
rectly (>>> Page 48)
Solution: Carry out configuration on the paint system controller.
(>>> Page 48)

Cause: The paint system controller reports an error

Description The paint system controller reports an error. It is not possible to execute inline
forms from ready2_spray.

Solution: Check the messages on the paint system controller

Description Check the active messages on the paint system controller and rectify their

Cause: Selected color or selected brush data set not configured correctly

Description The color or brush data set selected in the program is not configured on the
paint system controller or is configured incorrectly.

Checking instruc-  Check on the paint system controller whether the color and brush are con-
tions figured, and if so how.

Solution: Carry out configuration on the paint system controller.

Description Carry out the correct configuration on the paint system controller.

Further information is contained in the operating instructions for the

paint system controller.

8.1.17 ready2_spray 00102

Message code  ready2_spray 00102

Message text  Establishing connection to compressed air controller...
Message type  Status message

Possible cause(s)  Cause: Unable to establish connection to compressed air controller

(>>> Page 48)
Solution: Establish correct connection (>>> Page 49)

Cause: Unable to establish connection to compressed air controller

Description Failed to connect to the compressed air controller.

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8 Messages

Checking instruc- 1. Check whether the compressed air controller is connected via an Ethernet
tions cable to the KONI interface of the robot controller.
2. Check whether the output signal R2S_PurgeControllerOut is set to

Solution: Establish correct connection

Description Cable the interface correctly.

Procedure  Install the correct plug connection.

8.1.18 ready2_spray 00103

Message code  ready2_spray 00103

Message text  There is a serious error active in the compressed air controller.
Message type  Status message

Possible cause(s)  Cause: Internal communication error in the compressed air controller
(>>> Page 49)
Solution: Contact KUKA Support (>>> Page 49)

 Cause: Internal communication error in the compressed air controller

(>>> Page 49)
Solution: Switch the controller off and back on again (>>> Page 49)

Cause: Internal communication error in the compressed air controller

Description There is an internal error in the compressed air controller. The compressed air
controller prevents explosive gases from entering the mechanical system of
the robot. For this reason, the robot cannot be moved.

Solution: Contact KUKA Support

Description Contact the relevant Support department to rectify errors.

Cause: Internal communication error in the compressed air controller

Description There is an internal error in the compressed air controller. The compressed air
controller prevents explosive gases from entering the mechanical system of
the robot. For this reason, the robot cannot be moved.

Solution: Switch the controller off and back on again

Procedure 1. Switch off the main switch.

2. Wait until the battery-backed shutdown storage procedure is terminated.
3. Switch on the main switch.

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KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0

8.1.19 ready2_spray 00104

Message code  ready2_spray 00104

Message text  Unable to establish connection to compressed air controller.
Message type  Notification message

Possible cause(s)  Cause: Unable to establish connection to compressed air controller

(>>> Page 50)
Solution: Establish correct connection (>>> Page 50)

Cause: Unable to establish connection to compressed air controller

Description Failed to connect to the compressed air controller.

Checking instruc- 1. Check whether the compressed air controller is connected via an Ethernet
tions cable to the KONI interface of the robot controller.
2. Check whether the output signal R2S_PurgeControllerOut is set to

Solution: Establish correct connection

Description Cable the interface correctly.

Procedure  Install the correct plug connection.

8.1.20 ready2_spray 00105

Message code  ready2_spray 00105

Message text  The compressed air controller has switched off the robot.
Message type  Status message

Possible cause(s)  Cause: Compressed air supply at compressed air controller faulty
(>>> Page 50)
Solution: Contact KUKA Support (>>> Page 51)

 Cause: Compressed air supply at compressed air controller faulty

(>>> Page 51)
Solution: Perform cold start with “Reload data” (>>> Page 51)

Cause: Compressed air supply at compressed air controller faulty

Description The compressed air supply at the compressed air controller has detected an
error. Either there is genuinely a fault in the supply lines, or the compressed
air controller is merely in the error state.

Pressure sensor The pressure sensor, together with the compressed air controller, constitutes
a pressure monitoring system. Before start-up of the robot, the pressure mon-
itoring system purges the manipulator and eliminates explosive gases from it.
Throughout operation, the pressure monitoring system ensures constant pres-

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8 Messages

sure in the robot arm and thus prevents explosive gas from entering into the
robot arm during operation.

Checking instruc- 1. Check whether the compressed air controller is correctly supplied with
tions compressed air.
2. Check whether there is a compressed air leak at the robot.

Solution: Contact KUKA Support

Description Contact the relevant Support department to rectify errors.

Cause: Compressed air supply at compressed air controller faulty

Description The compressed air supply at the compressed air controller has detected an
error. Either there is genuinely a fault in the supply lines, or the compressed
air controller is merely in the error state.

Pressure sensor The pressure sensor, together with the compressed air controller, constitutes
a pressure monitoring system. Before start-up of the robot, the pressure mon-
itoring system purges the manipulator and eliminates explosive gases from it.
Throughout operation, the pressure monitoring system ensures constant pres-
sure in the robot arm and thus prevents explosive gas from entering into the
robot arm during operation.

Checking instruc- 1. Check whether the compressed air controller is correctly supplied with
tions compressed air.
2. Check whether there is a compressed air leak at the robot.

Solution: Perform cold start with “Reload data”

Description Reboot controller with Cold start with “Reload files”.

Precondition  “Expert” user group

 Administrator privileges on the Windows user interface

Procedure 1. In the main menu, select Shutdown.

2. Select the type Cold start in the window “Shutdown” > “Default settings
for switching off the controller via main switch”.
3. Select Reload data in the window “Shutdown” > “Settings valid next time
the system is switched off using the main switch”.

8.1.21 ready2_spray 00106

Message code  ready2_spray 00106

Message text  Compressed air supply restored.I/O reconfiguration may be necessary.
Message type  Acknowledgement message

Possible cause(s)  Cause: Compressed air supply restored at compressed air controller
(>>> Page 52)
Solution: I/O reconfiguration. (>>> Page 52)

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KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0

Cause: Compressed air supply restored at compressed air controller

Description The compressed air supply has been restored at the compressed air controller
after an error. Other bus errors that prevent correct operation may possibly still
be active, however.

Checking instruc-  Check whether further messages are active.


Solution: I/O reconfiguration.

Description The command I/O drivers > Reconfigure causes all files in the directory
C:\KRC\ROBOTER\Config\User to be reloaded. Changes made in these files
are applied.

Precondition  User group "Expert".

 Operating mode T1 or T2.

All outputs are reset!

Procedure 1. In the main menu, select Configuration > Inputs/outputs > I/O drivers.
2. Press the Reconfigure button.
It makes no difference whether the State or Configuration tab is selected.
3. Answer the request for confirmation Do you really want to reconfigure all
I/O drivers? with Yes.
The message Reconfiguration in progress ... is displayed. When the mes-
sage disappears, reconfiguration is completed.

52 / 63 Issued: 08.03.2018 Version: KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0 V2

9 KUKA Service

9 KUKA Service

9.1 Requesting support


Introduction This documentation provides information on operation and operator control,

and provides assistance with troubleshooting. For further assistance, please
contact your local KUKA subsidiary.

Information The following information is required for processing a support request:

 Description of the problem, including information about the duration and
frequency of the fault
 As comprehensive information as possible about the hardware and soft-
ware components of the overall system
The following list gives an indication of the information which is relevant in
many cases:
 Model and serial number of the kinematic system, e.g. the manipulator
 Model and serial number of the controller
 Model and serial number of the energy supply system
 Designation and version of the system software
 Designations and versions of other software components or modifica-
 Diagnostic package KRCDiag
Additionally for KUKA Sunrise: Existing projects including applications
For versions of KUKA System Software older than V8: Archive of the
software (KRCDiag is not yet available here.)
 Application used
 External axes used

9.2 KUKA Customer Support

Availability KUKA Customer Support is available in many countries. Please do not hesi-
tate to contact us if you have any questions.

Argentina Ruben Costantini S.A. (Agency)

Luis Angel Huergo 13 20
Parque Industrial
2400 San Francisco (CBA)
Tel. +54 3564 421033
Fax +54 3564 428877

Australia KUKA Robotics Australia Pty Ltd

45 Fennell Street
Port Melbourne VIC 3207
Tel. +61 3 9939 9656

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KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0

Belgium KUKA Automatisering + Robots N.V.

Centrum Zuid 1031
3530 Houthalen
Tel. +32 11 516160
Fax +32 11 526794

Brazil KUKA Roboter do Brasil Ltda.

Travessa Claudio Armando, nº 171
Bloco 5 - Galpões 51/52
Bairro Assunção
CEP 09861-7630 São Bernardo do Campo - SP
Tel. +55 11 4942-8299
Fax +55 11 2201-7883

Chile Robotec S.A. (Agency)

Santiago de Chile
Tel. +56 2 331-5951
Fax +56 2 331-5952

China KUKA Robotics China Co., Ltd.

No. 889 Kungang Road
Xiaokunshan Town
Songjiang District
201614 Shanghai
P. R. China
Tel. +86 21 5707 2688
Fax +86 21 5707 2603

Germany KUKA Roboter GmbH

Zugspitzstr. 140
86165 Augsburg
Tel. +49 821 797-1926
Fax +49 821 797-41 1926

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9 KUKA Service

France KUKA Automatisme + Robotique SAS

6, Avenue du Parc
91140 Villebon S/Yvette
Tel. +33 1 6931660-0
Fax +33 1 6931660-1

India KUKA Robotics India Pvt. Ltd.

Office Number-7, German Centre,
Level 12, Building No. - 9B
DLF Cyber City Phase III
122 002 Gurgaon
Tel. +91 124 4635774
Fax +91 124 4635773

Italy KUKA Roboter Italia S.p.A.

Via Pavia 9/a - int.6
10098 Rivoli (TO)
Tel. +39 011 959-5013
Fax +39 011 959-5141

Japan KUKA Robotics Japan K.K.

YBP Technical Center
134 Godo-cho, Hodogaya-ku
Yokohama, Kanagawa
240 0005
Tel. +81 45 744 7691
Fax +81 45 744 7696

Canada KUKA Robotics Canada Ltd.

6710 Maritz Drive - Unit 4
L5W 0A1
Tel. +1 905 670-8600
Fax +1 905 670-8604

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KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0

Korea KUKA Robotics Korea Co. Ltd.

RIT Center 306, Gyeonggi Technopark
1271-11 Sa 3-dong, Sangnok-gu
Ansan City, Gyeonggi Do
Tel. +82 31 501-1451
Fax +82 31 501-1461

Malaysia KUKA Robot Automation (M) Sdn Bhd

South East Asia Regional Office
No. 7, Jalan TPP 6/6
Taman Perindustrian Puchong
47100 Puchong
Tel. +60 (03) 8063-1792
Fax +60 (03) 8060-7386

Mexico KUKA de México S. de R.L. de C.V.

Progreso #8
Col. Centro Industrial Puente de Vigas
Tlalnepantla de Baz
54020 Estado de México
Tel. +52 55 5203-8407
Fax +52 55 5203-8148

Norway KUKA Sveiseanlegg + Roboter

Sentrumsvegen 5
2867 Hov
Tel. +47 61 18 91 30
Fax +47 61 18 62 00

Austria KUKA Roboter CEE GmbH

Gruberstraße 2-4
4020 Linz
Tel. +43 7 32 78 47 52
Fax +43 7 32 79 38 80

56 / 63 Issued: 08.03.2018 Version: KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0 V2

9 KUKA Service

Poland KUKA Roboter CEE GmbH Poland

Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością
Oddział w Polsce
Ul. Porcelanowa 10
40-246 Katowice
Tel. +48 327 30 32 13 or -14
Fax +48 327 30 32 26

Portugal KUKA Robots IBÉRICA, S.A.

Rua do Alto da Guerra n° 50
Armazém 04
2910 011 Setúbal
Tel. +351 265 729 780
Fax +351 265 729 782

Russia KUKA Robotics RUS

Werbnaja ul. 8A
107143 Moskau
Tel. +7 495 781-31-20
Fax +7 495 781-31-19

Sweden KUKA Svetsanläggningar + Robotar AB

A. Odhners gata 15
421 30 Västra Frölunda
Tel. +46 31 7266-200
Fax +46 31 7266-201

Switzerland KUKA Roboter Schweiz AG

Industriestr. 9
5432 Neuenhof
Tel. +41 44 74490-90
Fax +41 44 74490-91

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KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0

Spain KUKA Robots Ibérica, S.A.

Pol. Industrial
Torrent de la Pastera
Carrer del Bages s/n
08800 Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona)
Tel. +34 93 8142-353

South Africa Jendamark Automation LTD (Agency)

76a York Road
North End
6000 Port Elizabeth
South Africa
Tel. +27 41 391 4700
Fax +27 41 373 3869

Taiwan KUKA Robot Automation Taiwan Co., Ltd.

1F, No. 298 Yangguang ST.
Nei Hu Dist., Taipeh City, Taiwan 114
Tel. +886 2 8978 1188
Fax +886 2 8797 5118

Thailand KUKA Robot Automation (M)SdnBhd

Thailand Office
c/o Maccall System Co. Ltd.
49/9-10 Soi Kingkaew 30 Kingkaew Road
Tt. Rachatheva, A. Bangpli
10540 Thailand
Tel. +66 2 7502737
Fax +66 2 6612355

Czech Republic KUKA Roboter Austria GmbH

Organisation Tschechien und Slowakei
Sezemická 2757/2
193 00 Praha
Horní Počernice
Czech Republic
Tel. +420 22 62 12 27 2
Fax +420 22 62 12 27 0

58 / 63 Issued: 08.03.2018 Version: KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0 V2

9 KUKA Service

Hungary KUKA Robotics Hungaria Kft.

Fö út 140
2335 Taksony
Tel. +36 24 501609
Fax +36 24 477031

USA KUKA Robotics Corporation

51870 Shelby Parkway
Shelby Township
Tel. +1 866 873-5852
Fax +1 866 329-5852

UK KUKA Robotics UK Ltd

Great Western Street
Wednesbury West Midlands
WS10 7LL
Tel. +44 121 505 9970
Fax +44 121 505 6589

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KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0

60 / 63 Issued: 08.03.2018 Version: KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0 V2


A Purge, static 26
Anticipation time 17 PurgeDyn 25

Brief purge, in motion 26 Required knowledge and skills 5
Rights management 7
ChangeColor 23 S
ChangeColorStat 23 Safety 9
Checking for production readiness 22 Safety instructions 5
ChkProdRdy 22 ShortPurge 27
Color, changing 23 ShortPurgeDyn 26
Configuration 15 Simulation mode 16
Control GunOn/Off with IO 18 Start painting 24, 25
Submit interpreter 32
D Submit used 11
Diagnosis 31 Subprograms, adaptable 27
Digital I/O 18 Support request 53
Display (menu item) 16, 17, 18, 32, 41, 42, 43, System requirements 11
44, 45, 46
Documentation, industrial robot 5 T
Target group 5
F Timers used 11
Flags used 11 Training 5
Function groups 7
G Uninstallation 12
GunOffDyn 25 Update 11
GunOnDyn 24, 25 Use, intended 7
User rights, displaying 8
Installation 11 V
Installation via WorkVisual 11 Variable overview 31
Intended use 7
Introduction 5 W
Wait for loaded color 24
K Wait for purged 26
KRL resources 11 WaitForColorLoaded 24
KUKA Customer Support 53 WaitForPurgeFinished 26
KUKA Service 53 Warnings 5

Licenses 6

Messages 35
mStatOn 22

Open source 6

Painting, ending 25
Product description 7
Programming 21
Purge 25
Purge, at standstill 26
Purge, in motion 25

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KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0

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KUKA.ready2_spray 1.0

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